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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:35:41 PM

Permissions and Folder Locations

By default and to keep things clean we store everything in folder called "data"

That folder then has it in 4 sub folders

database (where the .mdb and temporary .ldb files are handled)
export (where the aspprotect export files are saved)
logfiles (where the aspprotect logfiles are saved)
user_pics (where the user pictures are saved)

Doing it this way makes it very easy for a system administrator to right click on one folder and set permissions for that folder and all of it's child folders.

Now, that being said.. you do not have to use these folders.

For example if you already have a folder in your web with modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account then you can use that one folder to store all of the 4 things above.

You'd simply edit your data connection string to point to that folder and then edit the other paths in the settings area of ASPProtect.

We did it that way so you would have options in case your hosting company was being difficult with your ASP hosting needs.


that's they way it should be done..

the only other thing would have been to test everything with sql before trying to import any data.. and make sure all was fine at that stage

more info on the errors would be helpful.

Id' also carefully visually compare the SQL tables and fields with the SQL scripts and make sure all field types and settings got set correctly.

Also, make sure the user accessign the database has datareader and datawriter permissions of course.


Also.. if you want to customize each person's experience individually it really does not make sense to use groups or access levels for that purpose alone.

I mean, why bother making a group or access level for every user and worrying about keeping track of it all when you can just access the available session info about the user to create dynamic pages specific to that user.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=198& ; ; ; ;PN=1

That is why that information is there.

You can of course use some combination of the two technologies as well should you have groups of users that you want to have a slightly different experience.


No worries


is there any way I can get rid of those information shown on User activity screen, so I can at least know who logged in current day?

thank you in advance


Wondering what might be causing a long delay to display the login screen?  This does seem to be intermittent.  Could be server/ISP related? Have experienced enough times to justify posting this question.

I can count up to 20 seconds after clicking on the link.  After login all other selections zip right along without problem.


Thanks, Lance

lancem38319.6117939815, No, Unfortunately.
I have seen your messages.
I have not edited the code at all.
Tomorrow I will install the sql database again from your script as I did before and I will try again. I will send all the details.
Thank you again.

I had not rebooted after installing the Jet driver updates, so I tried that and the asptest page worked fine, and said that all the tests were successful and that the data connection was setup correctly. I then installed aspprotect again, but with the same results. I cannot log-in from the get_me_in.asp page. It still says that it is opening the page, but does not respons for an indefinite period. The asptest page is in the same directory.

I have looked for alternate databases for this product on your site, but I cannot seem to find them.


Looks great. I can't wait until this will be released. Will there also be an easy way to migrate my current version ?



ASPProtect v7 comes with working example code of protecting a file download.

This comes with the system as an example folder with some files in it.

(some of the initial purchaser's of the system might not have that directory.. if that is the case please ask)

Here is how it works...

Basically we protect the file download by only allowing a logged in user to download it. The special ".asp" page we use the stream the file is password protected. It also hides the true location of the file so you can keep your files out of your web or keep them in a folder in your web that does not allow file browsing. Under this scenario even if someone looks at the html source they can not tell where the file really came from and they can only download if they are logged in and you offered them the link to the file.

For the file download protection examples to work you may need to edit some values
in the stream_download.asp file that are valid for your setup.

Look at the source. The values you can edit are commented.

Now, you also need to call a valid "download file name" from the download_link.asp file which is an example of how make a download link to the streamed download.

Lastly, we provide a working example. Now, you obviously may need to customize it to fit your needs. Please realize you are going to have to make special download links in your .asp pages and not only should you only show those links to people with appropriate access to download the files, but you should also protect the streaming download page accordingly as well as far as level, groups, and particular users. What I am saying is which files a particular user is allowed to download is not automatically handled by ASPProtect in any way. We give you all the tools to provide protected downloads to logged in users, but if you have complex needs you’re probably going to need to come up with a system that works for you. It's not really difficult because we did all the complicated stuff, but its something you have to sort out.

Perhaps someday in the future ASPProtect will have an interface to upload files and associate them with certain users. But at the moment it does not.

, I just got home from a lonnng trip.. I will try to answer this 1st thing in the morning.

CJW, when did you puchase/download the application? you may have old code.,

This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.




It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.

If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com/ which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.

Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.




- I am using the original files that came with the software.
- The software ads items to the database flawlessly.
- ASPImage works great.

- When I try to remove an ad or an image it says it's been removed.
- The ad does not show up on the site anymore.
- BUT, when looking at the sql database the ad is still listed there.

Why is the software not deleting the columns from the database and the images from folder?

Note: My other tables for other projects, in the database, allow me to delete them.


Yes, you are right.

We have now tested it using the DSN less connection with Access 2002 and it works fine. We have also tested it again with a DSN using 2002 and this also seems to work.

The comment about speed is a consideration although I have not noticed any differences. ( we only have a few database entries at this time).

Thanks for your help


Hi,  Its just a generic error that really doesn't mean much of anything except that something wrong with your data connection.


could be invalid permissions on the database folder... could be any number of things

when setting up your connection I suggest going dsn-less.

It is better/faster and also a lot easier to set up.


that is because passwords in the import/export files are encrypted.. if you make one of your own you need to use the rc4 function in the "config_inc.asp" to encrpyt your passwords just like the aspprotect system does (requires knowledge of vbscript and integration into your export system)

now, there is a way around this

if you want to import a file you made with clear text passwords edit "import.asp" beforehand and change

 If UserArray2(5) <> "" Then CmdAddUsers.Fields("Password") = UserArray2(5)


 If UserArray2(5) <> "" Then CmdAddUsers.Fields("Password") = RC4(UserArray2(5), PasswordEncryptionKey)

that way it should convert your clear text passwords to encrypted while it does the import

this post also addresses this but in the reverse scenario
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=261&PN =1&TPN=1

I hope this helps you because I really do have to leave the office like right now. Very late for a dinner meeting.

I should be back on the computer later tonight or tommoro morning


ok.. There are various spots that call the end_date variable.  That is why I am asking.  Then incorporating it into the forms that have been developed, made me wonder.



All this being said installing the desktop version of SQL may be a little tricky as it may complain that your SA account needs a strict password.

The solution is to run the SQL Desktop setup.exe with some parameters specifying a password for the SA account.

So you go to the command prompt or make a shortcut to the setup file and run something like this

setup.exe SAPWD="YourPassword"

minus the quotes...

I got that info from this article and it worked fine

The other thing to remember is it might take a reboot to actually see the SQL server icon running in the taskbar. You may also need to go into the administrative services and enable the "SQLSERVERAGENT" as well as set its startup type to "automatic"

And a reboot here and there..

Whammo... your in business...

, Hey, I thought I'd share this tip with the ASPProtect community...

If you'd like to remove, modify, or add fields to the "Users" view in the password_admin default.asp page, it's really easy to do. Well, at least it was for me. I'm using an MS Access database, by the way.

For me, I don't need "Company" info, but I do need last access and # of times accessed displayed. Therefore, I had to change the default page in three areas:

In /password_admin/default.asp, go to about line 185 or so, where you see stuff like:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size ="2"><b>First&nbsp;Name& lt;/b>&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

OK, those are the column headings. Each one corresponds to a column from your USERS table in your database. There are two more areas to consider, both of which appear immediately after this section.

The next section has statements that look like this:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+ASC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_ascending.gif" Alt="Sort Ascending"></a><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+DESC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_descending.gif" Alt="Sort Descending"></a></td>[/code]

See the "First_Name" items? The first is for an ascending sort, the second for a descending. This particular line corresponds to the code snippet immediately above it. But all this does is handle the sorting. For the actual data, look lower for this stuff:

[code]    <td bgcolor="<% = Cellbgcolor %>"><font face="Arial" size="1">&nbsp;<%= CmdListUsers("First_Name") %& gt;&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

It's a good ways down, so don't be impatient if you don't see it in 10 lines from the end of the last mentioned section. This stuff handles the display of the data from the database (where else ya gonna get data, anyway?)...

Now, to remove a field, you need to find the three sets that go with that data. The ascending/descending sort is potentially the trickiest, because it's the longest set of data and can take a number of lines. Just clear it from the start td to the end /td and you'll be fine.

To *add* a field, copy and paste the code from an existing field and modify it. In the first one, the column title, you can type whatever you want to describe your info. Nobody but you and your admins will see it. For the next two sections, though, you need to get the correct column heading from the USERS table and use that to correct the lines in the copied code you pasted in.

For example, when I added a column to show the number of times a user logged in, I copied the above snippets and pasted them in where I felt the column I needed should be. Then, in the first one, I changed "First Name" to "Logins". In the ascending/descending snippet, I changed First_Name to Counter. Same for the last snippet.

The result? A new column, showing the number of logins my users were successful with.

Of course, before you experiment, back up your existing default.asp file, JUST IN CASE.

Have fun!




...I have earned a beer (dont tell anyone im underage)


Version 8.1 can work with MySQL
It is just not supported at all.

The standard version can not work with MySQL.
There were a lot of changes to make the new version work with it and I really only did ift because I have a couple friends with busy sites that could only use MySQL.

It sounds like your site is way too busy for using an access database as you mentioned.


I can no longer send e-mails to my configured accounts through aspbanner. It was working for over a year and now it stopped.

At one point I was using CDONTS_Installed but since I moved to a new Windows 2003 server I was told by my ISP that either one of these will work

but neither one works. Can some one assist?




I really do not know.. maybe it is a conflict with something else..

I run many instances of aspbanner on my servers and I have every item to log enabled for my iis log files... my stats server software which reads those log files (livestats and smarterstats) have never reported any 404 errors related to (aspbanner/those images)...

I do not know what is happening in your situation..



Sorry, should have added,  if i change the connection string, i can also get this...

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


I run F-secure on my laptop which has the anti-virus and firewall modules, and the servers aren't running anything like that.


If you want to have a login form on a non protected page that posts
to a protected ".asp" page use code like this.

Change the action of the form to the page you want them to log into.
Make sure to page you send them to is protected by the "check_user_inc.asp" file.

  <table border="0" width="400" height="200" bgcolor="#000000">
      <td bgcolor="#F4F4F4">
        <form method="POST" action="memberarea.asp">
          <input type="hidden" name="Status" value="Checkem">
          <p align="center"><font face="Arial">ASPProtect Login</font></p>
          <div align="center">
             <table border="0" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Username</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="text" name="Username" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Password</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="Password" name="Password" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB" colspan="2"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="-1"><input type="checkbox" name="KEEPMESIGNEDIN" value="True">Keep
                   me signed in on this computer unless I log off.</font></td>
          <div align="center">
             <p>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Login"></p>


Some users have reported an error during the registration process.
Here is what I believe is happening.

When you register you get sent a validation email that has a link in it that looks something like this.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum//activate.asp?ID=testAD3AD2 97BC

That link can only be clicked on once which will activate your account.

If you somehow run that link more than once you will get a message telling you there was an error.

I think some people are double clicking on the link they get sent and running it more than once.... or clicking on it again after registration is complete. It probably happens very fast so they never see the success screen.

Either way, if you can login to the forum nothing is wrong and you are already activated.



Thank you for the feedback.

I would like to point out the requirements of the application however as this is something I am aware of and do address.


These requirments are directly linked to from the ASPProtect v7 web page, so its not like I dont try to tell people the deal regarding SQL server.

Basically I only have the resources to provide scipts and instructions for using SQL Enterprise Manager and that is all I officially support. I also personally think anyone using a SQL Server should be using SQL Enterprise Manager because later on down the road there are things you may want to do such as backups/etc etc

Take Care,

Chris Williams



Can you set an expiration date on a subscription?



, I have no idea.. perhaps PM me info on how to log into your site and reproduce the issue., Your suggestion worked - thanks - ,

glad it is working now

sorry ya had trouble.

cwilliams38418.6886342593, [QUOTE=cwilliams]

Every application we sell that has a password on the database uses "temp"

Also, the password is in the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file.

After all, the ASP code needs to know the password just like anyone that wants to open the database would.


That i have, my question revolves around the all the users and passwords that I in that database. I need to be able to export that list to word for a mail merge list, but when I do the passwords show up encrypted. I need to be able to get an unencypted list.


, I have been told it does as I got about 5 people or so who upgraded but I have not used SQL 2005 yet. I'll order a copy.,

ahh, I see..

that is not really something you should change.. it is pretty much always going to say read for any folder

It's hard to say, but adjusting settings like that could inadvertently change folder permissions in a way that could cause problems and be hard to correct. I really don't know that for sure but it is very easy to totally mess up permissions when trying different things. In the past I had to reinstall iis just to get things back to normal. I eventually over time learned what to do and what not to do and have never had a problem since. I am not saying you are one of those people but a lot of people have problems because they play around with things they shouldn't or they go nuts trying to give every account permission starting from root folders... overwriting important default permissions instead of just making changes to a few specific folders.. not understanding the importance of what they are doing..... etc etc

Sometimes you practically have to be a NT expert just to fully understand permissions. I know a lot and I can handle my own server but it's hard to explain the low level basic of NT permissions to others as there is a lot to it under the scenes. A lot of hard core NT/2000 users do all the permissions from the command prompt because there is a lot more control at that level.

Like I said earlier, what you showed me looks right but this isn't a complex issue and the error means what it means. Something isn't right with the permissions.

I would start from scratch if I were you. Perhaps consider doing an install in a new web instead of in your root like you showed me. Or try installing it on another machine for troubeshooting sake.

I am sorry I can't think of some amazing answer on this one, but I think this is just one of those weird situations that requires starting from scratch or trying it on another machine.

, the email address thing could be done many ways... personally I would remove the username field from the registration form.. and modify things so the email field got used for username and for email when everything gets saved on the page that register.asp posts to. ... it would all require some messing around with the code and time... nothing too hard really

as for the password thing it all happens in the register.asp file.. the same page the registration screen is on in the web browser.. again a little bit of fooling around and time but not difficult ,


Thanks for the quick response to my previous posts.

This is my issue:

I have read over all the docs and installation instructions and can't find a way to do this:

my default page in my root dir will be a log in page which will take the user once his level is validated to a "home page". Is there a page in your examples that will perform the function of this log in page? or should I rename check_user_inc.asp as the default and change it's html output to make it look like my log in page?

I also looked within the code for check_user_inc.asp and did not see where to specify where the user will go once he signs in.

Your help is appreciated

, on that particular page check the session variables manually (not using the include)

that way you are keeping the login access checking to an absolute minimum, elminating any form processing from the login procedure, and keeping the upload script happy

like so

If Not InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
    ' do whatever
End If

you could response.write something followed by a response.end

or you might even want to response.redirect them to some other page that using the "check_user_inc.asp" where they can log in

And if you are going to be using a free asp upload script use this one as it is probably the best pure code upload solution available as far as performance goes.


Is there a simple way to upgrade from 7.x Lite to 7.x Full?  I was testing out the software and I just purchased it.  I have made some look and feel changes to the lite version (ie: login page), but no look and feel changes to the admin section.  Is there certian files that I can add to have the full version without shorting myself features or functionalbity? 



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:35:41 PM

Improved, tested, and completed new membership listings for Watertown Chamber Site. Completed making listings and admin into a component that can be inserted into other sites (for immediate use in Baldwinsville and Alexbay Chambers)., check network status, Roer Mogan, Canton NY Meeting, email, voicemail, gen admin, call backs, lunch, called tim tuttle in regard to corporate plan. put together materials for kv to drop off to donna sawyer. returned call to computers plus., daily reports, Finished Gisco quarterly reports, training Raleigh Nortel CVX, Whites lumber- change contact us Meegan wize- left message for web site info Popcorn-n-more- left message for larry Proposal for patrick evans for - fax and sent email- spoke to him about proposals Make payment for domian names for gisco.net, surgicalfgroup,public square.com Register attyevans for patrcik evans.com Creat work order for chris bryns, edgwoofresort, north country orthopeadic , Working on getting information on Doctor circuit in Rome., Marketing, Worked with KV on adjusting mailing tubes to fit in display case for shipping. Reviewed print outs for display to figure out what we still need.Started moving desk., check e-mail, return to Clayton 140 miles, vac, Repair lightworks and nemac domains, assorted NOC duty - receiving, web site creatino, email creation, database design for Howard's project, Lunch, same as a.m. plus start work on end of week reports, meet with Rob K. abt his situation and discuss same with Tim B., worked on ASP auction site (training, no work order, not billable), meet with rex, nic, also return calls, requirements for drew, track down some problems with exchange, Setting up and changing the passwords of the routers for wireless and trying to re-arrange items. , ISAPI, Payroll to Watertown, work on tch cards and getting the 779-2360 straighned out, Compleated and tested new site,...ready for client testing, Assembled matetials for meeting and channel partners, working in the NOC room, doing some research on ncftpd and how to lock it down.......which works REALLY well, Busy. All of the techs were taking calls straight during this time. ,

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