Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:13 PM
Okay thanks, I'll have to consider wether or not to go down the path of the upgrade or cut my losses as the Access cannot handle the pressure
It's just errored out again with the following message:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2'
The operation timed out
/forum/banner.asp, line 15
Dave , Login failed for user 'aspgallery'.
Okay, shouldn't this be trying to use aspgalleryuser?
I do not really understand what you mean? There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds. cwilliams38391.0301388889, Here is an example of a query I made in MSACCESS that deletes all users that belong to Group ID of 3. I used the graphical query designer in MSACCESS to do this. Took a few minutes.
DELETE FROM ASPP_Users WHERE (((InStr([ASPP_Users]![Groups],"*3*"))>"0"));
Because of the way groups are stored in the Groups fields you have to use the InStr function to determine if the user is part of a particular group We are deleting all users that of Group ID of 1 so we look for *3* in this example
The SQL statement for a MSSQL database may be slightly different but the general Idea is the same
The SQL statment used in an ".asp" page will be very similar as well.
SQL Statements are the TRUE POWER of working with databases. They are something everyone should learn to work with because they allow you to do some very powerful things., thank you for such a quick response -- It sounds straight forward - so I should be all set. Thanks again.,
Flash files cannot track clicks unless you edit the original flash file to link to the aspbanner system redirect URL.. feeding it the correct ID of the banner.
When that link is clicked on it will then track the click and redirect the user to the “link url” specified for that banner.
The system actually generates the necessary ASPBanner URL for you. That link is shown on the banner edit screen.(you must save the banner at least once and come back to that screen to see the link though)
Really the best way to show it is with an example as seen below.

Basically the flash banner file "powerasp.swf" highlighted in green needs to be edited to link to the banner redirect url which is highlighted in red.... the banner redirect url will then track the click and ultimately send the user to the Link_URL highligthed in blue.
All banners systems work this way when it comes to flash files. It’s the nature of flash and the web browser,
The flash source code must be edited to link to the redirect url in the ASPBanner system. There is no possible way any banner system can track a flash click unless the flash file links to the banner system 1st.... because that click is handled by Flash and the web browser.
In some cases if you do have the original source file for the flash banner then you are out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes.
On a side note... if you create flash banners the way this article says you can actually feed a .swf flash file a link for it to click to. Instead of it being hardcoded. ners_guide/index.html
This is really the way everyone should design their flash banners from now on because the url it links to can be easily changed at any time without editing the flash file source code. cwilliams38085.095150463, Thanks
It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.
If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.
Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.
, Humm, its hard to explain but I am not sure that is a good way to be testing that. I hear what you are saying but I am not sure that really means anything. Whatever is going on its some sort of client side issue with the browser and the meta refreshing over a very long period of time during which there really is no user doing anything at the site. , When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, ok, that does not work but that still is not enough to help me troubleshoot.
I'll probably need to look around in your admin area and check things out in order to figure anything out.
I will also need to see the protection code you put on that page exactly as it appears.
PM (private message) the admin usersname/password to me if that is ok with you and I will check it out
it's really the only way I can help with an issue like this. I have to make sure you didn't do something wrong and then go from there , so you are using the subscriptions signup directory right ? "paypal_signup2" ?
1st.. I would check that the xml parser is working.
It is required for making the post back to paypal. It is installed on windows 2000 and 2003 and XP by default. ; ; ; ; ; ;PN=1
Then I would check the actual form page to paypal to make sure it is generating a valid IPN url as a hidden form value. It's the payment page you actually click on that actually takes you to paypal. For the subscription signup system that page is called "paypal1.asp"
You'll want to go through the process starting with the default.asp of the signup folder untill you get to that page. Then you want to look at the html source of that page in Internet Explorer. Your looking for something like this in the source code and you want to make sure it is valid.
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value=>
It also has to a url on the internet that paypals server can see. It can not be a local url for your machine. Also: If it is not valid we can try hard coding it.
If all of these things are good I'll have to take a look. I have some text file logging I can do when paypal hits your IPN url that can tell us if it is actually hitting that page like it is supposed to. And I can test the system for you by making some 1 cent payments using my own paypal account until we find out what is going wrong.
cwilliams38421.5686921296, Hi Chris
Unfortunately the bl**dy server was down and unavailable for 17 hrs so I couldnt even get to see what the settings were!
It is on, the relevant users appear to have all rights for the data/tempstats folder.
I'm guessing you're going to suggest turning it off and see if the problem still appears.
Colin , This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.
, ASPProtect v7 comes with working example code of protecting an image from being downloaded and also protects the true file location of the image on your server..
This comes with the system as an example folder with some files in it.
(some of the initial purchaser's of the system might not have that directory.. if that is the case please ask)
Here is how it works...
Basically we protect the image in 2 ways.
- We use Javascript right click disabling code that works in both IE and Firefox.
- We stream the image via a special password protected ".asp" page and use an image tag to call it. This hides the true location of the file. You can therefore keep your images out of your web or keep them in a folder in your web that does not allow file browsing. Under this scenario even if someone looks at the img tag html source they can not tell where the file came from. Doing all of this allows you to offer certain images only to people that are logged in.
All in all this is should be very effective protection. Yes, there are still ways to get the images like doing screen captures, but this will ensure that people viewing images are logged in to your site. This will in most cases keep them from right clicking and saving the images. This will ensure that people can not tell other people the image's url location and it will ensure other sites can not leach your images and bandwidth.
For the image protection examples to work you may need to edit some values in the stream_pic.asp file that are valid for your setup.
Look at the source. The values you can edit are commented.
Now, you also need to call a valid "image file name" from the call_pic.asp file which is an example of how you protect a page with javascript and call a streamed image using an image tag.
Lasty, here is a great article I found on image protection and some of the things you can do about it and some of things you cannot. =41 , Hi Chris
After turing off the delayed stats feature the internal errors have stopped and it still serves banners, although I havent checked the logs yet. I will and post any errors.
I left my test page up last night at say 11pm serving 4 banners of different sizes rotating every 15 seconds, now at 9am the page is just displaying 1. If I refresh the page they all reappear.
Regards Colin , If you makes you feel any better the photo gallery app runs awesome off an access database. Mostly because all of the picture work is done in the filesystem, not the database. The load on the database is relatively low even with a lot of users., Chris-
That appears to have fixed it!!! Thanks alot for your patience, I will never question your brilliance (or customer service) again! Where do I write you a smashing review?
, One last thing..
This is bad
there are .asp files in there people can run that you dont want people running..
u should delete the asp files in there or turn off directory listing...
take care,
CJW , This is a great article for newbies..
Hints & Tips when working with ASP cwilliams38436.5949768519, I am getting closer.
This error actually does not have anything to do with the forgotten password feature or your database.
It has to do with the settings you chose for emailing.
it relates to aspmail and it not liking the remotehost you used, or something like that.... etc etc , Will purchasing an additional license resolve the issue which will allow another installation or is this a function of the application that it can only protect one site per server?, Using "Email Authentication" as a registration option you cannot do that. There is no possible way I know of to have a delay on the authentication email like that. Also that method is not intended to involve any sort of manual registration like what you are doing.
Because you want to review people manually you need to change to registration process to "manual" and then send the email out manually from the users screen after making a user active. , 
Now its OK
Thanks Christopher
, You should email me and I can give you a copy of the original application., I have been using the AspHttp Component method for displaying my ads along with the google adsense code. However, in the last few days my site was taking too long to load, so I replaced the AspHttp component, with Javascript method. The site was back to speed. But now, the Google Adsense banners do not show up. Is there a solution for that? Can the Javascript show Adsense banners also? Because they do show the Flash banners., if you use either of those options the mail server info you use must of course be valid (example: your host can provide that info
you should also make sure your sending the emails using an account at your email server.. not some other email you have
other than that if it does not send emails it could be because your hosting company may require authentication for outgoing emails...
ask them ...
if that is the case the version of ASPBanner you have does not support sending email that way and you would need to add the necessary code to any places that send email... in order for emailing to work , been working on this for about 5 hours today.. I think I found the problem and it involves a vbNullChar that the encryption process is creating only during login attempts
it then messes up during ASPProtect authentication because it blows up the SQL Statement to the database
like I mentioned before the chances off this happening are slim but possible as two people so far have been able to create the situation
I seem to have the HANNAH password working now using your encrption key
I need a little bit more time to clean up the files I have been working on. Then I will give you new "check_user_inc.asp" and "check_admin_inc.asp" files to try out , But can you guess as to why the following might be happening:
1) The password is still "temp", and we verified that by checking dataconn_inc.asp ; 2) People are able to place new ads, etc. ; 3) We then download the DB. Sometimes we are able to open up the DB just downloaded with the password "temp", but only see the USERS table. At other times, we cannot open the same DB with any password, and get a "password not valid" message even when using the password "temp".
So what can the problem be? , I appreciate the offer to beta test... but its really more a matter of me getting it ready..
I have a lot done.. but a lot of things are hard coded to only work on my machine and some things have not been sorted out. Giving it to someone else to test would be a waste of time at this point as I they probably couldn’t even run it.
Lately the reason this project has fallen behind has all to do with my main webserver where I collocate.
1st it got compromised (we think by certain competitors who are always up to no good)... then windows 2003 server which I decided to go with on the new server gave me random problems... then the Cisco hardware firewall was acting up and making the sites run slow....then SQL server attacks on port 1433 from Korea when I took the firewall down....and as of the last few days I think the server just needs a new power supply. I swear for the last 2 months I have spent more time administrating my servers than working on code. Yesterday it was locking up every 30 minutes. There have been a lot of days like that and it takes up all my time until I get it situated. Especially since its over 100 miles to the collocation center. The APC unit I installed that allows me to remotely cut the power to hard reboot is a life saver.
Fun... I tell ya... and expensive.. (hardware, software, lost sales, and time) I am pretty much completely broke at the moment. It has been a very expensive few months.
But I like running my own servers... I run dns servers, email servers, sql servers, web servers.. I do it all. It's keeps me in touch with the latest software/hardware. Regardless , my servers ran well for years and they will again.
anyway.. hopefully I can actually get a new version of the photo gallery out before the month is over. It will probably be the last classic asp version. The version after that will most likely be cwilliams38295.6248032407, Now that I think about you may very well be able to use the existing login_form_inc.asp page
the header and footer files for the users area may be ok as well.
probably the smart thing to do is try your old ones and compare them to the new and see if everything you need is there. If not add it by looking at the source html and comparing.
All other files should definetly be replaced with the new. , The application automatically generates all the code for you for each method of calling banners. It does this on the zones screen.
If you are using flash it also possible that the actualy flash file is what is causing things to slow up.
It really all depends... it could also be server resource related
using sql server or access.. ? etc etc
all important details cwilliams38362.6615972222,
I pull that crap on myself once and a while... or my
favorite is leaving a bootable CD in the drive and then wondering why the heck
the OS doesn’t come back up. I pretty much promised myself back in 2002 that I
would never mess with anything minor after 10PM. For whatever reason I always
start messing around trying to "fix" something and end up sorry...
Granted if it’s an emergency I am all for it, but I get dresses in advance
anticipating the practically inevitable drive down to the datacenter.
Good luck with that, I am sure you will be much better off
in the long run.
, I've downloaded this neat little app, but I'm having troubles understanding what I should be using. Cassinni or IIS, can you help? I've tried to look at the help, but it is very vague on what to use in each situation.
Any help is appreciated.
Cheers , Regarding installation in a subfolder
Though this should be common sense and ASP.NET 101 "so to speak" One thing not mentioned in the docs..
If you do not install ASPProtect.NET in the true root of a web there a key in the web config you must adjust.
it looks like this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
The way it comes it is valid for a root installation..
lets say you installed the application in folder called. "aspprotectnet"
the key would change to this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" /> cwilliams38454.3830439815, It's probably something I could do for you as a custom project if you are interesting in paying to have that work done, but it is probably not something that will be added to this version of aspbanner as it is in my opinion a feature more suited for a more expensive software package.
It is also difficult to get ASP code to do things on it's own. Scheduling something to run on the server or some other clever scenario is necessary and that usually means it would be unique to each persons setup.
, ok "ace45",
I just spent a bunch of time in your setup using SQL server and I didnt have a single issue. It all seems to be working perfectly to me.
I got into the system using the "get_me_in.asp" page like the instructions say to to.. then I deleted those two users you had there.
I created a new user called "admin".. then I edited that user to make him an admin.
I have logged off and back on as that user a bunch of times without issue.
admin test
is the user info..
I just didnt see any problems whatsoever???
I also took the liberty of going into the settings page and setting all that up for you as well so all the url paths are right now and emailing from the application works.
I am going to wait an hour or so and try to log in a few more times but it honestly seems to be running perfectly to me. , Our webhost changed converted all sites from c: to d:, and without us doing anything else, our customers now get the following error message when trying to access our Classifieds site:
Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid password.
This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.
If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.
Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly. It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath". It has to be specified like the following example.
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"
If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database. Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.
If you are using a System DSN
It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.
************************************************************ *********************
We did everything the web host asked us to do, that is, changed all references to the C drive to new references to the D drive, but the error is still there. We also never changed any passwords (as far as we can remember). Can someone please tell us where to look (also which file might tell us what the correct password is in case it has in fact been changed.
Scaramouche38306.4845833333, Let me put it this way.
My home page (default.asp) is an unprotected page.
When a user that has signed in on another (protected pages) and has the remember me checkbox checked closes the browser cookies should be set for the next time they return.
When the user opens their browser and returns to my home page (default.asp), I'd like to put a message saying: Welcome back <%Session ("Username")%>
How is this done?
, This is great FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator App from Microsoft.. 9A798-C57A-419E-ACBC-2A332CB7F959&displaylang=en
It is an ASP.NET web application that you install locally on your development server and then use to connect to a SQL database whether remote or local.
It can do nearly everything enterprise manager can do.
I have tested it and it works great for me. cwilliams38325.7453587963, it's ok
one step at a time and at each step testing things.. then when you mess something up you can figure it out a lot easier cwilliams38456.1106018519,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:37:13 PM
worked on cleaning up old logo for print, but image is to degraded to use , timecards, Meet with Tim Badour regarding Allen employment agreement and 507 Lease, Resetting modems and downloading Netscape Customization Kit for a customer who wants to disable content filtering., steady day, setups, callbacks, Looking into Top Producer/Top Connector. Sent a note to a contact there to see how we can work together., Took tech calls, checked DUI, AUQ, Voice Mail, and RAD. , *develop basic code for 24 dollar domains development, travel back to watertown we landed albany and won the superbowl, Rebooting Mac -- Finder won't boot. I just get a blue screen with folder image and question mark., Wadham's Hall, Went to Denny's w/ my friend Eric and I had a bowl of soup and a salad., checked and responded to emails, Labor Day Holiday, Lowville Modems - not knowing problem, checking to see what I could find out., working on tech site, Training ot ns1, ns2, mpts1, mpts2, bri01, and bri02 at imcnet., travel to wwti -50 with Seth Crimmins, started cancels, Thousand Island Association/ go over proposal and some changes/fax proposal on 10/6, Domain troubles, network monitoring, Revised file of interested channel partners for the bundle and emailed to KV., BILLING , Drive back to Clayton (50 miles), DB stucture., training on modem resets, how to busy out modems, etc., Prep DSL materisls, Working on various softmls issues that I have to fix based on a sheet Peggy gave to us, BA Refund, enter expense report, email Howard,