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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:44:01 PM
I recently upgraded my ASPclassifieds from MS Access to SQL. The application launches, I can browse existing catagories, etc. but when I try clicking on the login, guestbook, register or accessing the classifieds_admin, I get the HTTP 500 - Internal server error. Guessing this must be a folder or file permission issue? Have tried changing IUSR permissions but nothing helps.
Please advise. Thanks, lancem , ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..
you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...
you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version
Well, you cant have a login box on the home page when using ASPProtect.NET.. there is no way to make that work. I tried all day to come up with something and it is not going to happen. I suggest you make a login button and link it directly to the protected page you want them to start on. The redirect or link them whereever from there. Either that or write your own forms based authentication solution that works exactly the way you want it to or edit the code accordingly since you have the source. It is not a feature we advertise for the product regardless. It works the way it works. , Thanks.
Nick , It turns out that I never enabled ASP.net on the site. After doing that the skins work much better. I'll have to poke around and see what other functionality is now available.
Al , I have narrowed it down. The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.
any ideas? , Sounds great, Sold!
Thanks Christopher! , well, ultimately it comes down to this and this is stated in the footer of every page in the cjwsoft family of websites.
"In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live professionaly setup server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine."
and if you have some sort of weird timeout going on on your local machine and cant even give me a detailed error message there is just no way I can possibly troubleshoot it... I told you what to check and thats really all I can do... all my applications run on XP. As a matter of fact I do all my development on XP boxes.
It could be any numbers of things... odbc drivers, versions of vbscript... other software on the pc interfering such as antivirus script blockers like norton... all sorts of issues can pop up on personal machines running xp
If you put this up on a live professionally setup web server I can help you. On your local machine there is only so much I can suggest. , Not sure how to response.write the session variable, one last thing... if you did an upgrade from a previous version and didnt do the whole database field thing right during the upgrade process as stated here you could have trouble. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo174-1.htm
Meaning you should check your new database with the field structure of an unmodified new database and make sure all field names match up perfectly.. especially paying attention to the username and password fields
One last thing.. If you did an import via text file and didn't import all the fields ASPProtect needs you could possibly have problems as well.. though I don't think this relates to the timeout so it probably is not the case , Oh, I just remembered something.. It's been a while since I did this... :)
Nevermind what I said above as that is a different sort of "debug"
When you want to debug like your talking about find this section in the "web.config"
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" />
change it to this
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />
When you run the code in a production environment change it back though
More Info http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;3061 56
, I will give you permission to move it since you asked., Well, hold everything.
Looks like I did it right. The latest user showed up in the correct group.
I guess the ASP pages had to refresh at the server or something...
It's still a great product, BTW. Almost five years for my enjoyable ride with ASPProtect!
The only reason no one else
asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i
am TRYING to do. 
We offer tech support for
installation of the base application purchased in it's native form.
In other words were not planning on spending weeks holding your hand and
teaching you how to build your application or modify the one you bought. Not
because anyone wants to make it hard on you but because there is a practically infinite
number of things someone could be trying to do and the only way to give you the
exact answer would pretty much involve either writing it for you or having a
look at your code to see what the heck your doing. Sorry but my time isn’t cheap
nor do I have a lot to spare. I already gave you my approach on what to do and
what you should be looking at but obviously you’re not catching on. SO ONCE
can be more clear that that. I don’t have a crystal ball that can tell me where
you’re going with your own code, what the final requirements are... what field
you want to add or remove for the database etc. There is a demo up that
everyone can look at and play with so they can get a feel for how the things
behave and look. It’s not my fault your naivety led you to believe you could do
anything with it in ten seconds. I mean if I just add some wings to my car
maybe it will fly, and if you just add a shopping cart and a few products maybe
you can start your own Amazon.com with that software right? Sounds good to me…
It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code
than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN. 
Well thats one thing we both agree on, I bet it would take you a long
time to rewrite the code when you dont know how to write it in the
first place. By you own admission you dont know enough about what your
doing to be messing
with a .NET app at this point. Maybe you should take your own advice
SOMETHING ABOUT IT. What’s even worse is that application isnt even
complicated, its 101 stuff honestly. One class, thats it! Your not
looking at thousands
and thousands of them that you will have to read and comprehend. If you
actually “read” the code we kept it lean and mean and to the point.
strange or random, no references to a zillion things all sprinkled here
there. Its reads like a book if you know the language. That’s why
buy these apps all the time. Not because they couldn’t write one
but because they know their time is valuable as well and for $150 which
is less
than most get paid an hour they couldn’t be bothered. Furthermore we
both spend a lot of time making sure these apps are "dumbed down" so
that the average programmer without a lot of object oriented background
can pick up the coding style tweak it if they need to. Some people do
modify things to suite their needs and
others are
happy with our apps "as is".
Just to recap we already wasted two days yappin about your
jacked up servers and after you went through THREE of them and finally got one
working you said the code was working. Red lights started flashing in my office
by the time you got to the second screwed up machine, but hey weird things
happen so at that point I wasn’t 100% concerned. Technically we could have and
possible should have cut you off there as the policy in place is pretty clear
about us not being your tech support crew when it comes to getting your machine
working properly (especially one we cant even look at). Go check those posts
again both Chris and I were answering your questions and being as helpful as
anyone could possibly expect.
Several more days have been spent answering questions about
how to modify your application and again that’s not our responsibility and we don’t
support modified versions of the software for all the reasons that should be
obvious. No software company does and if I have to explain why that is well this
conversation is beyond hope.
Bottom line is the responsibility to support that
application ends the moment you get it running the way it was shipped. Were
pretty damn decent about going above and beyond and a lot of the time we go
into things we shouldn’t have to. If you have well thought out and specific
questions by all means ask, this isn’t some sort of thanks for your money now
get lost operation. CJWSoft has been around since the beginning of Microsoft’s
entrance into the web application market. We have thousands and thousands of
happy customers because we are developers and enjoy working with other
developers along the way.
You’re not the first N0oB to show up, but you’re the first
one I can think of that ever tried to tell us we didn’t write the apps we sell and essentially
wanted to argue that we don’t know what were talking about. Meanwhile you
should have been done with your thing days and days and days ago, not in here
yapping off and showing your ignorance to the other developers that regularly
browse these forums. You trying to tell me how CafePress works is a joke, I happened
to have been part of the team that worked on the first few revisions of that
site and again you really didn’t even understand what I was getting at in that
last post. LINK TO LOGIN PAGE not link to every protected page on the site.
If you think I am pissed off at you, your wrong. I'm
just irritated with the whining about this and that and rather than
admit your over your head you come back with half baked remarks that
only make sense to you. If you think you can
a few terms and come back here talking smack like you’re actually
someone that
knows what you’re talking about your just making a fool of yourself.
You sound like a guy from China trying to tell me how to speak
English... My
is get a few books and start learning or try actually reading up and
to the other bazillion knowledgeable developers out there that do a
great job
posting articles about the subject. You might just learn something and
get your project finished before 2010 and when you do please come back
re-read your posts with "enlightened eyes" so you can see what a goofball you are for saying half
of the
things you have said. I am not in the mood to keep helping you get your
project done step by step. I have huge projects of my own going on and
if I thought you could actually provide a descent project specification
I might offer to make the changes for you at a serious discount so you
could go away and everyone would be happy. Problem is I dont get the
feeling you could explain your way out of a paper bag let alone provide
a group of programmer the techinal specs for your project.
Your best bet is to post a link to the start of
this thread at www.AngryCoder.com I'm sure a few of people over there would be more than willing to give you a ton of usefull advice 
Google 4GuysFromRolla… a great resource site with example, just
dont come back here telling me those guys/ladies posted things
that dont work either.
Chris has written hundreds of articles on PowerASP, a great
place to start looking as well… www.powerasp.com
I've been spitting out code for longer than I can remeber and I still look
thing up on this site because its LOADED with great info. That happens
to be one of the very first ASP sites that went up on the net so lets
just say he knows a bit or two about the subject.
I'm sure your frusturated but
your pushing your luck
seriously. 38 posts about this subject in a week and your over there
hacking away on your virus infested WaReZ machine which isnt exactally
the ideal development rig. I mean we provide the code and your supposed
to provide at
the least a very basic knowlege of what your doing and a production
grade platform to test it out on. To me thats like buying a
car and then asking how to drive it... then bugging the dealer to teach
you and when you smash the thing complaining because no one told you
that your not supposed to drive into a wall. I have the same policy as
the dealer, show me something wrong with the car from the factory and
we will fix it for you NO QUESTIONS at all with our appoligies, but
really once you take it off the lot what you do with it is your deal
and its not our responsability in the least.
, I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am . http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry , I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the help tonight...
Good luck pouring that concrete! , Hi,
We use ASP Protect 6.0 and the database is SQL Server. Our hosting company is charging a lot for daily and weekly backups for everything. Which directories/folders do we need to backup daily and weekly incase something happenes to the site and we need to restore and get the password-protected are that works with ASP Protect to get working. , Hello,
Sorry No, there is not.
not the way the code ships.. The program keeps tracks of everything by the way it ranames files. The system has been tested to work well with as many as 10,000 images files. Any more than that and you need something a little more serious meant for that amount of images.
You could certainly modify it do work that way if you are good with source code. There are actually as many drawbacks as doing doing it that way as there are advantages. Take Care
, In addition to that I just noticed the </href> you have in there.. man that is some scary stuff you came up with.. that may appear to work and make a link but it is not correct. Each link will work but never truly be closed.
That is just not valid proper use of the anchor tag. You make a link in html like so
<a href = "somepage.htm">somepage.htm</a> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_a.asp
Then your surrounding each link with <span lang="en-us"> </span> Not sure why ? , Banners no longer show up on my site ?
If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up. 1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it. If you are then most likely this it what hapened.
The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.
I have seen this happen a few times.
Basically the application variable system gets messed up because it was not shut down properly.
The way to cure it is as follows.
Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.
If this happens a lot it is a server issue, not ASPBanner's fault. cwilliams38415.0978935185, That carrot doesn't really exist in the file, so I'm not sure.
I did download and place the ASPTEST file in www.drsweisberg.com/asptest and when I try to load the 2 pages it fails to load. I have another site on the same server and I uploaded the same exact set of files and the asp pages load. www.klarman.com/asptest
This is how I set the connection:
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\klarman\asptest\_database\asptest.m db;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\drsweisberg\asptest\_database\aspte st.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp" , Chris-
That appears to have fixed it!!! Thanks alot for your patience, I will never question your brilliance (or customer service) again! Where do I write you a smashing review?
, Got it working. Had purchased a long time ago and forgot about needing to run the userreg.exe. All is well and thanks for the follow up.
Lance , That was it - Thanks!, Here is an example of a query I made in MSACCESS that deletes all users that belong to Group ID of 3. I used the graphical query designer in MSACCESS to do this. Took a few minutes.
DELETE FROM ASPP_Users WHERE (((InStr([ASPP_Users]![Groups],"*3*"))>"0"));
Because of the way groups are stored in the Groups fields you have to use the InStr function to determine if the user is part of a particular group We are deleting all users that of Group ID of 1 so we look for *3* in this example
The SQL statement for a MSSQL database may be slightly different but the general Idea is the same
The SQL statment used in an ".asp" page will be very similar as well.
SQL Statements are the TRUE POWER of working with databases. They are something everyone should learn to work with because they allow you to do some very powerful things., no the "expected path" is something that gets generated for you if you have parent paths enabled. to help you fill things in correctly...
basically if parent paths are enabled it shows you what the path should be for each path field on the settings page... if parent paths are disabled there will be nothing to the right of expected path for technical reasons (lack of being able to do a "../../" to figure out the paths more or less)
in that case there is a file called "expected_paths" in the data folder that you can run to tell you the expected path info , How do I customize the validation email that is sent to users when they first register?, Attached is a SQL script to create the ASPProtect Database with the Option Pack Changes already applied. This lets you create the database in one step and you wont have to make the option pack changes as they are already there.
This only applies to people using MSSQL and doing a new installation.
This scripts are run via SQL Enterprise Manager.
You make a new database then run this script on it in query manager.
2004-06-14_180056_aspprotect_w_option_pack.zip cwilliams38152.7522569444, Regarding (ASP Photo Gallery Pro)
If you are looking to import a very, very, large number of images, the upload feature might not be sufficient for you. I have done some work using a unix terminal to be able to upload as many images as I would like by simply placing the images in the directory and renaming the images. There are other ways to rename the images, but I am very familiar with Linux, so I chose to do it this way. If you are running Linux, MacOS, or another Linux-based OS, you can simply pull up a terminal and run the following command in the appropriate directory. If you run Windows, I'd suggest CygWin, which creates a Linuxenvironment (Linux shell). It can be found at www.cygwin.com In order to be recognized by the ASP software, the images must be in the format of pic_"Album Number"_"Picture Number".jpg . Therefore, the following code is run to accomplish the file name change (on one line without wordwrap):
ls -1 DSC* | sed 's/DSCN//g' sed 's/.JPG//g' | awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}' This command will change all files beginning in "DSCN" to "pic_9_*Picture Number*".
This does have a slight problem however. If there is a large number of pictures, 0's become a problem. For example, if there are 200 pictures, picture 1 will show up as pic_9_001.jpg. This can be fixed by the following command, which will eliminate unneccesary 0's (All on one line once more):
ls -1 --color='never' pic_9_0* |sed 's/_0/_/g' |sed 's/pic_9_//g' |sed 's/.jpg//g' |awk '{print "mv pic_9_0"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".JPG"}'
This command eliminates 1 zero. It should be run as many times as needed to eliminate all zero's.
Please Note: These commands will only show the resultant set (The list of picture names). In order to execute them, they must be output to a shell script using the ">" character as follows:
ls -1 DSC* | sed 's/DSCN//g' sed 's/.JPG//g' | awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}' > temp.sh
Then, the shell script must be run using the following command:
sh temp.sh
This might take a few moments, depending on the amount of picture names that are being changed.
IMPORTANT: BACK UP all files before changing file names. Also, view the resultant sets to make sure it's what you want before outputting to a shell script.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post or e-mail me @ JPortnoy@checkernet.com cwilliams38210.5703009259, Are you aware ASP can run on any machine running win95/95,2000,xp pro, 2003. You really should test all asp code locally before running it on live servers but anyway... that is your deal
I am not sure if memory alone will be enough for that server but it could help. I saw a decent amount of free memory when I looked. Its just about an 8-10 year old system on every aspect (processer,OS,Hard drives, memory etc etc) and not only that something is tasking the heck out of the resources left over for asp database access. Something is just wrong. I don't know what it is but I am pretty sure it is not aspprotect. I got rid of my last nt 4 server about 4-5 years ago but the application always ran great on NT and I still have some customers using NT 4. Not many though.
if you email me the import file and the encryption keys you are using I will make a database for you.. just zip it up and send it to chris-cjwsoft.com
replace - with @ , Thank you so so much! I went to the admin area and changed the email component from CDOSYS (using remote server) to CDOSYS (using port 25 forwarding) and all is working great now!
Again, thanks! , I will actually explain how to set access_levels and/or groups...
in "users/add_new_account.asp"
carefully edit with a text editor
find this part
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
that is where the acess level gets set...
you can change the level or remove that line all together if you dont want one set
now for groups you would add this line in the same area
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*3*"
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*,*3*"
Groups access for a user is stored in one field in the database like you see above. If you are confused what you should be saving in that field I suggest simply setting a user to whatever groups you want via the admin area and then looking in the database to see what got saved in that field. It's pretty simple really how they are stored.
that user would be a member of groups 1,5, and 9 , Hi. Chris. I'm not a programmer of any sorts, so I am not comfortable plugging in the changes you suggested and not knowing for sure if it will "break something somewhere else". If the programmer tells me "you have been warned", its a pretty good sign its a no win situation. If you don't know, theres no way i can know.
I saw in the code where you mentioned the changes. I don't see where it mentions the last name is required either, but the bottom line is it does require it it the actual new user form.
Thanks anyway Chris. I'll figure something out.
, OK, I just spent like an hour in your site.. I almost gave up
1st off... I don't know what FTP Program/Settings or what OS you are using but all the ASP Protect Files had been reformatted in a odd way which was causing some issues and the database also had problems. Your somehow introducing all sorts of UNIX line breaks to all the files and the database was actually missing some crucial parts of itself and was corrupted. So I had to update everything which means a new database. I have never seen anything like it but I fixed it all. Its something you are doing but I do not know what. Maybe your unzipping method again ?
So to get back into the admin area...
admin test
Now, the reason the albums were not showing is because you are using the ole connection string which causes problems like that. However because you host has like the worst setup ever with that network path crap for the site that was the only connection string that would work for some reason.
I highly suggest a new host with a proper setup for running ASP. www.alentus.com Your hosting companies setup is horrid as far as I am concerned. Access Databases are not meant to be connected to via a network path. http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168
Anyway, I rewrote some of the code because of the ole connection and got the albums showing up for you.. who knows what other problems that OLE connection may bring up in the future.. for now things I tested seem ok.
As for your broken image in the your header/footer... You cant link to images and links using virtual pathing in those includes because the files are called from different directories and will work in some and not others
so when your in the root you see the image, when in a different folder you see a broken image
In other words.
link to
http://www.vickerylightning.com/gallery/vickery_template5_r2 _c1.jpg
not just
The same goes for hyperlinks.. use the full url paths
Whatever you do...Back up the gallery folder with my changes before you go doing anything. , Thats what I needed. Thank you!, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
It should be released sometime late May 2004 or early June 2004 but no gurantees as I am pretty busy right now with some projects.
There will be upgrade instructions and it should be a fairly easy upgrade.
Like I said no guarantee... I have a lot of things going on... it might not even be finished till the end of July... customers will always be able to get it for the difference in price
You have the version listed on the site when you purchassed it. Version 3.0 cwilliams38167.6469328704, in that file "upload_post.asp"
<% If Session("Admin") <> "True" Response.End End If %>
<% If Session("Admin") <> "True" Then Response.End End If %>
, My ISP uses ASPSmartMail. The email confirmation works except when I try to register an AOL user the server returns an error 500.
, When using the ASPProtect admin panel. My firewall software is going crazy or Blocking it on the Mass E-Mail, Newsletter, and other pages.
Here are some of the messages:
[Unauthorized Access Attempt] This signatures detects an attempt by a web server to deliver a malicious HTML page to a browser client, in an
[Suspicious Activity] This signature detects HTML documents attempting to spoof a link destination in the browser's status bar.
I am using Black Ice...
Will users also get this kind of activity from the pages ??? Or is it only because of using the Admin Interface of the software ???
, Still not having much success. I am using SQL server. I changed the permission in the following directory :sql server data\mssql\data. Is that the database directory you are referring to?,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:44:01 PM
answered tech related calls. checked online issues and ask a question emails. checked and called on rad log., Set Up Carol's File Cabnet, Planning, Finished letter that paul worked on to send to the binghamton board ., Budget, lunch at ob's, Finished layout of invitations, printed, proofed for approval, sales meeting, new/close out w/o's, work Rob's issues, research billable hours for closed out w/'s, travel to watertown 23 miles, billing calls, callback charting, travel to watertown for meeting, work, Lunch, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packup., New user list, Watched RADLOG, nothing big happened, pretty quiet., billing calls, Answered tech related calls., Centrex proposal and other stuff for superior computer referals- from Town of Wilna, Call from Steve Rose -- angry about delay of Otsego- Delaware MLS database conversion., Working on new MLS software, trip to the post office, timecards and filed., proposal for hosting, research Flash technology, lunch meeting with guy from sovernet and paul, ken, Email from Remington requesting changes to site. Email from Bickford w/database layout questions. Backing-up remington site so changes can be made., setting up computer in office (Clayton) while working with Bill on SMTP Mailer program, Soft Router Documentation, 67306-67402, Cat Co. DB Conversion, sign ups, cancels, ettttccc. ,