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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:52:29 PM
It really means just what it says. Your connection string is just not valid and the sql server speicifed can not be reached. The username and password could also be invalid. Since you already had a database set up you should use the same username and password you have always been using. You also need to use the same database name you have always been using. Without actually knowing more and seeing what you are doing it is pretty hard to tell you anymore than that.
The directions and sql scripts given are for setting up a new sql database. Applying them to an existing sql database requires a slightly different approach. Modificiations to the SQL scripts elimintating references to the usernames/password/database we suggest in the scripts is also a good idea.
A data connection is a low level as it gets. Until you get that working you are really not even touching any of the code in the ASPListings application.
If you want I have no problem going into your sql server and web and setting up for you correctly. cwilliams38301.7362037037, For some odd reason, the the export path has two backslashes (\\) at the end, thus generating an error each time I try to export. For example
This appears toward the bottom of the import_export_manager.asp page and is called by =ExportDirectory.
I checked under settings tab, no path ends with a "\". Any idea where else I need to look?
I am investigating the possibility of purchasing above script having spent some hours trying to integrate various free banner rotators into my Invision portal.
What attracts me to your script is that it has 6 ways to call banners. I am an inexperienced webmaster with only a smatterring of knowledge about ASP. Will ASP Banner be able to integrate with my portal?
Many thanks
David van der Want , Hello,
VBScript is the most popular ASP scripting language, and has the most support available. I estimate that less than 5% of the ASP coders out there use anything other than vbscript
That being said it specifically says on the aspprotect site ASPProtect is only for use in protecting asp using "vbscript" as the language.
it is something I specified very clearly for this very reason.
Sorry, but you can not use ASPProtect to protect pages using Language="Javascript". The code is too complex to be mixed with server side Javascript.
To password protect asp pages written using "Javascript" you really need a an application specifically written in and designed to work with ASP pages written using "Javascript". And then of course that application would not be able to protect ".asp" pages written using "vbscript." (I mean never say never, but it would be a ton of work to get both working and I doubt you will ever see a commercial application that does both)
as for switching back and forth between vbscript and javascript you really can't except with very simple code. Doing so with anything complex can be extremely problematic because the order of execution sometimes gets all mixed up because of the complexity of the code being used.
That doesn't mean it can not work....
You would really want to do something like this.
do not specify a default language at the top
surround the aspprotect include file with this
<SCRIPT Language="vbscript">
surround your javascript code with this
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
then make sure none the code including the aspprotect include file has any <% or %> tags in it
that means you have to remove that sort of thing everywhere... that means a lot of work if you used a lot of that sort of thing instead of response.writes to write out html type stuff
and again... I don't know if you would ever get it all working , O.K. , I register myself as a user. No problem, Iget an e-mail saying account active. No problem. I click the link in the e-mail. No problem. I click sign in and get this message. Big problem!!
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/aspprotect/config_inc.asp, line 15 Dim Address_Required,CDONTS_Installed,City_Required,Registration _Type,VerifyURL,Log_Off_Page ----^ cwilliams38456.0969444444, ASPProtect 7 Customization Service
As some people seem to have a lot of trouble editing ASP code I am currently willing to consider doing ASP Programming custimization work to the registration pages/database as well as the admin area of ASPProtect Version 7.
things like drop down lists, yes/no fields, new database fields, edit screen additions... etc etc
things that might take an ASP novice forever but I could do in reasonable time.
PM me detailed specs on what you want and will then provide a quote if interested. I get paid via PayPal ahead of time and am charging 40/hour for my time which is a discounted rate. (partially since I am so familiar with the application and partially because you have made a purchase from CJWSoft)
So to be very clear...
You tell me exactly what you want in detail, If I agree and you like the price quote, I get paid, I write the code, you get the code, I fix any minor bugs or errors if I made if any, and everyone is happy. That's the deal.
Pain in the ass people or people not willing to spend money for quality work done quickly need not contact me. I get enough of that as it is and my time is valuable. I also may refuse a job if I don't have time or just don't want to do the work involved. Really how well you describe what you want and the intelligence level vibe I get from you has a lot to do with whether I will do the job or not., Thanks Chris, If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.
It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..
"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"
I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st. It was me and I said it on my old powerasp.com site before anyone else ever did.
I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.
I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.
, I dont get it.. I am still looking into it..
I think this has something to do with your original experience when things would work and then not work.
something weird is going on , Well, hold everything.
Looks like I did it right. The latest user showed up in the correct group.
I guess the ASP pages had to refresh at the server or something...
It's still a great product, BTW. Almost five years for my enjoyable ride with ASPProtect!
, Can I have the logon be in a top frame while having the protected pages displayed in a main frame?
Also, how will it behave if a user moves in between a protected page to a public page and back to the protected page again?, one thing to note... the time period we are talking about is going to to be whatever you have the session timeout set at in the settings.
perhaps making that value lower like 10 minutes is an option for you.. and might help to deal with situation
, sorry.. you just said above you were using XP SP2 so that is the article I referred you to as I just assumed you were talking about your local web server
here is my article on permissions regarding server 2003 http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp
I can look at your installation monday if you like. In about an hour I leave for a wedding thingie and I wont be around again untill monday around noon
Try the uploading using VBSCRIPT method just for the heck of it. Perhaps there is an issue with the installation of the dundas component.
, do you want my help making the database with your import file ?, as far as permissions are concerned I wrote two large articles about permissions that cover everything in detail on how to properly set them
see the windows 2003 and windows xp permission threads
From things you are saying I assume this is your server. My comments about the path looking funny are because very few commercial hosts would use the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\" directory. If you are using that and that is correct info then that is fine.
as for knowing whether or not the filesystem object is working the best thing to do is to try to write a text file somewhere in your web and see if it works. Testing something under the most basic scenario is the key to troubleshooting asp issues.
http://www.devasp.com/samples/writetofile.asp ,
Hi Chris,
Alright. We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.
Ok. I have another question:
How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:
Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?
thank you
, ok.. glad it is doing it's thing, SQL server hotel ehh ? Humm that sounds bad whatever that is ?
Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server? I have never heard of that name ?, question 2 is answered best here
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=319&KW =paypal
Ok, got it. Didn't know if there was something already set up for this that I was missing.
>>I should also mention that the paypals scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox.
Ok. Thanks.
>>Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts) then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of
course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.
Yeah, been messing around with
that. Got everything going except the return page which I can't
do until the site is live. 
>>Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the
integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a
different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on
for aspprotect.
Ok. Will email you with a username and password for access to the site once it's live.
Sounds like a great add-on for ASPProtect!
, Parent Paths ?
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&P N=1
, humm.. can I possibly see this happening ? any changes to that part of the code ?
, Hello,
I need some help with the following code. Please look at the area in red. I need to be able to set someting up to where the variable eval1 (a yes/no field in my database) is set to false after the associated link is pressed.
Thank you
="vbscript" %> <!--#INCLUDE virtual="/irp/check_user_inc.asp"--> <html>
<head> <title>Administrator Evaluations</title> <style> <!-- div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-top:0in} --> </style> </head>
<body background="../images/1.gif" bgcolor="#C0B59A" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" link="#0000FF">
<p><map name="FPMap1"> <area href="http://www.utb.edu/" shape="rect" coords="627, 66, 670, 81"></map> <span lang="en-us"> & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; </span> <img border="0" src="https://blue.utb.edu/irp/Inst-Research&Plan.jpg" usemap="#FPMap1" width="675" height="82"><br> </p> <h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">Administrator Evaluations</span></h2> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <b>Welcome, </b> </span> <b> <% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %> </b> </p> <p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">On this page, you will see a list of names that represent the persons that you will be evaluating this year. Please click on a name to select that persons evaluation form. Once you have completed and submitted that persons evaluation, you will be returned back to this page to continue with the next person on your list. Once you have completed all your evaluations, you can log off the system using the link below.</span></b></p> <p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">Please note: Only <u>1</u> submission per person will be accepted, any additional submissions will not be accepted.</span></b></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the number below.</b></span></p> <hr color="#FF9933" width="80%" size="3"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b>Please click on a name below to begin the evaluation process.</b></span></p> <div align="center"> <table> <%If Session("Link1_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link1"))%>" onclick="<%=Session("eval1")="true"%>;return true" </href> <font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link1_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span> </td> </tr> <%End If%> <%If Session("Link2_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link2"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link2_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td> </tr> <%End If%> <%If Session("Link3_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link3"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link3_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td> </tr> <%End If%> POST EDITED / SOME CODE REMOVED TO KEEP IT SHORTER .. This went to Link3_Name </table> <p> </p> <p><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have completed all your evaluations and wish to log out please click <a href="log_off.asp">here.</a></b></span> </p> <p> </div> <div class="MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center"> <hr size="3" width="80%" noshade color="#ff9933" align="center"></div> <p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Institutional Research and Planning <br> Tandy 270<br> 80 Fort Brown<br> Brownsville, TX 78520</b></p> <p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Phone: 956-544-8816 &nbs p; &nbs p; Fax: 956-983-7652<br> E-Mail: <a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href="mailto:iresearch@utb.edu?subject=Administrators%20Evaluation">
, Cool.
Well I'm in the middle of uploading the txt file and it's about half way done and sitting there...so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. , yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.
You wont get any errors..
I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances
Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..
Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.
Personally this is how I install it and it works every time. I like to put their dll in the system32 folder. Register it. Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet. Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions , 1) Does everything, i.e. every user, every category, every product, etc., get stored in just one single database, or are there multiple databases at work and are linked to one another? I am asking because there is only one table in the DB, and it is the "Users" table. So I am presuming that there must be other databases that are linked to the DB. Is this correct?
2) Are user-level security permissions utilized in the sample Access DB that is shipped with the software? I am asking because we cannot seem to remove the "temp" password no matter what we try, and this is the only reason I can think of. , UPDATE
Version 8.1 has code generators for these new methods built in... , Not a problem. Have a good time at your wedding.
thanks! , Please try this URL www.telepedia.net/pages/chem_periex.asp
It is protected by GROUPACCESS "6" and the username:dimitris and password:tele
In the administration area, I have arranged this username as member of the group 6.
Thank you in advance for your help
, This first one may be an obvious one, but is it only .asp files that I can protect as in no HTML files.
Can the program be set to protect my whole https directory contents (though the answer to the last question may have bearing here - there are html files as well as .asp in there) as in http://secure.mydomain.com
Thanks in advance , Have tried doing that but same error...
, The problem was in config_inc.asp. we had renamed the field in the DB but didn't change it in this file.
But we changed it, it is back to normal.
Thanks , Hi,
I have a question re ASP Protect, I have got it up and running on a dev server which also hosts a e-com engine (ASP / Access), when users check out they are presented with the e-com log in screen (which is sharing the same ASPP_User table). All's well and registration and editing user details is fine both in the Admin section and the front end of ASP and if I request an email reminder from the ecom scripts I get back the encrypted password.
I'm using <% = Session("Email") %> and <% = Session("Password") %> to populate the fields on the ecom log in page so users can click though and progress, the checkout process needs the username/password, all user info shows up ok, however, when I proceed with these credentials, it doesn't work, even though I know these to be correct and even without requesting a password reminder and using the one that gets me in everywhere else, I still can't get through? do I need some code re the crypto so the ecom can decode??
Any help would be great - I've been on it for about 10 hours, and checked through the posts here but can't fathom it out?
Thanks Craig , Really awesome, thanks..
If possible please be sure to respond to the email they send so the review ends up authenticated
, Hi,
I have just one quick question, I know this works with Paypal but does this work with Merchant Account?
How difficult it is to make it workable with Merchant account? I appreciate your answer.
, I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight
issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their
order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site
to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been
cancelled. Any help would be great.
, Hi
I would like to ensure the the user uses a UK style postcode not a clue how to ensure this as I am new to asp. Any ideas?
John ,
As far as the users thing... my fault that was setup wrong in the settings of the admin login page.
but still dont have a solution for what im trying to do , Greetings:
I am doing the initial set-up and have run into a problem. Everything has gone smoothly up to and including pulling up the get_me_in.asp page. When I enter the "PasswordEncryptionKey", nothing happens. The page just sits there without doing anything and the browser says it's opening the page, but never does. I have tried entering the value with and without the double-quotes. The value is the correct one from the config_inc.asp file. I did a copy paste from the file twice to insure I transferred it correctly.
I am running Windows 2000 server.
What now?
Warren , Can you incorporate a secure log in within the scripting. I would like the account information to be secure without having to have the whole site using running through a secure (https://) path. If this is possible, the scripting is perfect! , Yeah sorry you are right. It works for me
http://www.rottys.net/gallery/default.asp?CatLevel=2&Cat 1_ID=5
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:52:29 PM
St. Lawrence County - Database of existing listings conversion to Access., party planning, LUNCH, mtg about design process with Peggy, Lisa, and Amy, switchboard, billing calls, Switching Timecard SQL database from my machine to VENUS and also working with Randy to fix the SQL server after I broke it, TICC Team Meeting, slow, batching and answering phone. , talk to paul about walt, draw out diagram of new real estate model, RICH AT TAYLOR CONCRETE CALLED WANTED TO REVIEW SITE PROGRESS.., troubleshooting IMC servers and prepping migration of a few web sites, billing questions way over estimated proposal amount for gary miles, speak with /michele, worked on timecards, answer mail- voice mail
set up for watertown brew meeting- cancel -till monday
Lee- superior services contact
, IDA, Finished putting on Paul's tear drop and added mine as well, travel to user group in watertown, worked with Bill on POP report search page, worked on Heike's form, phones, company picnic, grilled chicken salad- wendy's, Meeting on MBO with night staff., Kick Back and Relax Coupon # 31-3, TICC & HB deposits, Costguard Demo w/ Tara, Beth, Randy, and Steve on phone., Voga.org SSL support, working with Joe on getting materials need gathered and assembled for channel bank installation....got channel banks installed...I located and secured the amphanol connectors needed and we located the correct strand count and gauge cabled., There were quite a few calls for about 10 minutes but they were quick and short, steady afternoon , but not as busy as the morning. Duties: answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked email, taking sign ups and cancellations. quality checking sign ups. ,