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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:05 PM

The problem was in config_inc.asp. we had renamed the field in the DB but didn't change it in this file.

But we changed it, it is back to normal.




Hi -

We are trying to set up ASPProtect 7 so that the user is redirected to a specific web page based on their group membership.

For example, immediately upon successful login:

Group 1 members are directed to page A
Group 2 members are directed to page B
Group 3 members are directed to page C

Users will only ever belong to one group.

We tried to use the Redirect_URL feature but it causes the browser to loop.

Could you let us know exactly how to do this.  We are not ASP programmers and need to work from an example.




I can empathize. It can be a real pain to stablize a server and fend off hack attacks.

As for beta testing, I was referring to once you get to the point where you're ready to release it to the public whether it's this month, next month, etc.

Good Luck!



Okay, thanks, I'm going to change the method tonight and see if it makes a difference

I'll report back



Can I have the logon be in a top frame while having the protected pages displayed in a main frame?

Using frames with forms based authentication is not the best thing to be doing. Your much better off not using frames and using includes files to do a virtual frames sort of thing (search google) but if you are going to use frames I would suggest password protecting the frameset page as well as any pages it contains.

If you want to have a login form in a non protected top frame all the time.. that posts to a lower frame that is password protected.. you would do this
but change the target of the form to one of your frames

personally though I think that would be a somewhat goofy setup to have going on

Also, how will it behave if a user moves in between a protected page to a public page and back to the protected page again?

As long as they have cookies enabled which is required for session variables to work... then you will have no issues because once they come back to a page they have permission to they will just be allowed in without login.. at least while that session is still active.. or for a longer time if they choose the remeber me option which keeps track of them with a cookie

Really, the best thing to do is expirment and see how things behave.



ok.. the count your talking about wont increment until someone other than you views the page.

After that you can increment it one time...


It keeps track of the last IP that hit it.. if it is the same it doesn't increment

This is all by design...  so the same person doesn't increment the count over and over..

It's simplitist and it can be tricked... but it does what it needs to do 



Testing for XML Parser Support

the microsoft xml parser is generally installed by default on all new server setups..

It allows ASP code to make calls to other pages anywhere on the new as well as a lot of other handy things..

download and run this ".asp" page to verfiy that it is installed and be sure it is available for you to use


Make sure you run it from your web server through the web browser

cwilliams38331.5621180556, I would like to delete the SQL tables and set them up from scratch using enterprise manager and sql query manager and see what happens

If that is ok with you let me know.

Something is wrong like I said...  almost seems like the database is caching old password info from the field.,

I assume you mean 500 pixels wide

no.. because you cant reliably tell a pictures image width without an image resizing component to look it up.. asp can not do things like that on its own

serverobjects has a free component called "imagesize" that can do it as well but you need access to the server to install the component

so if you cant do that with regular asp code you definetly can not stop the upload proces because the picture is too wide..

heck, that would be nearly imposible to do regardless.. even with the best 3rd party components at your disposal

even with an image resizing component you would have to allow the upload.. then check the pixel width.. then delete it.. tell the user what is going on...etc etc  .. all a very complicated process


, Totally 100% depends on what you are doing.. you certainly can't be renaming any fields unless you plan on editing a lot of code that references them. Adding new fields is nothing to worry about.

Also, you really should post a question like this under the forum section for the application you are referring to as well as specify exactly what changes you are talking about. For example I don't even know what application you are referring to.

I sell about 8 applications., I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been cancelled. Any help would be great.



Your users with Internet Explorer may have received the "Page Expired" error.  For ASPProtect users, it happens when  the user is not logged on and tries to invoke the target page. check_user_inc.asp puts up the login form, and IE sees it as part of the target page.  Any later attempt to Back up and reload from cache gives the errror. 

My solution was, after successful login, instead of falling through the bottom of check_user_inc.asp and running the target page, I issue a re-direct to reload the target page. I also added META tags on the dynamic login form to say no-cache and expire now, so the re-direct really does reload the target page. This time, of course, check_user_inc.asp does not need to put up the login form, and the new target page in cache contains no form at all.  So, IE will not give a Page Expired error when Backing up to it later.

Netscape, and I gather other browsers, do not behave the same way, so I limited the solution to IE.  Also, the solution only works if the target page has no form of its own.

I'm uploading my customized version of check_user_inc.asp that contains this solution.  (In it, I also used the Javascript focus method to place the "cursor" in the Username field when the login form loads.)


cwilliams38313.494537037, recently i've been getting a lot of unspecified errors.  i've been running aspbanner for about a year and a half now.  i don't know what would have caused all these problems.  also, for some reason it won't maintain my log-in, ever time i got from page to page or try to submit a form it asks me log-in again.

Jason S.


I have been looking over the code and also doing some tests.

So far everything in the code looks correct and everything I have tried has worked correctly. If I select an access level and active users it is not sending emails to inactive users as you stated.

Are you using the option pack ?


need more info..

are you using aspimage to resize images and make true thumbnails..
(because if you have it turned on and it isnt actually installed on the server you will get broken thumbnails.)

what kind of images are you using ? gif or jpegs

are you uploading images over existing images ?

really need to know exactly what to do to reproduce the situation from scratch and then I can give you a better answer ??



and the permissions, how exactly were they set ?
I find a lot of customers think they are setting permissions correctly when they really are not. That's why I wrote that long article on the subject.

As you probably know a data connection is a very low level thing. It is the foundation of any ASP application that communicates with a database. Unfortunatly it sometimes takes a while to get the hang of setting them up without issue.

Everything must be perfect.. the ODBC drivers must be up to date, folder permission are critical, sometimes you must use a new version of the access database.. etc etc etc  The errors and things that happen when all these things are not perfect and not helpful as you have found out.

I would suggest you download and get ASPTest from CJWSoft running before you go any further. It is designed to be as simple as possible and helps get a hang of the database setup process.


If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.



It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..

"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"

I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st.  It was me and I said it on my old powerasp.com site before anyone else ever did.

I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.

I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.

, I am not sure. I can tell you that I run windows 2003 server and I have never had any issues setting permissions for ASP.NET files and folders. This very server is 2003 and the ASPProtect.NET demo runs on this server as well.

Course, I can't say that I have specifically tried to remove ASP.NET READ permissions on the database folder as it's just not something I would not have a reason to do.  Why are you trying to do that? The ASP.NET account needs that permission. If you are trying to stop file browsing and downloading in that folder that is not how you do that.  The best way to do that is by keeping the database somewhere else on the server that is not part of the http web. ,

You cant do it from initial lohin, but you can do it from the time of registration signup.

As for the emailing thing it is most likely an email sending issue more than a code problem. For example spam filters incorrectly grabiing those emails or something of that nature..

Best thing to do is try different things for emailing options until you get something that works. I suggest using CDOSYS with a real email server and using a valid email account for yourself at that email domain. SMTP authentication if necessary. This will ensure the emails sent have valid MX records and dont get treated as spam.


, and when I go to your now.. its very fast again..,

Hi Chris,

I tried changing using Notepad in the config_inc.asp


If  Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "" Then
 Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
End If


Application("SERVER_SOFTWARE") = "iis/6"

and the albums still do not show up under the categories

Rhona (rookie)




2004-08-19_122127_ASPBanner_V7.3_code_banner_encode_decode_m od.zip

This is an Expirmental MOD for ASPBanner Version 7.3 Only
Do not use it on other versions....

It encodes CODE Banner information before saving it into the application variables that handle banner rotation. It then decodes that information before displaying them on your web pages.

The reason for this is SOME very complex javascript does not always save correctly into the application variables that rotate banners (even when not using the JavaScript Method to display the banners)

This way the javascript or whatever you entered comes out on your web page exactly as you entered it and runs correctly.. but there is little more processing going on to handle the encoding and decoding. But its probably nothing to worry about and won't effect performance at all.

Unless your having a problem don't use this mod. It is not officially supported in any way.



If you are wondering if the "appinfo_inc.asp" included has the weight banner bug fix applied to it already. That is a bug mentioned in our forums






did you fix it because I see all the pictures just fine ?




1) Does everything, i.e. every user, every category, every product, etc., get stored in just one single database, or are there multiple databases at work and are linked to one another?  I am asking because there is only one table in the DB, and it is the "Users" table.  So I am presuming that there must be other databases that are linked to the DB.  Is this correct? 

2) Are user-level security permissions utilized in the sample Access DB that is shipped with the software?  I am asking because we cannot seem to remove the "temp" password no matter what we try, and this is the only reason I can think of. 

, look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file

try editing this part by hard coding the body info you want to use

 Response.Write("<BODY" & Application("BodyTagInfo") & ">")

I would also suggest reviewing the generated source code in the web browser and examining the html to figure out exactly where the body tag info you dont want is coming from

like I said you made changes to something to cause that...


runs fine the way it ships "it is one of things I tested earlier when I looked at your installation for you"

If you want I'll go look via FTP and tell you what is wrong


You need to make sure you created the SQL database using the SQL scripts we provide and that no errors occur whatsoever. That is extremely important. You must use our SQL creation scripts.

Then, when you create the user you need to go back to that user and make sure you check the admin account and save that user again. (many times when setting up a system for someone I find myself forgetting that step and then I have to go back in and check the admin box for the user I created.)

And of course create the user from the ASPProtect admin area web interface. Do not add the user to the database manually because you will have no way to enter the password correct as it is encrypted. And do not change the encryption key after making the user/.

It would also be wise to check the SQL server database at every step to make sure the user info gets created and that all the field info looks correct for the most part.

You also want to be sure to specify SQL as the database type side the connection string info as the SQL directions go over

a remote sql server should not an issue.

thats really all I can think of right now


I have a need for more than the current number of custom fields currently available in the registration form.  Is there a documented method of adding additional fields or am I not able to do so?




Just got back 10 minutes ago..
Missed plane yesterday because of traffic and the flight today was 3 hours plus 4 hours of driving

The fact that you are using Server 2003 is not relevant. I am very familiar with it and all my sites run on it.

The ASPNET account will be there by default once the .NET framework is installed. It won’t just show up in the list, you have to search for it like my article mentions.

http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

That error really means exactly what it says. You have to give that account permissions correctly. , I do not really know a lot about but it is basically code that lets you specify however many number of images and links... and then display a certain number of them at once.

You'd have to search google for it.. there are 1000 of sites that offer free javascript code and that is where you find scripts like that.

You could certainly set up all the images and links for each banner in aspbanner but if you used them with code like that you be limited to tracking clicks on banners. Tracking page impressions would not be possible because the javascript would be handling what images get displayed at any given time. Basically each link for each image would be going through aspbanners tracking url feeding it the banner id and therefore tracking the click and sending the user to the desirec URL.

Regardless, it is not something I would support. You would have to sort it out as it is nothing ASPBanner was designed to do and not something I want to deal with because client side javascript code is not something I am NOT very good with. , Interesting.. Yes, the SMTP service is turned on.  This is my boogle.  If they are both installed, then it should in theory work.  But for some reason, it is being subborn and not working.,
Error when click on banner. (I remove on error resume next in config_inc.asp)

The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

banner_redirect.asp, line 36

Database - MS SQL Server.


ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\TradersReportsCom\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtec t_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"

I have already set the folder permissions as indicated in the documentation.


I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

, Hey, I thought I'd share this tip with the ASPProtect community...

If you'd like to remove, modify, or add fields to the "Users" view in the password_admin default.asp page, it's really easy to do. Well, at least it was for me. I'm using an MS Access database, by the way.

For me, I don't need "Company" info, but I do need last access and # of times accessed displayed. Therefore, I had to change the default page in three areas:

In /password_admin/default.asp, go to about line 185 or so, where you see stuff like:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><font face="Arial" color="#000000" size ="2"><b>First&nbsp;Name& lt;/b>&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

OK, those are the column headings. Each one corresponds to a column from your USERS table in your database. There are two more areas to consider, both of which appear immediately after this section.

The next section has statements that look like this:

[code]<td valign="bottom"><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+ASC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_ascending.gif" Alt="Sort Ascending"></a><a href="<% =THISPAGE %>?SORTBY=First_Name+DESC&MyPageSize=<% =MyPageSize %>&Keyword=<% =Server.URLEncode(Keyword)%>"><img border="0" src="../images/sort_descending.gif" Alt="Sort Descending"></a></td>[/code]

See the "First_Name" items? The first is for an ascending sort, the second for a descending. This particular line corresponds to the code snippet immediately above it. But all this does is handle the sorting. For the actual data, look lower for this stuff:

[code]    <td bgcolor="<% = Cellbgcolor %>"><font face="Arial" size="1">&nbsp;<%= CmdListUsers("First_Name") %& gt;&nbsp;</font></td> [/code]

It's a good ways down, so don't be impatient if you don't see it in 10 lines from the end of the last mentioned section. This stuff handles the display of the data from the database (where else ya gonna get data, anyway?)...

Now, to remove a field, you need to find the three sets that go with that data. The ascending/descending sort is potentially the trickiest, because it's the longest set of data and can take a number of lines. Just clear it from the start td to the end /td and you'll be fine.

To *add* a field, copy and paste the code from an existing field and modify it. In the first one, the column title, you can type whatever you want to describe your info. Nobody but you and your admins will see it. For the next two sections, though, you need to get the correct column heading from the USERS table and use that to correct the lines in the copied code you pasted in.

For example, when I added a column to show the number of times a user logged in, I copied the above snippets and pasted them in where I felt the column I needed should be. Then, in the first one, I changed "First Name" to "Logins". In the ascending/descending snippet, I changed First_Name to Counter. Same for the last snippet.

The result? A new column, showing the number of logins my users were successful with.

Of course, before you experiment, back up your existing default.asp file, JUST IN CASE.

Have fun!


More Info in Case Anyone is Interested:

This bug was mentioned by a couple people. The cause of it was never really understood until I recently re-wrote some of the banner code for an upcoming version.

The fix for this bug was very simple. It was just one of those weird situations where code should have worked but did not. I added some code to do it a bit differently and it worked as it should have..

It really still makes no sense to me why it didnt work the way it was, but at least there is a fix.


cwilliams38203.5883680556, ok thanks,

ASPProtect Version 7
Expiry Notices go out to members who have recently renewed by subscription.

When an existing member from ASPProtect Version 6, with an expiry date, renews with SUBSCRIPTION in v7, the previous expiry date remains unchanged.
We assume the expiry date remains blank with NEW Subscriptions and that Paypal takes care of notifications.

 But our notifications to the "about to expire" dating from v6 catches the "Renewed by subscrtiption" as well, as the date has nor been changed or removed, and this REALLY confuses our members.

Can this be resolved?

, Can you be more specific on the javascript I should look for? Can it be combined with ASPBanner?,

Everything is running fine.. I can read ads... reply to them. but when I click sign in or register.. I get a server error.


Any suggestions


Thank You


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:05 PM

Bell At'l, CHR, Howard - Colo Procedures, Troubleshooting of DSS system, loading for Syracuse, lunch, invite list, got mailed out invitations, write content for ticc website, Responding to Fran Bickfords email. Questions about web hosting, email accounts, down payment, etc., River edge and Redwood National Bank proposal , install wireless routers at Herald Building and JCC, check on Liberty install, Class, Energy initiatives-site update as requested by Craig Kieny, answered tech related calls. checked and called on rad log, ask a question emails, and so on., Greene charters- go with redesign- given to Tom advane realty- appointmnet set for next wednesday at3:00 pm Carthage Snowmobile club- register domain name and charge for front page and hosting for one year Masseys- set up meeting Monday Carthage savings- contact beginning of this year Greg systems- meeting set today at 2:00pm Bastas- go with proposal Wendy's- Spoke wth kathy- send info/refer seth Heritage Cheese- heuvelton-appointment set for tommorow William christoherson- send info for web site bresee chev- database problem- contact steve- change password to paradise Timberview-meeting set for this friday at3:00 pm , Working on weekly report, finishing up e-mail voicemail, open and review bills for entering, Interview - Job Applicant, SoftMLS - Helping CJW locate/fix error on lisings option page., Channel Partner Info mailed to L Simmons with PC info also. JC emailed letterhead logos. Saved as word document., web billing, Christmas Party, alexbay.com - slideshow, and creating maps, trouble shooting Darryl's computer problems Got with Ron will reload her computer (bad permissions on Admin) Ron setting up another machine to swap in for time being because her machine does DHCP, emails and voicemails while I was gone, Trying to figure out what was wrong with the new sales person's modems on their laptops, i vaccummed and cleaned the mens room and as well square camn went down and i called beth about it, Seminar - Suprv. People - Ramada, Training w/ Michele, Business After Hours at Watertown, cphospital.org - Starting project, adding admin interface and upload manager., travel to ISPCON 3000 miles ,

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