| Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:50 PM
Ok nevermind that... i got by that wasn't paying attention...
The problem is even before this which i didn't know until now.
I placed the protect tag in a page i called members.aspx
When i go to this page is says ACCESS DENIED etc etc etc.
When i go to login to view this page i get the error..which i DIDNT know because i assumed it was working. This is the error im getting:
Server Error in '/MAP' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /map/users/aspprotectlogin.aspx
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42
btw it says /map because that is the subfolder within the root folder , The only major usability issue I've found to date is multi-zone banners. Cloning is helpful to a point, but then if you have a change to that banner, you have to make the change 6 times or what have you. I think, even at the expense of speed, multi-zone capability for a single banner would be excellent addition. Of course, that supposes I haven't just missed it and it's already there. cwilliams38453.6665509259,
When I set up a test user name it does accept name and passwords and the passwords are encrypted, no problem there.
All I want to do is to restrict access to the protected pages to the members only. Only those users will be accepted and allowed to view.
I have entered all of thier names, address, phone number, email and company in the database, which is still named ASPProtect_access2002.mdb and in the fpdb directory of wwwroot. To get it there I uploaded via FTP. I hope I expained the situation well enough. , I am having trouble getting any information to show up in the log files
directory or anything showing up on the log files tab in the
administrator. I have set the following variables under the
settings tab:
UseLogFiles checked and
value of LogFileDirectory is "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wf\data\logfiles"
I checked the permissions on that folder and they are set so that the Internet Guest account has full control on that directory.
I also checked RecentActiveUsers and RecentPageRequrests.
I am sure I am missing something simple but no files are ever showing
up in the logfiles directory...anyone have similar problems or at least
...I have earned a beer (dont tell anyone im underage)  , When I attempt to upload, it appears that the image uploads. I get a "Original Image Size 0 X 0 pixels"

they don't appear in the web pages, any thoughts? I am using VBscript to upload, my host has safileup but I am unable to use it in this script, thanks for any help
here's the site link
Never mind, had the path to the image folder screwed up , Chris:
Quick question. I'm currently using navigation style 1 which
keeps everything within the 1 window. I'd like to take the text
descriptions and place them under the main photo when it is
displayed. Before i modify anything, I'd like to check if I'm in
the right neighborhood first. It looks like I need to:
- modify the behaviour of the 'onmouseover' function in the file 'view_album_style_1.asp'
- add in a few lines of code to take
FixStr(UserArray1(PicIndex - 1),"PrepareForJavaScript"), put it into a
text string and do a response.write under (or over) the photo in
Question Part 2 -- if i wanted to use the first line of the description as a title could I:
- add in an input to the photo upload
- concatenate the 2 strings together (title and description)
- display the title under the thumbs
- bold the display of the title over the large version of the image.
Pretty complicated questions, but I'm coming along nicely (IMHO). Have a look at
I really like the progress that I've been able to make with this app without really spending a huge amount of time.
, Chris,
I understand. I set it to a lower number that will hopefully be a good balance for the user. I am simply AMAZED at what your software does and I thank you for all you have done.
Jess , Oh, I just remembered something.. It's been a while since I did this... :)
Nevermind what I said above as that is a different sort of "debug"
When you want to debug like your talking about find this section in the "web.config"
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" />
change it to this
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />
When you run the code in a production environment change it back though
More Info http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;3061 56
, humm, did you edit any of the registration code ? this is not something anyone has ever mentioned and the aspprotect 6 code has not been changed in over a year ?
can I see where there is happening ? I may need ftp or frontpage access to the server in order to troubleshoot unless you can provide me with more details here.
, This is the error that I am getting when I try to add a banner...
[code]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'
EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_ASPBanner_GetZones', database
'aspbanner', owner 'dbo'.
/aspbanner/appinfo_inc.asp, line 67[/code]
also, when i go to the banners tab i see this in the banner list...
[code](3 Banners Found)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
/aspbanner/banners.asp, line 306[/code]
Help., It runs on either... I used IIS
I dont remember much about installing it except it went pretty smoothly / no issues, nope ,sql server has nothing to do with this
I am talking about the folder pictures are stored in.. it needs modify permissions set for the internet guest account like those articles talk about
, At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"? After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number. But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default. Any thoughts?, the email address thing could be done many ways... personally I would remove the username field from the registration form.. and modify things so the email field got used for username and for email when everything gets saved on the page that register.asp posts to. ... it would all require some messing around with the code and time... nothing too hard really
as for the password thing it all happens in the register.asp file.. the same page the registration screen is on in the web browser.. again a little bit of fooling around and time but not difficult ,
These Settings:
Picture upload feature settings. |
Use_Picture_Upload |
< = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature. |
UploadDirectory |
< size=60 value=C:\Inetpub\virtuals\aspphotogallery.com\Web\demo\pictu res name=UploadDirectory> Example: "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPPhotoGallery\pictures" Ask your server admin if you are not sure. This directory needs proper permissions for the SAFILEUP component or the VBSCRIPT solution to work correctly. It basically needs to same permissions as the database directory would need when using Microsoft Access. |
PictureURL |
< size=60 value=http://www.aspphotogallery.com/demo/pictures name=PictureURL> Example: "http://p600laptop/ASPPhotoGallery/pictures" This is the web URL of the the upload directory specified above. |
Use_SAFILEUP_Upload |
< = value=SAUP name=Upload_Solution> This option will enable file uploads using a component called SAFILEUP which is high end upload component available from www.softartisans.com. It is far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site. If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error. |
Use_ASPUPLOAD_Upload |
< = value=ASPUPLOAD name=Upload_Solution> This option will enable file uploads using a component called ASPUPLOAD which is high end upload component available from www.persits.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site. If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error. |
Use_DUNDAS_Upload |
< = value=DUNDAS name=Upload_Solution> This option will enable file uploads using a (FREE) component called DUNDAS UPLOAD which is a high end upload component available from www.dundas.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site. If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error. |
Use_VBSCRIPT_Upload |
< = value= name=Upload_Solution> This option will enable file uploads using a pure VBSCRIPT solution. It requires VBSCRIPT version 5 or higher to be installed on the server. The solution usually works fine, but has been reported to cause memory leaks on XP machines. | , Is it possible to set the user account time limits when they register? I am using email verification and am trying to have their accout expire 32 days after their initial login.
Also I have an issue with the email notification not notifying me when a new user logs in. It does a beautiful job notifying the new user. I do not understand why my server will send to one and not the other, I ahve searched the links but none seem to answer this.
Thank you for your help and insight , i've got a client who has handed me a 151 character banner URL, and i see that the database is designed to take 150 characters. i took the obvious step of just increasing the size of that text field in the database, but i still get this error when i try to enter the URL in the proper form field:
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
/banners/aspbanner/save_banner.asp, line 200
now, line 200 is just this:
If Banner_Link_URL = "" THEN CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = NULL Else CmdEditBanner.Fields("Banner_Link_URL") = Banner_Link_URL End If
which tells me that something is blocking the assignment of that long value to that field, even though i believed i had extended the length of that field in the source database.
where else might i look?
, Lastly, I put there information here to help, but please don't ask me any questions about it.
I am not microsoft SQL server support. If this doesn't work for you simply start troubleshooting and doing google searches like I do. , I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am . http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry , I am really starting to get the hang of your
software. It seems to me, you have thought of everything a person could
possible want. Before I try to tackle
setting up Pay Pal subscription payments is there really any difference
between a file include and a virtual include statement? Is one more
secure than another?
, it is an email server/setting issue most likely
your email server probably requires outgoing authentication or something like that and that is why internal emails can be sent to but nothing else
its something along those lines
this will help you see the real error instead of the generic 500 http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo11-1.htm , Another good tip is to make a copy of the "password_admin/default.asp" named whatever you like..
"default2.asp" would work...
then maybe add a link to it from the header_inc.asp file
then you can modify that one all you want and your will still have the original around.
That concept works for a lot of things.. for example you could make a copy of the "users" folder and call it "users2" granted a few paths might need to be changed here and there but really not a lot. (how do you think the paypal signup folders were created, they started as a copy of the "users" folder of course)
You can even make a copy of the "check_users_inc,asp" file if you like. Then make a copy of the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file... then make your new "check_user_inc.asp" file reference it.
Then you can password protect pages using different versions of the "check_user_inc.asp" file. Why ? well maybe you want different looking logn forms for different parts of your website or you want to make a lot of changes to the "check_user_inc.asp" file and want to leave the original alone.
The sky is the limit really. When it comes down to it besides the actual guts of the "check_user_inc.asp" file ASPProtect is nothing but html tags and chunks of simple server side code that produce more html dynamically. What your browser ends up with is basic html. (some client side javascript in certain cases, but that is pretty basic stuff too.) cwilliams38422.509525463, its one or the other... you cant protect upload.asp at the same time if upload.asp is included in another page..
I mean sure you can protect upload.asp from running when another page calls it by password protecting the page calling it.
And sure you can protect upload.asp by itself if it also runs all by itself. But you can not include the "check_user_inc.asp" more than once in any order of execution scenario. That includes pages being included.
Generally anytime a page is included in another that included page is not meant to run by itself and wouldn't produce any outcome if run by itself so this would never be an issue.
if you don't want "upload.asp" to ever be run by itself in that scenario put it somewhere in your web site that is not web browser accessible.
I would also suggest you look into using Virtual includes. It will save you a lot of time figuring out this sort of thing "../../../../../" becuase once you figure out the virtual include path you can use the same server side include from any directory level.
, If logfiles do not get created it is most likely one of 3 things
- invalid physical path specified
- permisssions
- filesystem object is disabled on the server
that path doesn't look correct to me for a live professionally set up server but only you or your server admins can know that for sure
you will not get any errors when things arent perfect.. just no physical logs
RecentActiveUsers and RecentPageRequrests are not related to the stored logfile feature.. Recent Activity is a different thing , import/export feature WARNING !!
I just want to warn everyone that the built in import/export feature can be a little dangerous. The reason being is when you import users they get new "Users_ID"s in the database.
The "User_ID" field is an autonumber field and that is why and there is nothing you can do about it.
So, if you are using a user's current "User_ID" to keep track up something important NEVER export the users and re-import them. Because their "User_ID" will change and you will be in trouble.
The PayPal signup features of ASPProtect actually use the "User_ID" like this and that is the main reason this warning is here.
now, that being said
If you are importing new users into ASPProtect
simply exporting existing users to another system
then this is nothing to worry about.
Basically, the moral of this story is dont think of the built in Import/Export feature as backup system because it is not. It is not a substistute for backing up your database.
It is a just a tool that can come in handy for various things. cwilliams38425.0597685185, sorry for the confusion, but I am not that good with the tech explantions yet.
what it boils down to is I have an Access Database containing over 100
members names. I want only those people to be able to get into
the secure pages.
Thanks. Harvey
, OK, so I misread the instructions. Wouldn't have been the first time
that happened... but I just had an account get created, guy then
paid, and... no activation. I had to go in the next day and do that by
hand. What should I do to look for troubleshooting on the issue? I've
got all the default directories set up and all the files where they
should be. What next?
, really all depends on the sql connection string you are using and the names of your sql user you are using...
you really havent described very much..
I'd double check all of it.. something is wrong cwilliams38325.8892824074, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..
BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current Language=English;"
I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.
Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english
You'll have to try them, Hi,
How do you know permissions are ok in that folder ? Please tell me more on how they were set.
Please read through my article on how they are set correctly. http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo136-1.htm
Often times they are not set correctly or people thingk they set them somehow but in fact did not do it the correct way.
I would also suggest using the "test_physical_path.asp" page in the "extras" folder to verify if the path you are using to the database mdb file is in fact correct. That page should work whether permissions are set or not. At least then you will know if the path is correct or not and you can go from there. , Actually this was rather easy to fix. Once you restrict the permissions on the folder, open up IIS admin. Goto the selected folder, and right click/properties. Once there you modify directory listing and add defauly.asp to documents. This will provide an automatic load with you enter in the unmask route. , ... doesn't seem to be working on my site. I expect I did something wrong.
I've created some groups, "week", "month", and "year". Their IDS are 6, 5, and 4, respectivelty. When someone goes through the PayPal signup, he's assigned to one of those groups based on his subscription.
When I see a new subscriber and check the relevant group the person's supposed to be in, that person's not in that group. I'm adding them manually for now, but I'd sure like a solution for when I go to sleep...
My subscription code looks like this:
input type="hidden" name="custom" value="5,*4*,<% =User_ID %>
One-off code looks like this:
option selected value="7,4.95,1,*6*"
I've created the groups in my management console. Is there anywhere or anything else I'm missing?
, Thanks
It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.
If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com/ which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.
Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.
, All of the fields with the expected paths show the correct file structure, so now I've put them in them in the boxes ,
As far as the users thing... my fault that was setup wrong in the settings of the admin login page.
but still dont have a solution for what im trying to do , (Indemnification Agreement Mod)
This very simple mod will add an Indemnification Agreement Pop-up to the registration signup form which must be agreed to before continuing. This is often done for legal reasons to help cover yourself if something should come up later on.

Download 2006-03-19_212700_Indemnification_Agreement_Mod.zip which contains "terms.js" and put it in your scripts folder. It contains the text that will be displayed in the pop-up. You can of course carefully edit it with a text editor to say whatever you like.
Now carefully edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor. Add this bit of code in blue right after the include to the "footer_inc.asp" file like so. It will be near the bottom of the page.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="footer_inc.asp"-->
<% If ErrorMessage = "" Then %> <script language="JavaScript" src="../scripts/terms.js"> </script> <% End If %>
Your done, that's it. Now when "users/register.asp" is run for the 1st time the pop-up will come up. , Something very strange is happening. Some users can't see the classified ads in their browser. This is specific to the user's computer, and they can check other computers and see it fine.
In each case, the user is using windows explorer 6.0 browser with windows xp.
they can't see the ads listed on the ads page, but they can see the categories.
also, they can't see the place ad link on some pages.
Do you think that their browser is blocking the javascript for the mouseover message?
thanks. , trust me, they (serverobjects) do not check processors.. as a matter of fact they haven't answered support emails for about 3 years. All they do is sell those components like hotcakes and take in mad crazy cash. But I will say the stuff does work well and always has. (that guy probably took all the money he made/makes from those components and took off to Jamaica or something sitting on the beach drinking margaritas)
regardless, ASP just cant resize pictures on it's own. It' just not possible. You need a 3rd Party component.
There isn't much to say about the ASP.NET thing.
If your server has ASP.NET installed (meaning you can run aspx pages on your server and the ASP.NET framework is installed) and running you just pick that option in the config file and ASP Photo Gallery will use ASP.NET to make dynamic thumbnails for you.
To run ASP.NET it must be a 2000 or 2003 server. , Hello- I am trying to install the ASPPROTECT product and tried to read all the docs but still am getting the following error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1980 Thread 0x1458 DBC 0x223c374 Jet'.
I understand about the physical path for the DSN-less connection and followed the example given. I got in touch with tech support for the host of my site and the give me the following as a physical path:
Some observations:
1.- The database directory is outside the root dir but I think I am accounting for it with the path
2.- The permissions are ok
Any ideas?
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:50 PM
writing return e-mails and checking my voicemail..., reviewed customer paperwork, open incident report, cc decline report, answered phones, National rEALTOR Conference, meet with linda gatano, went through a few settings. did a couple signups and setups, Talked to Jim about mailing info for all of our SoftMLS users, Posted accounts and did a detailf of checks and cash for a bank deposit. , met with al and todd about CommArts project, Continue to try to connect to network, Checking e-mail., made arrangements for press conference and worked with Kelly to prepare , mtg with printers in watertown, weekly cancellation report; covered for Darryl's lunch; answered phone; took receipts; updated customer referral log; cc declined report and letters; batched., pretty busy night sometimes heavy but only in spurts, cleaned storage area, daily reports, 3 Miles - Fisher Rd. - 135 Park Place. (Watertown), EXPERIMENTED WITH DIFFERENT JAVA BASED SCROLLERS FOR SAMARITANHEALTH.COM (NON-BILLABLE), Setting up a virtual domain, fixing a problem with another. (customer couldn't access site), had a few billing questions. helped a user set up netscape. general tech stuff, Watertown business Fair work and Meeting, Bill Aigner/National Hanger Inex support, Lots of mail from having been out yesterday, misc. leave for day, Picked up mail and opened. Credit card authorizations, customer inquiries, ans. phone, and posting account. Did a detail of checks and cash for a bank deposit. Made the bank deposit., dealt with matrix/seneca/sable situation. to call when new equipment arrives to set up at her house. continued work on contract revisions. s/w jw about seneca data and matrix., weekly cancels and chased Paul down to confirm the John Adee meeting in morning, lunch, The phone calls started to slow. Nothing major. Just lots of misc. calls. Mostly could not establish a connection, Wan Work Orders,