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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:29:29 PM

... doesn't seem to be working on my site. I expect I did something wrong.

I've created some groups, "week", "month", and "year". Their IDS are 6, 5, and 4, respectivelty. When someone goes through the PayPal signup, he's assigned to one of those groups based on his subscription.

When I see a new subscriber and check the relevant group the person's supposed to be in, that person's not in that group. I'm adding them manually for now, but I'd sure like a solution for when I go to sleep...

My subscription code looks like this:

input type="hidden" name="custom" value="5,*4*,<% =User_ID %>

One-off code looks like this:

option selected value="7,4.95,1,*6*"

I've created the groups in my management console. Is there anywhere or anything else I'm missing?


I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks for all the help tonight...

Good luck pouring that concrete!


again.. more custom code work would be required to handle it




Sorry about earlier post in wrong area-

I have followed instructions to set up access levels (adding the

<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>    for user level 4 for instance.) The database is connecting properly and the basic check for login is taking place, but it seems that all users have access to all levels no matter what is on the database; i.e I set up a test page with "checkfor=4" and all users have access to it, even those with lower leve access.

Any ideas?


,  I moved the password check file out of /user and am getting this message:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/asplog/check_user_inc.asp, line 404

End If
Is this a standard database connection error so I should ask my IIS to make sure permissions are correct?

I wonder why the banners in ASPBanner 8.1 are moving from one place to another when opening my site www.helserevyen.no in a Mac Safari browser and click on refresh?

Can you take a look at my site and response?

, The folder named Pictures permissions are set to your specs.  It has jpg's that were uploaded per the aspphotogal instructions.  But, the error message still appears and I am unable to access using aspphotogal.,



, I am having difficulties importing new Users.

I have exported the existing list and then copied in the additional users and save the file as text (tab delimited) in Exel.

When I go to import the file (browse then upload) I get the following error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'

Expected 'Then'

/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6

If Session("Admin") <> "True"

If I upload the text file by FTP and then try to import it it only tends to import the first two existing rows.

All collumns match but not sure if I need to add "User_ID". I have added it and created consequecutive numbers.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



The count is in the album area where the small pictures and description of album.   Viewed 1 time(s)  This count never changes.




, do you want my help making the database with your import file ?,

Of course ASP.NET is and HAS been installed. I have been running asp.net scripts for years on it. I am not new to asp.net nor setting up the server or anything. ASP.NET is properly installed and works perfectly.

You are missing the fact i mentioned it is a DOMAIN CONTROLLER.

I have come across MANY articles ONLINE via GOOGLE that mention if it is a domain controller, for some reason the aspnet account is not there or gets deleted.


Is it possible to run ASP.NET scripts without ASP.NET not being installed? Because I have been running asp.net pages without any problem.


Editing using Visual Studio.NET

Here are directions for editing the application using Visual Studio.NET
2002 or 2003 version.. either should work

Some of you are wondering why I didnt just give you the project files.
It is best you go through this process and really understand what is going on.
Also, I dont use VS 2002 so I wouldnt be able to give you project files that would work with that. Not to mention there is 100% chance my prject files wouldn't work for you anyway because of path differences and other things.

Anyway.. on with the instructions...

1st.. make sure IIS, ASP.NET, .NET Framework, and Visual Studio.NET are all installed correctly and up to date.

Open Visual Studio.NET

File -  New Project

Select a New Visual Basic ASP.NET web application.

give the new web to be created a name.. I called mine "aspprotectdotnet"

Hit Ok..

Now. once the project opens up we need to delete a few things in the solution explorer window.

So delete "webform1.aspx" , "deletestyles.css", "Global.asax", "AssemblyInfo.vb", and "web.config"

Basically all the files under the project...

Now... you should have the aspprotect.net files unzipped somewhere on you hard drive...

open that folder and select all the files and folders like so

Now drag those selected files and folders to the solution explorer window of Visual Studio.NET right on to the name of the web. In my case "aspprotectdotnet"

It might say this folder already contains a folder names Bins.. just tell it to copy over and continue on any prompts like that.

You'll notice your project is now populated.

Open up the references tab in the solution explorer window as we need to add some references to the dlls in the bin folder of this project. This is needed so the compile process and function correctly.

Right click on references.. click add reference
Then browse....browse on your hard drive to the location of the new web and the bin folder within it. 

In my case... "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectnet\bin"

Choose "aspprotectlicense.dll"

Hit open...

Now do the same thing again until you have added all the dlls in that bin folder to the references.. 

Now.. click add-references again and this time choose
"system.management" from the choices in the .NET tab

Once all of that is done your references should look like this

Now in the Visual Studio.NET menu system up top..

Choose Build - Build Solution

If you did everything right you will see something like this in the build window

------ Build started: Project: aspprotectdotnet, Configuration: Debug .NET ------

Preparing resources...
Updating references...
Performing main compilation...
Building satellite assemblies...

---------------------- Done ----------------------

Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped

You now have the visual studio side of things all set up.

To make the project actually run we now have to set some permissions and edit the web.config file.

Using windows explorer browse to the web the app is in. Right click on the "_database" folder and give that folder and all the child folders within it. Modify permissions for both the Anonymous webserver account and the ASPNET account. These accounts might not show up until you dig into the advanced tab and click find now to show all the accounts on the machine.

Permissions screen looks like this...

Once that is done go back the solution explorer window in visual studio.

Open the docs folder.. right click on "sysdiag.aspx" and choose view in browser.

It should complie the project again.. and then run that page in either the internal or external browser depending on how you have that set up.

That page will report back path information.
 "BTW.. for security reasons this page should be removed from any production server after installation is complete.. this is very important"
In my case it looks like this.

Probabale AppRootPhysicalPath

Probabale AppRootUrlPath

Probabale Path to Access Database
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb

Now we need to edit the web.config file... your going to need to know some of the path information above.

In solution explorer double click on web.config.

Now edit the AppRootPhysicalPath, AppRootUrlPath, and CN keys accordingly.

In my case they will look like this.

<add key="AppRootPhysicalPath" value="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet" />
<add key="AppRootUrlPath" value="http://localhost/aspprotectdotnet" />

<add key="Cn" value="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq= c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotectdotnet\_database\aspprotectnet2 002.mdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=" />

Now.. because our web is really not in the root of our virtual directory which starts at "inetpub/wwwroot" we need to edit another tag in this file.

Find the forms tag near the bottom.

<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />

Change it to say this

<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectdotnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />

Notice tha part in bold that we added.

Now, you may also want to check the temp license key info while you are in that file and make sure it is not expired but I am not going to get into that here.

Now save and close that file and do a compile again.

In solution explorer open up the "aspprotectadmin" folder.
Right click on default.aspx and click browse

You should see the login prompt in your web browser..

Log in with   


all lower case

You should see the users screen of the application,

Click on the system info tab up in the top left... make sure all those paths are correct and save it.

Go to the settings page of the admin area. Make sure all those paths/settings are correct and save it.

Congratulations... you just set up a visual studio web project from scratch and our now ready to edit and compile an advanced web application.

From here on your on your own, but feel free to ask questions in the forums as you will probably get help from myself or others who own the software.

One last thing... because we are not in the true root of the web on the development machine the examples in the example folder will need the reference to the "protectpage.ascx" file modified before they will work

It will need to go from






If this app was installed in the true root of a domain on a real webserver.. you would not have to edit the forms tag in the web config file or change the paths in the examples as they would be correct the way they came

, ok,

upgrade pricing is here
http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

what is different

the changes to make it work with MySQL were vast to say the least
more on that from an old thread
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=37&PN= 1&TPN=1

just please remember use of MySQL is just not supported

I can assure you it works well as I have people using it

, ok, that does not work but that still is not enough to help me troubleshoot.

I'll probably need to look around in your admin area and check things out in order to figure anything out.

I will also need to see the protection code you put on that page exactly as it appears.

PM (private message) the admin usersname/password to me if that is ok with you and I will check it out

it's really the only way I can help with an issue like this. I have to make sure you didn't do something wrong and then go from there ,

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CodeHound ASP - The ASP Developer's Search Engine!
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  Planet Source Code
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  Macromedia - DevNet
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  The Web Developer's Virtual Library
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not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...

how many users are we talking about anyway ?

and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?

ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on

removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications


I'm using version 6 upgrade and recently some of the users complained that their passwords are no longer working. I was able to replicate the problem as I also experienced the same thing with my account.

Once I reset the password thru e-mail (Forgotten your password?), I am able to login but it fails later. This is weird as I have an identical copy of the code running flawlessly  on my test server.

The only change which I made to the original downloadable code is by adding password encryption using Base 64 encryption.

Any ideas what might be the problem


I think its great to share a mod.

I will have  few with the new album.


Hi Chris,

I tried changing using Notepad in the config_inc.asp


If  Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "" Then
 Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
End If


Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "iis/6"

and the albums still do not show up under the categories

Rhona (rookie)


, I did not set that variable in the IPN code that aspprotect uses. It is optional.

You will want to download PayPal's IPN documentation and see what the variable is called and then add it to the IPN form code if you want to use it.

it will be a hidden form variable (one line of code added to) paypal2.asp,

Please Note : ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups that is much more powerful than access levels. Access Levels were left in the product primarily for existing customers that upgrade to the new version so they do not need to make a lot of changes to their site if they were using Access Levels.

More On Access Levels

Again, Examples of managing Access Levels are provided in the "multiple_access_levels" folder included in the root of the Password System. Look at the source code of the ASP pages in that folder with a text editor to see the working code.

Access Levels and how they work can be re-coded to work in many different ways. However, you have to be a good ASP developer to make changes to it. Here is some information on how they work by default.

In the "check_user_inc.asp" that comes in the root of this system Access Levels work as follows.

Level 1 has Access to - Level 1
Level 2 has Access to - Level 1,2
Level 3 has Access to - Level 1,2,3
Level 4 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4
Level 5 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5
Level 6 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6
Level 7 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Level 8 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
ADMIN has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ADMIN

Here is some additional info..

If the access levels are too restrictive you can ignore them all together and create your own totally custom solutions.
Here is a quick rundown of some of the things you can do.

Ok... so if you want to be really specific about what each user can see and
can't .. here's an example of what you can do

Don't use the access levels before the include file..
Don't worry about what you set a user to in the admin area since the access levels won't be used.

Do something like this..

Every time a user logs in session variables are set that you can access at
any time.. thus allowing you to know who they are.

So you could do something like this...


<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

If Session("USERNAME") = "bob1267" or Session("USERNAME") = "carl45" or Session("ADMIN") = "True" Then
Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "Yes"
Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "No"
End If

The following URL explains what Redirects are.

That would in effect create totally custom access levels.. but you would
have to do it manually for each user.

You can also do things like this after a person logs in

Show custom html to any specific user based on either their username or
access level ... like so

say there was a menu and a certain link should only show up to username

you could do something like this


<a href="main.asp">Home Page</a>

If Session("USERNAME") = "paully67" Then

<a href="paullys_page.asp">Pauls Stats Page</a>

End If

<a href="links.asp">Links Page</a>


Or you can show custom HTML or links based on Access Levels or any other info.

You can do just about anything with if-then statements and
using the built in vbscript functions..

Hopefully this info will help to give you some ideas...

Bottom line is you have to do some work within your site to make the Access Level system really come alive.

cwilliams38403.6781481481, >>1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for processing?  Is that something I have to set up in my paypal account?

Nevermind on this question.  I found the notify_url variable.  :-\


I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7.  I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine.  However when I go to create a new user I get the following error


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/password_admin/save.asp, line 227




a. Sorry for the missunderstanding

b . Im running XP pro and done what was explained

c. The iis stops responding - Till I make iisrest





You'll need to find a validation function to test for it.
Either server side or right in the form via client side javascript.

I dont have any experience with validating zip codes here much less UK.

Google it would be my best advice.. or maybe find some free app written in UK format and see how they did it.

Good Luck..

And if ya find anything post it here if ya like


Its not on their end. Using ASP alone you really won't be able to send more than around 300-400 individuals emails at a time before things will time out. Its just that ASP is not an efficient way of sending email and it never will be.

You really should look into worldcast like I mentioned before.

Then just export the email list from the database into worldcast and send out the newsletters.

You will get much better results and perfect newsletters and it really only takes a little bit longer to do each time once you figure it out. That is how I send out my PowerASP and CJWSoft newsletters and it works perfectly every time.

, If you are having trouble setting up a simple data connection ASPTest is a great learning tool.

You can download it from the www.CJWSoft.com website near the bottom. cwilliams38087.5457060185, "get_me_in.asp" just hangs during a new install. Nothing happens no matter how long you wait and IIS may temporarily hang up as well.

You may very well be running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on your server? Or something similar?

It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.

Read this..


any variation of a site url is going to have its own set of application and session variables.. soy you have to be consistant with your navigation links

example (for anyone that comes across this thread)


is going to have a different set of application and session variables then


even though they are basically the same page


humm, yea thats a data connection error..
really not related to the asp code in the application for the most part.

that is low level


I would make sure permissions are set correctly on the database folder (not just the database file itself)

I would make sure your using at least a 2000 version of the database. 2003-2003 format being better.. 

I would make sure the server has up to date mdac/odbc drivers.. (that is really the server admins responsibility)

As for permissions there are articles in our forums about exactly how they need to be set. Improper permissions can cause a ton of random errors like that.

cwilliams38414.6528240741, Done!

I was able to put my experience was based on *40 months* of usage! I think I bought a version way back in 2001, IIRC, so it's been a long, happy trip with ASPProtect for me!

here is a thread that may help you if this is what you were getting at



Thanks very much for the quick reply.

That sets my mind at ease

I was just worried if users would see warnings in their firewall software too.

I realize that the admin would have to have to go through some errors...

And since we are throwing things in here... Definately, if you have your own server you need a Hardware Firewall and a Managed one at that. The internet can be pretty dangerous for business if you don't.

Plus, I agree Black Ice although in it's heyday a few years ago was considered great. It is not suitable for todays standards alone even for the normal user (But, it is required by the company I work with for VPN. I think it's stupid too using old technology. I have 2 more firewalls setup besides that just so that I do have some security. And, that's just for my PC)...


, My guess it they are runnign some sort of ad blocking software like norton ad blocking. Something on the client side blocking ads or anything with the word ad in it.

I would investigate that.,


No, there is not.

not the way the code ships.. The program keeps tracks of everything by the way it ranames files. The system has been tested to work well with as many as 10,000 images files. Any more than that and you need something a little more serious meant for that amount of images.

You could certainly modify it do work that way if you are good with source code. There are actually as many drawbacks as doing doing it that way as there are advantages.
Take Care




Its just not enough information to go on. I need more details on what is going on. There are a lot of configuration settings in these applications. I really do not know what to make of that screen shot.

My 1st guess is that if you cannot delete a picture that the picture folder does not have delete permissions ??

I also need to mention that I am not sure what this has to do with ASPImage ?


Three questions here:

1. I am having a problem with characters being displayed properly when viewing listings. Some alphabet characters and punctuation characters do not display properly when viewing the pages.


Sample here:



http://www.hibari2.com/lanoitanretni/kokusai_profiles/view_i tem.asp?Ad_ID=102&CatLevel=2&Cat1_ID=3&Cat2_ID=& amp; amp; amp; amp;Cat3_ID=&Cat4_ID=&FromSearch=True&SearchPage =%2Flanoitanretni%2Fkokusai%5Fprofiles%2Fdefault%2Easp%3FCat Level%3D2%26Cat1%5FID%3D3



In the access database I was looking at the properties for the ‘Ad_Custom’ fields. Unicode Compression is 'Yes' but IME Mode is set to 'No Control'. I wonder by changing this to ‘Hiragana’ if will solve the issue.

Note: the essays are typed in English on computer with Japanese OS, and then pasted up. Even though they are typed in English, there are several setting that may affect the output.



2. I want to reverse sort order for listings instead of listing 4, 5, 6, 7, I’d like to sort 7, 6, 5, 4… Could you tell me which page has to be edited, and in simplest terms what has to be changed?


3. Also, I’d like to increase the default display of ‘items per page’ from 25 to 100. Could you tell me which page has to be edited, and in simplest terms what has to be changed?





I do not have any programming knowledge and have what might be a simple question.

I am having a hard time getting my hosting company to modify the rights on the data folder. They state they support ASP and access databases however this is the response I got when I requested the modify permissions set for the internet guest account:

Were the rights changed on the data folder?  No, we do not manage rights to folders.

My question to you is: Doesn't supporting asp require those permissions be set on the database folder or can asp (not just aspprotect) work without those rights modified?



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:29:29 PM

site design research/Home, Another email from Mark Holberg regarding view/edit stats area of the site., Soft MLS meeting.....dicussed where everyone was at with their current projects. , check email, voice mail, phone calls to Bell, Applied Theory, NEC, ACC, Dynoport - Re-Converting new inventory database they sent into SoftVendor format. Still missing fields that will make conversion complete., Reading and responding to emails, Entered deposits , Working with New York Air Brake server. Trying to get SA File Up working., Answered the online issues, training 3161 Nortel Onsite Training, Answered tech related calls. Called users in rad log and checked online issues., Working on creating order for new laptop for corporate counsel and rational rose, traveled to Watertown from gouverneur 40 miles, Mcdonalds promotion, coupons, lunch, Madison, WI - Eng Telco Training, Comp Day, using 1 marble., helped seth with router, List of investors, KNI Print server testing, Geary Brewing E-mail issue, technical support supervisor duties. helped techs with issues, maintained and managed --- qlight, radlog, new user call backs, expired user call backs, dial up issues, ask us a questions, voice mail, emails, emonitor, NOC calls, follow ups on noc and customers, customer calls in, calls made out to the customer, radlog, open incidents...., More Vermont, Management meeting, Meeting with Paul on personel issues and moves, Web billing, put new ZipLink access number on GiSCO and USA1Net home pages, updated numbers.txt file and emailed to Jim (internal, billable???), Clayton Big M - Bukers Liquor - RNB - resizing ads for vacation guide, Spiffs, phone, lunch,

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