Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:24:25 PM
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the answer. No, I am not using Paypal since these are employees and sales reps. I guess i'm on my own on this one. :)
, ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part of the root iis application.
Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned.,
When a logged in user with specific group rights tries to look at a
page that has different group membership requirements the Login screen
comes up giving them an opportunity to login with different rights to
view the page. If you log in again with your current user name
the same login screen returns with the added words something to the
effect of "Access Denied, you dont have group rights to this page...".
The only way to get back to the previous page is to hit the back button
on the browser (there is not a back button on the denied page).
I would really rather not even present the "login again" screen to a
user but just have a custom page that says "access denied" of my own
design with a back button on it. Is this an option provided for
in ASPProtect currently? I did not see it in the admin section
settings tab. Is there a separate "login again" asp file that is
being used for this
group access deny message that I could alter, or does it always have to
be the login asp file?
Or would this require me modifying the check_user_inc.asp file around
line 356 to change this behavior (I don't want to screw up any other
stuff though...).
Oh, PS. just a quick looks like if a user is an
"admin" he automatically gets to see all group pages regardless of
which set of group numbers are assigned in his user that
Access to some sections of the forums must be requested.
Please Click on the following link and read all of it carefully.
cwilliams38291.6121296296, When I enter on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"
as far as that goes I have no idea.. I have never seen that message before but you are not suppose to run that page by itself regardless.. it is an include file not meant to run on its own
, not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...
how many users are we talking about anyway ?
and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?
ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on
removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications
, I believe that solved the problem as I have not heard from this person since I sent him the code., it might.. I might be wrong though as I guess that could still be an issue with access not being able to keep up.. and then the xml parser just isnt getting the page it is requesting in time, Okay, this also shows at the bottom of the import/export page
I've got the IUSR account with modify permissions on this data folder as well. Is the "this directory needs change permission" line just a general reminder?
Files are being stored in "D:\\members\aspprotect\data\export\\"
This directory needs change permissions for the anonymouse webserver account.
Those permissions can only be set by your hosting company.
These features will not work without those permissions being set.
, Good Morning - I getting errors in my system log that says "404 file not found" for a number of files - Here are a few examples:
I ideas on how to fix this? Note: The system seems to be working fine, but I want my log files as clean as possible.
Thanks. shirley
, We can't seem to find the purchase emails for this install of ASPProtect.
It would have been in May 2004 for NetOptions LLC or
We noticed it should have been v6 of ASPProtect.
Can you resend the download links?
, Hi Chris,
Our company has a big dilemma on how to manage the database for accounts that are expiring/expired.
We saw the function to email a batch of users who are expiring soon but this doesn't help us to complete the renewal process.
Once the email is sent, what happens afterwards? how can we setup the system so that we can renew their expiry dates or accounts without too much hassle?
The system currently doesn't have any renewal functions or to allow batch changes on multiple accounts at the same time so we have to manually edit one account at a time. This is extremely tedious if we have over 1000 accounts to manage (and we will).
If you have anything to suggest on all this I would appreciate it :)
Thanks alot
, Hallo,
Can I change the number of the access levels?
I want to have about 20 levels...

, Now I am having trouble using the log function.
I have checked the box in administration area for UseLogFiles. I have put the expected path for the LogFileDirectory in the box. I have modified the permissions for the anonymous web site user to modify this directory. However the log file does not get updated and there is nothing when I go to view the logs.
, Anyone have any experience configuring PhotoGallery to use a backend mySQL database?
The application connects successfully for Read operations, but no amount of troubleshooting can get it to Write records to the tables.
, actually I just went to it again and it was somewhat slow coming up this time..
perhaps you have some issues with the sql database.
it should be instant.. like this one I run on my server
I suppose it could also have something to do with sql server resources but its hard to say..
cwilliams38319.7859722222, ok, I got it all sorted out for you and aspupload seems to be working now.
Basically they seem to have an odd version of it installed and I had to tweak the code a little. I also uploaded the server info page in the admin area to test for it.
Just back up the gallery folder so you have a backup copy of the modified code.
CJW , How do I recover or reset admin password used for the aspprotected pages. I have installed it months and months ago, but now can not recall the password. Any help appreciated, as I do not feel like installing it again.
, Sounds to me like you got some bad databases or something. Or your trying to open a database with too old of a version of msaccess.. not sure
Everything is stored in one database. And yes there is more than just the users table.
Also, removing the "temp" password should be a piece of cake.
Email me for a new copy of the download file ? Use the contact from on the cjwsoft site. Please tell me your order details as well so I know who you are.
, Just having the database with members does not protect the page. You need to add the appropriate code to every page you want to restrict access to.
You need to click on the Groups tab in Admin.
Click on Generate PW protection code.
Click on the basic button if you don't want to include levels or groups or choose a level or group(s) and click the appropriate button.
Paste the code that's generated into the top of an ASP page in code view.
Is that what you're looking for?
, Well my hosting company has finally gotten back with me, so I'm having them troubleshoot the webserver to see what might be eating up those resources. So I'm in a holding pattern on this for right now., I assume you mean 500 pixels wide
no.. because you cant reliably tell a pictures image width without an image resizing component to look it up.. asp can not do things like that on its own
serverobjects has a free component called "imagesize" that can do it as well but you need access to the server to install the component
so if you cant do that with regular asp code you definetly can not stop the upload proces because the picture is too wide..
heck, that would be nearly imposible to do regardless.. even with the best 3rd party components at your disposal
even with an image resizing component you would have to allow the upload.. then check the pixel width.. then delete it.. tell the user what is going on...etc etc .. all a very complicated process
, humm, those are some very big images to be starting off with but I am not sure that would cause a problem under the importing scenario
what width are you having the system resize them to ?
What happens when you upload a image manually (one a t a time)
Also, try the import process out with some pictures no bigger than say 1024 and lets see what happens
, I think you may be using old code where that was an issue... I am going to PM you the latest version..
to be safe upgrade all the ASP files except the dataconn_inc.asp files and your config_inc.asp files
"be real careful not to lose your current encryption keys in the "config_inc.asp" file or you will be in real trouble
You can use your existing database
, I checked the option pack code as well and it looks correct.
I tested it and it acted as it should.
You can see it in active at the live demo
go the the admin area.. you will notice 3 users with level 4 access
1 of them is inactive
then go to the mass email area and pick active and level 4
it will say it is sending email to 2 users which is correct
then go to mass email again and pick level 4 and inactive
it will say it is sending email to 1 user which is correct
choose any status and access level 4 and it will send email to 3 users which is correct
When you do this please realize you can not choose a group as well.
That will cause a problem because you can not choose a group and an access level at the same time.
Anyway... perhaps you can private message or use the contact us form and and let me take a look at your system. Since I can't reproduce the behavior that is the only way we might figure this out.
cwilliams38104.690787037, New Power Supply and a new (CPU Fan/Heat Sink) seemed to do the the trick. She's running like a champ now...
Hopefully it keeps doing so. Only time will tell.
It she's stable I can get back to designing some new software.
cwilliams38296.9772800926, It seems that if a user attempts to access a page that is not in their access level or they do not have the group permission they are redirected to the login page. Re entering their ID generates an eror and they cannot go back to the pages they are alowed to access. Is there a way for them to simply be blocked and return to the previous page or to a defined page so they can continue using the site?
, I am not sure totally understand your question.
I need you to explain it differently.
Any ".asp" page that is protected is going to automatically prompt them for a login box or log them in automatically depending on if they set that option.. In the end returning them to that same page.
So, it really all takes care of itself for the most part.. It doesn't even matter if the bookmark a protected page deep in your site. The system is smart enough to keep them at that page as well as handle their access.
Now of course if they are at an unprotected page of your site and navigate to a protected page they get a loin prompt or are allowed in if they already logged in...
Also.. when you say unprotected page ? do you mean ".htm" or ".asp"
cwilliams38298.6571759259, you would have to edit the application in visual change some things around and recompile the application... in the process figuring out how you want to handle all of that (probably combining the username and email fields just on the registration form then saving both values to the database)
very doable.. just not anything documented or supported as it is custimization
I do have a very nice article on the forums on how to set up a project in visual with the application.. it is in the forums, do you have the smtp part of iis installed on your machine
cdonts needs that
then again I am not sure you can even use cdonts on a xp box without making some changes...
cdonts has kinds died out and as of windows 2000 basically got replaces by cdosys
, I've encountered another problem. When i edit the link for existing banners and save it, the banner reverts to the old link instead of the new one.
The directory where the the database is located to rwed so the permissions is not a problem.
Any advice?
, trust me, they (serverobjects) do not check processors.. as a matter of fact they haven't answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell those components like hotcakes and take in mad crazy cash. But I will say the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy probably took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)
ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own.
It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.
There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.
If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.
To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.
, I had a question about user registration and how it works, mainly because I am having a problem.
When a user registers, with the email verification setting, I am assuming that there is supposed to be a new record created in the USERS table in the database. What could cause this not to happen?
Actually, in testing further I found that with the setting at Auto, Manual, or email, the record is not added to the table. And, if I am logged in as admin, the Add User button does not do anything.
I can however edit and delete user records...
Hmmm, adding a Category yields the same thing. And loggin in as a non-admin user still displays some of the menu items for admin, but then gives a page can not be found error if you click on one (ie, approve).
This looks like a db issue to me, I will have to try this with access and on a test server...
Any thoughts?
- Jason
cwilliams38303.8507291667, Is there a possibility to build in a option that the administrator will be notifed when a banner expired.
, yes, How can I have fixed size height and width image without distortion. Is there a component that I can use or how can I change the existing code.
yes, unless its ratio matches
how could it not be ?
Please keep questions like this in the forums... thx.
there is no need for this to be a private message
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : eeye
Sent : April/29/2005 at 2:19pm
If I choose fixed width and height is the thumbnail image going to be distorted?
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : cwilliams
Sent : April/29/2005 at 1:17pm
that is not possible unless you rewrite the code.
You onlyahve the two options we give in the config file for thumbnails
fixed width and height all the time
fixed width / dynamic height
-- Previous Private Message --
Sent by : eeye
Sent : April/29/2005 at 1:07pm
Hi William
One more questions for you. is there a way to make sure that all the thumbnails are the same size without distorting the images (in the thumbnails). Or if a picture's height is bigger than its width is there to create the thumbnail such that the height of the orginal becomes the width of the thumbnails and vice versa.
Basically I just want the thumbnail pictures to be in a perfect row with all the picture heights the same and all the pic width the same.
, ok, that does not work but that still is not enough to help me troubleshoot.
I'll probably need to look around in your admin area and check things out in order to figure anything out.
I will also need to see the protection code you put on that page exactly as it appears.
PM (private message) the admin usersname/password to me if that is ok with you and I will check it out
it's really the only way I can help with an issue like this. I have to make sure you didn't do something wrong and then go from there , Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.
I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty, My server is Server2003. I could not find the folder settings you mentioned. I did find a iuser which I added as specified. I retried to perform an upload. Still same message. But it does move the JPG to the picture folder. So, part of it is working. , How can I make so it goes to certain webpages if user enters valid username and password??
I suppose user enters its information on check_user_inc.asp page, and username and password are stored on SQL database.
, I did a google search and it turns out that error very well might have to do with ASP trying to send an email and that process failing.
That tells me your emailing from the application is not working so it is probably not something you edited incorrectly.
see this article...
Emailing was working as when I did your installation (I think I did it months ago, didn't I) so it must be some incorrect changes to your email settings in the admin settings screen. Try sending an individual email to a user from the admin users screen and see if it works. My guess is you will get the same error and means your email sending options are no longer correct or valid.
If that is the case I would ask you if you changed them or possibly something changed as far as your email setup goes. Passwords ? EMail Server .. etc etc etc
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:24:25 PM
see above, training at Nortel SPM, Tested and refined presentation graphics then emailed them to Crispen., talk to forever about LAB to be friday 11/5 7-9, General Duties, mostly the move., general billing issues, sign ups, cancels, lots of invoice mailing., NYSAR Meeting in Albany, proposal for federal credit union- research and
, e-mails Mail server down ?, Completed database for distributors. Responded to casey lyon about login. emailed pete from imc since he's never there about channel partner agreement. , Email and VM, email, Expired accounts and some bp errors, Working on autoresponder contact system stuff for SoftMLS, noc..., Gathering the router and equipment needed for Sithe Energy and SeaComm, Turn over KNI printserver to Mike B. from KSP, vermont interent site content development, Very busy. Numbers busy and all types of problems. Emailed Ron about the night, readied money for Clayton, reviewed procedure for daily invoices, checked customer accts in imail, started writing daily ivoice procedure, answered phones - acct changes, filed customer paperwork, covered for Jodi, reviewed billing email procedure with Jodi., ok so it was reallly dinner - there's no dinner work code choice?, Did intial design and layout..tranfer graphic layout into html, then data entry of content into site. , - making requested changes. Moved ''cancer treatment'' upload component from services to new cancer treatment area. Moved ''substance abuse'' to new ''chemical rehab'' area. Resizing LAL logo (was 1389x768 pixels) (billable), Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, reports, cancellations, callbacks from vociemail, checked emails, answering phone, taking sign ups, removed/added fields to Dynoport's order form on store front (, billable, programming), Ottawa Nortel School, Chat DB Conv., Mounting second ladder, and second rack. Running power cables, cutting ladder, mounting equipment., phones, on line and rad log, clean up ect.
modem checks (after r setting 3.1 machine, Prepare Work Orders for 6 WAN Jobs, E-mail back and forth w/ Randy on past WAN configurations.,