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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:53:29 PM
Sorry, but the way the system works you can not call an individual banner like that. It just not something the system was meant to do.
If you wanted a specific banner to show up at all times you would have to make an individual banner and a zone just for that.
After looking at your site since you have so many banners there I dont know if that is the greatest option for you. It would also put a lot of stress of the Version 7 software because it is not really meant to call so many banners zones at one time on one page.
If you could live with tracking clicks on the home page but not displays I would suggest making banners for the home page in one zone. Then hard coding the banner images into your homepage like you already do but linking to the tracking part of aspbanner instead of where they would usually link to. That way you could at least track clicks and there owuld be no performance issues.
for example.. one of the images might link to http://www.poconocommuter.com/aspbanner/banner_redirect.asp? Banner_ID=4
which would track clicks for you.. and then send then wherever they are supposed to go
, Hi,
I only just purchased the product and I would be very keen to
a) is the upgrade available very soon as I don't want to spend the time developing one and than find the other released shortly &
b) would I only need to pay the difference for the upgrade or have I already downloaded the upgrade already.
I cant see what version I current have.
I look forward to your response. ripcurlsurf38138.816099537,
Actually, your whole site is like that.
You should definetly fix that.. I can't help ya with it though. You'll have to figure it out.
I know ya can do it...
cwilliams38394.7738657407, if you use either of those options the mail server info you use must of course be valid (example: mail.somesite.com) your host can provide that info
you should also make sure your sending the emails using an account at your email server.. not some other email you have
other than that if it does not send emails it could be because your hosting company may require authentication for outgoing emails...
ask them ...
if that is the case the version of ASPBanner you have does not support sending email that way and you would need to add the necessary code to any places that send email... in order for emailing to work , Hi there,
Just bought ASPProtect 7.0 last week and just got around to installing it. I've gotten through the installation and am now trying to test the (Forgot Password) functionality.
I get the following error when I type in the e-mail (or in some cases the username) and Post the form.
Error was [11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type
I know that the add user functionality is pointing to the correct database (I see the additional rows via SQL Enterprise Manager) and that the e-mail address I am looking for is in the SQL database.
Any ideas? Any other information you need?
Thanks, Toni
, Yeah, its a win2k server.
Im up and running now (my guess is ASP wasnt installed, but he did not say), but am not having luck with any of the email. I contacted my host to see what is available and have yet to hear back. Do you generally recommend people to run CDOSYS?
Ive been reading through the docs, and the users and protection seems to be pretty straightforward. Nice!
The only other real question I have (and cant find in the docs) is how to remove the self registration option all togehter. My client wants to add its users manually, and not give the option for them to sign up themselves. Do I just find any remove any code that references it? , ok, I am home.. missed flight.. just got home an hour ago.
lets see.. I really need more info...
For starters are you using the delayed stats feature ? that is expirmental and could cause that problem , Yes, that was it! I had not created the banner for that zone yet. Once I did it came up fine. Do I win the Bonehead of the Year award?
I am just implementing the product, and I deleted the included zones instead of renaming them. That is why it is up to 6. I am migrating banners from my current system before I implement the code onto my pages.
If I may, I'd like to ask another question. I use rotation on all pages of my site except for the home page, where the banners are all smaller and static - an advertiser can expect their banner to always be in the same spot on the page.
I am currently hard coding this via html, but then I do not have the ability to collect stats on home page banner clicks, so I want to use ASPBanner. My question is, can I do this without creating a seperate zone for each banner? In other words, is there a way to modify the html code (that works just fine) so that in addition to indicating the zone, it can indicate the specific banner I want to appear? I would then paste the code in each cell of the table, and alter the banner #. If I do this with just the zone, I expect that the page will randomize the position of each banner across the page. You can see what I'm talking about by clicking here: http://www.PoconoCommuter.com/
Thanks for your help! , For all you advanced users..
Here are two examples of ASP.NET code you can use on your ".aspx" pages to call banners from the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBaner Unlimited V8
This code is not supported... and you of course must change things accordingly like the variable names and zone numbers to match the zone you want to call banners from as well as the url.
cwilliams38226.6523263889, I've had an error I saw described here, couldn't figure out what it
was. My SQL statement was being cut off, though a bit differently
because it was created on multiple lines with the amper-underscore
string construction design; my statement had no UPDATE, only started
with the junk screen characters of the encrypted password.
So, from what you said above about the vbNullChar, Chris, it looks like
I've hit the same problem, maybe from an old version (downloaded March
22, 2005). Could I request a copy of the updated logic?
Thanks a lot.
, Oh snap. Tried the blank database and got the same errors. Fixed THE
FILE PATHS to conform to the AspProtect 7 setup, and it worked like a
champ. I still need to copy and paste the info, but it's working just
fine with the ones I add manually.
, Thanks dude, I'll figure it out. I've been ripping apart pieces
of the code to get it. I'm in the process of pulling some things
out to make functions that do specific tasks based on your code.
I actually had a lot of luck yesterday with it.
, Hallo,
Can I change the number of the access levels?
I want to have about 20 levels...
 , Has this been resolved ?, The pages in the ASProtect Full version that have emailing code in them are as follows.
users/email_password.asp , yes, admins have access to absolutely anything...
as for the other question what you should do is only show links to people logged in that they have access to.. then they wont get logged out when they go to a page they do not have access to
for example if someone doesn't have access to a level 4 page dont give them a link to go there... you can do that by checking the session variables and creating your hyperlink html code accordingly .. using simple if-else logic... you could even make a hyperlink non-clickable and add some text to it like (no access)
it's all about taking the time to intelligently designing the different areas of your web site. It takes a bit of time and work to really make a system flow the way you want it to.
other than that it becomes extremely complicated to not grant them access when they go to a page they dont have access to but also keep them logged in. It is just not designed to flow that way. If someone goes to a page they do have access to they get logged out. It sort of has to be that way because of the ways things flow.
more info on accessing user info after login so you can do that http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo198-1.htm
another good thing to check out is the provided examples for mutliple access levels. You can see that if you log into the default page for that that it only shows you links to pages you have access to. Done with simple if-else logic around the html links. It is using groups but you can do the same sort of concept using groups. , Did you ever figure out the process for VS2005?, Just as an FYI, I found the problem. FP2003 has an "Optimize" feature that removes so called not needed spaces and comments from the pages. It also completely screws up .ASP code.
I turned off the optimization feature and all the pages I was having problems with worked. However, I would still recommend not using it too! , Flash Code Generator
Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.
cwilliams38291.6146875, I am having problems with a password a user wants to use. He wants HANNAH. When he (or I) try to log in with his username and password, I get a syntax error -
Syntax error in string in query expression '(Username = 'changedforsecurity') AND (Password = ' éG'. pathOnComputer../1protect/check_user_inc.asp, line 114
I've obviously changed the username and the server path in the info above for security.
I have not messed with the encryption.
What is it that the system doesn't like in the word HANNAH as a password? I would just change his password for him but this guy has enough trouble just turning the computer on! Confusing him with a new password would take weeks to set him straight.
Thanks, Mick
I'm setting up the subscription locally so I can't test it out until I
put the site live. I have a question in how the paypal
subscription works.
1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for
processing? Is that something I have to set up in my paypal
2. I'd like to use Paypal's
auto return. I assume the return page would be ipn.asp?
Would I just need to add a redirect to the login page at the end
of the appropriate txn_type if/then statement?
P.S. I did finish the integration of the webwizforum with
ASPProtect. Thanks for the great headstart on that! Will be
putting everything live in a couple weeks.
, well, thats a network drive path and in my opinion a very poor way for them to have set things up. It can work as long as permissions get set there and they have the anonymous webserver accounts set up correctly to handle that scenario, but performance isn't the best because your accessing the access database over the network. Access databases are not just not meant to be connected to over the network in a web based scenario. Quality ASP hosting companies do not set up their servers that way and it can often be difficult to get things running as it is a more complex setup on their end. Meaning if they dont synchronize the IUSR_machine accounts correctly you'll have permission issues.
http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168 , i downloaded the latest version. i also downloaded the sql script provided and ran in sql query analyser to create the tables.
After that i ran a special page to intially get into the system,
then setup a new user, then make them an admin,
and after that i logged out and again when i try to login iam not able to login. When i check the ASpp_User table I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0. But if the value are Nulls or 0 it means it's not active and it's not allowing me to login.
Pls advice
, Good Morning - I am receiving an Http 500 internal server error when I go to add a new user via the register.asp page. the url when the error appears is: .../users/add_new_account.asp
I think the error has to do with my email component setting - becuase it works fine otherwise.
I have the email component setting set to CDOSYS (using remote server) with the mail.remote.server set to email.cidra.com - email address set to webmaster@cidra.com
Note: I receive the email notification and the user does get added.
Can you help please? Shirley
UPDATE...I just figured out that it only errors when the email address I use for the user is NOT from cidra.com -- Any idea why?
, Actually quite well. I have this problem worked out and it
actually isn't to bad. But now I am getting some strange
error messages. I will start another post.
, When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.
I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty, I had not rebooted after installing the Jet driver updates, so I tried that and the asptest page worked fine, and said that all the tests were successful and that the data connection was setup correctly. I then installed aspprotect again, but with the same results. I cannot log-in from the get_me_in.asp page. It still says that it is opening the page, but does not respons for an indefinite period. The asptest page is in the same directory.
I have looked for alternate databases for this product on your site, but I cannot seem to find them. , recently i've been getting a lot of unspecified errors. i've been running aspbanner for about a year and a half now. i don't know what would have caused all these problems. also, for some reason it won't maintain my log-in, ever time i got from page to page or try to submit a form it asks me log-in again.
Jason S. cwilliams38389.8791550926, "I can login for the first time."
when you say that what exactly does that mean, because in this version you do not just log in for the 1st time.
What I am saying is there are steps where you run a special page to intially get into the system, then you setup a new user, then you make them an admin, and then you can log in as them.
You left all of that out of your story...
I really need all details in order to help.. is this an upgrade or a new install, etc etc etc
I would also advise very carefully comparing the fields in your sql database to the sql creation scripts to make sure all the field settings are correct.
Lastly, please tell me what name/email you ordered the product under so I can check your purchase.
Thanks, Hi,
I need to be able to add about 9 checkboxes to the register.asp. would I be able to use one of the custom fields?
The other thing is once I add the checkboxes the value must be written to the DB and later read when displaying the person's Album.
Any idea on how I can do this.
, Thanks for the quick reply!
I was thinking it was an ASP config/install issue.
I usually deal with Linux/PHP, so this is all new to me :) ,
The reason is obvious, the file is called aspprotectlogin.aspx. It is self advertising for your product which is against the law for me to do on a government support website such as mine. Every other login system I have come across uses the login.aspx file. If I can’t change it I will file with the credit card company and return your product. I do like your product and hope to stay one of your customers. I will let you know, thanks for your help. , Chris-
A general question - Can you have multiple instance of the gallery on the same server? , it is by design actually and something that can be improved (I just never thought of it when I 1st designed the system and it is actually planned to be added in Version 8)
The trick would be to reset those session variables anytime someone edits and saves their information... not very hard at all
you would do it on the save code page for when a user edits themself. you want to grab the info posted from the form and reset each session variable at the same time everything is re-saved to the database
Session("Company_Name") = Request("Company_Name")
, Thanks for the information. We added the name manually instead of using the App_Name variable., I guess i am not being clear as to what i am trying to do. As far as the event thing... lets hold off on that for now. It seems Chris has answered my question and i am on my own for that one...
As far as the log in goes: I went to that site you mentioned;www.CafePress.com to see if they had what i was talking about. and they do. Notice on the bottom of the page it says "sign in to your account"
I want that option on my home page where users can sign in to go to their account. It will either take them to a page where they can update their info, or it will take them to a protected page. Pretty much instead of posting a link on the site to say... click here to go to members.aspx and have it return an "access denied" the user can enter their info from the main page and be automatically re-directed to that members.aspx page.
I know how the viewstate works and i also know what that returnURL thing does..pretty self-explanitory.
Hopefully that makes things easier. I just want a user to log in from the homepage and be redirected to either a protected page or their account page...
(as does that cafepress website) , Oh yes...I've changed the time a script is allowed to run before timing out from 90 seconds to 180 seconds on the aspprotect folder., I swapped a few emails with CJW regarding support for ASPMail.
This application works with this software. I host my site with a
private hosting company named 'Intermedia.net' and this is what I had
to do to make this application work.
1 - Change email settings to 'SASMTPMail' installed
2 - Find all instances of the following code:
If ASPMail_Installed = true then
&nbs p; Set Mailer =
&nbs p; Set Mailer =
End If
Change this code to simply:
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
3 - that was about it. The files that I needed to change are:
I believe that's all i needed to change. Any questions I'd be
happy to try to help out. [CJW -- for some reason i needed a
restart on the server, it's all good now
http://www.iphotosite.com/galleryapp/default.asp. I'll be putting
in a redirect for that location/domain later today.
Kurt Tietjen
, I am running Windows 2000 server. I do believe asp.net IS installed as I have the .NET 1.1 framework installed.
Funny about the bounce backs. I am at about 10% of my limit, which I control as I am the network admin. I'll check into that. ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:53:29 PM
jason trying to upload powerpoint to web, Researching products and planning to find out the IP's of our equipment. Reading literature about our Orinoco Router, find rooms in 11 north pearl, getting together information for howards trunk forcast to bell atlantic, look into performace issues between as5800 and 7513. worse than yesterday. major packet loss. tried some more diff configurations, entered cc deposit, Read articles related to the time warner merger and collected addressed fo rthe Memo to be sent to., TICC Team Meeting, Lunch with my wife and boys., lunch, Reset Microcoms, Netservers, Total Controls, and Compaq's. , travel time to ogdensburg, Posted accounts and did a detail of checks and cash for a bank deposit. Credit Card Authorizations, ans. phone, customer inquiries, and worked on problem children., hacking away at the compaq box, what a POS, company meeting, Cly to Wtn, Saratoga follow up, paul's schedule calendar update and vacations added to calendar, Costguard call, Update time cards, respond to email complaints, Answered tech related calls. Called on rad log. Checked online issues and ask a ? emails., Batching and aswering phones., meet w/Adam re: Open SRS, filed printed invoices, Answered phones again, nothing new., Auto Works- need ftp access, and hosting- sent info- register for ftp acess with Randy, email, voicemail, call backs, general admin, steady teching., billing issues. sign ups.DSL info. lots of cancels today.,