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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:56:17 PM


In that version is is not easy to change the values as they were not intended to be edited. You would have to dig through quite a lot of code as those values are hardcoded in quite a few pages. Probably at least 10 or more.

In the pro version there are variables you can change that very easily as that is intended to be easily changed in that version.

, Will purchasing an additional license resolve the issue which will allow another installation or is this a function of the application that it can only protect one site per server?,

Have SQL 2000 backend...
We just moved from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003, used import data routine in SQL to move data.

Logged into admin area. When adding new user, no record is created. However, editing record works just fine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Ok, if the link to the import/export screen does not show up its probably because you never put the import/export path in the admin settings?

go check that for me.

cause running that page without a path for the files could cause a timeout.. thats why the link doesn't show if the path is not entered (so people won't run it)

it looks sorta like this (there will be a field to fill in which wont show here)
Settings below specify the physical directory path of the export directory. This is used by the system when using the import/export feature. The export directory needs modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account.

the path must be valid for your file structure and it must have correct permissions (when creating files) ,


Yesterday when I would access the get_me_in page with the password key, I was then taken to the default login page.  It did not give me the option to create a user. 

Today, when I entered the password key into the get_me_in page, I was taken right to the create user page.  So, yes the problem has been resolved.  I have no idea why though.



That would not happen unless you added a target to the login form or you're code had a base target set.

Like so..

<base target="_blank">

I would really need more detailed information. It's nothing the system does the way it ships under normal circumstances. For example you shouldn't see that behavior in any of the example protected ".asp" pages

that is unless you have something odd going on with your browser settings or you made changes to the login form or code around it causing it. (or you are using frames and dont have some of the targets and what not set correctly)

My guess is that it has to be something you added or did, but I really need to know more to offer more than that.



I think you may be using old code where that was an issue... I am going to PM you the latest version..

to be safe upgrade all the ASP files except the dataconn_inc.asp files and your config_inc.asp files

"be real careful not to lose your current encryption keys in the "config_inc.asp" file or you will be in real trouble

You can use your existing database


, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing., I would like to have the ability to give a user 1 album with the default # of photos in it.

Is the best way to implement this to just add in an album creation routine during the sigup/registration process and turn off the ability to create a new album?  Or is a user setting prebuilt into the system for this?
, good news.. like I said it is probably becuase aol blocks emails sent from IP's with no MX record in the dns system ,

Good Morning, any suggestions on how to best "fake out the system" -- I would like to try to keep this clean so I can see the real errors?

My thought was to try to just move those .gif files to the directory that it thinks it should be in -- do you have any better suggestions? Or reasons why I really wouldnt want to do that?


I dont know. Perhaps a fresh installation in a new folder would be a good idea as well if possible..

for troubleshooting sake..


again.. more custom code work would be required to handle it




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Hi - I am a recent user of your software. I administer it for the owner. I probably missed something in your forums somewhere - but I'd like to know how to stop the software from sending an "accept registration" e-mail (after they fill out the registration page) from going out so fast - usually within minutes.  I'd like to know how to defer the message for 24 hours, more or less, so that our company can go over the registration details and decide whether to allow the person registering to actually have access to our protected website pages.  The program is working very well and we are excited about it.  So far, no problems (knock on wood!).

Thanks so much for your help!


ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..

you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...

you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version


, Can you be more specific on the javascript I should look for? Can it be combined with ASPBanner?,

btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?

and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it

lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?



this could go on forever...

if you want PM "private message" me info to log into your site.. show me the pages we are dealing with...

and I will take a look at it all...



as far as permissions are concerned I wrote two large articles about permissions that cover everything in detail on how to properly set them


see the windows 2003 and windows xp permission threads

From things you are saying I assume this is your server. My comments about the path looking funny are because very few commercial hosts would use the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\" directory. If you are using that and that is correct info then that is fine.

as for knowing whether or not the filesystem object is working the best thing to do is to try to write  a text file somewhere in your web and see if it works. Testing something under the most basic scenario is the key to troubleshooting asp issues.



I apologize if I've missed this, but I would love to see the ability to auto-e-mail the advertiser at some randomly set interval before the banner expires. Ideally, I would also be cc'd on this e-mail so I can stay in touch. If the advertiser wants to renew, I can receive payment and change the expiration date without their banner ever falling out of service.

Since e-mail is already built into the program, would it be difficult to add a routine that checks for expiring banners at some daily interval, and contacts the advertiser?

To get really fancy, the e-mail could include the ability for me to add a button for paypal, allowing the advertiser to easily click and send off another payment.



, I would like to delete the SQL tables and set them up from scratch using enterprise manager and sql query manager and see what happens

If that is ok with you let me know.

Something is wrong like I said...  almost seems like the database is caching old password info from the field.,

The application automatically generates all the code for you for each method of calling banners. It does this on the zones screen.

If you are using flash it also possible that the actualy flash file is what is causing things to slow up.

It really all depends... it could also be server resource related

using sql server or access.. ? etc etc

all important details


Still not ready... I have no time to finsih it at the moment..

release date is unknown...



I have set up a user to be redirected to a different page when logging in for the first time.

I assumed this function would count the number of times a user has logged in. When the login count was greater than 1, the user would be taken to the default.asp 

This isn't happening. The user is always redirected.  The user login count in the database is now 9.

What am I missing?



Glad it is working.. for anyone reading this the customer bascially did this
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=36& PN=1

That being said asp photo gallery actually has a few more places that send email that you going to need to modify as well. Off hand the reply to album, admin massemail, admin send email,and postcard features come to mind possibly as 3 of them.

using a multiple file search and replace utility like ReplaceEm would be the easy way to do all of this in one step and find all the instances





BTW.. I dont know what is going on But I keep getting all these returned emails. My forum is sending you emails and they are coming back as undeliverable saying your storage space is exceeded on your server.


Could not deliver message to the following recipient(s):

Failed Recipient: steve.gould@apawood.org

Reason: Remote host said: 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation

-- The header and top 20 lines of the message follows --

Received: from server.powerasp.com [] by mail.cjwsoft.com with SMTP;

Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400

From: "CJWSoft Support Info" <sales@cjwsoft.com>

To: steve.gould@apawood.org

Subject: CJWSoft Support Info : Thumbnail creation

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:34:44 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html

Hi srgould41,<br /><br />A message has been posted in the info area on CJWSoft Support Info that you asked us to keep an eye on.<br /><br />To view and/or reply to the info then click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=249& amp;TPN=1">http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp? TID=249&TPN=1</a><br /><br />If you no-longer wish to recieve email notification for this Info or Infor Area click on the link below : -<br /><a href="http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/email_notify.asp?TID=2 49&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe">http://support.cjwsoft.co m/code/email_notify.asp?TID=249&FID=4&M=Unsubscribe& lt;/a><br /><br /><hr /><br /><b>Information Area:</b> ASP Photo Gallery Pro Version<br /><b>Info:</b> Thumbnail creati&#111;n<br /><b>By:</b> cwilliams<br /><br /><P>trust me, they (serverobjects)&nbsp;does not check.. as a matter of fact they havent answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell that crap and forget the customer. But the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)<BR><BR>regardless,<BR>ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own. <BR>It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.<BR><BR>There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.<BR><BR>If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.<BR><BR>To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.</P>



, yes, like it says it is expirimental

turn it off.. the banner system will run just as fast for the most part

or leave it on and an occasional user will see a permission denied error where a banner will be,

I actually did not think you did.

As far as debugging goes.. thats all built into visual studio.net.
There is a tag you edit in the web.config file to enable project debugging

Like I said though for changes to ASPProtect.NET I'd start off from scratch and stick with vb.net... using the visual.studio.net interface is not really vary hard to remove and change things you dont' need even if you are a C# coder. Especially simple stuff like you mentioned.

, thats intertesting.. I have never heard of the concept until now..

I did a search for ASP examples or ASP components that can help with the process and just couldn't find anything about it.,

Thanks for that.


I have tried InStr("*2*",>"0") in the query design window but it does not return any members.  


I have orded a Access Bible to help me in furture



when you say "we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members "

I am sorry to have to ask this again but what does that mean exactly ?

how was that accomplished ?

The reason I say this is because when a subscription is created by a user through the normal channels.. meaning they went to the paypal subscription directory and either started a new account or found their old one to start a subscription with.. either way the PayPal Subscripber ID that paypal assigns is added to the database for that user and the expiration date is set to null.

Now, that being said the function that sends expiration emails to users will NEVER send an expiration to a user that has info in their PayPal Subscriber Field in the database. I just double checked that.

So that is where I am confused ? How did all these users get set up to use subscriptions and not have the PayPal Subscriber ID field popluated in the database ?

Seems to me the only way this could happen is if you set some stuff up manually and the PayPal Subscriber ID for each user never got put in the database. That and the expiration date didnt get set to null.

Again, I am sorry to keep asking this but it just seems to me that something else must be going on that I am not clear on regarding how you upgraded these people to use subscriptions.

In the end I think the answer may be to manually make sure each old user now using subscriptions has their PayPal Subscription ID set in the database as well as their expiration date from before set to null.


Please be more specific. What hit count are we talking about ?

User Logging ? Albums ? Something else ?

Please descriube the situation in detail. There are really no settings for any sort of hit count.


upgrade pricing is here
http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

what is different

the changes to make it work with MySQL were vast to say the least
more on that from an old thread
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=37&PN= 1&TPN=1

just please remember use of MySQL is just not supported

I can assure you it works well as I have people using it


I would say that it isn't all that difficult using mySQL for the backend....the main thing is to make sure you set the primary keys for auto-incrementing in your database.  Alos need to make sure that any DELETE SQL statements are formatted like this

DELETE FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue

and not

DELETE * FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue

The same holds true for using MSSQL


OK, thanks.


, One of my users is looking to do mass updates (multiple records). He wants to be able to update the "Expiration Date" for a group of users who work for the same company. , well, thats a network drive path and in my opinion a very poor way for them to have set things up. It can work as long as permissions get set there and they have the anonymous webserver accounts set up correctly to handle that scenario, but performance isn't the best because your accessing the access database over the network. Access databases are not just not meant to be connected to over the network in a web based scenario. Quality ASP hosting companies do not set up their servers that way and it can often be difficult to get things running as it is a more complex setup on their end. Meaning if they dont synchronize the IUSR_machine accounts correctly you'll have permission issues.

http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168 , Aggh..  I put passwords instead of password.  Sorry to have bothered you, works fine now. ,

trust me, they (serverobjects) do not check processors.. as a matter of fact they haven't answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell those components like hotcakes and take in mad crazy cash. But I will say the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy probably took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)

ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own.
It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.

There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.

If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.

To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:56:17 PM

Read my email/newsgroups, etc; made the company coffee, general maintainance of wireless network, Travel To Vermont Internet - 4 Miles, several changes to cortlandmls.com (color changes, email corrections, clarifying online instructions), CHANGED INFORMATION, Gray Stevens re: VOGA web site, reviewed training. s/w darrell on po's for monday morning. written, waiting quotes., Go over repurcussions of Frame relay outage over night and make sure Bell is back up and customers are ok., School Scholarships, radius went down. a few email problems. billing questions, meeting with the hampton's, Prep DSL materisls, CLEC Related Work, Working on E911 integration, To Clayton, lunch, Received callback from MID-YORK about consulting work they had requested., Phone w/Don discussing NY PSC No. 1, *Agfa NDT, Mgr Mtg, researching css and dhtml, Lunch, travel to watertown for meeting, Put together the other desks that were left over to be done yet, travel to albany, emails and callbacks on soon to expire accounts. Some billing issues. Cancels, signups., Doing realtor.com upload for Jeff Lewis .. involves ftp-ing to their server and generating picture zip archives... took longer than usual because I had to make some changes to the export file because of the new system and a issue with non-unique agent ID's, couple of long calls.. then she died right down (phone), Driving to Randy's house., same as above,

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