Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:32 PM
Honestly cannot comment much about v7 since it was just installed on a new server. We have been running 5.03 for years so I'm looking forward to the new features in v7.
, There is nothing built in to the system but it is very doable.
However, you need to be a decent asp coder because your going to have to write some code.
Basically you would want to do a check on the screen where a user uploads to count how many pictures they have uploaded.
Then act accordinly and either let them or dont let them proceed.
On a side note the overall filesize limit of the total of all pictures a user can upload can be set when you edit a user.
thank you for such a quick response -- It sounds straight forward - so I should be all set. Thanks again., Javascript Popup/Pop Under Generator
Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.
Just dont use option 2 on that page as that is specific to banmanpro
cwilliams38291.614849537, I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.
If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then
SearchFlag = True
End If
If SearchFlag <> True Then
If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then
<!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" -->
<title>My Title</title>
My Protected stuff here
For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.
, Hello,
Sorry, I do not have any good ideas on this one...
Domain Name Masking can cause issues with quite a few things.
cwilliams38366.3136342593, This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6
in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.
We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.
cwilliams38401.6321990741, I have run into the same problem with streaming pdfs to the browser
using the stream_download.asp example, but only when selecting the
option to open the file directly into the browser (after it's streamed
back) as opposed to saving it and then opening it (which works fine in
Firefox and IE). Then I ran across this Microsoft support article;EN-US;Q2 97822
It got me thinking that maybe a header needs to be included in
stream_download.asp that tells the browser to specifically cache the
file. Adding this suddenly got everything working
Response.CacheControl = "Public"
right after this line in the code
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
My asp is limited, but this seems to work at least for pdf
documents. Can someone confirm this? The other question I
have is if this is a solution, should the CacheControl be set to public
or private. Not sure on what the implications are.
Firefox by the way seems to open or save and open the file without
this, so you are right that the implementation between the browsers is
certainly different.
, I just purchased the software and it looks great however, I have been fighting for 4 hours trying to get a protected page to do what it is supposed to.
I was trying the examples you provided and they worked fine, then I would use the code at the top of my pages with no luck.
When I installed the software, I used an FTP package as I have found lately that anything with a database gets all messed up when I publish with FP.
On a whim, I took the page I was publishing in FP and published the same page with my FTP program. It worked! What I can't figure out is what FP does to the files to screw them up so they won't function. Is there a setting in FP that I have to change to get it to work? The files look the same, but they are different sizes when I overwrite them with FTP.
Any ideas? I don't want to have to publish my entire site with FTP as it is a FP template site.
, While my host says the permissions are now correct....its still trying to download the setup ASP file instead of executing it.
I really need to get this application working asap too. I noticed the purchasing page said that install came any help would reaallly be great.
, Not to be pushy, but how's the new version progressing?
I'm hoping these features will be in it:
- possibly add the ability to move pictures around in an album. and maybe between albums, I must also remember to move the ratings and desc as well for that image.
- possibly add a feature to store 3 versions of images uploaded
thumbnail, medium res, and high res/original
add option to store the images orginal name in the images description area during upload
may be helpful to people that name their images in a somewhat descriptive way
add support for the ibulc bulk upload client that I recently discovered
If you could use a beta tester, I'm still just setting up my site and would be willing to run a beta.
, Hi,
How do you know permissions are ok in that folder ?
Please tell me more on how they were set.
Please read through my article on how they are set correctly.
Often times they are not set correctly or people thingk they set them somehow but in fact did not do it the correct way.
I would also suggest using the "test_physical_path.asp" page in the "extras" folder to verify if the path you are using to the database mdb file is in fact correct. That page should work whether permissions are set or not. At least then you will know if the path is correct or not and you can go from there.
, I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight
issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their
order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site
to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been
cancelled. Any help would be great.
I pull that crap on myself once and a while... or my
favorite is leaving a bootable CD in the drive and then wondering why the heck
the OS doesn’t come back up. I pretty much promised myself back in 2002 that I
would never mess with anything minor after 10PM. For whatever reason I always
start messing around trying to "fix" something and end up sorry...
Granted if it’s an emergency I am all for it, but I get dresses in advance
anticipating the practically inevitable drive down to the datacenter.
Good luck with that, I am sure you will be much better off
in the long run.
, OK, I updated the server with the SP 8 Jet updates and this had no effect.
Then I loaded the asptest file and put in the correct path. The results were:
Failed: Database could not be connected to....
Error reported from server:
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Error number: -2147467259
Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x784 Thread 0x854 DBC 0x2101014 Jet'.
, on that particular page check the session variables manually (not using the include)
that way you are keeping the login access checking to an absolute minimum, elminating any form processing from the login procedure, and keeping the upload script happy
like so
If Not InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
' do whatever
End If
you could response.write something followed by a response.end
or you might even want to response.redirect them to some other page that using the "check_user_inc.asp" where they can log in
And if you are going to be using a free asp upload script use this one as it is probably the best pure code upload solution available as far as performance goes.
, Does ASPprotect support Paypal's Website Payments Pro option, where a user can use a credit card directly on a web site, without passing to
, perhaps the filesystem object is disabled on the server ?
or some sort of script blocking is running and causing a problem ?
other than that I can take a look if you put it up on a live server.
, Just want to be able to log users in from the home page via a username and password box somewhere say on the left hand side with a login button. Like most sites have.... i cant seem to figure out how to do that with the software.
My other question is..Is there a way to incorporate this software into an event registry? What i mean is this:
Say a company is having a pool party, BBQ, and tennis lessons (just examples)
When a user registers with aspprotect i want him/her to have the option to register for one of the events. Also, I as the admin, would like to be able to view who and how many registered for each event... Here is what i am talking about (and it has a payment option to charge for an event which would be PERFECT if you could do)
Please let me know if there is a way to add this option or create...
, still.. its got to be somthing along those lines.. I have seen times when even dbo didnt have full rights to a particular database so permissions should always be manually checked..
The import data routine is most likely the source of the trouble
For troubleshooting sake I would create a fresh installation from scratch using the sql script we provide and a new SQL user. Then see if that works. If it does then try to import your data into that.
There are no other things I can think of doing. Sometimes you just have to start with a clean slate. , Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database., sure (XP PRO), see my article on that ssions.asp
, Really, only you or your hosting company would know that information...
It is usally installed in the "_database" folder but the physical path including the drive letter to that can only be known by asking your hosting company or by using server mappath to learn the path on you own.
That folder also needs special permissions. The permissions it needs are covered in the documentation for the software and generally only your hosting compnay can set those permissions.
The online support forums here are full of information and resources on correctly setting up data connections. It is ASP 101 and something you really need to have an understanding of.
I am happy to answer questions and try to help, but if you dont want to deal with it or can't we do offer installation services.
, Hi - When I try the mass email feature, I get an error that says:
ODBC Microsoft access driver) too few parameters expected 1
/aspprotect/password/admin/send_mass_email.asp line 280
Oddly...this feature works fine when I use the original admin user that you setup.
But I setup another one with my username and password (not test) - because I was afraid anything with "test" could get deleted.
Any ideas on why the new admin userid would not work? Note: I have not change any code from the original installation.
, Please Note : Users with the option pack a new feature called groups that is much more powerful than access levels.
More On Access Levels
Again, Examples of managing Access Levels are provided in the "multiple_access_levels" folder included in the root of the Password System. Look at the source code of the ASP pages in that folder with a text editor to see the working code.
Access Levels and how they work can be re-coded to work in many different ways. However, you have to be a good ASP developer to make changes to it. Here is some information on how they work by default and also info on an alternate scenario we have provided.
In the "check_user_inc.asp" that comes in the root of this system Access Levels works as follows.
Level 1 has Access to - Level 1
Level 2 has Access to - Level 1,2
Level 3 has Access to - Level 1,2,3
Level 4 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4
Level 5 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5
Level 6 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6
Level 7 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Level 8 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
ADMIN has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ADMIN
The "check_user_inc.asp" included in the "extras" directory is an example of changing the access level checking code
to work differently. In that "check_user_inc.asp" Access Levels works as follows.
Level 1 has Access to - Level 1
Level 2 has Access to - Level 2
Level 3 has Access to - Level 3
Level 4 has Access to - Level 4
Level 5 has Access to - Level 5
Level 6 has Access to - Level 6
Level 7 has Access to - Level 7
Level 8 has Access to - Level 8
ADMIN has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ADMIN
If you get creative you can create some interesting access level checking scenarios.
Here is some additional info..
If the access levels are too restrictive you can ignore them all together and create your own totally custom solutions.
Here is a quick rundown of some of the things you can do.
Ok... so if you want to be really specific about what each user can see and
can't .. here's an example of what you can do
Don't use the access levels before the include file..
Don't worry about what you set a user to in the admin area since the access levels won't be used.
Do something like this..
Every time a user logs in session variables are set that you can access at
any time.. thus allowing you to know who they are.
So you could do something like this...
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If Session("USERNAME") = "bob1267" or Session("USERNAME") = "carl45" or Session("ADMIN") = "True" Then
Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "Yes"
Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "No"
End If
The following URL explains what Redirects are.
That would in effect create totally custom access levels.. but you would
have to do it manually for each user.
You can also do things like this after a person logs in
Show custom html to any specific user based on either their username or
access level ... like so
say there was a menu and a certain link should only show up to username
you could do something like this
<a href="main.asp">Home Page</a>
If Session("USERNAME") = "paully67" Then
<a href="paullys_page.asp">Pauls Stats Page</a>
End If
<a href="links.asp">Links Page</a>
Or you can show custom HTML or links based on Access Levels or any other info.
You can do just about anything with if-then statements and
using the built in vbscript functions..
Hopefully this info will help to give you some ideas...
Bottom line is you have to do some work within your site to make the Access Level system really come alive.
cwilliams38114.6506712963, You do not say something like that in a support forum for a legitimate software product. I don't think piracy is funny in the least bit. It is something I deal with every day with my own software. If you want to joke about it please do it someplace else. If you are downloading things via p2p do not talk about here. I don't want to know about it period., now, even though it should work with two slashes or not... here is an updated file that will clear that issue up.
You can try it but I think you have other issues like I said above.
just replace this file in the "scripts" folder , I am running .asp pages and using the longer code method to display flash banners on my site.
I have noticed a considerable decrease in the loading of my index page when I have a banner called. When I remove the banner, all is fine.
Any suggestions?
, All fixed... I changed the remote server from or whatever it said there to localhost
I sent a test email to myself and got it no problem
the error you were getting was email component related , I didn't know about it. I will try to check it out some more this week.
, We have been using ASP Protect for a while now and are big fans of the program. We received ASP Banner 8.2 with our puchase which we now have a need for. I went to put the files on our webpage, and doing nothing else other than locating the directory there, I noticed differences with how ASP Protect operates. We have customized it a bit and want to keep the 2 programs separate. the login screen for one showed up on the other, and some ASP Protect pages appeared altered so i immediately deleted ASP Banner. did I do something wrong, and how can i ensure the 2 programs work completely independant of each other? We can't risk braking what we're now using but would really like to add banner functionality to some of our pages. maybe an update to the program before we install? puchase new software? Thanks for your help-
, Here is the complete page with the error message:
============================================================ ===
Unspecified error
This means there is most likely a problem with the "ConnectionString" info that you specified.
If you are using a DSN-Less Connection with MSACCESS.
Check that the physical path to the database has been specified correctly.
It has to be perfect and correct. It cannot be specified using "http://" or by using "server.mappath".
It has to be specified like the following example.
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\advpass_pro\_database\passwords.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=admin;PASSWORD=Xpass"
If this is running on an NT server or Win2000 Server make sure that permissions have been set on the database.
Only the server admins can do this. If you are not the admin you will have to ask for this to be done.
If you are using a System DSN
It is not set up correctly. Again, make sure the permissions have been set for the database and that the system DSN has been set up correctly by the server admins.
============================================================ ===
I am the only one on the site since I just transferred the files and in the testing phase. It is using an MSAccess DB
, I am trying to find out where I can enter the ttle for the application.
There is a variableor field called App_Name into which it would be good to insert a generic name. Can this be edited?
I have searched high and low but cannot find anything to do with it.
, Humm, its hard to explain but I am not sure that is a good way to be testing that. I hear what you are saying but I am not sure that really means anything. Whatever is going on its some sort of client side issue with the browser and the meta refreshing over a very long period of time during which there really is no user doing anything at the site. , Thanks for the info. We'll do as you suggest.
, basically one at a time because of limitations of the file uploads that browsers can support
more on that here
An Admins can however ftp a bunch of pics to the import folder and import them into any album all at once pretty easily
, it is by design actually and something that can be improved
(I just never thought of it when I 1st designed the system and it is actually planned to be added in Version 8)
The trick would be to reset those session variables anytime someone edits and saves their information... not very hard at all
you would do it on the save code page for when a user edits themself.
you want to grab the info posted from the form and reset each session variable at the same time everything is re-saved to the database
Session("Company_Name") = Request("Company_Name")
, in the version you have changing it is not something we covered
I believe you will find it the "config_inc.asp" file in the root though... be careful with naming it though because if you use any spaces or weird characters it might cause issues with various functions in the application like emailing.. I recommend just using letter, numbers, and maybe dashes
, no, and none of the ASP based systems I know of can do anything like that.
A zone can only produce 1 banner at a time.
What your are talking about I have mostly only seen done using very complex javascript code available freely on the web if you search. , Access Database Password
By default all of the Access Databases we give out have a default password of "temp"
The Default username that and Access database uses is "Admin" but you should not be concerned with that except in your connection strings.
The default password for the Access Database can only be changed using Microsoft Access to do so. If you have security concerns it would make sense to change the password. The help system built into Microsoft Access best explains how to do that.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:32 PM
Gathered Food for United Way food Drive, Passport maint. & provisioning, Answered E-Mails, Phone Calls, Email, email checks, system checks, Fixing search on all softmls sites because there is a problem with the search all status's feature that I added last week..., entered and reviewed bills, called vendors, same as above, radlog and callbacks, Marketing, Seacomm- Set up corporate program with tara for laurel- 15 dial users
Sial withyos- left message for lenny- work order made f0r Jaosn 2000-50
Randy- set up meeting with WPbs- streaming video
Steve wood- miss new york pagaaaent
Martins marina- meeting set for Wednesdayat2:00pm-changes of rweb site
go over billing with michele for new york felt
martins marina
, Different things at Clayton, Talked to Jim about SoftMLS and his letters to members, Pocket Real Estate, etc, lunch, Management Meeting, work order meeting, SQL Self-Study, few more calls around 6:30-7, Review Tariff 900, Drive back to Watertown (70 miles), Blue Moo, TVII, Ken M., Jeff W., train with cathy, meet with Jim, Staples, THOUSANDISLANDS BRIDGE AUTHORITY ADD PAGE AND CONTENT, ALSO ADDED TO NAVIGATION, Labor Day, Took a couple of calls that were on hold. , slow day, training, opened mail and worked on act pay-worked with Howard for a list for Watertown and Staples,