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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:45:10 PM

It probably is. You would have to look at the paypal documentation for IPN and see what needs to be changed in the form code.

You can get all that info from PayPal's website.

There are tons of variables and options you can use with all of their code.
They have detailed PDF files full of information on all of them.


cwilliams38459.9550925926, ASPProtect version 6 does not officially support any sort of redirection or is it a feature.

You can however do redirection after login with some basic ASP if-else statements and ASP redirects. Basically you check the session variables after successful login and send users where based on that info. You of course also need to protect any pages you send users to and make sure any people that aren't supposed to go there do not go there directly and bypass your security.

I highly frown on Redirecting during login (In my opinion it is poor site design and it defeats the purpose of dynamic web pages, there is seldom a good reason to even need to do it if you design your site well) but you can check out this thread which should give you lots of good information.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=17&KW= redirect,


I have ASPprotect 7 installed on my remote server.  I am able to go to the examples/default.asp page and login in without any difficulties.  If I copy the code from that page and paste it in a new page called the same thing but in a different folder, I get this error;  (Keep in mind that this is essentially the same exact page in a different location of the website)

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file '../../check_user_inc.asp' was not found.
/aspprotect/Pages/default.asp, line 3

I get the same error if I paste the "protection code" I have generated into the top of a current (.asp) page in my site.

Basically, the only pages that work are the ones that came with the program as examples.  Thats great, but now I need to make it work for my pages.  Any thoughts?

, Its not a known issue.. I would try the original code before you made any changes and see if it still happens to you.

It seems to be working fine here for me in amy test web.

I am going to look into some more in the meantime.cwilliams38341.7166782407,

Really awesome, thanks..

If possible please be sure to respond to the email they send so the review ends up authenticated




I don't believe that the iframe method is supported in a .NET (aspx) implementation, is it?


, How and where does one add countries/cities to the list so that they appear in the Drop-Down list that advertisers see when they are placing a new ad?, Thank you!!



this issue has been resolved.. see following thread





YES.. you need to edit your SWF file to link to the aspbanner system...

example.. the link may look something like this
http://banserver.powerasp.com/aspbanner/banner_redirect.asp? Banner_ID=60

of course you need to put in the right information for your site and whatever banner ID it is in your system

Like it says above.. if you save the new banner at least once and then come back to edit that link will be generated for you at the bottom of the edit page.

then when your flash banner is clicked on it will go track the click and then send them to the "link_url" specified for that banner when you edited it.
(you need to enter the final destination url there if you want that to work)


I assume that if I am using this product, search engines such as Google cannot access and index my content. Can somebody confirm that; I want to be 100% sure.

In case it matters, I am using a basic, cheap ISP setup where my site is on a shared server.

Thanks in advance.



1.) this has been explored and because of the way groups works is not feasable. Because us this I wrote code to allow you to view and sort all users for any group on the actual groups page. You pick a groups and then click the "Show Users" button

2.) noted


I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7.  I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine.  However when I go to create a new user I get the following error


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/password_admin/save.asp, line 227



, I am not sure. I can tell you that I run windows 2003 server and I have never had any issues setting permissions for ASP.NET files and folders. This very server is 2003 and the ASPProtect.NET demo runs on this server as well.

Course, I can't say that I have specifically tried to remove ASP.NET READ permissions on the database folder as it's just not something I would not have a reason to do.  Why are you trying to do that? The ASP.NET account needs that permission. If you are trying to stop file browsing and downloading in that folder that is not how you do that.  The best way to do that is by keeping the database somewhere else on the server that is not part of the http web. ,

This is great documentaion for windows script 5.6
in windows chm file format for jscript and vbscript.

We use server side vbscript in all our our ASP 3.0 applications so this info can be a lot of help.




Than you 

I'm happy after changing to XML parser for two of the ads. Later I'll change the other codes to XML, never to use iframe again!


Could be a mod I guess - it would be nice to have an option on the admin settings page to lock down access of all pages and redirect to a specified  "lockdown" page upon attempted login.

If I'm updating the large files on the server and someone attempts a download, they'll get a partial ZIP file or an error.



pretty clever...

If anyone is interested in what the Mod function actually does this article explains it nicely. They even use it for the same purpose in the examples.



When I attempt to upload, it appears that the image uploads. I get a "Original Image Size 0 X 0 pixels"


they don't appear in the web pages, any thoughts? I am using VBscript to upload, my host has safileup but I am unable to use it in this script, thanks for any help


here's the site link

Never mind, had the path to the image folder screwed up 


Sorry, you cannot, that is how it works and that is how it has to work for reasons I am not going to try to explain as it is pretty technical. (it works the same way even when not using paypal and using email authentication... nearly every registration system out there does it that way under an email authentication scenario or a PayPal IPN thing.)

Basically, if you are concerned about it you need to periodically manually check for accounts that were never activated and delete them. Maybe when I get some time some day I will make a little interface to help find those and clean them up at once.




i've got a client who has handed me a 151 character banner URL, and i see that the database is designed to take 150 characters. i took the obvious step of just increasing the size of that text field in the database, but i still get this error when i try to enter the URL in the proper form field:

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

/banners/aspbanner/save_banner.asp, line 200

now, line 200 is just this:

If Banner_Link_URL = "" THEN
 CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = NULL
 CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = Banner_Link_URL
End If

which tells me that something is blocking the assignment of that long value to that field, even though i believed i had extended the length of that field in the source database.

where else might i look?



I am using v7 with other software written in ASP.NET. When I include the the "checkfor" and include file, I'm receiving a compliation error.

Here is the include I have on the .aspx file:
<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->

Here is the error:

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30689: Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.

Source Error:
 Line 15: <%
Line 16: ' This is part of the too many login attempts lockdown code which sets a cookie to block login attempts for a certain amount of time
Line 17: If LoginLockDown Then
Line 18: If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("LoginTries") <> "" Then
Line 19: If Cint(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("L oginTries")) = Cint(LoginLockDownAttempts) Then

Source File:
D:\Sites\resadmin\NetOptions\testsite.com\www\ASPProtect\che ck_user_inc.asp Line: 17



The "forgot your password" feature is not sending passwords to users when they put in their emails.

Any suggestions?



I need to use SQL for other reasons than efficiency.  If I create 2-seperate databases, would there be a lot of code to edit?

Thank you.

, MODS are NOT SUPPORTED.. questions about them will not be answered in the support forums. If you want to use a MOD you are considered an advanced user and will need to sort out any issues that may or may not come up.

MODS are used at your own risk and may or may not require certain basic coding skills. ,
Thanks, the DESC addition did the trick!
- Jason

BTW.. I dont know what is going on But I keep getting all these returned emails. My forum is sending you emails and they are coming back as undeliverable saying your storage space is exceeded on your server.


Could not deliver message to the following recipient(s):

Failed Recipient: steve.gould@apawood.org

Reason: Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation

-- The header and top 20 lines of the message follows --

Received: from server.powerasp.com [] by mail.cjwsoft.com with SMTP;

Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400

From: "CJWSoft Support Info" <sales@cjwsoft.com>

To: steve.gould@apawood.org

Subject: CJWSoft Support Info : Thumbnail creation

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html

Hi srgould41,<br /><br />A message has been posted in the info area on CJWSoft Support Info that you asked us to keep an eye on.<br /><br />To view and/or reply to the info then click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=249& amp;TPN=1">http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp? TID=249&TPN=1</a><br /><br />If you no-longer wish to recieve email notification for this Info or Infor Area click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/email_notify.asp?TID=2 49&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe">http://support.cjwsoft.co m/code/email_notify.asp?TID=249&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe& lt;/a><br /><br /><hr /><br /><b>Information Area:</b> ASP Photo Gallery Pro Version<br /><b>Info:</b> Thumbnail creati&#111;n<br /><b>By:</b> cwilliams<br /><br /><P>trust me, they (serverobjects)&nbsp;does not check.. as a matter of fact they havent answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell that crap and forget the customer. But the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)<BR><BR>regardless,<BR>ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own. <BR>It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.<BR><BR>There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.<BR><BR>If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.<BR><BR>To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.</P>






Thank you again Sir. Your quick responses and helpful demeanor add greatly to the value of your software.

, Ok...thanks., Its one of the drwbacks of the encyrption.. sometimes.. VERY RARELY  it will produce things that cause a problem and will not work.

It is something I am doing more research on ..,

no, that only applies to random pictures and stats..


The issues you are talking about usually relate to issues created by switching back and forth between a local install and a live server install and not being careful about changing the paths in the settings depending on where you are running it from.

For example.. it trying to use a url at the server level that is only valid when you are running it locally

cwilliams38394.7554976852, It looks like your product is perfect for my new site, but I have one question. One of the pages I want to protect on my site will be called by an application running on a remote server every 15 seconds. The application can include the username and password in the URL it is calling. Will your product allow access to the protected page on my server? ,






yes. what you are talking about has to do with norton ad blocking software.. it blocks images or paths that have the word "ad" in them.. and you see red x's where images should be on web sites.. usually

it is different then what this thread initially mentions which has to do with a code/server issue with the application variables.



Actually that is not a feature at this time. Only the admin can add an image for user. If you look at the code for that you could adapt it for individual user use fairly easily provided you are decent with ASP.

That feature will probably be added some day, but there was no time to add it to into the current version and I can not give you a time on when it will be added. The complicated part is making some sort of approval process in case a user adds something undesirable and also limited file sizes which is hard to do without somesort of 3rd party uplaod component being involved.



I am doing the initial set-up and have run into a problem. Everything has gone smoothly up to and including pulling up the get_me_in.asp page. When I enter the "PasswordEncryptionKey", nothing happens. The page just sits there without doing anything and the browser says it's opening the page, but never does. I have tried entering the value with and without the double-quotes. The value is the correct one from the config_inc.asp file. I did a copy paste from the file twice to insure I transferred it correctly.

I am running Windows 2000 server.

What now?


, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even though I have a big disclaimer that the account is totally worthless without someone paying to activate it, the new IDs keep coming, about 3 a day.
, How about the option to add an unsubscribe link to the end of newsletters that are sent out and a function that will uncheck the newletter field for that record if they click on the link?


Michelle  ,

To be honest I just can't remember what happens. It has been a long time since I did a real live test of that. I know it seemed like a pretty smooth process to me. Right now I can not test it out as I am on a road trip with my motorcycle and I am sending this email from my PDA.

I would ask Dave at this website.

Or via this username in the forums

He can tell you what happens as he has been using the IPN stuff for about a month now.

Perhaps another user could chime in here as well and let us know. I know there are a lot of people using the IPN stuff.



[QUOTE=cwilliams]Humm, Did you make any changes to the code ?
Solid Black is not the default so it must have changed at least once.[/quote]

I did change the top_logo.gif and the associated link. That was on the default page not the Solid Black skin which is unchanged. After downloading/uploading the skins I tried changing it to one of the Beach skins and that's when it changed to Solid Black and has been stuck there ever since.

[quote]Otherwise it might be some sort of application variable problem.
I would make sure the web is and "application" in the IIS console.[/quote]I don't have access to the Microsoft IIS console as this is a host site. I can access the site's "control panel" but it does allow for those type of settings. Mostly just permissions, DSN entries, etc.



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:45:10 PM

Prepare for Mail Server transition on Sunday, Nortel - CVX, business fair, email, voicemail, call backs, misc, jeff leadership tour, to clayton to drop off mapx software, research existing Fox44 web site and explore additional design work for this effort, Work on PC Bundle Commercial text, MISC ADMIN, PREP FOR TIIC SHOW, NCTW ADS, BIZ JOURNAL ADS, radlog, dial up issues, , mls overview meeting, Downloading and installing upgrade components for asp studio packages, Setting up virtual domains. Maintenence of virtual domains., Worked on Employee Handbook, trvl to plattsburg (w/ed), email, BERNIERCARR.COM STARTED DATA ENTRY FOR CONTENT, pretty steady on the phone... some long calls nothing major, batching and answering phone, , Team meeting, billing questions, sign ups, cancels, phone, BERNIECARR.COM FORMATTED PAGES UNDER THESE SECTIONS CLERKS OF THE WORK MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING BRIDGES AND HIGHWAYS LIBRARY FACILITIES SCHOOLS HISTORICAL RESTORATION MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT RESIDENTIAL , meeting with albany t,u to talk about working with there current board, Prepare for Board Meeting, Sales tax, AP, Watertownny.Com (Chamber) - Completed all changes/additions to Chamber Events Calendar, equiped all pages with upload component capabilites, created dynmaic form management system for ''business after hours'' registration on secure server and BAH registration summary page. Added enable/disable capabilites to events calendar and ability to flag events to link to BAH registration forms, etc., NOTE: Using a marble...., made of ton of calls to Howard and Paul......and drove bell nuts with status inquiries....my favorite thing :), to Watertown, ti.com & wdt.net weekly meeting ,

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