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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:34:14 PM

Oh, to clarify the above.  We did not change any columns in your [Users] database or any other table.,

Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen)

Thats the way to test it..

All that error means is whatever reason the settings you have chosen are not working. It could be the server. It could be what you chosen. (and yes I realize your pop info from outlook should probably work with the settings you chose)

Whenever I do installs I often have to try 3-5 different emailing scenarios before I come across one that works.

Each time making some changes and sending out test emails from the users screen until I get somewhere. Often time getting a working example of how your Hosting Company wants you to send email from ASP is the info to get your hands on. (what method and settings)

In this case they may have blocked the usee of a remote server and want you to use some other settings for sending email from asp. A lot of times they put that info in their help system.

If I were you I would start by trying the other two CDOSYS options for starters, and then try the remote server option again but using "localhost" as the server, if none of those work consult your host for example code and settings to send email from asp. If you still have no luck I can help for sure.

Realize too when testing the emails may take a bit to arrive. A delay of sorts. Best to type in a quick note about which method you are trying in the email text. That way when you finally get one delivered you'll know which method worked.




...I have earned a beer (dont tell anyone im underage)

, If you are developing using Windows 2003 Server and running the NTFS file system setting proper permissions on a folder in your website is done like so.

using "my computer" browse to the folder in your web that you need to set permissions on.

Right click on that folder and then choose the "security" tab.

Give the "Internet Guest Account" Modify Permissions
This will check all the boxes under modify as well.

You can also give permissions to the everyone account and accomplish the same thing.

Other things to note:

If you are using ASP.NET you need to give permissions to an account called ASPNET. It wont show up in the user list. You'll need to click "add" and then type in "ASPNET"

In some cases you may want to go into the advanced tab and check both checkboxes shown in order to make sure the permissions you need get set. It really all depends on the situation.


Looks great. I can't wait until this will be released. Will there also be an easy way to migrate my current version ?



Where is the system getting the random user name and password, and why does it keep selecting the same user name and password every time?


, Got it.  Thanks Chris!


Is there an easy way to make this work with reoccurring a monthly or yearly subscription?

, i was only kidding!! , Chris,

Well some good news! This from my hosting company this morning...

I'd say that the vendor is right so I've submitted a work order to
create the *****.com/aspnetprotect directory as an application.
If there are any other directories for which this needs to be done,
please let us know. This particular task always needs to be performed
by our staff.

If you need to follow up on this job with one of our on-line or phone
technicians, you can reference ticket id 11860.

With regards

Thanks for your help thus far

cwilliams38455.5654513889, We have upgraded to IIS 6, but as I recall  aspbanner continued to work fine for at least 3 months after the upgrade.  I would like to reinstall, but I cannot find the zip file.

Cookies are turned on in my browers, I've tried both Internet Explorer and FireFox, niether stay logged-in.

Jason S.

It's real easy actually if ya sniff around the source code.
ASP is so easy to (work with/edit) even if you dont know any code.

edit   "save.asp" with a text editor


If Request("First_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a First Name.\n\n")
End If


If Request("Company_Name") = "" Then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a Company Name.\n\n")
End If

From looking at that save code I dont see where Last_Name was required. The only name I saw required was a 1st name.

Also.. making the First_Name not required may break something somwhere else. I dont think it will but it might. You are warned.


Hey, I run a business and I will not have things like that mentioned in these forums.



Yesterday when I would access the get_me_in page with the password key, I was then taken to the default login page.  It did not give me the option to create a user. 

Today, when I entered the password key into the get_me_in page, I was taken right to the create user page.  So, yes the problem has been resolved.  I have no idea why though.



Thanks for the quick reply!

I was thinking it was an ASP config/install issue.

I usually deal with Linux/PHP, so this is all new to me :)


Can you incorporate a secure log in within the scripting.  I would like the account information to be secure without having to have the whole site using running through a secure (https://) path.  If this is possible, the scripting is perfect!


No problem. I get it now.

I added a Session Variable for "Counter". Then wrote an If statement around that. When the user logs on for the first time they see a window pop, after that the normal start page.




, question 2 is answered best here

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=319&KW =paypal

Ok, got it.  Didn't know if there was something already set up for this that I was missing.

>>I should also mention that the paypals scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox.

Ok.  Thanks.

>>Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts) then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.

Yeah, been messing around with that.  Got everything going except the return page which I can't do until the site is live. 

>>Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on for aspprotect.

Ok.  Will email you with a username and password for access to the site once it's live. 

Sounds like a great add-on for ASPProtect!




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cwilliams38291.6121296296, SQL server hotel ehh ? Humm that sounds bad whatever that is ?

Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?  I have never heard of that name ?,

False alarm. Dumb user alert (both the classifieds customer and me).

When I test fixes, I need to be looking at the right Ad_ID to get correct results

, actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.

what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?

Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format for the new version.,

Disallowed Parent Path

The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory. 

When you get an error like this it is because parent paths are disabled on the web server. This is a setting in the IIS console for your website.

If it is not enabled on you server you will have to ask your host to enable parent paths for your website.

This is what the settings screen looks like on an XP Machine

Additional Information:

It is enabled by default on IIS4-IIS5 but in IIS6 it is disabled by default.
It is a minor security risk to have enabled and some hosts can be difficult about setting it.

Truth is, if your hosting ASP for customers you need to enable this setting if the customer requests it. Especially since 90% of the ASP applications out there require the setting.

Hosting companies should if they are serious about hosting ASP.

If they won't your only option is to go through all the code and convert the file includes to virtual includes.


The trouble with virtual includes is they are different depending on the layout of your website. (that's why web application developers generally don't use them)

Basically if you are in a sub domain the path for the virtual include is going to be different then if you were in the root.. etc etc

Also.. someone developing on a local machine would need totally different virtual includes on the development server than they would on the live server. Server Side includes are processed before ASP so there is no way to make them SMART, so to speak. Server Side includes are hardcoded and that's that.

In my opinion virtual includes are pretty useless for commercial web based applications...  Since you don't know where the customers plan to install the apps.
And YES there are some tricks when designing the applications that make it less of an issue but they are not perfect solutions.

For example...

The virtual include below would work if the application or code was installed in the root
<!--#include virtual = /somefile.asp"-->

But if the application or code was installed in a directory called "somedirectory" the virtual include directive would need to look like this

<!--#include virtual = "/somedirectory/somefile.asp"-->


Hello Chris:

Yes I'm using the Option Pack.



I did the initial steps of downloading the sql scripts and running it in Query Analyser, tables created fine.

I can login for the first time. I exit from the browser and then I cannot login again. This happens for every user and admin.
I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0 when login and remained in those values after close the browser.

So iam just struck not able to log in. Pls advice.



The application automatically generates all the code for you for each method of calling banners. It does this on the zones screen.

If you are using flash it also possible that the actualy flash file is what is causing things to slow up.

It really all depends... it could also be server resource related

using sql server or access.. ? etc etc

all important details


its part of how the skins load.. regardless you got bigger problems here..

I am beginning to wonder if you unzipped the download correctly because I see things in folders they should not be in...

you should have ended up with a bunch of folders and files...

It you just ended up with a ton of files in one directory you did not unzip the zip file correctly... if so check your zip program settings.. I mean that error is because it is looking for a file in the skins folder that isn't there and it should be there

better yet, unzip the downloaded zip file using windows xp built in unzipping features which will do it correctly...


I really need more information.

Connection strings being used ?
How have permissions for the database folder been set ?

etc etc  the more specific the better

You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.

I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.

And of course my detailed article on the error.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=27& PN=1



in the version you have changing it is not something we covered

I believe you will find it the "config_inc.asp" file in the root though... be careful with naming it though because if you use any spaces or weird characters it might cause issues with various functions in the application like emailing.. I recommend just using letter, numbers, and maybe dashes



Hi -

We are trying to set up ASPProtect 7 so that the user is redirected to a specific web page based on their group membership.

For example, immediately upon successful login:

Group 1 members are directed to page A
Group 2 members are directed to page B
Group 3 members are directed to page C

Users will only ever belong to one group.

We tried to use the Redirect_URL feature but it causes the browser to loop.

Could you let us know exactly how to do this.  We are not ASP programmers and need to work from an example.


, Do what it says so you can see the real error and then post that information here. It could be anything from incorrect permissions to whatever.cwilliams38454.4272916667,

Is there a simple way to upgrade from 7.x Lite to 7.x Full?  I was testing out the software and I just purchased it.  I have made some look and feel changes to the lite version (ie: login page), but no look and feel changes to the admin section.  Is there certian files that I can add to have the full version without shorting myself features or functionalbity? 



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A question.  Does this apply to all areas of the application.  I have recently uploaded 50 photes.  But when I look at the site from the url, I have X where the picture should be.  Now, if I look at it though the localhost, I see the pictures perfectly.



I am attempting to have the page dedirect from the group, as some of my users are part of different and multiple groups (they are not structured in access levels, b/c they cannot be part of multiple levels(?)).  So I think I need to redirect by group.  I am having trouble having this work correctly.



Triple check the upgrade instructions because I think you missed something important.

line 227 on "/password_admin/save.asp" refers to the "Password" field

the error your getting most likely means it is not there..

Pay close attention to the areas in the upgrade instructions regarding renaming your existing "Password" field to "Old_Password"

Then making a new "Password" field and carefully following the instructions needed to convert your old passwords for use with the new system.

If you don't everything carefully and perfectly this is the sort of error you will get.


Thanks!  Will try both.


Appreciate the support.


The main users screen... the 1st screen you see when you go to the admin area..  where you email an individual user..

The settings I am referring to being the various emailing settings on the settings screen, The settings you showed me.

As for emailing via a remote server over dsl. It may not be working because the ISP's block the port (25) to stop people from running email servers over their dsl.

Your POP3 works because POP3 uses port 110.

If you want to send emails from your local server on your dsl you should probably install the SMTP service of IIS if you have not and send emails using that with CDOSYS. Either that or get a commerical DSL account with a static IP that allows for running email servers.

, Along with being able to set an expiry date or number of impressions, is it possible to add another option for a banner to be "non-expiring"?

With our current ad software (which we are transferring all data from to ASPBanner), we run banners for both paid advertisers, and for our own services. The banners relating to our own services, we would like to set to "non-expiring" so they appear all the time. , CDOSYS is the way to go usually...
My article may shed some light on the different ways to send email using CDOSYS

As for eliminating the registration its pretty much like what you said.. manually remove the links and what not... etc etc and dont send users to the registration pages..

If you dont want people to be able to edit their info ever... or retrieve lost passwords.. you can delete the users folder completely..

though it's probably better to leave some of that stuff and just disable the registration links and page...

The paypal and 2checkout folders can be wiped out completley either way as you won't be using them at all.  ,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:34:14 PM

Talked to Steve about the autoresponders. He's got them all working now., Showed Lisa the Christensen site that I updated and showed Amy the changes to the NNYMLS site. , Emails and sorted Carols mail on my desk, Nortel Conference Call, Health Insurance Meeting, answered tech related calls. checked and called on rad log, voice mail, online issues, and ask us a question emails., printed and reviewed invoices, cancels for nonpayment, reviewed customer paperwork, Meeting with Paul, Darrell and Howard, timecards, PC Bundle meeting, OK so it was really breakfast!, worked on web page project for Beth for forum at JCC, Meetings with Errol and Jim G. in Watertown, general tech support callbacks onlines and rad logs as well looked at the dial up issues, ie. i didn't realize i was supposed to be here 9-5, CPR on Packard Bell. , Illuminet conference call, filing , short break, Fresihlick group- web site meeting monday at9:30am her in lcyton office- Grays flower shop- call scott on thursday Warrior records- info for register domain name register 30 names with infopage.cw.net Jay Striger- talk with Chris Doug Sheley- school-talk with chirs Horizon marine- info for hosting web site and ftp access and registering domain name Concepts-chenanel partner- Talk with Genie- info for channel partnership and new business-travel agent in ithaca, nashs-chanegs estimate for deisgn and changes, Relocating to new desk again. Setting up phone, internet and such. Also checked e-mails, Voice-mail and followed up on some thing I missed prior day., On phone w/Marcia Gosier at LaFargeville. She didn't like her assigned school id# so changed it. Had to traverse database and change all occurences of her id# to new id#., worked on cancelling customers form/database for Heike, updated Top 5 list, s/w pb and bn about crowley and st law realtors-to discuss with jim on wednesday. called bblauers from hornell. put in touch with computer dealer. to call tuesday. discuess bundles for realtors and branching into areas where mls is., enter bills, install Adobe Type Manager - setup, installed 600 fonts... trouble shooting CD-RW with SONY and Apple...no luck...have to wait for new drivers..., Tara, Steve Woodfin, Email/Voice Mail/Newsgroups, St. Lawrence County Chamber - Publishing to server. Going over whats done w/Kelly. Continue to complete listings administrative area.,

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