Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:51:06 PM
I've had an error I saw described here, couldn't figure out what it
was. My SQL statement was being cut off, though a bit differently
because it was created on multiple lines with the amper-underscore
string construction design; my statement had no UPDATE, only started
with the junk screen characters of the encrypted password.
So, from what you said above about the vbNullChar, Chris, it looks like
I've hit the same problem, maybe from an old version (downloaded March
22, 2005). Could I request a copy of the updated logic?
Thanks a lot.
, No can do. In both cases there is an icon that says "Not uploaded". I click in it and nothing happens. There is no link to upload. Am I missing something?
By the way, I appreciate and am impressed with your rapid response. Thanks.
Which page should a user see next after completing a Paypal transaction? Where do I set that?
, How do I recover or reset admin password used for the aspprotected pages. I have installed it months and months ago, but now can not recall the password. Any help appreciated, as I do not feel like installing it again. , Please be aware folks..
This file is not provided by CJWSoft. Though this may work very well use of it is not supported in any way. We have not tested it.
This user is not using the option pack so this file will not be compatible with anyone using that because it does not have support for groups and some of the other new features.
Regardless..we appretiate users sharing ideas and solutions that they have come up with. cwilliams38313.499837963, enjoy the bar.. drink one for me.. cause that was the problem..
, Your going to have a lot of problems and a lot of the code will have to be re-written.
There are a lot of things in the the code that the MYSQL database system does not support or has issues with . I know because I once made a version of ASPBanner work with MYSQL and it took weeks of work to get it stable.
Null field types can cause problems... but mostly ADO updates which I don't think MYSQL supports at all. All of the ADO stuff would have have to be rewritten.. etc etc
That's probably why you cant get much of the code to write to the database.
Here is a generic example.
An update to an existing record using ADO
And update to an existing record using an update query.
All through the the code the ADO updates would have to converted to update queries which means a lot of work.
I used ADO a lot because I like it and it is little easier to validate data before it is written to the database.
It is also a little easier for customers to understand when they look at the code.
The app just was not designed to work with MYSQL. It was specifically designed to work with MSSQL and MSACCESS only.
This holds true for all of our applications.
Your running off an IIS 5 Server so I would suggest just using MSACCESS as the database. The Photo Gallery app will run very well using MSACCESS. , The way the application ships there are no password confirmation areas anywhere ? Please be more specific as to what you have done and if any mods are involved ?
If you are talking about one of the MODS please realize they are not supported.
Even though they are not supported I look them over pretty closely and I know of no issue like you mentioned so I would suggest re-downloading the MOD. Perhaps you got a corrupt download or file. , Christopher
Many Thanks
Seems like its working just got to test it bit to see, though it wasnt going to work as I had one too many End If's after the last part of the code you done for me. But even I eventually sussed it, nothing to do with your bit just another mistake on my part
Great to get support like this especially on a Saturday
John , Regarding installation in a subfolder
Though this should be common sense and ASP.NET 101 "so to speak" One thing not mentioned in the docs..
If you do not install ASPProtect.NET in the true root of a web there a key in the web config you must adjust.
it looks like this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" />
The way it comes it is valid for a root installation..
lets say you installed the application in folder called. "aspprotectnet"
the key would change to this
<forms name=".aspprotect~net" loginUrl="/aspprotectnet/aspprotectlogin.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" path="/" /> cwilliams38454.3830439815, Hi
I would like to ensure the the user uses a UK style postcode not a clue how to ensure this as I am new to asp. Any ideas?
John , (User Photo Upload Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This will allow an individual user to upload a user picture instead of just the admin.
Notes: This is a down and dirty mod. The user upload code was copied from the admin area and there are no safeguards. Meaning there is no limit on the file size a user uploads and there is no confirmation process in case something they upload is inappropriate. etc etc etc
If you want that you will have to work on that on your own.

Directions: Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
copy these files into your "users" folder , Chris-
That appears to have fixed it!!! Thanks alot for your patience, I will never question your brilliance (or customer service) again! Where do I write you a smashing review?
, Thanks, I really appreciate you working on this. The software works GREAT and the support you give can't be beat. I will definately tell other that are looking for software for their sites to check your first.
one more question.
To use the bulk upload feature of aspuload, do I just need to add another upload section to the same upload page, that will allow more than one file to be selected then tell it to put the files in as Photo 1, 2, 3 etc.? I am a rookie at ASP but I think this is possible and with a little research I should be able to get it going.
Just want to make sure I am on the right track.
Thanks , Just to put an end to this thread here is the solution for anyone reading.
The permissions were ok.
The data connection string never got edited in the "dataconn_inc.asp" file so it was invalid the whole time.
Once that was corrected the application ran.
So really this whole thread was over not following the directions and not editing the data connection string...
, I do not think it it anything to do with the Application.
You most likely have some sort of ad blocking software that is doing it.
It is seeing the word "banner" or "ad" and blocking the images in your browser.
I doubt it is anything built into xp doing it. XP with SP2 has built in pop-up blockers but no ad blockers like that really. It is norton ad blocker or something of that nature. , as an update... it is now possible to use Website Payments Pro with classic ASP..
However, you basically need to own/run your own server because of certificate signing and special things that must be installed on it. The certificates you have to generate requires your paypal username and password so it's definetly not something hosts are going to do for people.
So... this still isn't plausible at this time..., I am not sure totally understand your question. I need you to explain it differently.
Any ".asp" page that is protected is going to automatically prompt them for a login box or log them in automatically depending on if they set that option.. In the end returning them to that same page.
So, it really all takes care of itself for the most part.. It doesn't even matter if the bookmark a protected page deep in your site. The system is smart enough to keep them at that page as well as handle their access.
Now of course if they are at an unprotected page of your site and navigate to a protected page they get a loin prompt or are allowed in if they already logged in...
Also.. when you say unprotected page ? do you mean ".htm" or ".asp" cwilliams38298.6571759259, as far as permissions are concerned I wrote two large articles about permissions that cover everything in detail on how to properly set them
see the windows 2003 and windows xp permission threads
From things you are saying I assume this is your server. My comments about the path looking funny are because very few commercial hosts would use the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\" directory. If you are using that and that is correct info then that is fine.
as for knowing whether or not the filesystem object is working the best thing to do is to try to write a text file somewhere in your web and see if it works. Testing something under the most basic scenario is the key to troubleshooting asp issues. , If you can would you do it for a price as a mod or will this be added to the new version. , [QUOTE=cwilliams]actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect. the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.
what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?
Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format. [/QUOTE]
First off, I haven't imported anything from MS Access.. The only reason I mentioned it is cuz I thought initially it worked with Access and not SQL server.
I am not converting nor entering any data manually into the db, nor have I changed anything in the way the registration is made (don't know where the "Old password" has come from? thought it was a function you made?) , I wonder why the banners in ASPBanner 8.1 are moving from one place to another when opening my site in a Mac Safari browser and click on refresh?
Can you take a look at my site and response? , Hi,
The source code comes with it. They are the.vb files.
I don't give out any project files for reasons stated in the article below.
Please read this in full if you want to edit the application in Visual Studio.NET ,
I am having difficulty properly securing pdf's using 7.x
I used the example file and have been able to secure images and word
docs, but the pdf's give users the error "There was an error opening
this document. The file cannot be found."
The kicker -- it works fine on my computer, just not anyone else's. I
put a link up to the same file without any security and that works on
everyone's computer. The word file links and redirects work too. I've
tried my log-in on other computers, then attempting to download the pdf
and that doesn't work.
The client wants a site where users must register before downloading
pdf's. They should be able to view all the pages without registering.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I can't complete the site until this issue is resolved.
Help appreciated.
, I recently upgraded my ASPclassifieds from MS Access to SQL. The application launches, I can browse existing catagories, etc. but when I try clicking on the login, guestbook, register or accessing the classifieds_admin, I get the HTTP 500 - Internal server error. Guessing this must be a folder or file permission issue? Have tried changing IUSR permissions but nothing helps.
Please advise. Thanks, lancem , I assume that if I am using this product, search engines such as Google cannot access and index my content. Can somebody confirm that; I want to be 100% sure.
In case it matters, I am using a basic, cheap ISP setup where my site is on a shared server.
Thanks in advance. , Chris,
Yesterday when I would access the get_me_in page with the password key, I was then taken to the default login page. It did not give me the option to create a user.
Today, when I entered the password key into the get_me_in page, I was taken right to the create user page. So, yes the problem has been resolved. I have no idea why though.
, Hello,
no default setting for something like that... what your thinking about doing is on the right track I'd say , Chris, and all who read this post.
Don't run away! I believe that perhaps I gave Chris good cause for this post to be created . But dont fear .
When it comes to most languages I am a newbie, let alone ASP.NET. I did not choose to have an application for my site to be built in ASP.NET. However it was and I had paid for that program and it needed protecting!
Now I did have a few problems, however NONE were with ASPProtect.NET. It is brilliant. NONE were with Chris and the support he provides. I believe he must work 24/7 judging by the speed of replies and the timezone differences.
In the end all the problems were down to MY typos and a web host who insisted that any problem was a conflict and not their server set-up.(which it was!)
Having eliminated the typo and changed web provider to a less arrogant company. ASPProtect.NET installed and ran out of the box. Truely impressive.
As a newbie it is not something I would like to do again. But with help from Chris and from a friend with ASP.NET knowledge any issues were very quickly resolved.
An A+ recommendation for CJWSoft. I love it! , Thanks! Will try both.
Appreciate the support. , Hi,
We use ASP Protect 6.0 and the database is SQL Server. Our hosting company is charging a lot for daily and weekly backups for everything. Which directories/folders do we need to backup daily and weekly incase something happenes to the site and we need to restore and get the password-protected are that works with ASP Protect to get working. , The album ID thing is completely normal and by design. Once an ID in the database is used it can not be used again. That is how autonumber fields in a database work.
As far as not being able to delete images... Are you by chance using ASP.NET to show dynamic thumbnails... Because if you are you must turn that feature off and wait 20 minutes or so (maybe more) before you will be able to delete any of the images. It is because the current version of the ASP.NET script used to make the thumbnails locks the images on the server temporarily anytime it creates a thumbnail.
It is a known issue... and there is no fix at the moment other than what I told you above. cwilliams38324.744525463, How to bring up Banner Calling Code Generators
Simply go to the zones screen. Select a Zone from the list. Check the "Show Banner Code" option.
Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone" cwilliams38325.7399537037, Just want to be able to log users in from the home page via a username and password box somewhere say on the left hand side with a login button. Like most sites have.... i cant seem to figure out how to do that with the software.
My other question is..Is there a way to incorporate this software into an event registry? What i mean is this:
Say a company is having a pool party, BBQ, and tennis lessons (just examples)
When a user registers with aspprotect i want him/her to have the option to register for one of the events. Also, I as the admin, would like to be able to view who and how many registered for each event... Here is what i am talking about (and it has a payment option to charge for an event which would be PERFECT if you could do)
Please let me know if there is a way to add this option or create...
, Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database., Umm, if your using MSACCESS your using MSACCESS
SQL server has nothing to do with it. , nice. I love learning at least 1 thing every day, (Password Expiration Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This Advanced Mod requires decent knowledge of Databases and working with ASP. I originally wrote something like this for a customer on a custom project. I then took the time to re-write all the code from scratch so it could easily be plugged in to the current version of ASPProtect as an option. All in all this mod took me over 15 hours of time to develop and will save you a ton of time & money if you were planning on writing something like this on your own. Some parts of this were so difficult to get working that I would never have written this code if I was not paid to do so. (The encrypted array that rotates through the last 12 passwords was quite frustrating to get working)
 The price on this is 19.95. I am not incorporating this into the base product because it makes things more complicated and isn't for everyone.
Purchase Page
Security is a big concern and making your users change their password every so often is a good idea. Keeping track of previous passwords they used and making them choose something they haven't used before takes the concept even further.
This Mod will add a password expiration date to the application. When the password expiration date is hit the user must confirm their old password as well as pick a new one before they can log in again.
There is a new password expiration directory where they must choose a new password that has not been used before. The new password must be confirmed during this process. (It remembers 12 old passwords the way it is coded) The old passwords are stored in the database in an encrypted array.
Directions: Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
Add two new fields to the "ASPP_Users" table in your database.
For an MSAccess Database
Password_Expiration_Date (Date_Time Field) PreviousPasswords (Memo Field)
For a MSSQL Database
Password_Expiration_Date (smalldatetime) PreviousPasswords (nvarchar 160 characters)
once that is done
Copy all the new ".asp" pages into your site.
Edit the "PasswordExpirationURL" variable in the "check_user_inc.asp" file
It needs to be the full URL to to the "change_password/default.asp" file
Now edit the "change_password/processchange.asp" file
There are 3 variables you can edit.
PageSentToAfter = "http://localhost/aspprotectmods/password_admin/default.asp" PassMinLength = 4 PassMaxLength = 8
The "PageSentToAfter" is where you want them sent to after they change the password. It can be whatever you like. If it is a protected page they should automatically get logged in with the new password they just changed to which is nice.
The other two values should be obvious.
That's it...
Just remember the password change thing is not used in the admin area... You could easily add code for that on your own though by looking at the the password expiration code I added to the publics "check_user_inc.asp" file
Also: You will see a new field to edit on the user edit screen for the Password Expiration of course. ,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I will consider editing the code. , I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am eneral+Inquiry ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:51:06 PM
same as above, TICC, Trying to put together a map for from one they sent me, but it was terrible. Ended up sending him a note asking for a different map., Started the Daily Crystal Reports as far as I could before I needed the pink sheets, web billing from Lisa and Amy, liverpool chamber business luncheon- presentation/questions for web site
baldwinsville chamber info for web site , Approval Time Cards, business record ad, enter bills, Nortel School, AT&T - Re: Upstream routing issue, Answered Phones, Linda let me go home early because of the amt of ppl working, Lunch, Code, Worked on arrangements for the Citec Conference, lunch, emailed final copies of Ad PDFs to Beth for sending out to printer, nips at Skeemers, entered deposits, did banking, lunch, Still cleaning up and tweaking the page the best I could on the Gisco Online page, fill content and scan photos finish design and implement into html, same as a.m. plus work Verisign issues, more email stuff, site updates: photo of Todd Harley added, added section on Offspring contest, added playlist, Danc engineering - wireless, Work Order System, very slow day. checked radlogs. did a few setups, helped a user with eudora. not incredibly busy, ogdensburg city school channel partner set up, meet with seth,