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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:22:25 PM

you would have to edit the application in visual studio.net.. change some things around  and recompile the application... in the process figuring out how you want to handle all of that (probably combining the username and email fields just on the registration form then saving both values to the database)

very doable.. just not anything documented or supported as it is custimization

I do have a very  nice article on the forums on how to set up a project in visual studio.net with the application..  it is in the forums,

yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.

You wont get any errors..

I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances

Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..

Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.

Personally this is how I install it and it works every time.
I like to put their dll in the system32 folder.
Register it.
Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet.
Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions
Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions


Hi there...

I'm using the gallery script with ASPImage for uploading and resizing. I bought this script and the componant for the the auto-thumbnailing feature, and it is indeed uploading and resizing and creating a thumbnail.

But the thumbnail is *tiny* at 64px wide. I need to change the width, but I can't find anything in ASP Gallery or ASPImage to indicate where that width is set. Can anyone help?


The random password is generated during signup and the function that creates it is located on this page of code.


it looks like this

Function RndStr(Length, UseChrs)
 If IsNull(UseChrs) OR (UseChrs = "") Then UseChrs = "
 NewStr = ""
 For gpIndex = 1 To Length
  NewStr = NewStr & Mid(UseChrs, Int((Len(UseChrs)) * Rnd + 1), 1)
 RndStr = NewStr
End Function

For example go to this page and hit refresh and watch the password change.


Yes, sometimes if you hit refresh quickly over and over you'll get the same password, but not generally. Also that is not something that would happen normally as a user isnt going to sit at that screen and hit refresh over and over.

Anyway... when signing up the new user of course has the option to change that password to something they would like better...

As far as... "selecting the same user name and password every time"

I need more information. That does not make sense for a lot of reasons.

Most importantly because usernames are not generated. The are inputed by the user during signup. They are then checked to ensure they do not already exist before the user is allowed to complete their signup.

So under normal circumstances there can never be duplicate usernames in the system or even users with duplicate emails as that is checked as well.

Now of course if you edited the code in any way it is possible all this is not working correctly ?

cwilliams38164.8059143519, After you click the link in the confirmation e-mail you are directed to the Thank you page.  Right above is a sign in link.  When I click this I get that funky error message.

I am trying to integrate  the scripts with the look of my site,  if that is what you mean by changing things around too much.  But, I don't think I have done anything out of the ordinary.


Testing for XML Parser Support

the microsoft xml parser is generally installed by default on all new server setups..

It allows ASP code to make calls to other pages anywhere on the new as well as a lot of other handy things..

download and run this ".asp" page to verfiy that it is installed and be sure it is available for you to use


Make sure you run it from your web server through the web browser


If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.



It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..

"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"

I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st.  It was me and I said it on my old powerasp.com site before anyone else ever did.

I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.

I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.


trust me, they (serverobjects) do not check processors.. as a matter of fact they haven't answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell those components like hotcakes and take in mad crazy cash. But I will say the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy probably took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)

ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own.
It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.

There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.

If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.

To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.

, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing., Ok...thanks.,

That did the trick. Once again a quick very helpfull reply.


, Your assumption was incorrect.... the login count has nothing to do with that. The login count only has one purpose and that is to limit the amount of times a user can log in if you want to do that.

Logging in for the 1st time means the time at which they 1st login and their session at the site is created... If there session ends and they come back and login they will get redirected because it will be the 1st time again.

Forms Based Authentication is all about sessions and session variables.

If you only want them redirected somewhere based on the login count that is something you have to work out and check on your own. It's very doable.

Seems like now I should have explained that better but I never thought anyone would think it meant what you thought.,

Different Versions of the Access Database

Below is a zip file with many alternate versions of the Access Database provided to help with installation and general usage.


ASPProtect.mdb is saved as an Access97 database (password "temp")
ASPProtect_access2000.mdb is saved as and Access 2000 database (password "temp")
ASPProtect_access2000.mdb is saved as and Access 2002-2003 database (password "temp")
ASPProtect_access2002_no_password.mdb is saved as and Access 2002-2003 database with no password set on it

Try to use the newest version as server odbc drivers sometimes have to use the newest version for everything to work correctly. No password version is provided because sometimes there are issues connecting to a database with a password set on it.

Default username for access databases is of course "admin" but you really dont use that except in the data connection information.


More info on the groups session variable.

Session("Groups") will contain the ID numbers of whatever groups the user is a part of.
It does not store the descriptive name of that group. It will show the same data that is actually stored in the "Groups" field in the database.

for example it might hold a value like this


meaning a user is part of groups 2, 5, and 9

so if you wanted to check to see if a user was part of a particular group you would do something like this

If InStr(Session("Groups"),"*9*") Then
     Response.Write("You are a member of group 9")
End If

Taking this even further, if you really wanted to get a particular group's name or description you would have to query the database like so. In this case we ask it the name and description for group 9.

 Set ConnPasswords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 ConnPasswords.Open ConnectionString
 Set cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
 Set CmdEditGroup = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT " & tbl_label_groups & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_groups & " WHERE (Group_ID = " & Group_ID & ")"
 cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
 Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = ConnPasswords
 CmdEditGroup.Open cmdTemp, , 0, 1
 Group_Name = CmdEditGroup("Group_Name")
 Group_Desc = CmdEditGroup("Group_Desc")

, Thanks Chris, It is most likely because they have something running like Norton Ad Blocker.

Or something of that nature that blocks anything with certain words in it like "ad"

They are running something that is doing it.cwilliams38450.0079282407,

I am trying to import a file, and I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'

Expected 'Then'

/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6

If Session("Admin") <> "True"
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Thank you.


I am successfully using ASP protect on our site. I have one question:

The file Check_user_inc.asp looks a bit bland as I can't seem to use the sites Dreamweaver template. If I apply a template to this page, it is duplicated on other pages with this template.

How can I apply a template to this page?






not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...

how many users are we talking about anyway ?

and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?

ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on

removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications

, I just started using ASPJpeg, and i used the "generate_new_thumbnails.asp" to create new thumbs of all of the existing albums.  It generates the thumbs just fine, but they don't get picked up by the "Randomly Selected Photo" section.  If I upload new pics, they will show up in the random photo area.

So, it reads the new upload thumbs, but not the newly generated ones using your .asp page. 

Is there anything I can do?    , Just copy the files over. have permissions set on any folders that need it, and edit the data connection so it's valid for the new server. Once you get logged to the admin area go update all the settings so any urls are valid.

really its no different than a new installation so just follow those directions but use your existing files.

There is no domain pointing involved...

As logn as the old stuff is not accesible on the live internet you don't need another license.

As for my installation fee of 25. That is only for new installations. I charge more for something like that as there may be compications such as custom changes to the code that I would have to deal with. Customers often custimize the login and users area.. etc etc .. and there may be hardcoded urls and what not to worry about changing.

LASTLY, I noticed all your other posts are in the ASPProtect 7 area so the installaton process for that is a bit different than for Version 6 so what I said above is not quite the same process. Please make sure you post in the correct area when asking questions. , as an update... it is now possible to use Website Payments Pro  with classic ASP..

However, you basically need to own/run your own server because of certificate signing and special things that must be installed on it. The certificates you have to generate requires your paypal username and password so it's definetly not something hosts are going to do for people.

So... this still isn't plausible at this time...,

it is by design actually and something that can be improved
(I just never thought of it when I 1st designed the system and it is actually planned to be added in Version 8)

The trick would be to reset those session variables anytime someone edits and saves their information... not very hard at all

you would do it on the save code page for when a user edits themself.
you want to grab the info posted from the form and  reset each session variable at the same time everything is re-saved to the database


Session("Company_Name") = Request("Company_Name")




Flash files cannot track clicks unless you edit the original flash file to link to the aspbanner system redirect URL.. feeding it the correct ID of the banner.

When that link is clicked on it will then track the click and redirect the user to the “link url” specified for that banner. 

The system actually generates the necessary ASPBanner URL for you. That link is shown on the banner edit screen.(you must save the banner at least once and come back to that screen to see the link though) 

Really the best way to show it is with an example as seen below.

Basically the flash banner file "powerasp.swf" highlighted in green needs to be edited to link to the banner redirect url which is highlighted in red.... the banner redirect url will then track the click and ultimately send the user to the Link_URL highligthed in blue.

All banners systems work this way when it comes to flash files.
It’s the nature of flash and the web browser, 

The flash source code must be edited to link to the redirect url in the ASPBanner system. There is no possible way any banner system can track a flash click unless the flash file links to the banner system 1st.... because that click is handled by Flash and the web browser. 

In some cases if you do have the original source file for the flash banner then you are out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes.

On a side note... if you create flash banners the way this article says you can actually feed a .swf flash file a link for it to click to. Instead of it being hardcoded.

http://www.macromedia.com/resources/richmedia/tracking/desig ners_guide/index.html

This is really the way everyone should design their flash banners from now on because the url it links to can be easily changed at any time without editing the flash file source code. 


ok... lets forget about all this redirecting business for a minute

when I go to "GP01.asp" directly via your web site I get a big nasty error that says this

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'

Name redefined

/protect/config_inc.asp, line 15

Dim  Address_Required,CDONTS_Installed,City_Required,Registration _Type,VerifyURL,Log_Off_Page

then when I look at what you did in that file I see why

you have this code which is totally wrong because you cannot include the password protection file twice
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

it should be

<% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
and that is probably the root of this entire problem.. the redirection was working...
but you were sending them to invalid pages with errors

all those pages are wrong...
if you dont see the real error above see this

if you look over the aspprotect 7 installation instructions that is the very 1st thing I tell people to do

hopefully this is the info you need to continue and get some work done
, I have no idea to be honest, I just like the way it looks 

Good deal on the remote install, just dont pull the old "hangman" move shutdown the machine on yourself around 4AM. Otherwise you be getting in the car and going for a drive LOL

, yea    that info gets updated once an hour,

This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.


, Any updates on this ?,

the sql databse is the same.. the sql script is the same for any version

as the site says they are essentially the same app with very minor changes... if you are trying to share the same sql database with both it's not gonna happen because the table names are the same

that app runs nealry as well with msaccess as it does with sql so I wouldnt get too excited about running it withe sql. You will not see any benefits unless you have a ton of simultaneus (sp) users.

cwilliams38312.1125115741, Unfortunatley, I dont have an easy answer for you. It is certainly doable but adjusting the code so people assigned to certain groups get specific expiration dates means a lot of code work and time. It would probably even take me a long time to figure out.

The fact that users can belong to more than one group also greatly complicats the whole idea.

You can certainly assign an expiration level when someone signs up. That is easy and explained in the forums. ,


It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.

If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com/ which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.

Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.




I am testing this now and there is something wrong.

PayPal is hitting the ipn.asp but the database is not being updated.

I will figure it out shortly though and post the anwer here.

, That is by design and how it is designed to function.

There is no easy way to do what you are asking about.

Can it be done ?, sure!!

But it is a lot of custom coding to sort it all out and not something we support.

If I were you I would simply edit the login box screen to show some hyperlinks and options should a person need to use them. , Thank you...I thought I was doing something wrong - and thanks for the tip on the virtual path.,

ok, then I need more information.

Was the code changed ? Thats the big one. If it worked and now it doesn't something must have changed. Things just don't stop working on their own. I would try putting the original files back in there for everything but the config and dataconn files just to make sure and see and if it works with the original files. (back up your old ones 1st so you can copy them back of course)

Also, perhaps PM me the site info so I can go look as well.


No I didn't...

The one I tried is the hosted one at my provider which I gave you the link for.

Thanks very much.  I will get that one and it may be much easier if I need to get into the Nitty Gritty of the database at some time.


, Guess who!

I have a user/client who can't access stats. Even when I give them a new username, I get the message that their username has expired.  In the notes of the account it says "Level 1 access"  and I can't figure out what that is and where it is edited or set or even what it means.  Seems like I must have hit something somewhere that goofed up this account.  I could just delete the account/user and set it back up but I'm worried I'd just make this same mistake later and figured I'd get the info on it. Any ideas?

TIA!  (So far, I'm VERY happy with this product)


I really do not know to tell you the truth. I'll do some research.

The script only allows .jpg, .jpeg, and .gif extensions.

If someone uploads a file called... "filename.vbs.jpeg" with bad vbscript in it I seriously doubt anything can happen because of it because of the extension.

But I really do not know.

It has never happened to any sites I have or know of.



That is by design, removing and deleting are two different things as far as the classifieds system goes.

A regular user can only remove an ad from the category index. (which makes the ad inactive)

An admin however can truly delete an ad from the system.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:22:25 PM

Admin (emails and organize), organization of information and cordination with waste removal, took Dave K to YMCA, also went to State Office Building, Also checked email and called expiring users., Keith Darby re: FPSE problems, softmls flyer - creating pdf files, working on more copies of newsletter, working on problem resports page, helping techs w/questions, updated online schedule, worked on MBO's today. slow afternoon. I did the batch today. , Break, train with Mary W. on Emerald, Training Schedule, P.O.'s, Cisco Router CBT, Called some of the expired accounts and bp errors. , Amy - In office about Alexbay.Com, BackToBasicsPetFood.Com, and Carthage Savings Bank. Questions about secure form submission., answering phone, taking sign ups, checked emails. , weekly cancels, chow, emails, voice mails, *TaskForce: Competitive Research, Holiday, Setting up Dave V. waters laptop with Windows 2000, SQL, Office and IIS, Putting together lists of customizations; sent to Kelly for committee, from watertown to sacket to pick up dv and cm, from sackets to clayton. , *energy initiatives development, tech support supv duties, radlog, qlight, ask questions , dial up issues (checked but none tonight) voice mail checked but none tonight. worked on tech manual (elaine and i put together 4 of them) emails the dsl contracts per ron , open incidents, callbacks, Dr. Sherry, Wireless proposal, tech stations loaded, started working on a Mac that was brought in to be fixed., printed, reviewed, mailed invoices, readied money for clayton, cancels for nonpayment, checked customers paperwork vs new users, answered phone-signups, cancels, acct changes, vacuumed, steamcleaned., Finishing screens for the admin to be able to manage things like... Cities, Schools, Townships.... etc etc etc They are done, Kick Back coupon 42-3, lunch,

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