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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:16 PM


Actually that is not a feature at this time. Only the admin can add an image for user. If you look at the code for that you could adapt it for individual user use fairly easily provided you are decent with ASP.

That feature will probably be added some day, but there was no time to add it to into the current version and I can not give you a time on when it will be added. The complicated part is making some sort of approval process in case a user adds something undesirable and also limited file sizes which is hard to do without somesort of 3rd party uplaod component being involved.


cool.. let see if that works.  This was the command line that I had to enter in order for it to register.  Chris, as you stated before, you can try one of the other emailers, but you need a email server to tie to. 

"regsvr32 cdonts.dll"


Help!.. I need to export the username and password fields to a mail merged letter so everyone knows their username and passwords. However whenever i access the database or do an export. The passwords showup as encrypted. Is there a way to access the list, un encrypted?



, Does ASPProtect 7 work with SQL 2005?,

I want to try this on the machine im using now; which is windows XP.

Is this possible? I don't think i can set folder permissions on XP... there is no option to do so...

Is there a way to do it?

, how would anyone recommend i go about setting a different expiration date for each group a user may belong to?,

I am also getting the "Unspecified Error" message.  I just transferred my site to IIS 5.0 and I get that error now.  However it does not happen everytime.  I can click on a page and it opens fine and then I hit refresh in the browser and I get the "Unspecified Error" message.  What could be causing this?




I need to use SQL for other reasons than efficiency.  If I create 2-seperate databases, would there be a lot of code to edit?

Thank you.


It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas…


I log all 404 errors on my site and since installing ASPBanner, I get a lot of the following error:

/aspbanner/edit_banner.asp?Banner_ID=11&User_ID=1 contains a broken link:


ID changes and there are various missing links.  Some missing links include:


While not critical, these are filling up my error logs and it takes time for me to sort through them.

, I am out of the server now and I have to get up early to help friends pour concrete in a huge building in 20-30 degree weather (woo hoo)

So I am going to take a break on this until later tommoro.

In the mean time try connecting to the access database with no password on it as well as the access 97 version that I put in the data folder... and see if it runs any faster...screens like the user screen should load fast... not after 15 seconds of waiting like they seem to be doing right now

If none of that helps which it probably wont I can set up the database for you here including the importing later tommoro when I am done pouring concrete

It's MS Access, Version 7 (the Full one).

Anyway, I had inadvertently changed the user_id field type to "number".  When I changed it back to "autonumber", everything went back to normal.


Thanks you very much for your quick reply and sorry to have bothered you.

I am having difficulty properly securing pdf's using 7.x
I used the example file and have been able to secure images and word docs, but the pdf's give users the error "There was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found."

The kicker -- it works fine on my computer, just not anyone else's. I put a link up to the same file without any security and that works on everyone's computer. The word file links and redirects work too. I've tried my log-in on other computers, then attempting to download the pdf and that doesn't work.

The client wants a site where users must register before downloading pdf's. They should be able to view all the pages without registering.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I can't complete the site until this issue is resolved.

Help appreciated.


We have been using ASP Protect for a while now and are big fans of the program.  We received ASP Banner 8.2 with our puchase which we now have a need for.  I went to put the files on our webpage, and doing nothing else other than locating the directory there, I noticed differences with how ASP Protect operates.  We have customized it a bit and want to keep the 2 programs separate.  the login screen for one showed up on the other, and some ASP Protect pages appeared altered so i immediately deleted ASP Banner.  did I do something wrong, and how can i ensure the 2 programs work completely independant of each other?  We can't risk braking what we're now using but would really like to add banner functionality to some of our pages.  maybe an update to the program before we install?  puchase new software?  Thanks for your help-


You can mix and match banner calling methods all you want.
Try it and see what happens.

However, the only method that is going to work on non ".asp" pages is the javascript or the new iframe method listed in the support forums.





As far as the users thing... my fault that was setup wrong in the settings of the admin login page.

but still dont have a solution for what im trying to do


Dear Christofer

I already have send you the details you asked me for. Please let me know if you have received


The stat not show when  impression over  xxxxxx

I use  aspbanner v8.1   MS SQL version

Total Impressions 83523
Total Clicks 7
Total Clickthru .0%


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/aspbanner/stats_window_admin.asp, line 257





As an update to this thread I fixed the "upload_post.asp" page quite some time ago but forgot to post the updated file here.

So here it is.


, ok, now were getting somewhere

I didn't know you imported from another system,

chances are you are missing field information that an ASPProtect user requires.

Start off from scratch with a new aspprotect database... create a new user and look at the info that gets entered by default for every field in the database

make sure when you import a user that you mimic it all

dont import directly using access because the passwords will not get converted to encrypted versions of themselves correctly.. and the whole process will be usesless as no passwords will be correct

Use the import feature built into ASPProtect.. because it is smart enough to take the clear text passwords and encrypt them accordingly

if you want to know a correctly formatted import file needs to look like make one and check it out

do one user at a time and make sure you can log in to an example protected page till you get it right...

once you get that working do them all

Thats really the best advice I can give you. ,

The default database password is "temp"

This is noted in the docs. You can also see the current password by looking at your connection string.


How to bring up Banner Calling Code Generators

Simply go to the zones screen.
Select a Zone from the list.
Check the "Show Banner Code" option.

Click on "Display Banners in Selected Zone"

cwilliams38325.7399537037, one more problem I see...

I think your login box on the main page is missing the hidden form variable

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo169-1.htm, well, I think John just told you what the deal is. He knows more about ASP.NET than anyone else I know.

If you are going to run a non-standard setup then you are going to have big problems like you are having. , I do not what see what this has to do with anything I sell ?

Those errors are all related to pages that have nothing to do with my ASP applications and code., My client has  a  list of  13,000 members that  have already  been assigned  ID's and passwords with a homegrown system.

When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?

Thanks in advance for your help.

The main root of your web site needs a "aspnet_client" folder for .NET apps like ASPProtect.NET to run.

If this isnt quite right one of two things can happen.

1.) You'll get a pop-up error like this.
'Unable to find script library WebUIValidation.js'

2.) The ASPProtect login screen will come up but just not let you log in.

This folder only goes in the root. Not in subfolders and subwebs.

If you dont have this folder in the root of your web.

Read this article to learn how to properly create the folder.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/e n-us/cpguide/html/cpconconfiguringaspnetapplicationforaspnet version.asp

If the app is installed on a hosted server you'll need to ask them to do that for you.

You can also try copying a the folder from your own machine after creating it the way the article above says.


here is a copy of my "aspnet_client" folder created under the latest framework at the time of this writing. v 1_1_4322


I am not sure if copying it in is as good as having created by the server as I haven't had time to really test all of that but it should work. Ultimately all this does is put some files .net needs in the web.


the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.


Sorry, I guess you did say you finally found them.
Regardless, sorry then, I tried

I dont know what else to tell ya.. except to search www.aspin.com

Perhaps you will find something you can use there.


Chris -

Long time no talk, which is a good thing.  I have purchased another product from you, ASPVendor.  I am running into an issues.

When I try and remove the image through the image manager, it does not remove it.  Screen shot attached.




The problem was that I did not have

ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}.... in the connection string.

Thank You.


It does not matter what directory name the ASPProtect files and folders are in but you cant go moving around critical file and folders like it appears you did nor is there any reason to.

All that is is saying is that the users folder, the password_admin folder, the scripts folder, the check_user_inc.asp file, and all the other files and folders that come with the system can be in any directory name as a whole.... but that doesn't mean you can go messing around with the files and folders in that directory.

I assure you 100's of users do not use "aspprotect" as the main folder name and they have no issues doing so.

Regardless, you need to explain in much clearer detail exactly what you did and what paths you used and what is where.  At this point I really do not know what is you did as your post was not clear to me.

You should also check that you have entered correct path info in the admin settings page area. The register page is one of the paths that geths set there.


you basically have to edit the html in the links in the various pages and remove them... some are in includes files

use a text editor and be causious / back things up before you remove links so you can revert back


lets get back to using the forum and not the pm's  please only use the PM's for sensative information. its too hard for me to keep track of all of this as well as help everything else when I got an inbox full of pm's

Ok, so you say no paypal subscription info is being put in the database at all.

I know we have a bunch of people using the paypal subscription code with no issues so I know it works but obviously you got something wrong.

It could be a few things.

Did you enable IPN in the paypal system and put in a postback url like my directions say ?

Are you sure you are not getting paypal single payments and paypal subscriptions mixed up ?

Are the paypal links you made for paypal subscriptions in the correct format like are directions state ? That is critical and another example of something important that you have not shown me.

Did you populate all settings correctly for our paypal subscription code ?
This includes a correct and valid postback url because if that is not right paypal cant communicate with the aspprotect system and no info will get posted back from them at all.

You say your upgrade went well but if you did all all field names perfectly there could be issues with that.

There is just way too much for me to figure out under free support with the info you keep providing me.

I dont think we are going to get anywhere unless I go into your system and spend a considerable amount of time checking everything out. That is not something I do under normal support so if you are interested it is going to involve a fee paid via paypal. It's probably going to take me a while to check everything out and I need you to be 100% sure IPM is enabled in your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to turn it on search their help system as they have plenty of documentation on the process.

, I didn't know about it. I will try to check it out some more this week.

I just installed ASPProtect on my site. The instructions were definately on the target. Very very good instructions.

But... Isn't there always a but ???

I needed to setup my site with MS SQL and it is hosted so I don't have Enterprise Manager. I tried the web based Enterprise Manager and any other one I could find. But, I kept getting errors when trying to use the SQL Script.

I finally had to go back to my work where we do have the licenses and get an SQL Admin to use Enterprise Manager to run the script and it worked finally.

I don't know if this is a common problem ??? But, maybe you would want to look at the SQL Server script or make a different version that would work with the Web Based SQL manager.



sometimes those emails take a bit... all depend on wht you are using to send them and whether a pickup directory is involved

as for the other I do not know.. PM me the site details I can look

if it is a 2003 server parent paths must of course be enabled.. its a requirement of aspclassifieds

, sounds like the data/export folde does not have permissions,

Good Morning - I getting errors in my system log that says "404 file not found" for a number of files - Here are a few examples:

/aspprotect/password_admin/ drop1.gif
http://cidra.easycgi.com/ aspprotect/password_admin/edit.asp? User_ID=181
4 0.28%
/aspprotect/password_admin/ drop2.gif
http://cidra.easycgi.com/ aspprotect/password_admin/edit.asp? User_ID=181
4 0.28%
/aspprotect/password_admin/ left1.gif
http://cidra.easycgi.com/ aspprotect/password_admin/edit.asp? User_ID=181

I ideas on how to fix this?  Note: The system seems to be working fine, but I want my log files as clean as possible. 

Thanks.  shirley

, You shouldn't be renaming or moving anything... unless you really really understand what you are doing and are at an expert level expert as far as ASP coding goes.

like I said earlier..
http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=354&ge t=last#1130

redirecting with version 6 is not supported but this thread tells you exactly how to set it up (I showed you this thread in an that earlier post)

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/code_info.asp?TID=17&KW= redirect

This thread below may also help in case the page you want to start on with a login form should not be password protected..

http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo18-2.htm ,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:16 PM

SoftAuto demo site setup. Publishing breseecars.com to SoftAuto.Com. Making changes to make it work., Syracuse biz fair, CREG systems is finally done!!!, randy and seth came in to work on the routers, so the network was down for a bit however there were very few calls and it seems that all went smoothly, dial up issues, radlog, phones, install MS Office and other pplications on old workstation for production, Manning NOC. Watching network. Resetting open modems. Maintenence of domains. Weekly engineers meeting., to Watertown, Switchboard, billing calls, call backs., alex bay.com- info for web site/initial design, working on moving web pages off of NS0, Worked on a different portion of some coding for Steve. Worked on the SMTP mail and figuring out how to incorporate it into ASP. , entered bills, *Bram, Disability letter, General tech duties., *Agfa NDT, Worked with JC on final layout for banner. Prepared board for fair for schedule. Worked with KV on peninsula for display, which we will bring with us tomorrow., Customer inquries, ans. phone, taking payments, credit card authoriztions, and worked on my porblem children. Drop mail at post office., Bill at IMC called RE: Woodruff install, updated progress on list of projects for Peggy and emailed them to her, Email and time cards, Ate At Work, billing CS, Watertown, General Duties, very, very, very busy day!, Telephone conference with Telergy attorney, lunch, Called and talked w/ George @ ACM, Payroll to Watertown & meet w/Ins agnts , at IMCNet troubleshooting KNI frame problems (DLCI 22), reported to Bell ticket #DC050789, Lunch,

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