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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:56:33 PM

I have sent an registration email (as test) to both a yahoo account and also my own email server and in both cases I get the same issue, all else is working great. I am sure its somthing simple, perhaps I am over looking somthing else. the site url is www.rochestertek.us/asp/users/register.asp if this helps

Again thanks.



any variation of a site url is going to have its own set of application and session variables.. soy you have to be consistant with your navigation links

example (for anyone that comes across this thread)


is going to have a different set of application and session variables then


even though they are basically the same page


and when I go to your now.. its very fast again..,

Aspprotect issue

I need the ability to allow users to view url links on a page, based on the

group(s) they are a member of.  If the user is the member of one group (group 1 in the following example) the code works fine.

<% If Session("GROUPS") = "*1*" then %>  "view link #1"

However, if the user is a member of more than one group (let's say 1 & 5), I cannot make the code work.  

I have tried various versions of wildcards, nothing seems to get me there.

I fairly new at ASP, and I am sure I'm missing something simple.

Any help would be appreciated.


, while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.

so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?

what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?

99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus ,

Hi. Chris.  I'm not a programmer of any sorts, so I am not comfortable plugging in the changes you suggested and not knowing for sure if it will "break something somewhere else".  If the programmer tells me "you have been warned", its a pretty good sign its a no win situation. If you don't know, theres no way i can know.

I saw in the code where you mentioned the changes. I don't see where it mentions the last name is required either, but the bottom line is it does require it it the actual new user form.

Thanks anyway Chris. I'll figure something out.




How can i get to this to register someone in the database only after the Paypal payment has been accepted.  I was testing it out to see if it makes it to my Paypal account (which it did just fine) then I closed Paypal before paying.  I logged in as the administrator and looked at the member list and the account was created anyway.  How can I stop this from being created until "only" after the Paypal payment has been "approved"?

What if this person never comes back to "try again"? Now the username he used (and is inactive) is not available for anyone else to use.  And it takes up database space.

I am using the Paypal (non-subscription)

Thanks in advance,


The "forgot your password" feature is not sending passwords to users when they put in their emails.

Any suggestions?


, no worries from me.  As with most software projects, i tweak the heck out of them and then have to make a big decision about whether or not i even want/need to upgrade.


A question.  Does this apply to all areas of the application.  I have recently uploaded 50 photes.  But when I look at the site from the url, I have X where the picture should be.  Now, if I look at it though the localhost, I see the pictures perfectly.


, Just copy the files over. have permissions set on any folders that need it, and edit the data connection so it's valid for the new server. Once you get logged to the admin area go update all the settings so any urls are valid.

really its no different than a new installation so just follow those directions but use your existing files.

There is no domain pointing involved...

As logn as the old stuff is not accesible on the live internet you don't need another license.

As for my installation fee of 25. That is only for new installations. I charge more for something like that as there may be compications such as custom changes to the code that I would have to deal with. Customers often custimize the login and users area.. etc etc .. and there may be hardcoded urls and what not to worry about changing.

LASTLY, I noticed all your other posts are in the ASPProtect 7 area so the installaton process for that is a bit different than for Version 6 so what I said above is not quite the same process. Please make sure you post in the correct area when asking questions. ,


when you say "we have set up to use the Subscription services exclusively for all new members "

I am sorry to have to ask this again but what does that mean exactly ?

how was that accomplished ?

The reason I say this is because when a subscription is created by a user through the normal channels.. meaning they went to the paypal subscription directory and either started a new account or found their old one to start a subscription with.. either way the PayPal Subscripber ID that paypal assigns is added to the database for that user and the expiration date is set to null.

Now, that being said the function that sends expiration emails to users will NEVER send an expiration to a user that has info in their PayPal Subscriber Field in the database. I just double checked that.

So that is where I am confused ? How did all these users get set up to use subscriptions and not have the PayPal Subscriber ID field popluated in the database ?

Seems to me the only way this could happen is if you set some stuff up manually and the PayPal Subscriber ID for each user never got put in the database. That and the expiration date didnt get set to null.

Again, I am sorry to keep asking this but it just seems to me that something else must be going on that I am not clear on regarding how you upgraded these people to use subscriptions.

In the end I think the answer may be to manually make sure each old user now using subscriptions has their PayPal Subscription ID set in the database as well as their expiration date from before set to null.

, MODS are NOT SUPPORTED.. questions about them will not be answered in the support forums. If you want to use a MOD you are considered an advanced user and will need to sort out any issues that may or may not come up.

MODS are used at your own risk and may or may not require certain basic coding skills. , I already gave execute permissions to the stored procedures and that
cleared up the first error, but the second one I still can't figure out.,

The way the application ships there are no password confirmation areas anywhere ? Please be more specific as to what you have done and if any mods are involved ?

If you are talking about one of the MODS please realize they are not supported. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo459-1.htm

Even though they are not supported I look them over pretty closely and I know of no issue like you mentioned so I would suggest re-downloading the MOD. Perhaps you got a corrupt download or file.

, ok, I am going to do that in the next few hours. I cant do it right now as I have a few other business's and something else needs my attention right now.


this error really does not mean anything specific

Your browser must support a standard called RFC 1867. Please check with your browser vendor for support of this standard"

If you get an error its real weird that the file is being uploaded.
Generally if you get an error during upload it is because of one of these 3 things

Invalid physical path specified

Unsupported upload method chosen


See my article on XP and permissions
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_xp_pro_and_permi ssions.asp

many people dont do their permissions right on XP Pro and that article covers everything


Your users with Internet Explorer may have received the "Page Expired" error.  For ASPProtect users, it happens when  the user is not logged on and tries to invoke the target page. check_user_inc.asp puts up the login form, and IE sees it as part of the target page.  Any later attempt to Back up and reload from cache gives the errror. 

My solution was, after successful login, instead of falling through the bottom of check_user_inc.asp and running the target page, I issue a re-direct to reload the target page. I also added META tags on the dynamic login form to say no-cache and expire now, so the re-direct really does reload the target page. This time, of course, check_user_inc.asp does not need to put up the login form, and the new target page in cache contains no form at all.  So, IE will not give a Page Expired error when Backing up to it later.

Netscape, and I gather other browsers, do not behave the same way, so I limited the solution to IE.  Also, the solution only works if the target page has no form of its own.

I'm uploading my customized version of check_user_inc.asp that contains this solution.  (In it, I also used the Javascript focus method to place the "cursor" in the Username field when the login form loads.)


cwilliams38313.494537037, Please try this URL www.telepedia.net/pages/chem_periex.asp
It is protected by GROUPACCESS "6" and the username:dimitris and password:tele
In the administration area, I have arranged this username as member of the group 6.
Thank you in advance for your help


No, only ".asp" files can be protected.  It is the nature of Forms Based Authentication when using web based scripting technologies whether those scripts be ".cgi", ".asp", ".php", or whatever.

To protect entire direcotries at once you really need to run your own webserver and use NTFS permissions and user accounts..... or if something special is installed on the server there may be ways to do it as well. That usually isn't going to happen under a shared hosting account but there are special authentication products for such a thing that some hosting companies do purchase and allow their hosting customers to use.

Using aspprotect we do give working examples of ways to stream and partially protect images and downloads while a user is logged in to an ".asp" page.

Also, any ".htm" pages can simply be renamed to ".asp" if you need to protect them. Links to each other need to be updated of course because of the extension change.

In my opinion the truth of the matter is most high end sites use Forms Based Authentication with scripts. Not directory protection as it is fairly primitive/old school as well as sometimes being confusing for the users of the site because of how the login window from the server often gets stuck behind the browser.. etc etc

If you have a lot of pages in a site that you need to add protection code to then if can often be helpful to use a good Multiple file search and replace program to carefully add the protection code to the top of the source code of the pages. There are even multiple file search and replace programs that can rename extensions which can be helpful for large sites.

For images and graphics you want protect you have to do some work and set up and intelligent system for yourself.

Lastly whether you use https:// or not is no concern to ASPProtect as it works the same under https:// as it does under http://


All this being said installing the desktop version of SQL may be a little tricky as it may complain that your SA account needs a strict password.

The solution is to run the SQL Desktop setup.exe with some parameters specifying a password for the SA account.

So you go to the command prompt or make a shortcut to the setup file and run something like this

setup.exe SAPWD="YourPassword"

minus the quotes...

I got that info from this article and it worked fine

The other thing to remember is it might take a reboot to actually see the SQL server icon running in the taskbar. You may also need to go into the administrative services and enable the "SQLSERVERAGENT" as well as set its startup type to "automatic"

And a reboot here and there..

Whammo... your in business...


Thought this would be easy.  A few more pointers should get the database connection to work:


1) How do you decide whether it is a DSN (system datasource) or not? Does just putting the file in the ODBC make it so? 


2)We have other files in there for other server applications, does that mean we’re stuck using DSN’s or is the file independent of that control dialog?


3) Assuming we get rid of using DSN for this database (or not), does the code go referenced in your article http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/permissions.asp apply here or should it just work?


What else are we missing?


Well, thats not normal.
(it should work just like our online demo does)

Do you have everything turned on in the settings ?

Uploading needs to be enabled and you also have to pick a valid upload method.


No I didn't...

The one I tried is the hosted one at my provider which I gave you the link for.

Thanks very much.  I will get that one and it may be much easier if I need to get into the Nitty Gritty of the database at some time.


, That is by design and how it is designed to function.

There is no easy way to do what you are asking about.

Can it be done ?, sure!!

But it is a lot of custom coding to sort it all out and not something we support.

If I were you I would simply edit the login box screen to show some hyperlinks and options should a person need to use them. ,

Just to let you know that i figured out my problem. I had to modify the connection in the email code and get the correct path from my provider.

I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

Thank you


I would like to create a login form on the home page which will not be password protected to the site for members so that they can login right from the home page and not a password protected page like many sites have. And every portal I have seen.

Plus the login form looks really pretty and proffesional on the home page   ...

I can't find anything in the documentation that says how to do this or if it's even possible. Everything I have found says to password protect a page and then direct them there which isn't what I would like to do.

Here is the code of the login page which is an asp include file on the main page:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

                              <td><img src="images/a026.jpg" alt="" width="187" height="21"></td>
                              <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
                                           <td><table width="180" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#AAAAAA">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="178" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form_login" method="post" action="">
                                                              <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">
                                                                      <td width="53%"><input name="textfield" type="text" class="style-01" value="username"></td>
                                                                      <td width="47%"><a href="#" class="link-02">Forgot pass?</a> </td>
                                                                      <td><input name="textfield2" type="text" class="style-01" value="password"></td>
                                                                      <td><a href="#" class="link-02">Not registered?</a> </td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td colspan="3"><a href="#"><img src="images/a027.jpg" alt="" width="180" height="15" border="0"></a></td>


Does anybody know what values I would put in the form to send the correct login to AspProtect. And, if I would have to add any extra includes or code to it.


, I have been using the AspHttp Component method for displaying my ads along with the google adsense code.  However, in the last few days my site was taking too long to load, so I replaced the AspHttp component, with Javascript method.  The site was back to speed.  But now, the Google Adsense banners do not show up.  Is there a solution for that?  Can the Javascript show Adsense banners also?  Because they do show the Flash banners.,

(User Photo Upload Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x

This will allow an individual user to upload a user picture instead of just the admin.

Notes: This is a down and dirty mod. The user upload code was copied from the admin area and there are no safeguards. Meaning there is no limit on the file size a user uploads and there is no confirmation process in case something they upload is inappropriate. etc etc etc

If you want that you will have to work on that on your own.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.

copy these files into your "users" folder



I am having severe trouble with the SQL database connection for ASPlisting (generic version).

I have used all of the suggested connection strings but still get error messages such as:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Specified SQL server not found.

I have set up the tables in the database, although the database existed already with many other tables in it as it costs me per database per month so one has to suffice with many tables in it.

I use SQL a fair amount on my site but have not suffered any probs like this yet.

Any advise or help would be useful.


thats not good.. its a web server configuration issue of some sorts ?

post is a common method for forms.. if it is not supported it is something you should ask the server admins about.

Is this a windows based web server running true microsoft ASP because that error is usally associated with non windows IIS based web servers from what I can see by doing a google search ?

ASPProtect only runs on windows servers running IIS and True Microsoft ASP.

My guess is your web server is running Apache Unix or something like that.

, That's because when the page rebuilds, it uses the default number of users per page setting. You'd have to modify that default setting to have it do things differently.  I used to have mine set to 500 users, until I got past 300... then it wasn't fun to show all users on the page anymore.  I now like 10 per page and searching for specific users as needed.

But that's me. If you hack a COPY of your default.asp file (with the original backed up as above), you can get the value set to one you prefer.

If you want me to find the value, post and I'll look for it later on. If you want to find it yourself, happy hunting! Just be sure to have a backup in case you do the wrongest thing possible in your haxxoring.
, on that particular page check the session variables manually (not using the include)

that way you are keeping the login access checking to an absolute minimum, elminating any form processing from the login procedure, and keeping the upload script happy

like so

If Not InStr(Session("Groups"),"*1*") Then
    ' do whatever
End If

you could response.write something followed by a response.end

or you might even want to response.redirect them to some other page that using the "check_user_inc.asp" where they can log in

And if you are going to be using a free asp upload script use this one as it is probably the best pure code upload solution available as far as performance goes.

, thank you for such a quick response -- It sounds straight forward - so I should be all set.   Thanks again.,

Hi, I haven't heard anything from you.

Has this issue been resolved ?



AUGUST 12th 2004


ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8.0

It is completely finished.


This new version has more features and is selling for $99.95

Unlimited Version 7.3 is now named "ASPBanner Standard"

Owner's of Unlimited Version 7.3 can get an upgrade to Unlimited Version 8 for the difference in price (based on current pricing)

It is available now for purchase at the following link .

http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

The new version can use your existing database so it is a fairly easy upgrade.

If you are not an existing ASPBanner Customer you can use the following link to purchase the application normally.


Notes on the new version:

ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8

Improved graphics and some new icons

New reports screen... 4 reports total   3 of which are new

New Iframe Banner Calling method with built in auto refresh feature so banners can rotate at a specified interval on their own

New Zone Order Informaion Page
Visually shows you what the current rotation looks like for a zone

Banners can now be stopped at a certain date and at an impression limit
Whichever is hit 1st.. before it was just one or the other

New "data" folder... this new directory is the only directory that needs permissions
this should make setting up the system and permissions a breeze.. all cjwsoft applications will
eventually use this same folder

New configuration text file... eliminates config table in the database and allows us to easily
add more config options in the future without changing the database.. means easier upgrades down the road
and faster loading of the configuration data

New application data connection wizard
makes setting up the data connection a no brainer

more overall emailing methods supported

Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects

Persists ASPEMail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
Simple Mail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
It is becoming popular for ISP to use this.

Emailing code now uses functions so we can easily add more email component support down the road

Flash files (.swf) can now be previewed and used in new banner right from the upload page
before this could only be done with image files

Users page now has a notes popup feature
when you hold the mouse over the icon you see all info on a user without needing to edit that user

Edit banner page now shows the color of the banner status in the dropdown menu

New clone banner feature.. allows you to easily create similar banners

Banner application page has been optimized to be even more efficient

Javascript popup calendar date selectors

Ton of misc little things & Improvements...

Some Screenshots


it is an email server/setting issue most likely

your email server probably requires outgoing authentication or something like that and that is why internal emails can be sent to but nothing else

its something along those lines

this will help you see the real error instead of the generic 500


Three questions here:

1. I am having a problem with characters being displayed properly when viewing listings. Some alphabet characters and punctuation characters do not display properly when viewing the pages.


Sample here:



http://www.hibari2.com/lanoitanretni/kokusai_profiles/view_i tem.asp?Ad_ID=102&CatLevel=2&Cat1_ID=3&Cat2_ID=& amp; amp; amp; amp;Cat3_ID=&Cat4_ID=&FromSearch=True&SearchPage =%2Flanoitanretni%2Fkokusai%5Fprofiles%2Fdefault%2Easp%3FCat Level%3D2%26Cat1%5FID%3D3



In the access database I was looking at the properties for the ‘Ad_Custom’ fields. Unicode Compression is 'Yes' but IME Mode is set to 'No Control'. I wonder by changing this to ‘Hiragana’ if will solve the issue.

Note: the essays are typed in English on computer with Japanese OS, and then pasted up. Even though they are typed in English, there are several setting that may affect the output.



2. I want to reverse sort order for listings instead of listing 4, 5, 6, 7, I’d like to sort 7, 6, 5, 4… Could you tell me which page has to be edited, and in simplest terms what has to be changed?


3. Also, I’d like to increase the default display of ‘items per page’ from 25 to 100. Could you tell me which page has to be edited, and in simplest terms what has to be changed?






I think you’ll definitely like aspbanner. It's very easy to setup and use and it should work great with your portal. 

You’ll have banners rotating in no time. All you have to do is add banner calling code in your pages where you want the banners to show. There are enough methods that you will definitely find a few that work well for you. 

BTW, there are actually 7 methods now as we have a new one.
Information about it can be found in our ASPBanner support forums


There was nothing wrong with the server configuration. It turned out that the problem was that I disabled the email notification of new user registrations that I continually receive. That appears to disable the authorization email to new users as well.

One other issue. It appears that AOL email addressee's are not getting the authorization email. Does AOL have any blocks to CDONT generated emails?





Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:56:33 PM

At home.. Working on new MLS site... Importing old data into new field structure so that I can start changing the old code to work with the new database structure., Checked Radlog, Nortel Training Schedule, Email, CHRSolution - T3 Pt to Pt from Bell, billing, phone, cleaning, Checked and called customers that left online issues., some radlogs no calls..., travel 66209-66234, meeting with Jim, called Reeson Refuse regarding our service, started Emerald Manual download., cphospital.org - transferring content, creating additional upload component pages, gathering and resizing images from old site and uploading into the new. All health care pages complete, cyheck voice mail/email contact Salmon run Mall for rescehdiule for appointment Riveredge- jill- contact on thursday Loranzo-information about hosting, Answered the only voicemail that was on there, worked on MBO's today. slow afternoon. I did the batch today. , printed bullets received, emails to the missing ones, sent supply list to Mary, Marketing, Printed up agendas for tomorrow's MLS meeting after adding some suggestions from Steve W. Updated the billing summary and printed that out as well, in case there are financial questions., In Wtn office, worked on SoftVendor project, Letter to PSC re NXX codes, Took tech calls, checked RAD, AUAQ, DUI, and Voice Mail. It was pretty slow. , Miscellaneous, Function for SoftMLS database field conversion for CJW. Continue setting up laptop for development, Answered a call. Not very busy., Woolworth building setting up for Watertown fair. Went with CB to Sam's and Inkwell graphix for banners and supplies. Finished set up for Wednesday. , Finish up leftover work orders w/ Howard., Answered tech related calls., Critiqued animation and possible ideas for site with Jason, including a simple navigation system, a contentent driven site that is pleasing to the eye and visually competitive with Novocon.net., Clayton - Watertown - 25 miles, weekly cancels, Scanned Army phot,navy photo for Millenium page, and extra photo for cover.Rescanned 3 photos for Remar rentals,reworked Remar logo for color ad.Created headline for Millennium page., Everydaydad.com site management,

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