Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:41 PM
Hi -
We are trying to set up ASPProtect 7 so that the user is redirected to a specific web page based on their group membership.
For example, immediately upon successful login:
Group 1 members are directed to page A
Group 2 members are directed to page B
Group 3 members are directed to page C
Users will only ever belong to one group.
We tried to use the Redirect_URL feature but it causes the browser to loop.
Could you let us know exactly how to do this. We are not ASP programmers and need to work from an example.
, actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.
what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?
Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format for the new version.,
thats intertesting.. I have never heard of the concept until now..
I did a search for ASP examples or ASP components that can help with the process and just couldn't find anything about it., sorry, I am guilty of being very tired and didnt read your message fully.
I know this forum area is called "database connection issues" but it is only meant for generic issues.
Issues specific to a particular application need to go in that applications area in the forum. It keeps the forums more organized and helps other people fnd help later on.
So please post in the correct area.
I will answer this question soon. I have to do something 1st though.
, I would also double check that you changed the field size correctly and on the correct database that is being used in the connection string
, Hello,
It is very possible, however there may be some issues such as the session variables specific to a particular user would not be able to be created because there would not be a specific user.
I can't tell you exactly how to do it as it would probably take a few hours of messing around with the code to sort it out. Bascially, it's not something I could tell you how to do real quick and I do not support custimizations to the code.
But, it is very possible. You want to check the server variable for the IP address. The tricky part would be where and how this all just integrated into the "check_user_inc.asp" file
, hi,
Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.
open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.
You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.
lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.
, at this point I would say install a fresh untouched copy in the web in a different directory and lets see if it acts weird from scratch.. the we can go from there.. I dont know what is going on
, Hey CJWSoft,
We're helping out some clients of ours in a server transfer and we
really need some assistance from you guys. We've got everything
transfered and running, except for the ASP.NET banner. Do you
have any directions on how to go about moving the install from one
server to another? We've sent a couple emails through the site
but haven't gotten any responses back.
Please help.
-Tony Valenti
, look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file
Thank you that did it !!
, That helped very much. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your dinner., ok, Thanks, I really appreciate you working on this. The software works GREAT and the support you give can't be beat. I will definately tell other that are looking for software for their sites to check your first.
one more question.
To use the bulk upload feature of aspuload, do I just need to add another upload section to the same upload page, that will allow more than one file to be selected then tell it to put the files in as Photo 1, 2, 3 etc.? I am a rookie at ASP but I think this is possible and with a little research I should be able to get it going.
Just want to make sure I am on the right track.
, Please forgive my question in advance, I'm sure I've overlooked the answer somewhere obvious. I'm sorry!
I'm wondering if it is possible to customize the appearance of the
banner stats login page or the admin pages. I'd really like the
banner stats pages to look more like my own site or at least have my
logo on there or something like that so that my advertisers can see
that it is my site when checking their stats. However, I want to
do this without violating copyright, etc.
Can someone point me in the right direction or shut down my hope?
, Hi,
You see, an include file is no different then a link to an image or graphic. The path to the include file must of course be valid. That file isn't in the same directory as that page so you get an error.
You simply need to make the call to the include file valid.
See my article on server side includes.
You should also look at some of the provided example pages and see how the paths to the include files are done.
You can also use a virtual include if you figure out the page for that. See my article for the difference between a file include and a virtual include.
The code generator in the admin area shows examples of both but depending on your site structure the paths may need to be slightly edited.
Server Side Includes are a fundamental part of using ASP and they are used a lot. Once you understand how include files are used you will think it is the simplest thing.
More articles on server side includes l
, Is there any update to this ?, Sounds crazy. I recently took over this web site and all IT duties. User today said member area was not working. All pages would not display. After restoring some files I got the members area partially working. But I cannot find where the database sits. I am able to get in and view users in the admin are and log in as a member. Thanks., No worries
is there any way I can get rid of those information shown on User activity screen, so I can at least know who logged in current day?
thank you in advance
, check the action for the button in the code... its probably not posting back the the right page which should the same page it is...
I bet ya it is posting to guestbook2 which is the wrong directory... an old mistake I forgot to correct...
cwilliams38310.6540046296, you dont want to use the virtual smtp virtual server method... you want to use a real remote email server with valid MX records..
ultimately though after all that is going is it is out of the hands of the asp code and it becomes issues other then the code sending the email... regarding to whether or not emails get blocked by certain organizations
For example:
I have many aol users sign up for various systems I have running without issue. I use CDOSYS with my own server which has proper MX records set up.
I would also try to determine the difference between blocking and spam/junk email filtering. It is impoirtant to truly know what is going on.
Sometimes adding more information to the body of the emails going out will eliminate the junk mail filters from gettings the emails.
Then you have the various open relay lists that places like AOL use. If your email server or IP sending the email is on those lists for spamming you do not stand a chance. That is all out of the hands of the ASP code.
, well, like I said.. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the wedding.
If you put this up on a live server that I can connect to I will look at it tommoro for you. I have told you everything I could possibly tell you so I dont think your going to figure it out based on the things you have told me so far.
Only other thing I can think of is make sure your not running anything goofy on that server 2003 box. Norton Antivirus script blocking... various ad blockers.. anti spyware applications... etc etc... They can cause problems as well. , Chris,
Another question on V7. I set up all the paths as required for the extras like user pics and exports on my site. They were working fine. I created an export, then as you recommend, deleted the file on the site to ensure it doesn't get in the wrong hands. I did this a few times to test it after a number of people logged in.
About 2 days later, I went to do it again and the system came back with an error saying the directory didn't exist. I know it did because I created it and it worked fine. I then created the directory again thinking I was losing it.
Then today, I went to do another export and the directory is gone again! Can you help me understand why this might be happening? I am the only one with FTP access to the site so there is no way that it could be someone else doing it. The error I get is:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/password_admin/export.asp, line 78
, I uploaded the files designed for an aspprotect folder at the root of my site ( and went to and receive this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xf54 Thread 0x908 DBC 0x90c41dc Jet'.
/aspprotect/scripts/populate_config_variables_inc.asp, line 11
I am assuming my host has still not set rights properly and that is why I receive this error. Am I correct?
I will definitely recommend hosting company you suggested for our businees site.
, I checked through the code and could not find anything as well.
However, I do think it may be related somehow to the code as I get the messages popping up in the error log only after I have edited a banner.
If there is nothing obvious, I may just set my error log to filter and automatically delete this type of error. Not something I prefer to do.
Thanks for the quick response.
Otherwise the program is working very well and I'm happy with it.
, Hi
I would like to ensure the the user uses a UK style postcode not a clue how to ensure this as I am new to asp. Any ideas?
, Hi,
I basically explained how I thought that might work here where I went over everything I could think of and suggested you download the free version and see if you could get it working
The part about using the alternate scenario involving querystring info from a url.
I have never done anything like that and that is why I told you what I knew and suggested you try it with the free version...
, I just installed ASPProtect on my site. The instructions were definately on the target. Very very good instructions.
But... Isn't there always a but ??? 
I needed to setup my site with MS SQL and it is hosted so I don't have Enterprise Manager. I tried the web based Enterprise Manager and any other one I could find. But, I kept getting errors when trying to use the SQL Script.
I finally had to go back to my work where we do have the licenses and get an SQL Admin to use Enterprise Manager to run the script and it worked finally.
I don't know if this is a common problem ??? But, maybe you would want to look at the SQL Server script or make a different version that would work with the Web Based SQL manager.
, Thanks for that.
I have tried InStr("*2*",>"0") in the query design window but it does not return any members.
I have orded a Access Bible to help me in furture
, If you have found out that parent paths are disabled on the web server you can still use the application.
Before you continue.
If it is your server consider enabling parent paths to solve the problem.
If it is not your server consider asking them to enable parent paths for your web site to solve the problem.
If that is not possible please download this zip file.
This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.
The zip file contains the following folders and files.

Below is the contents of the readme.txt file which explains everything.
The following folders each have a version of all the files in the ASPProtect system that might need to be edited in case you need to change the paths for the server side include files. There are 3 different scenarios.
(parent paths enabled) - This is the way the application comes.
The files in this folder have FILE server side includes containing "../" information. While these includes will work when the applicaion in is any location of a website they will not work if parent paths are disabled on the web server. Generally you will want to use these on your xp development machine. You can of course use them on your real server if parent paths are enabled. Parent Paths are now disabled on II6 by default and some hosting company will not enable them.
(domain root)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "" the following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this
(domain directory)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in a directory called "aspprotect" in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "" the
following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this
You can change the name of the "aspprotect" directory but you will will have to edit the includes in the files.
Lastly, if you are on a local machine and insist on using the VIRTUAL INCLUDES you would also use the (domain directory files) even though you dont have a domain on your local machine most likely
For example if your site was installed like so.
cwilliams38403.6836342593, basically one at a time because of limitations of the file uploads that browsers can support
more on that here
An Admins can however ftp a bunch of pics to the import folder and import them into any album all at once pretty easily
, My client has a list of 13,000 members that
have already been assigned ID's and passwords with a
homegrown system.
When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?
Thanks in advance for your help.
, That worked...but when I tried importing the test user, the password was imported in an add it was encrypted, and I can't log in using the User ID that I imported., After understanding how the count works i checked the IP in the db. They are all set to the same IP (my web server) no matter what ip is doing the viewing. This is probably due to my ISA2004 firewall that is posting the ip address of the web server with each log on. So, can you help me with where the code would be to modify so the db does not get updated? I risk the refresh problem, don't think it is an issue with me.
, ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.
Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.
A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.
Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.
For example..
You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly
Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 2-8 would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 3-8 would have access..
and so on... I think you should get the picture by now
, recently i've been getting a lot of unspecified errors. i've been running aspbanner for about a year and a half now. i don't know what would have caused all these problems. also, for some reason it won't maintain my log-in, ever time i got from page to page or try to submit a form it asks me log-in again.
Jason S.
cwilliams38389.8791550926, This server is sitting in my den on a DSL circuit, so I don't have a hosting company. The install for Windows 2000 server is with default settings for all components installed.
I am not sure what you are referring to when you say:
"Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen"
What user screen?
What settings are you referring to that I may have chosen?
, This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him., ASPProtect Version 7
Expiry Notices go out to members who have recently renewed by subscription.
When an existing member from ASPProtect Version 6, with an expiry date, renews with SUBSCRIPTION in v7, the previous expiry date remains unchanged.
We assume the expiry date remains blank with NEW Subscriptions and that Paypal takes care of notifications.
But our notifications to the "about to expire" dating from v6 catches the "Renewed by subscrtiption" as well, as the date has nor been changed or removed, and this REALLY confuses our members.
Can this be resolved?
, ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..
you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...
you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:41 PM
lunch, lunch- meeting for church, Infolease service, chicken wings and water, travel back to watertown, worked on finishing up US/Canadian map for GiSCO home page (internal billable), Handled 1 call in which I discovered user had real bad IRQ problem. Did some cleaning. Starting to get slow. Kept eye on all activities. Radlog did go red...Square Cam was down but went back up as I called Ben., Review Depreciation schedule, tech supv duties, callbacks, voice mail, radlog. auq, onlines issues... got them all caught up from over the weekend thru today with all so busy... (stayed till was done)*, filed customer paperwork, finalized and submitted staples order, answered phones, signups, acct changes, checked new accts in imail, called janitorial services to request quotes., Answered tech related calls., not too busy, email, voicemail, green heron inn, ncconsulting, internet solutions, cleaning up Nortel stuff, timecards, logs, Calls to Lance Evans of about touring Gisco and about Comp Book pulls. Emailed Chris Williams and Crispin about book pull. Emailed Howard about tour., Did all the callbacks for Dani on the list she gave me. , moving stuff in watertown office, meeting with Jim regarding the 5 sonoma box network sales over the Verizon ATM network., to Clayton for staff meeting, REading and responding to voice mails and emails, Production team meeting with Lisa and hte guys to go over all of our current projects, emails and voicmails, Setup with ftp, front page, and cgi-bin., Meeting with Watn Times people, Pickup Key Locksmith, On phone w/Peggy about Watertown School District and Watertown Chamber, fixed links on secure server back to web site., Explaining VB script error to Linda Shambo and one of the MLS users. Error will disappear when we upgrade that site to version two., Working on phone because of server problems at Fishercast. Setting up their domain and forwarding mail,web issues., email, worked on work order request form (internal, billable),