| Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:54 PM
If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/01/2004 this file needs to be updated.
It fixes a bug where CODE type banners do not work correctly with a weight higher than 1.
Basically, blank banners will rotate and you will see nothing sometimes.
Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name.
2004-08-03_045728_appinfo_inc.zip cwilliams38209.5383680556, All fixed... I changed the remote server from localhost.omegaphibeta.net or whatever it said there to localhost
I sent a test email to myself and got it no problem
the error you were getting was email component related ,
Thanks, the DESC addition did the trick!
- Jason , Humm..
I have no idea where links to hose graphics are being called.
I checked the source of edt_banner.asp and I see no calls to any images named like that
I didnt see any calls in the header and footer files either...
, Its a great idea. I didnt really check the counter until the album started working. Its a great concept though., That did the trick. Once again a quick very helpfull reply.
Thanks. , I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.
<% If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then SearchFlag = True End If If SearchFlag <> True Then If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then %> <!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" --> <head> <title>My Title</title>
My Protected stuff here
For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.
Mo , yeah.. I cant say for sure.. as I have never really tried to get it working in xp pro.
Last time I actually used cdonts locally was on a 2000 box
I would do a google search on xp pro, smtp service, and cdonts and let us know what you find out.
All of our apps can use free 3rd part emailing components as well so maybe try some of those. Course you need a valid email server to connect to.
, I know what is happening.. its the old single quote thing messing up the query string.. but it shouldnt be happening with the newer code as I fixed it.
If you like I can go in and reproduce/fix the issue. I can not think of any other way I can help you as other users have not reported the issue.
Chances are if it is happening in one situation it will happen again in the future.. it really all depends on the passwords being used and your encyrption key... other passwords may produce the issue even if the password is correct
basically once the password gets encrypted it by chance has a single quote in it... then it messes up the query
I take care of the situation by replacing the single quote with a double quote but it looks like you found a situation where that didn't work out
cwilliams38453.8921990741, Upgrade from V6 to v7.x with an MSACCESS DATABASE
1st of all, backup your existing ASPProtect files and database before performing this upgrade. Please be really careful while performing this upgrade. Version 7.x is a highly advanced application compared to any previous versions. CJWSoft under no circumstances is responsible if you lose information or have website downtime.
To do this upgrade you're going to need to have the Microsoft Access Application. To work with an Access .mdb file it can not be newer than the version of Microsoft Access you are running.
That being said, on with the upgrade..
Open you're existing Acccess Database up in Microsoft Access.. You should see this something like this.

By right clicking on then choosing rename Rename "Users" to "ASPP_Users" Rename "Groups" to "ASPP_Groups"
If you do not have a "Groups" table do not worry about it right now.
Now right click and DELETE the Config Table. Yes, delete it..
You should now see this. (with or without the "Groups" table)

Now, right click on "ASPP_Users" and go into design view. It should look like this.

Rename the "Password" field to "Old_Password" Be sure to spell it perfectly using the Underscore It will look like this.

Now scroll down to the bottom a bit It should look like this.

If you have a "Groups" Field... leave it alone If you do not have a "Groups" Field add one and make it a memo field.
Now, we are going to add a few more new fields.
Add a field called "Redirection_URL" make it a "text" field with 150 field size Add a field called "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" make it a "text" field with 100 field size Add a field called "Newsletter" and make it a yes/no field Add a field called "Password" and make it a "text" field with 100 field size
It should now look like this. (you do not need to worry about the field descriptions.. that part is optional and only seen when working on the database)

Now close that window and save the changes..
Your now going to open up another Access Database while still leaving the one you have on your screen open. You going to open up one of the new databases that came with v7.x. This database has some info we are simply going to copy and paste.
You'll want to open it and put it side by side on your desktop like so. (the old database is on the left.. the new one is on the right)

Now, for the fun part.
On the new database to the right.. right click on the "ASPP_Config" table and pick "Copy"
Then move your mouse over to the old database on the left. Right click in the open white area and click "paste"
It will ask you for a database name. Type in "ASPP_Config" Leave "Structure and Data" checked and hit OK
Your old database on the left should now have a nice new "ASPP_Config" table.
OK, now for the "ASPP_Groups" table
If you already have a "ASPP_Groups" table in your old database you are done.
If you do not have one your going to copy and paste the table from the New Database to your old database just like we just did with the "ASPP_config" table.
Your old database should now look like this.

Now, you are done upgrading your database from within Microsoft Access.
The existing passwords still have to be encrytped and moved from the "Old_Password" to the "Password" field
To that we have a special page we run in the application that will take care of that.
So, for now... go install the application, but using the database we just created. Follow these instructions for the most part... http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=181& ; ;PN=1
When you get to the part where you finally get into the admin area and need to make an admin account you will notice that your existing user database is there but none of the users have passwords if you look at them in the edit screen.
That is normal. Simply do what the instructions say and create and admin account using a username that does not exist..
Then log off... then back in as that new admin account. If that works you are ready to convert the passwords.
This part is very easy.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
Once you get the page running you will see a login prompt and one form field just like before with the "get_me_in.asp" page
You will need to paste the "PasswordEncryptionKey" value that you used in the "config_inc.asp" file in the form field and hit enter.
If all goes well you will see a page telling you to click here to encrypt the passwords and copy them over.
So do what it says... dont click more than once and wait.
Eventually it should say it is finished. So go log in to the admin area of the system using the new admin account.
Now edit some users but dont save... you want to see if the passwords are showing up. If they are the conversion worked. If you see nothing or a garbled mess it did not work and you made a mistake during this whole process.
If things went well backup and delete the conversion file below.
You do not need it anymore.
Once you are positive every thing is running smoothly and everyone's passwords are ok you can go in and delete the "Old_Password" field as well.
If things didnt go well.. try again from scratch and go slowly. If they still dont go well get ahold of us for help.
We are here to help, but if you really want us to we can be hired to do the conversion. , I would also double check that you changed the field size correctly and on the correct database that is being used in the connection string
, Just copy the files over. have permissions set on any folders that need it, and edit the data connection so it's valid for the new server. Once you get logged to the admin area go update all the settings so any urls are valid.
really its no different than a new installation so just follow those directions but use your existing files.
There is no domain pointing involved...
As logn as the old stuff is not accesible on the live internet you don't need another license.
As for my installation fee of 25. That is only for new installations. I charge more for something like that as there may be compications such as custom changes to the code that I would have to deal with. Customers often custimize the login and users area.. etc etc .. and there may be hardcoded urls and what not to worry about changing.
LASTLY, I noticed all your other posts are in the ASPProtect 7 area so the installaton process for that is a bit different than for Version 6 so what I said above is not quite the same process. Please make sure you post in the correct area when asking questions. , need more info..
are you using aspimage to resize images and make true thumbnails.. (because if you have it turned on and it isnt actually installed on the server you will get broken thumbnails.)
what kind of images are you using ? gif or jpegs
are you uploading images over existing images ?
really need to know exactly what to do to reproduce the situation from scratch and then I can give you a better answer ??
cwilliams38348.7894097222, Hello Chris:
Yes I'm using the Option Pack.
-Ricardo , Verison 8 is superior in every way and the code is much more optimized so yes I think it would handle it better. It is still a lot of banners on one page though which means a lot of hits to the database if you call them all individually with zone calling code. SQL server would make sense more than MSACCESS.
Now, the only reason I said make one zone for all those banners on the home page is because a banner has to be associated with a zone. It would make sense to put them all in one because if you just tracked the clicks like I mentioned you really wouldnt be using the zone except for maybe when you go to view stats. , just leave the databse where it is, use the connection string generated for you and most importantly... put in a request with alentus for permissions to be set
tell them "D:\Websites\www.mysite.com\aspprotect\data" and all of its child folders need change permissions (r,w,x,d) set so aspprotect can do its thing
until the permissions are set that connection string can not work
this is all noted in the installation docs... , the txt file is only lke 624 kb...so I'm not sure, I will give you permission to move it since you asked., Has any one used the aspmail function to send emails from within your site? If so what did you use as the AspMail_Host string in the connections database?
thank you , I just upgraded from 6.0 to 7.0 primarily because we were limited in the choices of email systems we could use to send an email validation message.
Previously, with 6.0, we were using CDONTS to send an email validation message to new registrants. Unfortunately, AOL email addressee's were not receiving the vaildation email from us. I received a reply to another post I made on this forum that the problem was due to the fact that aCDONTS generated email has no MX record and AOL blocks non-MX record containing emails.
Well, I upgraded to 7.0, switched to CDOSYS (Using SMTP Virtual Server) with SMTP Authentication and it appears that AOL is still blocking the validation email.
Any suggestions, comments?
, I have purchased ASPProtect to secure a web site that I administor for a soccer league. I am having a hard time getting the code to execute. the instructions are to include this code at the top of the web page under the Language identifier. Like this I think:
<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code --> <!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * Admins * ) --> <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
However, nothing happens. I am not sure if I am missing something.
FYI: the "Check_user_inc.asp" file is in the root directory of the site which is actually two levels down on the d: drive of the server. The web page code is located below.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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, again I will ask you what is the real error??
see the link above when I asked you the 1st time. (I need the error details and line number.. etc etc)
and what kind of a server are you trying to run it on ? you mention xp pro but in a confusing way ? , I am trying to find out where I can enter the ttle for the application.
There is a variableor field called App_Name into which it would be good to insert a generic name. Can this be edited?
I have searched high and low but cannot find anything to do with it. , Oh snap. Tried the blank database and got the same errors. Fixed THE
FILE PATHS to conform to the AspProtect 7 setup, and it worked like a
champ. I still need to copy and paste the info, but it's working just
fine with the ones I add manually.
, I downloaded v7 3/7/2005
I entered a password that was supposed to be all caps with only first letter caps.
it is odd, if I go to other user and enter wrong password that does not come up. it apprpriately goes to a screen that says Access Denied.
thx , Thank you for the response to my question. In the mean time if I can figure any workaround I will post it here. , I think you may be using old code where that was an issue... I am going to PM you the latest version..
to be safe upgrade all the ASP files except the dataconn_inc.asp files and your config_inc.asp files
"be real careful not to lose your current encryption keys in the "config_inc.asp" file or you will be in real trouble
You can use your existing database
, It is refered to as the internet guest account but that isn't the actual username. The username is different for every machine. It usually starts off with "IUSR_" and then your machine name. "Internet Guest Account" is always the account's full name as labeled by IIS when it is installed.
If an account isn't listed you have to add it.
Click (add-advanced-find now) and it will list off all the user accounts on the machine
You can also click (add-advanced) and simply type in the account name or part of it.
Some more tips:
If on a local machine you always just give the "everyone" account full control which is pretty much going to make anything work.
You can also go to computer management in your server's administrative tools and view all of the accounts and groups there under "Local Users and Groups".
cwilliams38417.7186689815, Hi - I am a recent user of your software. I administer it for the owner. I probably missed something in your forums somewhere - but I'd like to know how to stop the software from sending an "accept registration" e-mail (after they fill out the registration page) from going out so fast - usually within minutes. I'd like to know how to defer the message for 24 hours, more or less, so that our company can go over the registration details and decide whether to allow the person registering to actually have access to our protected website pages. The program is working very well and we are excited about it. So far, no problems (knock on wood!).
Thanks so much for your help! , On second thought guys, it would must easier to change the code using modulus as follows:
<% If PicIndex mod 6 = 0 THEN %> </tr> <tr> <% End If %>
This will end each row and create a new row after each 6th picture. It'll be must easier code to work with and change. This code must be placed in the PicIndex For Loop.
If you have any questions, JPortnoy@Checkernet.com , Actually it is my own server (retired email server from my employer). I will check out the documentation again. I DID read that part, but didn't understand it enough. I'll dig deeper. Also my box has 2 CPU's, hence the $125 for ASPImage..., Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen)
Thats the way to test it..
All that error means is whatever reason the settings you have chosen are not working. It could be the server. It could be what you chosen. (and yes I realize your pop info from outlook should probably work with the settings you chose)
Whenever I do installs I often have to try 3-5 different emailing scenarios before I come across one that works.
Each time making some changes and sending out test emails from the users screen until I get somewhere. Often time getting a working example of how your Hosting Company wants you to send email from ASP is the info to get your hands on. (what method and settings)
In this case they may have blocked the usee of a remote server and want you to use some other settings for sending email from asp. A lot of times they put that info in their help system.
If I were you I would start by trying the other two CDOSYS options for starters, and then try the remote server option again but using "localhost" as the server, if none of those work consult your host for example code and settings to send email from asp. If you still have no luck I can help for sure.
Realize too when testing the emails may take a bit to arrive. A delay of sorts. Best to type in a quick note about which method you are trying in the email text. That way when you finally get one delivered you'll know which method worked. , Suprising I started this tread off on ASPImage, but I resolved my issue and forgot to change the thread topic. I will try your suggestion.
, Hello,
I dont know exactly how you go about that and it would really depend on a lot of things like when the ad started and how yu wanted t handle that. it would involve custom coding though, not a change in the database. , I tried the iFrame method that you have shown, and it works great!!!!, I am brought to a logon page in which I cannot access the page. This must be due to the check_user_inc.asp include. Without the include I get a blank page. , enjoy the bar.. drink one for me.. cause that was the problem..
, ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..
you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...
you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version
, Version 7 uses.. RC4
The upgrade process is described here in detail including a procedure to convert existing clear text passwords to the encrypted versions. (Your passwords will need to be clear text as the system shipped of course for the conversion to do its thing)
It is also covered in the downloadbale docs http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo221-1.htm
Many people have done the upgrade without any issues and Version 7 is getting great feedback.
Should you decide to go with it there is upgrade pricing. http://www.aspprotect.com/purchase_v7_upgrade_pricing.asp , Hello,
My guess your having trouble setting up a system dsn because the database has a password set on it. Your hosting company most likely sets up DSNs without using the advanced tab which is where the authentication information goes. Or they have some sort of web interface for the customers to use that doesn’t allow setting up that information.System DSN’s are actually difficult to set up correctly when the database has a password on it. There is of course a password on the database for security reasons so if someone ever downloads it somehow they will not get your information.
System DSN’s are not the way to go regardless as you will see mentioned at our support site.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9&P N=1
You really should try setting up a DSN-less connection. It is the best way to go. They are easier to set up, perform better, and are less load on the server. Any host that wants it customers to use system dsn’s is not on the ball as far as server performance and server resource conservation goes. They are really asking for trouble down the road.
All you need to do to make dsn-less connection is the following.
Get permissions set for the folder the database is in (by your host)… then figure out the physical path on the server to the database by using server.mappath or you simply ask your host for the info.
An article I wrote on using server.mappath
Then your connection string will look something like this.. (of course you edit the path to match what server.mappath tells you. And you make sure the database name is correct)
ListingsConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\asplistings\_database\asplistings_ac cess2000.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
Another option would be to simply remove the password from the database using MSACCESS.. then try to connect to it using a System DSN without the password. If your host is storing the databases outside of your web in the root of the server then removing the password on the database is not that bad of a thing to do as there is no way anyone will be able to dload it from your site. Of course there is a still a performace loss when using a system dsn with an Access Database cwilliams38145.8540509259,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:31:54 PM
enter bills, Talk w/ Randy about things I've asked him to work on recently., finishing reviewing mls db struct., phone calls, email, timecard, BOCES, Meeting with Atty from Cortland Bd of Realtors, Cme Associates- info for for webs ite
Do up report for deferiet on billing - send info to bruce
regoister domain for captrin spicers candles- contact bresee chev
copy info for trip
finish investor list- send to paul
trianing on phone, Lunch, Lunch, phones not too bad slowed down.
, Still very slow. Kept very close eye on emonitor and all the rest of the stuff. Did some more reading., Telephone conference with Drew McNally, slow, techcalls, Radlog, Show Beth S., and Ken F. router confguration basics for Frame Relay., still not very busy, techcalls, Radlog, Worked on callin sheets and took in calls and monitored rad log. Most calls concerned e-mail issues that were handled without problems., Also checked rad log and email. Also fairly steady., remove extra equipment from car, phone calls, lunch, Programmed Router for Sithe Energies, gathered Network information., User group meeting, started the backup and moved a couple computers for Randy, check voice mail/email
go over info with Tom for tibridge, caskinette auto and riverrat cheese form, hel;p with form
jet stream cmetting talk with brad and ron
contact pat at gold cup farms on web site., Checked voice mail and returned calls., travel to meet with St. Lawrence Radiology in Potsdam re: changes/design to site (stlra.com), worked on catching up with dailey work. , Lunch, worked on admin section of Partners site, met with BioTek for product demonstration, check and reply to e-mail,