Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:08 PM
My server is Server2003. I could not find the folder settings you mentioned. I did find a iuser which I added as specified. I retried to perform an upload. Still same message. But it does move the JPG to the picture folder. So, part of it is working. , I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.
It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.
You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.
Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you.
See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that.
well, I think John just told you what the deal is. He knows more about ASP.NET than anyone else I know.
If you are going to run a non-standard setup then you are going to have big problems like you are having. , Christopher,
I have a follow-up to this question.
Is there a way to get the photo descriptions to save with actual spaces instead of the HTML space code all of the time?
I know that is does this if you hit Enter while typing a description, because it creates a 'br' tag. The main reason I am asking is because if the user does not enter a line break, the description is saved a single long string and the pic_window.asp page is generated with one long description which makes the page very wide.
I tried to get around this by changing the description style in pic_window.asp to reflect a value like 50% or 200 pixels, and I have tried putting it into a table with a fixed width, but there is no effect.
- Jason
, I've encountered another problem. When i edit the link for existing banners and save it, the banner reverts to the old link instead of the new one.
The directory where the the database is located to rwed so the permissions is not a problem.
Any advice?
, new version is still not finshed as of the end of the year... I am not going to release it until I feel it is ready., We would like to use some of the variables from the user account in our web pages after they log in (something like, 'hello <user>"), but for professional printout reports using company name and user.
Could you offer some help as to what variable string we use to print that information on logged in pages?
By the way, the program is working great!!!
cwilliams38446.6302083333, Aspprotect issue
I need the ability to allow users to view url links on a page, based on the
group(s) they are a member of. If the user is the member of one group (group 1 in the following example) the code works fine.
<% If Session("GROUPS") = "*1*" then %> "view link #1"
However, if the user is a member of more than one group (let's say 1 & 5), I cannot make the code work.
I have tried various versions of wildcards, nothing seems to get me there.
I fairly new at ASP, and I am sure I'm missing something simple.
Any help would be appreciated.
, I will give you permission to move it since you asked., Hello- I am trying to install the ASPPROTECT product and tried to read all the docs but still am getting the following error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1980 Thread 0x1458 DBC 0x223c374 Jet'.
I understand about the physical path for the DSN-less connection and followed the example given. I got in touch with tech support for the host of my site and the give me the following as a physical path:
Some observations:
1.- The database directory is outside the root dir but I think I am accounting for it with the path
2.- The permissions are ok
Any ideas?
, This may be an old question ??? If it is please point me to the post or documentation where I can find the answer please.
When creating protected pages I am using the following to protect them:
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="/aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
But that is not working. I get the following error when I try to access the members logon page in the directory that I wish to add the pages to:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0130'
Invalid File attribute
/filelocation/filename.asp, line 3
File attribute '/aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.
However if I create the pages in the root of the AspProtect directory and use a link to the same page that exists in the AspProtect directory and the following include:
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
The pages work fine.
I really do not want to put all of my protected pages in the root of the AspProtect directory.
I would like to mix protected and unprotected pages throughout the site in order to #1 make it easier to administer. #2 keep the AspProtect directory solely for authentication. And, #3 keep any user authentication pages out of the AspProtect directory.

, and the permissions, how exactly were they set ?
I find a lot of customers think they are setting permissions correctly when they really are not. That's why I wrote that long article on the subject.
As you probably know a data connection is a very low level thing. It is the foundation of any ASP application that communicates with a database. Unfortunatly it sometimes takes a while to get the hang of setting them up without issue.
Everything must be perfect.. the ODBC drivers must be up to date, folder permission are critical, sometimes you must use a new version of the access database.. etc etc etc The errors and things that happen when all these things are not perfect and not helpful as you have found out.
I would suggest you download and get ASPTest from CJWSoft running before you go any further. It is designed to be as simple as possible and helps get a hang of the database setup process.
, Hello,
I do not really understand what you mean?
There are no country and city lists in ASPClassifieds.
cwilliams38391.0301388889, hi,
no.., not unless you come up with some clever way to handle it on your own =https
read 2nd to last post
The way ASPProtect ships it is designed to either be in http:// the whole time or https:// the whole time.... (there curently is no solution from me allowing going from one to the other)
, If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/10/2004 this file needs to be updated.
It fixes a bug where the JavaScript method is not properlly closing an html Image tag. It can cause other hyperlinks on your web page to link to the same place the banner links to. This does not always happen but this fix is the way the code should be so it is best to update it.
Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name.
cwilliams38209.5378009259, thx, thats a known error I forgot about.
I just updated the zip archive so the error is gone but if you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before April/06/2004 you can optionally apply the fix.
To fix it (only if you want to use the option explicit method of calling banners and not even a really necessary fix as this is just an error in the generated code your supposed to use)
Just edit aspbanner/zones.asp with a text editor.
Where you see the double dim carefully remove one of the "dim" s and save the file.
cwilliams38209.9251851852, Thanks for the install. After many hours I finally got part of the
system working. I can log in and log out as a user. My problem is I
want the pages
accesses by Members ONly. The database will contain the names of
the members and only they are allowed access, and no one else. I
tried Joe Blow to log in and it worked, the only thing is Joe was not
in the database and he should have been locked out and a page come us
saying something like "you are not a registered user, please complete
the membership application" and then link back to the root web,
application page.
I am also afraid of breaking the codes you provided thus far. I also
want the password protected pages in a sub-web of the root web.
This may sound like elementary stuff, but this newbie is having
constant trouble. I am also referencing books on ASP and Access
and VB and still come up with a dead end. Search the net and come up
with a few codes which are described as something I am looking for, but
dont want to add any thing like that for fear of breaking the whole
Any suggestions?
, You need to make sure you created the SQL database using the SQL scripts we provide and that no errors occur whatsoever. That is extremely important. You must use our SQL creation scripts.
Then, when you create the user you need to go back to that user and make sure you check the admin account and save that user again. (many times when setting up a system for someone I find myself forgetting that step and then I have to go back in and check the admin box for the user I created.)
And of course create the user from the ASPProtect admin area web interface. Do not add the user to the database manually because you will have no way to enter the password correct as it is encrypted. And do not change the encryption key after making the user/.
It would also be wise to check the SQL server database at every step to make sure the user info gets created and that all the field info looks correct for the most part.
You also want to be sure to specify SQL as the database type side the connection string info as the SQL directions go over
a remote sql server should not an issue.
thats really all I can think of right now
, Hello,
I really need more infomation..
for starters
what is the server ? iis4,5, or 6 ?
what is the version of aspbanner.. aspbanner standard or aspbanner unlimited ?
what was the error message before you removed the "on error resume next"
was the sql database created using the sql creation scripts we provide as that is VERY important.
and lastly what are the the regional settings of the server ?
what is the date format ?
, i took another look at the file, and realized that when i was looking at the data structure i had confused "banner_image_URL" with "banner_link_URL". i lengthened the latter, and now all is good.
sorry for the false alarm, and thanks for a very-to-work-with product.
, Also.. if you want to customize each person's experience individually it really does not make sense to use groups or access levels for that purpose alone.
I mean, why bother making a group or access level for every user and worrying about keeping track of it all when you can just access the available session info about the user to create dynamic pages specific to that user. ; ; ; ;PN=1
That is why that information is there.
You can of course use some combination of the two technologies as well should you have groups of users that you want to have a slightly different experience.
cwilliams38433.6259606481, Christopher
We are actually having a lot of problems with this software.
Apart from the above problem of the email not being in the database as details above we also do not get any reply emails from any forms, the mass email button does not appear and the forgotten password does not send emails either.
We have CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed as the email system, this is operational on the server. I have tested this with server_info.asp to check.
I can email you direct any other information you may need.
, Hello,
I need some help with the following code. Please look at the area in red. I need to be able to set someting up to where the variable eval1 (a yes/no field in my database) is set to false after the associated link is pressed.
Thank you
="vbscript" %>
<!--#INCLUDE virtual="/irp/check_user_inc.asp"-->
<title>Administrator Evaluations</title>
font-family:"Times New Roman";
margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-top:0in}
<body background="../images/1.gif" bgcolor="#C0B59A" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" link="#0000FF">
<p><map name="FPMap1">
<area href="" shape="rect" coords="627, 66, 670, 81"></map>
<span lang="en-us"> & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp;
<img border="0" src="" usemap="#FPMap1" width="675" height="82"><br>
<h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">Administrator Evaluations</span></h2>
<p align="center"> </p>
<p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <b>Welcome, </b> </span> <b> <% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>
<p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">On this page, you will see a list of names
that represent the persons that you will be evaluating this year.
Please click on a name to select that persons evaluation form. Once you have completed
and submitted that persons evaluation, you will be returned back to this page to
continue with the next person on your list. Once you have completed all your
evaluations, you can log off the system using the link below.</span></b></p>
<p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">Please note: Only <u>1</u> submission per
person will be accepted, any additional submissions will not be accepted.</span></b></p>
<p align="left"><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have any questions please feel free
to contact us at the number below.</b></span></p>
<hr color="#FF9933" width="80%" size="3">
<p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b>Please click on a name below to begin
the evaluation process.</b></span></p>
<div align="center">
<%If Session("Link1_Name") <> "" Then %>
<table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link1"))%>" onclick="<%=Session("eval1")="true"%>;return true" </href> <font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link1_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span> </td>
<%End If%>
<%If Session("Link2_Name") <> "" Then %>
<table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
<td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link2"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link2_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td>
<%End If%>
<%If Session("Link3_Name") <> "" Then %>
<table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
<td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link3"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link3_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td>
<%End If%>
This went to Link3_Name
<p> </p>
<p><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have completed all your evaluations and wish to
log out please click <a href="log_off.asp">here.</a></b></span> </p>
<p> </div>
<div class="MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center">
<hr size="3" width="80%" noshade color="#ff9933" align="center"></div>
<p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Institutional Research and Planning
Tandy 270<br>
80 Fort Brown<br>
Brownsville, TX 78520</b></p>
<p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Phone: 956-544-8816 &nbs p; &nbs p;
Fax: 956-983-7652<br>
<a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href=""></a></b></p>
, Yes, you are right.
We have now tested it using the DSN less connection with Access 2002 and it works fine. We have also tested it again with a DSN using 2002 and this also seems to work.
The comment about speed is a consideration although I have not noticed any differences. ( we only have a few database entries at this time).
Thanks for your help
, Can ASPClassifieds display the ads by city?
I have a web directory that lists websites and companies by city. Is it possible to have specific ads shown to the user depending on what city they click on? For example, only ads in New York would be shown to users that have already clicked on that city in my directory.
, Yes, that’s all I wanted to know. The problem is on my end. The server is not creating the .NET site correctly. I think I got it working now. Thanks.
In case you wanted to know? The only reason I asked you is because you mentioned that you where having trouble with overseas piracy and my account is new. I figured it was my user error by just though I’d ask you first. Hope you have no more piracy issues and have a good rest of the day.
Thanks again for the quick response.
, At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"? After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number. But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default. Any thoughts?, That's exactly what it was.
The site owner couldn't see their own ads because Norton was blocking anything with the word ad in it.
On another note: I changed the word 'ad' to 'listing' and got it to show even with Norton.
, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am eneral+Inquiry
, ok, Hi Chris
Unfortunately the bl**dy server was down and unavailable for 17 hrs so I couldnt even get to see what the settings were!
It is on, the relevant users appear to have all rights for the data/tempstats folder.
I'm guessing you're going to suggest turning it off and see if the problem still appears.
, How to set a new users expiration date.
You'll need to edit the "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor.
Find this section..
CmdAddUser.Fields("ValidateEmailCode") = ValidateEmailCode
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
ID = CmdAdduser("ID")
Set CmdAdduser = Nothing
Set ConnPasswords = Nothing
You'll want to add code like this right between the Acccess_Level and Updates section
CmdAddUser.Fields("Expiration_Date") = Date + 60
That will give take todays date and add 60 days to it.
You can of course do whatever you want here.
Actually, any database value for the user can be set during registration.
You can also change the default Access_Level to whatever you like.
cwilliams38088.4986689815, hello,
There is no built in option. You would have to add code to do that.
Its not difficult but custimization like that is not something I support.
, Anyway,
How busy your site is actually won't be the only factor. Really the application should not restart unless something happens. If the IIS application is reseting alot it could very well be the ISP restarting the server or doing IISRESETS as well or other sites on the server causing the application pools to restart.. etc etc etc Quality ASP hosting is important. Regardless your hosting company most likely will not admit to anything be out of the ordinary.
As far as that directory deleting itself on you.. I doubt they will have an answer for that one. All I can tell for sure is I didn't put any code to delete it in there.
it has been 3 days since I logged myself in under Admin, and all the user information on the User Activiy screen seemed to be gone.
is there any specific length of period it refreshes its user information??
, "do you know a way around the BinaryRead problem with ASPProtect?"
Let me rephrase:
Do you know a way in which ASPProtect can be modified to get around the BinaryRead problem?
, We have no add-ons for anything but accepting payments through paypal and 2checkout... if you want to accept payments through some other setup you have make a payment directory addon and write code to do it based on the system you are using..
We provide the ASP source code so that is doable for someone that is good with ASP. If not then it won't be doable.
, Ok, if the link to the import/export screen does not show up its probably because you never put the import/export path in the admin settings?
go check that for me.
cause running that page without a path for the files could cause a timeout.. thats why the link doesn't show if the path is not entered (so people won't run it)
it looks sorta like this (there will be a field to fill in which wont show here)
Settings below specify the physical directory path of the export directory. This is used by the system when using the import/export feature. The export directory needs modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account. |
ExportDirectory |
the path must be valid for your file structure and it must have correct permissions (when creating files) , Here is an example of a query I made in MSACCESS that deletes all users that belong to Group ID of 3. I used the graphical query designer in MSACCESS to do this. Took a few minutes.
WHERE (((InStr([ASPP_Users]![Groups],"*3*"))>"0"));
Because of the way groups are stored in the Groups fields you have to use the InStr function to determine if the user is part of a particular group
We are deleting all users that of Group ID of 1 so we look for *3* in this example
The SQL statement for a MSSQL database may be slightly different but the general Idea is the same
The SQL statment used in an ".asp" page will be very similar as well.
SQL Statements are the TRUE POWER of working with databases. They are something everyone should learn to work with because they allow you to do some very powerful things., Hi Chris,
The password is HANNAH. If you're into trouble shooting mode and would like the key, I can send it to you. If not, no big deal, I've email the guy a new password. We'll see how many rounds it takes him to get it right.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:08 PM
Replied to e-mail regarding what ISDN is. Talked to misc call on networking inside business. Check e-mail., Go to Watertown to see Jim Newman at The Store, Mohawk Casino Bill problem. Called and faxed info to Network Services., Router Training, Cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom for the meeting, Research options for Palm Pilot Training, TICC A/R issues, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Called users back regarding bad passwords and expiring accounts., check e-mail, E-Mail, Voice-mail, setup., fixing sendmail on NS0 so cgi mail scripts for frontpage customers on NS0 would work again., Charts, Sat in the NOC room., Nortel, answer emails..., timecards, Norm and the guys here to fix phone and make it do what we want, Time Spent throughout day on phone w/ Illuminet working out A-Links and speaking w/ engineers., technical support duties, helped techs with issues, qlight, emonitor, radlog, callbacks for expired and new users, emails. follow ups, open incidents, ask us a question, dial up issues, , Helped Heike with her page. I also did the techsupport emails and answered all of my emails that needed to be done. , The phones were pretty quiet. Kept checking up on radlog and online issues. Watertown Times called and TV7 came as well during this time so I took some time for that. , Record a personal task list, review phone bills, complete more network diagrams., Engineering Meeting w/ Ben, Beth, and that new guy., lunch, email voicemail, Answered phones, and did e-mail and so on. Kept busy with the low # of techs we had. (that and a few tough calls), Place order to move a discon frame relay to Suprema Specialties in Ogdensurg (customer who was denied Centrex ISDN by Bell), Discussing NCN w/CB. Testing ''links in text'' for NCN. Discussing School Stats & Grading w/Kelly., recp., switchboard, Emerald, Telephone conference with Carrie McNAlly,