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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:35:28 PM
This article from my old powerasp.com site explains what Server.MapPath is and also why you can't use it to specify the data connection in any of the CJWSoft applications.
Use ASP to determine the Physical Path Of Your Virtual Website
As this article mentions you can still use it to determine the path, but you can't use it in our data connection strings because the data connection page is an include file and server.mappath will report back different paths for the different directories....... meaning it will work in one directory level but not another as the path will be different.
cwilliams38084.7454282407, What am i supposed to do now... i do have another member server that is not a domain controller-
However, i have like 5 websites running on this domain controller already. I have thought about this before how its a HUGE security risk but it will take too long to configure everything on the other computer :( ,
I checked the SQL table and had 1 banner with no zone ID. I added it in
directly through the SQL interface and now it seems to be ok., Yes, that’s all I wanted to know. The problem is on my end. The server is not creating the .NET site correctly. I think I got it working now. Thanks.
In case you wanted to know? The only reason I asked you is because you mentioned that you where having trouble with overseas piracy and my account is new. I figured it was my user error by just though I’d ask you first. Hope you have no more piracy issues and have a good rest of the day.
Thanks again for the quick response. , its that server, it's way underpowered when it comes to running dynamic code and databases.. and that other app is probably stealing all the leftover odbc resources..... did you try doing the import on another machine running ASP? Thats the way to go.. I am afraid I won't be much help at the moment.. I am battling with a crashed system and a lot of lost data, need more info..
are you using aspimage to resize images and make true thumbnails.. (because if you have it turned on and it isnt actually installed on the server you will get broken thumbnails.)
what kind of images are you using ? gif or jpegs
are you uploading images over existing images ?
really need to know exactly what to do to reproduce the situation from scratch and then I can give you a better answer ??
cwilliams38348.7894097222, Hi,
Ok, well... you have a lot of stuff going on there.
More importantly than that.. you cant even log into the admin area using the admin account. There is something majorly wrong with the installation.
I also notice you havent even saved any path settings in the settings page of the admin area. I am looking that over now and filling in the missing info. That information needs to be populated. , not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...
how many users are we talking about anyway ?
and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?
ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on
removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications , I have activated both activity and log files. The directories exist on my server and don't give any errors.
When I check the activity tab, some times there are a number of items in it. Other times, there is only my login info. From what I can see, it is supposed to show the last 50 items of activity at all times. Am I missing something?
Also, when I click on the log file tab, there is no file or information to see. Is there something I need to do beyond activating it in the settings area and making sure the directory has write permissions?
Thanks. , I downloaded v7 3/7/2005
I entered a password that was supposed to be all caps with only first letter caps.
it is odd, if I go to other user and enter wrong password that does not come up. it apprpriately goes to a screen that says Access Denied.
thx , thanks thats what i was guessing.
, ok, After a user edit his information (name, email, etc), the session variables are not updated. In the user_area.asp
page, I "Response.Write" all the session variables, and they are still
showing the old information. I tried refreshing the page but to no
avail. The only way to update the display is to log off and login again.
please help.
, The setting I am most interested in is what you have for the "Pic_Max_Image_Width" used when the image resizing components resize the big image
setting it to nothing or zero could cause this
, You can mix and match banner calling methods all you want. Try it and see what happens.
However, the only method that is going to work on non ".asp" pages is the javascript or the new iframe method listed in the support forums.
cwilliams38209.532349537, BTW.. I dont know what is going on But I keep getting all these returned emails. My forum is sending you emails and they are coming back as undeliverable saying your storage space is exceeded on your server.
Could not deliver message to the following recipient(s):
Failed Recipient: steve.gould@apawood.org
Reason: Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
-- The header and top 20 lines of the message follows --
Received: from server.powerasp.com [] by mail.cjwsoft.com with SMTP;
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400
From: "CJWSoft Support Info" <sales@cjwsoft.com>
To: steve.gould@apawood.org
Subject: CJWSoft Support Info : Thumbnail creation
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Hi srgould41,<br /><br />A message has been posted in the info area on CJWSoft Support Info that you asked us to keep an eye on.<br /><br />To view and/or reply to the info then click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=249& amp;TPN=1">http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp? TID=249&TPN=1</a><br /><br />If you no-longer wish to recieve email notification for this Info or Infor Area click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/email_notify.asp?TID=2 49&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe">http://support.cjwsoft.co m/code/email_notify.asp?TID=249&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe& lt;/a><br /><br /><hr /><br /><b>Information Area:</b> ASP Photo Gallery Pro Version<br /><b>Info:</b> Thumbnail creation<br /><b>By:</b> cwilliams<br /><br /><P>trust me, they (serverobjects) does not check.. as a matter of fact they havent answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell that crap and forget the customer. But the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)<BR><BR>regardless,<BR>ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own. <BR>It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.<BR><BR>There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.<BR><BR>If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.<BR><BR>To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.</P>
, good news.. like I said it is probably becuase aol blocks emails sent from IP's with no MX record in the dns system , ok thanks, Now that I really think about it.. instead of logging that info to a text file and worrying about folder permissions you could probably just save the post info into an application variable during the paypal ipn.asp post like so
For Each Item In Request.Form formdata = formdata & vbCrLf & Item & "=" & Request.Form(Item) & vbCrLf Next
Application("PayPalPost") = formdata & " - " & NOW
then anytime you wanted to see if that info was there or when it happened you could make a simple asp page in your site to display the results like so
<% Response.Write "(" & Application("PayPalPost") & ")" %>
cwilliams38421.6747453704, How can i get to this to register someone in the database only after the Paypal payment has been accepted. I was testing it out to see if it makes it to my Paypal account (which it did just fine) then I closed Paypal before paying. I logged in as the administrator and looked at the member list and the account was created anyway. How can I stop this from being created until "only" after the Paypal payment has been "approved"?
What if this person never comes back to "try again"? Now the username he used (and is inactive) is not available for anyone else to use. And it takes up database space.
I am using the Paypal (non-subscription)
Thanks in advance, scottyFlasher , I have noticed that during the file import, that some of the pictures get messed up. I can import aroun 150 pictures into different albums, say 3 albums with 50 each.
I have noticed however that some of the get messed up. What is happening is...the thumbnail will be correct, but after you click it the picture that shows up is one form a different album.
Any cure for this? , Hello,
In that version is is not easy to change the values as they were not intended to be edited. You would have to dig through quite a lot of code as those values are hardcoded in quite a few pages. Probably at least 10 or more.
In the pro version there are variables you can change that very easily as that is intended to be easily changed in that version. , I have imported like 50,000 users into an access database when testing... it took like 4-5 minutes but worked..
course it really all depends on the setup how many you can get away with
something must still be wrong
have you tried just importing 1 or 2 users for troubleshooting sake ?
I would also recommend that after any timeout you reboot the server or at the very least do an "iisreset" to get things back to normal , Chris, that fixed it. Found 2-references to guestbook2 in the file show_messages_inc.asp located in the \guestbook\ directory.
Suggestion for future release. Create an option to email the admin when a message is posted. If this code already exists please advise.
Thanks, Lance , also, just to show you what happens when a user creates a subscription this is the code. you can see in red where the subscrition is is set and also where the exp date is set to null
If txn_type = "subscr_signup" Then Set ConnPasswords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set CmdEditUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ConnPasswords.Open ConnectionString SQL = "SELECT " & tbl_label_users & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_users & " WHERE (User_ID = " & User_ID & ")" CmdEditUser.Open SQL, ConnPasswords, 1, 3 CmdEditUser.Fields("Active") = "1" CmdEditUser.Fields("Validated") = "1" CmdEditUser.Fields("PayPal_Subscriber_ID") = subscr_id CmdEditUser.Fields("Notes") = "Successful PayPal Subscription Signup on " & Date CmdEditUser.Fields("Expiration_Date") = Null If Access_Level <> "" Then CmdEditUser.Fields("Access_Level") = Access_Level End If If Groups <> "" Then CmdEditUser.Fields("Groups") = Trim(Groups) End If CmdEditUser.Update CmdEditUser.Close Set CmdEditUser = Nothing ConnPasswords.Close Set ConnPasswords = Nothing End If ,
I'm in a bind cause I'm supposed to be launching on Monday!? I have four different subscriptions set up in ASPProtect and I'm going to 2Checkout for payment. When I go to 2checkout I have the same 4 subscriptions setup.
How does ASPProtect know what product id to use in 2Checkout?
I have the redirect setup etc. but it's using the default URL in 2checkout and not the product(Subscriptions). The only way I can tell what the user selects is from the price... and I'm specifying the time period, the cost, group in the 2checkout1.asp but I'm not getting the user set for the periods either.... my main problem is the interface to 2checkout... I think if a product id is added somehow it might work. What can I do?
thanks, -Jason , Hi
ASPBanner is great...
I have a little problem I have a ASP site http://www.bythebeach.com.au/
I understand how Zones (location on a pages) works but i need only to display those banners that pertain only to that catorgries or sub catorgries.
How would i do that would .... Would i have to add a new field in the database...?
Any help would be greatly apprecaited
Sydney, Australia , How and where does one add countries/cities to the list so that they appear in the Drop-Down list that advertisers see when they are placing a new ad?, Sorry Chris,
It didn't fix it. Looks like I had the current code. I bought the system in mid-April. The version says 3-10-2005.
I do know that in the database, the password shows as " éG" but in the error code, it shows as " éG". The square character is missing.
Thanks, Mick
Edit: well heck. It skips the square box here too. The password in the database puts a square box in front of the éG , ok, then I need more information.
Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)
Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well. , I assume that if I am using this product, search engines such as Google cannot access and index my content. Can somebody confirm that; I want to be 100% sure.
In case it matters, I am using a basic, cheap ISP setup where my site is on a shared server.
Thanks in advance. , ok.
sorry then..
I just had a series of fraudulant orders this past week including today and the whole thing has me on edge. (foreign people getting my code for free and doing who knows what with it) When you mentioned calling the cc company it pushed all the right buttons.
Merry Christmas, Hi,
ok, I am a bit confused... you make it sound like as if you are running a different version than you were when you ordered this a couple/few weeks back... that confuses me because you were able to log in to the admin area of aspprotect.net before? weren't you ?
there have been no changes to the download or the version in quite some time ?
I guess I need more information to make any sort of guess at this point. I do not know enough., I'm trying to use CDOSYS.
It seems to work fine on the web page, however the mail never gets delivered.
I can see my messages sitting in c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup but they never leave it.
I found another folder after doing a search for "pickup".... it is: d:\program files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\PickUp If I paste the files into there, they get delivered.
How can I get the email to be delivered without doing the cut and paste?
I've tried it both with and without authorization.
I am running a Windows 2000 server with Exchange 2000.
Thanks. , no, and none of the ASP based systems I know of can do anything like that.
A zone can only produce 1 banner at a time.
What your are talking about I have mostly only seen done using very complex javascript code available freely on the web if you search. , Well my hosting company has finally gotten back with me, so I'm having them troubleshoot the webserver to see what might be eating up those resources. So I'm in a holding pattern on this for right now., Thanks very much for the quick reply.
That sets my mind at ease 
I was just worried if users would see warnings in their firewall software too.
I realize that the admin would have to have to go through some errors...
And since we are throwing things in here... Definately, if you have your own server you need a Hardware Firewall and a Managed one at that. The internet can be pretty dangerous for business if you don't.
Plus, I agree Black Ice although in it's heyday a few years ago was considered great. It is not suitable for todays standards alone even for the normal user (But, it is required by the company I work with for VPN. I think it's stupid too using old technology. I have 2 more firewalls setup besides that just so that I do have some security. And, that's just for my PC)...
Thanks , Not without changing a lot of code. If you didn't want encryption you really should have went with version 6. Encryption is a big new feature of Version 7 and it is inter-mixed with it the code in a lot of places.
As for doing the export and import you have to create a valid export file and then read through this very thread which explains how to import an export file with clear text passwords.
This is from the admin area regarding the text file format The import/export file must be tab delimited with no text qualifiers. The 1st row containing field names and the following each being a new user. To create your own import file it must be in this exact format. To find out what field names and their order are simply create an export file using ASPProtect and take a look at it.
Generating an import file from your own database requires good knowlege and understanding of Access's Importing and Exporting functions. It is not something I cover as the process is different for everyone and not really very hard. , New question...
When someone edits their personal information, such as address, is there any way to set it so that someone in the office can receive an e-mail noting the changes?
Thanks. , The stat not show when impression over xxxxxx
I use aspbanner v8.1 MS SQL version
Total Impressions |
83523 |
Total Clicks |
7 |
Total Clickthru |
.0% |
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'
Overflow: 'CInt'
/aspbanner/stats_window_admin.asp, line 257
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:35:28 PM
Checked the online issues from last night. Sent out an email about then not be fully taken care of. , Updated Redwood Motel site, E-MAIL ETC., lunch, Lunch, Met with whites- gave proposal for WAN, North Country Now, Meeting with Equinox reference mediation software for DMS5000 switch, Calls relating to e-mail, unable to send and/or receive, dial up issues that were resolved by turning of IP header compressions. Setting up systems for new customers, radlog, dial up issues, email, seaway trail, Checked that all that needed to be checked and sent out e-mail to expired accounts after extending accounts., tech support supv. duties , helped techs, worked on open incidents - network was down in the tech room and matt and ben worked on it and got it going, then radlog, dial up issues, voice mail, auq., emails, callbacks... not to busy ... Bill let go at 630pm and elaine at 930pm. , entered cash deposit and pulled invoices to match, Talked to Penny about where to direct SoftMLS calls, Follow up on phone messages, working on channel partners page, Meeting with Times - Demoing SoftPublication and discussing page layout and database issues., Vermont, work on some stuff for johnson news papers network., Checking the daily routines. , worked on admin/members section of Allied Federated web site (alliedcoop.com, billable, programming), working on Work Orders for Randy. 6 serperate quotes for system upgrades , Lowville is down again., lunch, Forever Broadcasting - Updates to Froggy97.Com - Content changes/Photo Album additions, Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails. taking sign ups, answering phone., Busy with phone calls, some very good tech calls but very easy to handle. Damm I'm Good!, Plattsburgh PoP, talking w/ Jim Snook re new router and Ben on what to do., TICC Team Mtg,