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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:36:01 PM

the menu file.. "menu.asp" or something... just follow the logic of the code to find things like that. Look for server side include files and what not in the source code.

This is a good article on figuring out what pages to edit as well as other things.

If it was working and you changed code you could have possible messed up how all of that works... you may need to revert back and be really careful as you make changes testing every step of the way.

cwilliams38308.0683449074, ok,

Thanks, I really appreciate you working on this. The software works GREAT and the support you give can't be beat. I will definately tell other that are looking for software for their sites to check your first.


one more question.

To use the bulk upload feature of aspuload, do I just need to add another upload section to the same upload page, that will allow more than one file to be selected then tell it to put the files in as Photo 1, 2, 3 etc.? I am a rookie at ASP but I think this is possible and with a little research I should be able to get it going.

Just want to make sure I am on the right track.


, You may be interested in this. I just put it together real quick like.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=454&PN =1&TPN=1 ,

Turn off "Show Friendly HTTP error messages"
If you are getting errors with your ASP application go to Internet Explorer and make sure this setting is unchecked. Having this checked can cause a generic error to be displayed in you web browser when ASP code encounters an error. This generic error message doesn't really help you fix the problem. Having this setting unchecked will usually result in a more detailed error message and the line number the error is occurring at, thus giving you a good clue as to where the problem is within the ASP code. If detailed ASP error messages have been disabled at the server level this setting will make no difference.

cwilliams38084.7513773148, thank you for such a quick response -- It sounds straight forward - so I should be all set.   Thanks again.,

There was nothing wrong with the server configuration. It turned out that the problem was that I disabled the email notification of new user registrations that I continually receive. That appears to disable the authorization email to new users as well.

One other issue. It appears that AOL email addressee's are not getting the authorization email. Does AOL have any blocks to CDONT generated emails?




, How do I customize the validation email that is sent to users when they first register?,

It happens at least once per hour or every time a banner is edited in the system by the admin.

Changing its frequency would be somewhat complicated. You'll have to make changes to the code in a few places and you will effect performance adversely by doing it more often as it will mean a lot more database queries which defeats the purpose of doing it once per hour to conserve resources. The reason is when you change the frequency of that you also change the frequency of the entire banner application variable caching system. It difficult to explain but it unlike most banner systems out there it basically fetches banner rotation info every so often instead of every single time your page needs a banner. It stores this rotation and cycling information in ultra fast application variables. The docs actually go over a little bit of how that process actually functions under "using the system / Setting Up Banners

Its a customization I just can not support and I do not recommend doing, but if you really want to you should look at the "aspbanner_inc.asp" file

this is the part that makes it happen at least once per hour (requires visitors to your site to happen obviously)... you'd have to cleverly recode it to work slightly more often

' Checks the time the banner data was last updated and basically updates it if an hour or more has passed
If Cint(Application("BannersLastUpdated")) <> Cint(Hour(time)) Then
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="appinfo_inc.asp"-->
End If

There may be more to changing this than that, but this is all I can tell you.


ok, then I need more information.

Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)

Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well.


I just moved servers and now my "code" ads are giving me errors...

"google_ad_width" is undefined.

I have tried adding the width and height... taking it out.. all the basic stuff.

Any ideas?



First pass through, I don't see anything changed in the groups section of the check_user asp file. the logoff asp wasn't touched.

I noticed the demo online (on this site) only has pages protected with access levels; you say it works fine with groups also?


One is for paypal subscriptions (recurring billing) and the other is for single payments

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=185& ; ; ;PN=1

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=186& ; ; ;PN=1

You can delete any of the 3rd party payment directories you are not using including the the 2checkout one... (all those folders really are is a copy of the users folder specially modified to handle a certain payment processor)

Just Don't delete the "users" folder though as there are things you do there that you can not do anywhere else..  quite a few things..  editing existing account info, looking up passwords... etc etc


cwilliams38446.6055555556, now. I just went to that url and this is the error I see which shows me there is a character in the source code that shouldnt be there which is causing the page to halt.

Looks like a "carrot".


Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement



You really can not do something like that. You can not use client side code to change a server side session variable.

To make changes server side a form must be submitted or a link clicked on to another page. Then you can do whatever you like but you cant have an onlci event update a session variable like that.

Though I am not sure of exactly what you are trying to do I think you'll need to go about things a little differently.


Okay, so I copied the txt file into the export file and tried the import users option and it timed out on me as well. 

Would it be easier to figure out if you were able to look at the iis server?


Humm, Did you make any changes to the code ?
Solid Black is not the default so it must have changed at least once.

Otherwise it might be some sort of application variable problem.
I would make sure the web is and "application" in the IIS console.



here is a thread that may help you if this is what you were getting at



I don't believe that the iframe method is supported in a .NET (aspx) implementation, is it?



Right,  I've done that.  My concern is that it will time out again while I'm trying to import the file.

The import/export manager does not show up under the users tab when I log in normally.  I have to pull up the page in frontpage and then preview it a browser to get it to show.


Not a problem.  Have a good time at your wedding.




I dont know about your error on line 6 when uploading..

as far as the manaully edited import file not working I would really need to see it. There has to be somethin wrong with it's format.

I really need more information and possibly acess to the system to do some troubleshooting...

This is anot a feature anyone has ever had an issue like this with.

, I am trying to import a database into my list of registered users.  When I go the import_export_manager.asp page most of the content is missing.  All that appears is the first 2 lines of text and a box.  The rest of the page is blank.  I have tried this under 5 different browsers on 3 different machines and on 2 operating systems.  I also ftp'd the original .asp file with no success. Any clues? ,

How to set a new users expiration date.

You'll need to edit the "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor.

Find this section..

CmdAddUser.Fields("ValidateEmailCode") = ValidateEmailCode
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = ""
ID = CmdAdduser("ID")
Set CmdAdduser = Nothing
Set ConnPasswords = Nothing

You'll want to add code like this right between the Acccess_Level  and Updates section

CmdAddUser.Fields("Expiration_Date") = Date + 60

That will give take todays date and add 60 days to it.
You can of course do whatever you want here.

Actually, any database value for the user can be set during registration.

You can also change the default Access_Level to whatever you like.


SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..

here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on a database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"

In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner database in the SQL Server

cwilliams38390.5986921296, and when I go to your now.. its very fast again..,

No worries


is there any way I can get rid of those information shown on User activity screen, so I can at least know who logged in current day?

thank you in advance


Is there a way to set various members to upload a limit of photos. So, one member can only upload 5 photos in 1 album and another can upload 30 photos in 2 albums. Even if you just set a permission for the number of uploads for each member.

Thank you

, ok, that is what you are suppose to do... not having that path info set can cause all sorts of trouble.,

Help!.. I need to export the username and password fields to a mail merged letter so everyone knows their username and passwords. However whenever i access the database or do an export. The passwords showup as encrypted. Is there a way to access the list, un encrypted?




Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:


Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/banner_re direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
 <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
 <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>
 <embed src=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/images/ba nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf "
quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">

What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002.


Does ASPprotect support Paypal's Website Payments Pro option, where a user can use a credit card directly on a web site, without passing to paypal.com?


, Still not having much success.  I am using SQL server.  I changed the permission in the following directory :sql server data\mssql\data.  Is that the database directory you are referring to?,

I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter www.vickerylightning.com/aspgallery/dataconn_inc.asp on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"

Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:

'Create database connection

'Create a connection odject
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'Database connection info and driver
'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")

'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"

Definitely need some assistance!

Rhona (rookie asp) -




yes, admins have access to absolutely anything...

as for the other question what you should do is only show links to people logged in that they have access to.. then they wont get logged out when they go to a page they do not have access to

for example if someone doesn't have access to a level 4 page dont give them a link to go there... you can do that by checking the session variables and creating your hyperlink html code accordingly .. using simple if-else logic... you could even make a hyperlink non-clickable and add some text to it like (no access)

it's all about taking the time to intelligently designing the different areas of your web site. It takes a bit of time and work to really make a system flow the way you want it to.

other than that it becomes extremely complicated to not grant them access when they go to a page they dont have access to but also keep them logged in. It is just not designed to flow that way. If someone goes to a page they do have access to they get logged out. It sort of has to be that way because of the ways things flow.

more info on accessing user info after login so you can do that

another good thing to check out is the provided examples for mutliple access levels. You can see that if you log into the default page for that that it only shows you links to pages you have access to. Done with simple if-else logic around the html links. It is using groups but you can do the same sort of concept using groups.

, thats actually just the xml parser component barfing out on you.. it can't handle the load of being called so much on that server

you might want to try some of the other methods of calling banners,

If you have an album with more than 96 pictures, the spacing in the tables can become incorrect, with pictures touching each other. (This program is not designed to handle more than 96 pictures due to server speed, but it can handle more than 96 with minor changes to the code.) Also, after 96 pictures, the pictures will not have 6 on a line, but rather 6 on a line up to 96 pictures and then the rest of the pictures on one line next to each other extending to the right of the screen endlessly. To fix this, I simply edited the ASP code using the following loop. It can be a perminent fix, because I used the maxpicsperalbum variable to define the spacing.

Dim SixInterval
For SixInterval = 2 to maxpicsperalbum
 SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
 <% If PicIndex = SixInterval THEN %> 
 <% End If %>
<% Next %>

Then, the following code must be commented out:

<% If PicIndex = 6 or PicIndex = 12 or PicIndex = 18 or PicIndex = 24 or PicIndex = 30 or PicIndex = 36 or PicIndex = 42 or PicIndex = 48 or PicIndex = 54 or PicIndex = 60 or PicIndex = 66 or PicIndex = 72 or PicIndex = 78 or PicIndex = 84 or PicIndex = 90 or PicIndex = 96 Then %>
<% End If %>

This code can be found in scripts/view_album_style*STYLE NUMBER*_inc.asp . (STYLE NUMBER depending on which style you are using (found in config file))

This change in code will enter a new table row after each 6th picture. You can have more or less than 6 pictures per line depending on the width of your files and preference by changing  changing the number 5 in this line of code: SixInterval = SixInterval + 5

If you have any questions, JPortnoy@Checkernet.com



If you re-start the web via IIS, reboot the server, or (possibly) just add and remove a category... that will clear up.

ASPClassifieds and ASPListings must be installed in seperate IIS applications if they are the same web. Otherwise the category caching system of each system will interfere with each other. They were never intended to be installed in the same web together since ASPListings is merely a stripped down version of ASPClassifieds and they share a lot of the same code. Like I said though if different IIS applications are set up in the web site you can do it because each IIS application will have it's own set of application and session variables.

, Can I copy the file into the export folder and then the import user function?,

Perfect. Thanks buddy :)


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:36:01 PM

St. Lawrence County - Publish work done over weekend to my machine and server. Testing. User ID, password to Kelly. Finished delete listing area of admin., radlog and callbacks, Manning NOC. Checking e-mail. Checking modems. Watching network., Worked on a customers computer, installed IE5 and OE on it. Old computer, was really slow installing and running, but it works now., made some inprovements on admin site, Payroll tax deposits, Jeff Wood discussing Knowlton printer problem and IMC router., Checked online issues again and radlogs. Once expired account that I took care of. , read and sent emails, tried to get bill set up with printers, went to the chamber to set people up on email, then fixed some minor troubles they had, Break (talking to CJW about our new ASP software components), Relocation of ns1.imcnet.net and installation of new primary DNS server for IMC-net....ran into some difficulty with an ehternet card that had become irritable...removed it....then had some subnet problems...eventually andy got it all sorted out with the help of Ed H. and everything is up and running..., Mailing, setup network file server, HB, s/w northstate supply and got credit for wrong invoice. contacted chr on ogdensburg nxx. faxed nxx list to carol. po for white's lumber. emails and messages to dc and rp for follow ups. checked voice mail., lunch, WHITESLUMBER.COM REWORKED JAVASCRIPT NAVIGATION, WHICH INCLUDED GRAPHICAL CHANGES, CLIENT REQUESTED CATEGORIES TO BE SEPERATED, THIS WAS A LONG PROCESS BECAUSE HAD TO CREATE NAVIGATION FROM SCRATCH AND MAINTAIN SAME GRAPHICAL LAYOUT. RECOMMEND BILLING CLIENT 6HOURS, check voice mail/email , phones, starts, stops, reactivates, etc., On phone w/Bob Show (rep for GraysFlowerShop.Com) - Set him up with his own username and password to access the site admin., General Duties. Ordering more things from staples and figuring out this move..., liverpool chamber- gave contact person-president for web hosting and web site. sign up for nov board meeting Az, Timecards and looking at budgets, phones, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a question., Read up on "Procurement Cards" for Lisa. Sounds like it's just a B-to-B storefront, more tech support had a couple of other calls... general things like can't connected and email...., Meet w/Kelly Services, Review co brochure with jason,

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Active Server Pages ASP a directory of ASP tutorials applications scripts components and articles for the novice to professional developer. CJWSoft ASPProtect ASPBanner ASPClassifieds www.aspclassifieds.com, www.powerasp.com,www.cjwsoft.com,www.aspphotogallery.com,www.codewanker.com,www.aspprotect.com,www.aspbanner.com