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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:45:57 PM

I just took a look and that is definetly what happened.
It has nothing to do with the registration process as far as I can see.

Just running this page triggers it and I know it does not do that the way it comes.

Please back up what you changed and put the user area back the way it came..

If error still happens then I can help you.. It it works fine with the default files from the zip archive then you messed something up in the code.

You have to be really careful when working with ASP code.

Also: just in case you did this. " you should not be password protecting any files in the users area that are already there " the users area does it's own thing and there is no reason to be doing anything like that to the files that are already there. You can do whatever you like to files you add on your own.

cwilliams38456.0957060185, "get_me_in.asp" just hangs during a new install. Nothing happens no matter how long you wait and IIS may temporarily hang up as well.

You may very well be running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on your server? Or something similar?

It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.

Read this..

... doesn't seem to be working on my site. I expect I did something wrong.

I've created some groups, "week", "month", and "year". Their IDS are 6, 5, and 4, respectivelty. When someone goes through the PayPal signup, he's assigned to one of those groups based on his subscription.

When I see a new subscriber and check the relevant group the person's supposed to be in, that person's not in that group. I'm adding them manually for now, but I'd sure like a solution for when I go to sleep...

My subscription code looks like this:

input type="hidden" name="custom" value="5,*4*,<% =User_ID %>

One-off code looks like this:

option selected value="7,4.95,1,*6*"

I've created the groups in my management console. Is there anywhere or anything else I'm missing?


Redirecting is not something ASPProtect does because you can
do that sort of thing using simple ASP redirects.

In all of these examples you are going to want to protect the pages you send these users to accordingly.
So that if they know the url they just cant go their directly without loging in.


Redirecting example..
This page will redirect admins or level 4 users to a certain page  and anyone else to
another page.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If Session("Admin") = "True" or Session("Access_Level") = "4"  Then
End If



Redirecting example..
This page will redirect level 1 users to a certain page. level 2 users to certain page, and anyone else to
another page.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If Session("Access_Level") = "1"  Then
ElseIf Session("Access_Level") = "2" Then
End If



Redirecting example..
This page will redirect user "PistolPete" to a certain page.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
If Session("Username") = "PistolPete" Then
End If

then just make sure the page you send the user to to also checks to see if the user is the right user.... to make sure others users can't access each others pages
If Session("Username") <> "PistolPete" Then
    Response.Write("You do not have access to this page.")
End If



etc etc etc.... these code snippets should point you in the right direction...

, how would anyone recommend i go about setting a different expiration date for each group a user may belong to?, that variable comes from the settings acreen in the admin area. If you do not have it set properly things like what you are describing will happen., I dont get it.. I am still looking into it..

I think this has something to do with your original experience when things would work and then not work.

something weird is going on

can add photo album but after i upload a pic, nothing shows.

where do i look to research why pics aren't showing in the albums


Well I have the web hosting tech looking into the memory issues at this point.  Unfortunately I don't have another machine to be able to run the asp on that would run it correctly so that I can just publish it over.


5 Computers in an office, random hardware and operating systems.  Some wireless some wired - all the same ISP connection.

Some users do not see the PLACE A NEW AD hyperlink.  How can this be hidden?  There is no conditional statement yet some see it and others don't.

To make this problem even more confusing if I take an image and put the place_new_ad.asp hyperlink on that image the users don't even see that image any longer.

How can this be resolved?


Same here.  Thinking it might be server load or the bandwidth to the server.

Thanks for checking!


yeah.. thats an old graphic probably only seen in a few places.

it is not on the main site
or here
or here
or here
or here

but I am sure there are a couple of pages left over still using it like the aspvendor and asplistings pages.. etc    I am aware of it, just been too busy to go change them and I didn't consider it a big deal

2003 servers are NT based anyway

, After you click the link in the confirmation e-mail you are directed to the Thank you page.  Right above is a sign in link.  When I click this I get that funky error message.

I am trying to integrate  the scripts with the look of my site,  if that is what you mean by changing things around too much.  But, I don't think I have done anything out of the ordinary.


I made the changes like you suggested, but now the page just times out before even loading. 

ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\DrWeisbergUsers.mdb;Driver={Microso ft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
DatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

ok "ace45",

I just spent a bunch of time in your setup using SQL server and I didnt have a single issue. It all seems to be working perfectly to me.

I got into the system using the "get_me_in.asp" page like the instructions say to to.. then I deleted those two users you had there.

I created a new user called "admin".. then I edited that user to make him an admin.

I have logged off and back on as that user a bunch of times without issue.


is the user info..

I just didnt see any problems whatsoever???

I also took the liberty of going into the settings page and setting all that up for you as well so all the url paths are right now and emailing from the application works.

I am going to wait an hour or so and try to log in a few more times but it honestly seems to be running perfectly to me. , Sounds crazy. I recently took over this web site and all IT duties. User today said member area was not working. All pages would not display. After restoring some files I got the members area partially working. But I cannot find where the database sits. I am able to get in and view users in the admin are and log in as a member. Thanks., ok, glad it is working, Makes sense to me. I used the  ASPProtect_access2002.mdb supplied. (I am using 2003).  Only added more names and other personal info to it for test. Uploaded the amended db with FTP.  This did not restrict someone not listed in db from logging in.

Would each individuals' information need to be added to the code in order to have it check the database first to find out if the person is authorized to view?

Part of the problem is I dont know which ASP page or script links the db to the rest of the web, or how one page relates or links to the other. 

Sometimes I wonder if problems I encounter originate with the server.

Thanks for patience.



I don't fully understand what you are explaining ... the part about showing a user but not working???? but if you PM me the details I will glady go into your live webserver and see if I can get it working.


I am confused.

Humm, how did ASPBanner 8 come with your purchase of ASPProtect ? That is not something I am aware of or something I do. Please provide more information on how you obtained ASPBanner 8. If I gave yu a copy for some reason please refresh my memory so I can go look up th emails about it. I need to know you have a valid license.

Now, as for the two not working together and the login screens messing with each other. I am even more confused. Tell me more as I just do not understand what you did ? ASPBanner has it's own user database and login system so there is no reason you should be mixing the two together as far as logins go. The two applications can certainly be in the same web together and not bother each other. ASPBanner can certainly serve banners to any pages you protect with ASPProtect or don't protect, but you certainly should not be protecting any ASPBanner code with ASPProtect code.  ASPBanner already has code in it to do that. If that is the case don't do that. ASPProtect is not meant to protect code that already has a login system. That should just be obvious as far as I am concerned and hopefully you dintn't try to do that.

(you said you just put the directory in there but there must be more too this than that)

But again, tell me more. I can't really know everything  ??

I just dont see how your ASPProtect pages could be effected by ASPBanner unless you really did something wacky like included the ASPBanner "check_user_inc.asp" instead of the one that comes with ASPProtect or overwrote it... etc ect

If in the same web aspprotect can be wherever and aspbanner needs to be in a folder called "aspbanner". There should be no conflicts under normal use and the two will essentially run seperate of one another.

, Oh, it does seem to put the photo in the correct directory.,

edited due to inappropriate content


My ISP uses ASPSmartMail. The email confirmation works except when I try to register an AOL user the server returns an error 500.


When viewing a list of albums with the navigation option 1, is there a way to get the Time Created sort to list Newest to Oldest, instead of Oldest to Newest.
Looking at the code in albums_navigation1_inc.asp, I can not determine how this works.
Thanks for your help!
- Jason
p.s. I always forget how addicting this stuff can be...lol.

When using this code:

<!------- ASPBanner Ad code ------------->
<script language="JavaScript"> var code = '';
var now = new Date();
var nIndex = now.getTime();
document.write('<s' + 'cript src=" http://www.poconocommuter.com/aspbanner/injectbanner.asp?Ban nerZone=6&nocache=' + nIndex + '">');
document.write('</' + 's' + 'cript>');
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(jscode);</script& gt;
<!--------- End ASPBanner Ad code --------------->

I receive an error that jscode is undefined. The banner will not display.

Any ideas how to fix this?


, question 2 is answered best here

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=319&KW =paypal

Ok, got it.  Didn't know if there was something already set up for this that I was missing.

>>I should also mention that the paypals scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox.

Ok.  Thanks.

>>Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts) then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.

Yeah, been messing around with that.  Got everything going except the return page which I can't do until the site is live. 

>>Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on for aspprotect.

Ok.  Will email you with a username and password for access to the site once it's live. 

Sounds like a great add-on for ASPProtect!









Sorry, not really.. not without a lot of changes to the code.
the recent activity info recycles.. it is not meant to be day by day

My suggestion there would be to look at both the log files and the user activty screens...


ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.

Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.

A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.

Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.

For example..

You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly

Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  2-8 would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  3-8 would have access..

and so on... I think you should get the picture by now

, I am running into problems with the import function.  I have 25 photos loaded into the import folder.  The page see all of the photos.  But after I click on the import process it takes me Picture Manager with no pictures loaded.  I have hit the refresh button, but there is nothing there.  dr_bones38394.676412037, Interesting.. Yes, the SMTP service is turned on.  This is my boogle.  If they are both installed, then it should in theory work.  But for some reason, it is being subborn and not working.,

as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""

however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa"     basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue.  Permissions...


I have an asp page that includes other asp pages via an include.  for example:

snippet code: file name: collaboration.asp

 <table bgcolor="#bed1e4" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> 
     <!--#include file="../../../filetransfer/directory_listing2.asp" -->
     <!--#include file="../../../filetransfer/upload.asp" -->

I can add the code below to collaboration.asp and it seems to work,but I cant seem to figure out how to protect the other files such as upload.asp at the same time. -- can you help?  - Note: as soon as I add the code below (and adjust the path) - I cant bring up the page.

This is the protection code I am using.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../../../aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp"-->


, Chris,

I'm setting up the subscription locally so I can't test it out until I put the site live.  I have a question in how the paypal subscription works.

1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for processing?  Is that something I have to set up in my paypal account?

2. I'd like to use Paypal's auto return.  I assume the return page would be  ipn.asp?  Would I just need to add a redirect  to the login page at the end of the appropriate txn_type if/then statement?


P.S. I did finish the integration of the webwizforum with ASPProtect.  Thanks for the great headstart on that!  Will be putting everything live in a couple weeks.

, its no different than linking to an image or another page. you have to adjust the path to the include file based on what directory you are in.. or you get an error

This is noted in the admin area on the code generator page which also gives you 2 examples of ways of calling the server side include. (Virtual or File include)

These threads below are also full of info. I found them by doing a quick search and they should help you out as well.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=349&KW =The+include+file

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=303&KW =The+include+file

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=236&KW =The+include+file ,

When a user 1st signs up a proper case function is run on certain fields.
This is only once on user signup and never done in the admin area.

It's goal is to keep things entered in Proper Case,

so if someone enters "chris williams" it becomes "Chris Williams"

It's not perfect but it helps a lot to keep the data clean and more consistent. Since it only happens during registration those values can be changed later by the admin or the user if someone wants to.

The function is only applied to the fields that it makes sense to apply it to.... 
In your case adding a drop down menu means you want exactly what is in your drop down to appear so you wouldn't want it happening.

That being said, it is really easy to remove this situation from any field it is happening to during registration.

So edit "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor


CmdAddUser.Fields("Company_Name") = PCase(Company_Name)

and change it to

CmdAddUser.Fields("Company_Name") = Company_Name

That is all that is needed to made the change


I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.

It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.

You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.

Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.

You want to run a special page via the browser.


Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you.
See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that.

, Haven't gotten to it yet. I do know there are a few customers using it to edit the app and said it was not all that different. Maybe they will chime in with some tips.,

Can ASPClassifieds display the ads by city?

I have a web directory that lists websites and companies by city.  Is it possible to have specific ads shown to the user depending on what city they click on?  For example, only ads in New York would be shown to users that have already clicked on that city in my directory.



all that docmunetation is online as well right here so you dont really need the chm file

the chm format is a windows format that can only be viewed on windows pcs. I do not know why you can not see it. I would do reseach on viewing CHM files on whatever operating system and version you are running because perhaps you are using a mac or linux operating system which can not natively view chm files ?


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:45:57 PM

enter bills & mileage reinbursement, We continued with trying to get the add_item page to pull the information provided from the SQL server., General tech duties., help chris, beth with their computers, *EveryDayDad, marble day, lunch, E-Mail, Schedule, w/Tim, Configure Serv-U FTP to run as a service, Installed gisco online cd on a customers computer (shawnas). Reworked their network settings and configured their Conexant modem., monday meeting, biz fair follow ups, ch 7, Timecards, more tedchnical support was not as busy as earlier that morning and afternoon.... also did new users that morning and finished up in the afternoon... as well trained bob and showed him how to put users in emerald and imail and told him about the new user email and the cc email and when both are supposed to be used, Took some medication and relaxed, sales meeting, Marketing, On the phone with Splitrock some more, talked to John Turner, set up a training plan for the tech on new services, met with Dave Foster and Nate Nichols (paperwork)., Update timecard, Times (schoolstats) Started new user rosters for boys & girls basketball., Travelled to Albany for SoftMLS presentation w/ Paul, Errol,Jeff,Dave and Bob, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, ans. phone, customer inquiries, customer traffic, credit card authorizations, and sorted the moning mail., Meeting with Chris W., Nic, Peggy, Kelly and Brian Lindquist from Warren, PA MLS, met with tom to go over projects, trouble reports, allen realestate, taylor decoys, lori gervera, other call backs, revised PR from Bob Nelson, Reading through a wireless article that explained different products and the security and range of wireless, Watertown email etc., Review Ops Budget, Eng Notebook, office work , answer emails, answer phone, fill in for Jim, Managers meet,

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