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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:57:45 PM

Yes, thats cool.. post it here for sure.

Also, the way you allowed for your search engine is clever and probably was the easiest way to go.

You could do the same thing with the IP. Much easieri than the way I was thinking of doing it.


, say ?

How do you like LiveSTATS.xsp V7 ?

Looks pretty sweet but the pricing is just too much for me to justify as I am very happy with smarterstats and I host a lot of sites now.

I used to use Livestats 5  back in the day when we had a 50 domain license where I worked and hosted my sites.  I liked it a lot then I tried the version 6.2 that they had for a while and hated it. Version 5 still runs well on 2003 server but it has such outdated search engine information that it isnt worth using. cwilliams38324.8862847222,

If they changed the paths they moved the site.

That means permissions for the database folder must be set again.

If permissions are not set and you are not using the correct new path info then you will still get errors.

Those errors the server reports back and quite generic and do no mean exactly what they say. They just mean everything is not perfect.

And everything just has to be perfect..

cwilliams38306.5069328704, Awesome -thanks - I'll give it a try  , thanks!, We are using this photo gallery to manage galeries of all the prodcut lines we carry, we have no use for users to be able to sign up so i hid that part of the pages, what i am wondering is how can i hide the rest of the navigational links and still be able to get logged in to admin.   Here is a link to the unfinished demo site.


5300 users honetly wouldn't even phase the database or the code... even with MSAccess...you got other problems and I can say that with 150% certainty

my guess is permissions on the database folder are not quite right or the odbc drivers have issues.. something along those lines..

access databases act up when full modify permissions are not given to the folder they are in.... they can also act up if the odbc drivers are very new and you are not using a newer version of the access database such as 2002 version as opposed to a 97 or 2000 version

using a system dsn as opposed to a dsn-less connection can also cause BIG issues. always use a DSN-LESS connection

you can also have big problems if just the database file is given permissions instead of the whole directory it is in

also, the script timeout has nothing to do with it.. if that is happening something is wrong with the data connection like I said... no amount of changing timeouts is going to cure it...

how permissions are correctly set
http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

why system dsn's with access databases are bad news

I know it worked at 1st but it can still be related to all of this because when permissions are not perfect databases will work ok for a while and then act up. it all has to do with the temporay lock files that access creates and deletes on a regualr basis

, sounds like trouble with the SQL database.

Did you create it using the SQL scripts we provide as that is extremely important ? ,

actually  I just went to it again and it was somewhat slow coming up this time..

perhaps you have some issues with the sql database.

it should be instant.. like this one I run on my server

I suppose it could also have something to do with sql server resources but its hard to say..



Umm, if your using MSACCESS your using MSACCESS

SQL server has nothing to do with it.

, I didn't think that was it, but just to prove, I just viewed the same album from 2 different IP's.  It did not increment the "hits".   ,


in both the admin and users area needs to be edited

You'll see something like this...

If Len(Image_Description) > 250  Then


just change 250 to something higher.. I wouldn't go much over 500 though as it may cause problems.. I am really not sure.. Changing it higher is done at your own risk.


if that account isnt there thats normal because if it doesn't have any permissions for that folder so it wouldnt be listed

you simply dig into the menus a liitle deaper and find it then add it.

cwilliams38417.6984606481, hi,

Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.

open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.

You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.

lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.


I'll send you something..



 I need some help with the following code. Please look at the area in red. I need to be able to set someting up to where the variable eval1 (a yes/no field in my database) is set to false after the associated link is pressed.

Thank you

="vbscript" %>
<!--#INCLUDE virtual="/irp/check_user_inc.asp"-->

<title>Administrator Evaluations</title>
 font-family:"Times New Roman";
 margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-top:0in}

<body background="../images/1.gif" bgcolor="#C0B59A" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" link="#0000FF">

<p><map name="FPMap1">
<area href="http://www.utb.edu/" shape="rect" coords="627, 66, 670, 81"></map>
<span lang="en-us">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;& ; ; ; ;nbsp;
<img border="0" src="https://blue.utb.edu/irp/Inst-Research&Plan.jpg" usemap="#FPMap1" width="675" height="82"><br>
<h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">Administrator Evaluations</span></h2>
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;<b>Welcome,&nbsp; </b>  </span> <b> <% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>
<p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">On this page, you will see a list of names
that represent the persons that you will be evaluating this year.
Please click on a name to select that persons evaluation form. Once you have completed
and submitted that persons evaluation, you will be returned back to this page to
continue with the next person on your list. Once you have completed all your
evaluations, you can log off the system using the link below.</span></b></p>
<p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">Please note: Only <u>1</u> submission per
person will be accepted, any additional submissions will not be accepted.</span></b></p>
<p align="left"><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have any questions please feel free
to contact us at the number below.</b></span></p>
<hr color="#FF9933" width="80%" size="3">
<p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b>Please click on a name below to begin
the evaluation process.</b></span></p>
<div align="center">
       <%If Session("Link1_Name") <> "" Then %>
    <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
  <tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left">&nbsp;  <b><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;<a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link1"))%>" onclick="<%=Session("eval1")="true"%>;return true" </href>  <font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link1_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span> </td>
  <%End If%>  
  <%If Session("Link2_Name") <> "" Then %>
  <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
  <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left">&nbsp;  <b><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;<a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link2"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link2_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td>
  <%End If%>
  <%If Session("Link3_Name") <> "" Then %>
        <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080">
   <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left">&nbsp;  <b><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;<a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link3"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link3_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td>
  <%End If%>
This went to Link3_Name
<p><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have completed all your evaluations and wish to
log out please click <a href="log_off.asp">here.</a></b></span> </p>
<div class="MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center">
 <hr size="3" width="80%" noshade color="#ff9933" align="center"></div>
<p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Institutional Research and Planning
Tandy 270<br>
80 Fort Brown<br>
Brownsville, TX 78520</b></p>
<p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Phone: 956-544-8816&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Fax: 956-983-7652<br>
<a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href="mailto:iresearch@utb.edu?subject=Administrators%20Evaluation">


, Has this been resolved ?,

I have just purchased ASP v7 and loaded.  Followed instructions.  Obtained codes not prob.  Get to single field login screen, enter password and following page appears:

Method Not Allowed

The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /temp/aspprotect/password_admin/get_me_in.asp.

Added folder aspprotect under (temp web) folder - temp, but also tried under root folder of web site.

Still no luck.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.didac.co.uk Port 80

no, that system only works with ASP.NET code.

Currently it can not possibly work with classic asp.
PayPal made it a nightmare to use and work with.

Special things regarding the signing of digital certificates also need to be installed on the web server so if it isn't your server your also out of luck.


I am using v7 with other software written in ASP.NET. When I include the the "checkfor" and include file, I'm receiving a compliation error.

Here is the include I have on the .aspx file:
<% CHECKFOR = "4" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->

Here is the error:

Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30689: Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.

Source Error:
 Line 15: <%
Line 16: ' This is part of the too many login attempts lockdown code which sets a cookie to block login attempts for a certain amount of time
Line 17: If LoginLockDown Then
Line 18: If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("LoginTries") <> "" Then
Line 19: If Cint(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("L oginTries")) = Cint(LoginLockDownAttempts) Then

Source File:
D:\Sites\resadmin\NetOptions\testsite.com\www\ASPProtect\che ck_user_inc.asp Line: 17



Good Morning, any suggestions on how to best "fake out the system" -- I would like to try to keep this clean so I can see the real errors?

My thought was to try to just move those .gif files to the directory that it thinks it should be in -- do you have any better suggestions? Or reasons why I really wouldnt want to do that?


If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.



It's funny because in the 4guys article they ask the question..

"Hmmmm... so who was right, Microsoft or Wrox?"

I'll tell you who was right and who said it 1st.  It was me and I said it on my old powerasp.com site before anyone else ever did.

I found it out on my own by experimenting when I was the Systems Analyst for an large ISP. We we had web servers that were not running well. I didn't read about this solution anywhere because no one was talking about it at the time. Microsoft said use System DSN's so everyone just took their word for it.

I took a lot of heat for saying that back in the day but over time everyone started saying it.

, ok, Now, back in the dark ages we had to use the command prompt to setup the MySQL database and all that fun stuff. I am not going to show you that method.

What happened was 100 different  3rd party companies developed interfaces to work with the MySQL server visually. Within the past year MySQL actually released its own little GUI for doing just that so I am going to show you how to do things using that.

Let's download and install it.

Go here

and download Windows (x86) MySQL Administrator
(1.1 is the most current version at the time of this article)

Installing that is a no-brainer as well. Just stick to the defaults and it will do its thing.

Now that it is finished.. run MySQL Administrator from your start menu.

It will ask for your "root" password that we entered when we set up the server.

Hit OK

You should see this if your MySQL server is runnign and you entered the correct password.

Now select the Catalogs Icon on the right.. go down to the Schemata section.. right click in the lower white area and choose Create New Schema

It will look like this

Essentially this is your database name. I am going to call my database "aspbanner"

Hit ok

Your now have a new database with nothing in it. We now need to run the MySQL database creation scripts that I provide which will create the Tables and Fields needed.

The easiest way when using the MySQL Administrator is to select the Restore icon on the left.

The choose "Open Backup File" in the lower right corner.. Browse to the "aspbanner_mysql.sql" file we provide. You can also download that file here. 2006-03-14_164927_MySQL_Script.zip

Once you select that file choose open...

Now, it is very important you choose the database you created earlier. Also known as Target Schema.. in this case I choose "aspbanner"

Now hit "Start Restore"

Ok, now the database has Tables and Fields

Click on the Catalogs Icon on the left and then select aspbanner from the schemata area in the lower left

You'll see we now have tables in the aspbanner database,

Yup, it probably means the virtual directory is not configured as an Application in IIS.

You did put this in a plain folder in your web, correcct ?
Not a subweb

Regarding the application settings for the virtual directory.. if it is your server you set that stuff up in the IIS console.

If hosted somewhere it is there responsibility to have that set up correctly for you and you need to contact them and ask them what the deal is.



Again, enspecified error are not very helpful.
An error usually tells you at least a line number and page or something.

Please read this as it might help do tell me more.
http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11& PN=1

As for only happening once in a while. It could be a lot of things.

Version being used (when did you purchase.. what name/email was it under and I can look) ?
What banner method being used?
Access or MSSQL ?
How busy the site is ?
Server Resources ?


Are you reffering to the number of the left of the users name in admin.

I thought it was a counter at first but that number only displays the number of albums they have set up.


Yes I did see that, and created the new project as well as imported the DLL's. I guess my question is; is it as easy as rename the file from aspprotectlogin.aspx to login.aspx and then running the release to regenerate? I know this is a novice question as I am a novice to .NET but the fastest way to learn is to do. Also I know you’re an advanced programmer with better things to do so if I’m stepping over the line from technical help to basic programming I should already know, feel free to point me somewhere ells.


OK, well, that error is pretty self explanatory really. There isn't anything else it could mean.

What you showed me in that screen shot all looked correct, but still permissions to that file just can't be correct. The paths are correct. The path to the file looks correct. The ASPNET (ASP.NET) account looks correct.

I would try settings permissions directly on that XML file. Perhaps child permissions did not go through the way you intended. (the advanced tab must be used for that) If that doesn't work try giving ASPNET and Everyone full permissions on the file directly.

Possibly check the paths in the web.config file just for the heck of it.

Last case scenario, you can edit that XML file directly instead of using the screens in the application. Of course if that file does not have correct permission chances are other things like log files will give you issues as well.

That is all I can think of right now.

Actually, I think I just found my answer...
I will take out the StrToFix = Replace(StrToFix," ","&nbsp;") bit of code and see what happens...
- Jason

i've got a client who has handed me a 151 character banner URL, and i see that the database is designed to take 150 characters. i took the obvious step of just increasing the size of that text field in the database, but i still get this error when i try to enter the URL in the proper form field:

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

/banners/aspbanner/save_banner.asp, line 200

now, line 200 is just this:

If Banner_Link_URL = "" THEN
 CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = NULL
 CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = Banner_Link_URL
End If

which tells me that something is blocking the assignment of that long value to that field, even though i believed i had extended the length of that field in the source database.

where else might i look?


, That helped very much.  Thank you.  Hope you enjoyed your dinner.,

Thanks very much for the quick reply.

That sets my mind at ease

I was just worried if users would see warnings in their firewall software too.

I realize that the admin would have to have to go through some errors...

And since we are throwing things in here... Definately, if you have your own server you need a Hardware Firewall and a Managed one at that. The internet can be pretty dangerous for business if you don't.

Plus, I agree Black Ice although in it's heyday a few years ago was considered great. It is not suitable for todays standards alone even for the normal user (But, it is required by the company I work with for VPN. I think it's stupid too using old technology. I have 2 more firewalls setup besides that just so that I do have some security. And, that's just for my PC)...



ok, 1st we need to rule out the #1 reason people sometimes think that is not working.

Is is set up never to allow the same IP to increment the count more than once in a row so when testing it is real easy to think the count isn't working because unless you can change your ip you can not increment the count more than once per album

It's a poor mans spam abuse type of deal..
For the most part it will keep some Joker from hitting refresh 100 times and inflating the count of an album.

Do you think that is possible what is happening ?

Also, here is an older thread about the same issue?


I am brought to a logon page in which I cannot access the page.  This must be due to the check_user_inc.asp include.  Without the include I get a blank page.

, you have to do it like I show above... your not specifying the field name to be searched in the instr function so what you just showed me will not do anything

You also should not have the > 0 stuff in the function because it is testing the result of the function.

You have to do it just like I showed ,

A very common and extremely bothersome error encountered when running ASP apps that connect to a database is the "80004005" error. It comes in many varieties.

These articles cover it.

(an article I wrote)

(more articles)

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3065 18


http://www.macromedia.com/support/ultradev/ts/documents/8004 005_cannot_open_unknown.htm




Please forgive any ignorance on my part.

Using the live demo, it seems that with the banner software my advertisers would only have access to reports, but no ability to upload banners, specify keyword triggers or zones, what have you. Is this correct?

The other thing I couldn't quite figure out, assuming I had a categorized directory on my site, is this system configurable to display different banners based on category? Perhaps through keyword triggers?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


if it is your own XP machine there is no reason you should edit that config file manually.

simply set permissions on the data folder and all the folders in it and the application will write to the config files on its own... if you are having problems chances are you are not setting permissions correctly.. please read all of this

if is not an XP machine (your post was confusing and I am not sure) then this is an article for 2003 server

Most importantly whats the real error ? error 500 does not help figure out anything

lastly make sure you go into iis and make that web its own application


I am using ASPProtect's password program, which has been very successful, for managing over 1,500 military veterans' memberships at http://www.vspa.com.  What I am trying to do now is utilize the "Groups" code, as generated by the Admin page, to prevent members with expired accounts (and non-members) from accessing restricted "members only" .ASP pages they may have bookmarked, or found via web search. The code generated and used is as follows:

<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * ADMIN * Member Current * Member Life * Officer/Staff * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "10,12,14,19" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->

The above is placed over the <html><head> statements on the page.

When I am logged in the code works perfectly! When I log off and try the URL again, the page appears in its entirety but with a Login box for Username and Login Password at the top of the page. You may view the problem at: http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp .

What I would like to have happen is expired members and non-members would be sent (or Redirected) to a Login page. I do not want the Login password box to merely be inserted above the page that I am trying to keep them from visiting.

Don Poss,
VSPA Webmaster


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:57:45 PM

lOST DETAILED TIMECARD- MAINLY BUGET AND MKTG PLAN, Showed Lisa the Christensen site that I updated and showed Amy the changes to the NNYMLS site. , General Tech Duties., TI.com Rest. Reiviews., added email and url section to physicians admin area at Samaritan Health web, Changing contact list on partners site, to Fed Ex, to Staples, Working on incorporating access maps onto gogisco site, Delivered materials to clayton office- went to rotary, finished off my computer, Folding and mailing invoices, answering phones, , Meet w/Al Jones in Watertown, Traffic Reports, SoftMLS meeting about Albany with everyone, ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY WORKING ON GRAPHIC LAYOUT, got rid of all the junk our office space. added tables, etc., *TaskForce - Colligo.Net Development: Auto Event Notification, travel to albany, enter bills, NEWYORKFELT.COM CREATED GRAPHIC LAYOUT OF WEBSITE IN PHOTOSHOP, meeting iwth nextcom- no show by Imet pick up material form watertown for clayton office, rewrote new process to insert changes, Worked on Wireless brochure, checking mail and answering phone messages, ate at Mr. Subs, Refining SW Goals and preparing for JCC meeing, Picke up mail and opened. Posted account, ans. phone. and customer inquiries., Email and other misc., Read and Respond to Email, Sticky Content,

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