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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:59 PM

Installing and running NET on a DOMAIN CONTROLLER is a BAD idea period. Besides the security risks you will have nothing but endless problems with that setup. Domain controllers ARE NOT and NEVER were intended to be run as any sort of application server. Your best bet is to run your asp and asp.net scripts from a member server or one set up just for web apps. Of course if your in the mood to mess around endlessly it is possible to make that work, but why would you want to when the prefered solution is a heck of a lot easier.

I noticed that is grabbing the wrong URL for some reason. Even when i mouse over the URL its somehow getting the users sub directory. How.. i dont know... when i erase that users in the url it works perfectly.

I am looking at the code in the .vb file and i dont see anything that could be causing it to do that... but then again i am no programmer LOL

Its obviously kicking in that users subdirectory somehow... what are your thoughts?



I am investigating the possibility of purchasing above script having spent some hours trying to integrate various free banner rotators into my Invision portal.

What attracts me to your script is that it has 6 ways to call banners. I am an inexperienced webmaster with only a smatterring of knowledge about ASP. Will ASP Banner be able to integrate with my portal?

Many thanks

David van der Want


Hi there, I am not exactly what you mean when you say "moved some of the include files to user"

are you saying you are moving files around ? I am not sure what you mean there.

but.. the parent path issue is described in detail here


Having is enabled is actually a requirment of the photo gallery application as stated on the web site

You can certainly still use the apllication but as that article says you will need to change any file includes to virtual includes so they will work with parent paths disabled



humm, those are some very big images to be starting off with but I am not sure that would cause a problem under the importing scenario

what width are you having the system resize them to ?

What happens when you upload a image manually (one a t a time)

Also, try the import process out with some pictures no bigger than say 1024 and lets see what happens

, I have added two users in different group access but none of them can login to the pages ,


Actually that is not a feature at this time. Only the admin can add an image for user. If you look at the code for that you could adapt it for individual user use fairly easily provided you are decent with ASP.

That feature will probably be added some day, but there was no time to add it to into the current version and I can not give you a time on when it will be added. The complicated part is making some sort of approval process in case a user adds something undesirable and also limited file sizes which is hard to do without somesort of 3rd party uplaod component being involved.


Terribly sorry, but we are not software-technical.  So can you please tell us exactly which folder the database would be in.

Thanks in advance.



Hi Chris,

Alright.  We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.

Ok.  I have another question:

How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:

Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?

thank you





I only just purchased the product and I would be very keen to

a) is the upgrade available very soon as I don't want to spend the time developing one and than find the other released shortly & 

b) would I only need to pay the difference for the upgrade or have I already downloaded the upgrade already.

I cant see what version I current have.

I look forward to your response.

ripcurlsurf38138.816099537, 1st. Please understand you have to purchase two licenses to do such a thing as each installation will need a valid license purchased.

Moving on:

ASPProtect using a industry standard concept called "Forms Based Authentication"

This primarily relies on session variables keeping track of login status.

Each installation must be in it's own unique "IIS Application" so it will have it's own set of application and session variables.

That is often not possible with shared hosting plans as the server admins may not be willing to set a folder in your web as a separate IIS application. You would need to ask. It is going to depend on the quality of your hosting plan whether they do it or not.

technically it takes about 1 minute to open up the "IIS Console" and set up a folder in your web as a separate "application"

Based on what you are telling me that you want to do I think it would make a lot more sense to have one installation and one user database and customize your sites so ASPProtect users that are part of certain "groups" have access to things others do not or see things on pages other users would not. That is after all the entire point of Dynamic web sites and also why ASPProtect has "groups".

Then as far as the registration differences go you would make a copy of the users area folder area and manual customize it to register users in an alternate fashion than the main "users" folder. And then send people there if that is how you want them to register.

I don't support customizations but that is the gist of it. It's really not difficult work, but you have to be good with ASP.,

thanks!! the file took care of the extra slash. I also fixed the problem by modifying the permissions.



Hi all

User activity screen shows history of logged-in users.

Is it possible to view only those users that are currently logged in ? not the all users that have logged in previously

thanks in advance



Thanks for the info.  We'll do as you suggest.



The problem with that is when a user deletes an album, the album record does not get deleted from the DB, so counting all the records would return the accurate result. :(


Any hints?

eeye38433.0290740741, Glad your getting the hang of it.

no difference as far as that goes. It is just different ways to reference the server side include file and it's location on the server cwilliams38457.6019675926, I wouldn't bother doing that. If pic uplading doesn't work it is most likely permissions to the directory pictures are uploaded to. If they are not set correctly it will not work. That dir needs the same permissions the database folder needs. , good news.. like I said it is probably becuase aol blocks emails sent from IP's with no MX record in the dns system ,

These Settings:

Picture upload feature settings.

Use_Picture_Upload < = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature.
UploadDirectory < size=60 value=C:\Inetpub\virtuals\aspphotogallery.com\Web\demo\pictu res name=UploadDirectory>
Example:  "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPPhotoGallery\pictures"
Ask your server admin if you are not sure.
This directory needs proper permissions for the SAFILEUP component or the VBSCRIPT solution to work correctly. It basically needs to same permissions as the database directory would need when using Microsoft Access.
PictureURL < size=60 value=http://www.aspphotogallery.com/demo/pictures name=PictureURL>
Example:  "http://p600laptop/ASPPhotoGallery/pictures"
This is the web URL of the the upload directory specified above.
Use_SAFILEUP_Upload < = value=SAUP name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a component called SAFILEUP which is high end upload component available from www.softartisans.com. It is far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_ASPUPLOAD_Upload < = value=ASPUPLOAD name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a component called ASPUPLOAD which is high end upload component available from www.persits.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_DUNDAS_Upload < = value=DUNDAS name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a (FREE) component called DUNDAS UPLOAD which is a high end upload component available from www.dundas.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_VBSCRIPT_Upload < = value= name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a pure VBSCRIPT solution. It requires VBSCRIPT version 5 or higher to be installed on the server. The solution usually works fine, but has been reported to cause memory leaks on XP machines.

I had never noticed this before, but a customer sent me email to say that they had set up their aspclassifieds profile such  that they be contacted by email and not by phone.

However, in their ad, their phone number still appears. The lines in view_ad.asp that check for True values for the Contact_Via_Email and Contact_Via_Phone before displaying that information seem to always evaluate to True, regardless of their setting in the database.

I'm using an Access2000 DB for this. When I open the DB in access, I see the checkboxes correctly unchecked for phone and checked for email. However, if I do a quick test to display the retrieved values in the view_ad.asp (<%=contact_via_phone%> <%=contact_via_email%> they both display True.

What gives? I have had nightmares with Access and its weird handling of true/false 0/1 yes/no fields, but this is driving me nuts.




there is not.. it gets really complicated
its practically a miracle it does what it does due to the nature of the web

perhaps with some modications it could do mroe but the current version pretty much does what it does


Looks great. I can't wait until this will be released. Will there also be an easy way to migrate my current version ?



Hi, its just not something i can suppport as I do not support custmizations to the code epecially when dealing with an image component that is not supported by the application.

Sorry, its something you have to figure out. Bascially I would suggest looking at the existing asp image resizing code and using that as a guide.

Have you considered just buying a license of ASPImage and asking the host if they will install it after you purchase it. It sounds like it may save you a lot of time.

If you are ever looking for a good host for ASP. www.alentus.com is one of the best. There 9.95 plan gives you access to 3000.00 of commercial quaility asp components also which is nice.


, Seems as though changing the mail settings to "remote email server" did the trick.
, like I mentioned are you by chance running something like Norton Antivirus Script Blocking ?? That can cause timeouts and all sorts of problems with ASP as can other software like it. , Hi, I am wondering if I can redirect users with "GROUPACCESS"  just like access levelS.  I tried to redirect using both "Groups" and "GROUPACCESS" example below:

If Session("GROUPACCESS") = "1"  Then
End If

I could only get the Access_Level to actually redirect.   Is this something the option pack supports?  If so, any words of advice?


I wanted to see if you had any suggestions for converting from Access to SQL sever database. I attempted this earlier today performing the following steps.

1) Create SQL Tables using Enterprise Manager / SQL Scripts
2) Use DTS to move all of the existing table data to the sql tables.
3) Update dataconn_inc.asp to use SQL and the required connection string.

When these steps were complete I was able to login to ASPProtect as an admin and search / find both groups and users. However, any attempt to edit or create users resulted in a "the page ... had a problem ... " type problem. It seems that I can read from the db fine but and getting errors writing to the tables. The user id that is being used to connect to the db is the [dbo].

Any additional hints for this procedure?




First pass through, I don't see anything changed in the groups section of the check_user asp file. the logoff asp wasn't touched.

I noticed the demo online (on this site) only has pages protected with access levels; you say it works fine with groups also?

, not anything built into the app... it would be done with client side javascript if you wanted to look into it...  my client side javascript skills are ziltch,

I pull that crap on myself once and a while... or my favorite is leaving a bootable CD in the drive and then wondering why the heck the OS doesn’t come back up. I pretty much promised myself back in 2002 that I would never mess with anything minor after 10PM. For whatever reason I always start messing around trying to "fix" something and end up sorry... Granted if it’s an emergency I am all for it, but I get dresses in advance anticipating the practically inevitable drive down to the datacenter.


Good luck with that, I am sure you will be much better off in the long run.


Hey, I run a business and I will not have things like that mentioned in these forums.


look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file

Thank you that did it !!


I dont know. Perhaps a fresh installation in a new folder would be a good idea as well if possible..

for troubleshooting sake..


5 Computers in an office, random hardware and operating systems.  Some wireless some wired - all the same ISP connection.

Some users do not see the PLACE A NEW AD hyperlink.  How can this be hidden?  There is no conditional statement yet some see it and others don't.

To make this problem even more confusing if I take an image and put the place_new_ad.asp hyperlink on that image the users don't even see that image any longer.

How can this be resolved?


The login page sends the user to redirect.asp (which is as follows)

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
End If

If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*2*") Then
End If


I am not being redirected to gp02.asp if I am a member of group2.  Also, we wish users who are part of group 2 and 3 to go to a different page (ie. gp2-3.asp)

Thanks in advance.


Is this the full version 7.
Did you make any changes to the code ?
Is the User_ID field still an autonumber field in the Access database ?

I do not see how this could happen unless somehow the autonumber field setting for User_ID was changed in the database?


ASPProtect v7.x runs on Microsoft IIS servers only.
That means Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 server. The web server must have ASP support enabled and support Data Connections. 99% of them do as it's a pretty normal thing, but you should ask and make sure your hosting plan supports it.

Before you even start please read this thread and do what it says.
If any errors show up it is important you see the real error instead of a useless HTTP 500 internal server error.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11& PN=1

Once doing that make sure to use Internet Explorer as you follow along with these directions.

Now, unzip your installation zip file that you downloaded from CJWSoft.
Use a program like winzip and be sure you have it set up to unzip the directories as well. You can also use windows xp's built in folder compression tools to unzip the archive.

When you unzip the application you should have all of the following folders and files. (more or less, it depends on the version)

Now, you can copy all of these files into the root of your website or if you like you can make a folder called "aspprotect" and put all of these folders and files in that folder. Either way it really does not matter.

Now, contact your web hosting company and instruct them that you need permissions set on the data folder that you copied into your website. This folder and all of its child folders need modify permissions set on it for the anonymous webserver account. It is very important that they set the permissions correctly and on all the child folders as well.

Here are some threads on exactly how these permissions are set.
If you run your own server or are developing locally you can do this yourself. If not most likely you need to put in a request to your hosting company as you CAN NOT set these permissions via Frontpage or FTP.

Windows 2003 Server and permissions
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=136& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1

Windows XP Pro and permissions
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=56& PN=1

Once permissions are set.. run this page via your web browser


Replacing the part in blue with your website info.

When this page is run it will report back a screen like so:

Now, take the connection string info it shows you.
Edit the "dataconn_inc.asp" file in the root of the ASPProtect system and use that data connection information. It should be valid for the server.

If you are using MSSQL server instead of Access please see the SQL database creation directions as you will need to create the MSSQL database and use a special connection string for that.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=160& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1

Now, take the CookieEncryptionKey and PasswordEncryptionKey info that it gives you and enter it into the "config_inc.asp" file in the root of the ASPProtect system. These will be the unique keys that your encryption will be based off of.


The files have been copied to your website, the permissions are set on the data folder, and the database connection is ready.

Now.. run this page


Replacing the part in blue with your website info.

This is a special page we use to get into the system for the 1st time.

If you get a nasty error when you run that page similar to this.

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0131 (0x80004005)
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

Then parent paths are disabled on the webserver and you need to do an extra step to deal with that. Follow this link.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=162& ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1&TPN=1

If you get any other variery of "80004005" error then there is a problem with your data connection.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=27& PN=1

Those errors are usualy related to database folder permissions or an imcorrect physical path to the database file specified though they can mean a lot of things.

Once you get the page running you will see a login prompt and one form field

You will need to paste the "PasswordEncryptionKey" value that you used in the "config_inc.asp" file in the form field and hit enter.

If all goes well you will see the admin area of ASPProtect.

Now that you are in the system you need to create an admin account.

Click on "ADD NEW USER".. fill out the info and add a user.
You really only need to fill out (first name,last name,email,username,and password)

Now save that user.

You should see a new user listed in the admin area. Click on Edit user to the left of the new account. On the edit screen check the "admin" checkbox and save the user.

You just created an Admin account.

Now click on the "log off" button on the top menu and click yes to log off.

Now close the browser. Then run this URL


Replacing the part in blue with your website info.

You should now be able to in to the admin area of the system using the new admin account you created.

You are now ready to go to the settings page so click on the settings tab in the menu. There are a lot of options and paths that need to be set on this page. Every setting is described in detail on this page. You need to go through the page and set things up properly. Anytime the page asks for a path to a url or file the page will auto generate what should be the path to use. (expected path) If your server has parent paths disabled a few of those auto generated paths will not show up. If that is the case run this url from your server and it should tell you the paths to use for those settings.


Replacing the part in blue with your website info.

Once your all done and the system seems to be running fine you should go back and delete the following pages as they are no longer needed and pose a potential security risk.


You should back up the original zip archive you got from CJWSoft in case you ever need those files again.

VERY IMPORTANT: The user passwords from now on will be encrypted using the "PasswordEncryptionKey" you specified in the "config_inc.asp" file.

If you ever change that key all of your passwords will be invalid and you can not get them back unless you know the key and put it back, so plan on never changing that key unless you really know what your doing and know how to decrypt/re-encrypt the passwords using a new key. (something we do not cover at the moment but probably will when we have time to make a tutorial) 



Thanks for a speedy reply.  This is what I have used most recently...

ListingsConnectionString = "DSN=longreach;UID=lradmin;PWD=skipper;"
DatabaseType = "SQL"

but that throws an error of:

 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I have private messaged you my SQL server IP address.  I am a fast learner with ASP (I think!) but some things really catch me out!


ok, PM me some additional info so I can go look around.

I dont quite understand everything going on.

Let me know what to do exactly to be successful logging in and also...

Let me know what to do exactly to reproduce the issue and I will tell you what I think.

Thanks, I figured that out!
I managed to get the gallery running, minimally, on the test server, so now on to the real thing.
Thank you!
- Jason

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:38:59 PM

to North Lawrence - 227 Miles, Email to Baldwinsville Chamber with updates on the changes they requested., course 3161 & 3162 passport training, Email/Voice Mail, Setting NS1 to slave for logicscape.com domain off of ns1.gisco.net. fixing Broken DNS on NS2.imcnet.net, Jackie and the promo issue-printed reports to be faxed later with the cash flow, Continued work on job ticket system, assisted Howard in Moving to Herald Building., email, listen to howards music, went to make deposit and drop off paperwork , Discovered that includes were broken on several customer sites when moved to new server. Went through realrockfm.com and fixed them. Not billable -- our NOC fault., various phone calls, check email, Johhson Log Homes finished up extra requests from the client back buttons on styles pages and make new pages and links on the navigation, On phone w/Amy about SenatorJimWright.Com, Working on getting a soft auto and soft vendor up and running for Applied Theory to have as a demo, phones, radlog, dial up issues, email, JOHSONLOGHOMES.COM DATA ENTRY OF INFORMATION FOR PLANS AND CATEGORY SECTIONS, Discussed wan quotes with dave storandt, broght rex inon a few new projects , Worked with DV on realtor database. Also revised his follow up letter for Orlando reltors. Spoke with DD of Office Systems in Plattsburgh. Put together preliminary package of materials for potential channel partners. Faxed to her with brochures. Dealt with phone system. Talked with RP and EH about switches. , same as above, Picked up mail and opened., pick up supplies at Staples, general billing issues, Talked to Michele regarding COD and bills from Ed, AlexBay.Com - Recieved email from Bob, hit counter has stopped working. Fixed and reset., travel time to westcotts, SunandShield.Com - Resource Directory Admin. On phone w/Fran explaining why they shouldn't have FTP or FrontPage access to their site., entered bills , phones, radlog, dial up issues, timecard , PSI Net, iPhone, Paper work, talked with Ken, etc... worked on downstairs line with Jeff. Dealt with Amanda Matott, for a bit - Paul took this over though.,

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