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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:08 PM

Thanks Chris.

Yes i never actually considered that they should log in twice.

The site uses two main url and the cookie was being stored for only one of  them. I have fixed the double login issue by making changes to menu to ensure that they are always logging only via the url stored in the cookie.

Thanks for your hep,


My Admin user got corupted, and I need to reset the password and user, what is the defualt password for this database, as I do not think I have changes this (hopefully) as of yet.





ok, I am a bit confused... you make it sound like as if you are running a different version than you were when you ordered this a couple/few weeks back... that confuses me because you were able to log in to the admin area of aspprotect.net before? weren't you ?

there have been no changes to the download or the version in quite some time ?

I guess I need more information to make any sort of guess at this point. I do not know enough.,

sure, there are reasons AOL would block the email.. it might think it is spam or it might not like the fact that fact that a cdonts generated email has no MX records because it can not..

for more on MX records read my CDOSYS article

as far as the emails not being sent because notifications are off. I was not aware of that and will try to look into it.. Version 6 is no longer worked on but if I can find the time I will check that out




The articles you references were read over by me like 3 hours ago... way passed that and prob. in deeper sh*t than i was since im trying everything possible without knowing the true reason this is not working.


Hi - I am a recent user of your software. I administer it for the owner. I probably missed something in your forums somewhere - but I'd like to know how to stop the software from sending an "accept registration" e-mail (after they fill out the registration page) from going out so fast - usually within minutes.  I'd like to know how to defer the message for 24 hours, more or less, so that our company can go over the registration details and decide whether to allow the person registering to actually have access to our protected website pages.  The program is working very well and we are excited about it.  So far, no problems (knock on wood!).

Thanks so much for your help!


it is not uncommon for folder permissions to be lost or changed on a server.. a lot of things can cause it

if it was working and now you can not edit or write new data to the database it is most likely permissions

I would triple check permissions... see my articles if there is any doubt on how permissions are set





That would not happen unless you added a target to the login form or you're code had a base target set.

Like so..

<base target="_blank">

I would really need more detailed information. It's nothing the system does the way it ships under normal circumstances. For example you shouldn't see that behavior in any of the example protected ".asp" pages

that is unless you have something odd going on with your browser settings or you made changes to the login form or code around it causing it. (or you are using frames and dont have some of the targets and what not set correctly)

My guess is that it has to be something you added or did, but I really need to know more to offer more than that.



You have old code I think.

It's probably because his password used with your encryption key by chance creates a single quote and messes up the database query

A notice went out about this. I will PM you the latest download with the updated files.



A general question - Can you have multiple instance of the gallery on the same server? 

Actually, I think I just found my answer...
I will take out the StrToFix = Replace(StrToFix," ","&nbsp;") bit of code and see what happens...
- Jason
Jawa38406.4721412037, If you want to have a login form on a non protected page that posts
to a protected ".asp" page use code like this.

Change the action of the form to the page you want them to log into.
Make sure the page you send them to is protected by the "check_user_inc.asp" file.

  <table border="0" width="400" height="200" bgcolor="#000000">
      <td bgcolor="#F4F4F4">
        <form method="POST" action="memberarea.asp">
          <input type="hidden" name="Status" value="Checkem">
          <p align="center"><font face="Arial">ASPProtect Login</font></p>
          <div align="center">
             <table border="0" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Username</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="text" name="Username" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><strong><small><font face="Arial">Password</font></small></stro ng></td>
                 <td><input type="Password" name="Password" size="10"></td>
                 <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB" colspan="2"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="-1"><input type="checkbox" name="KEEPMESIGNEDIN" value="True">Keep
                   me signed in on this computer unless I log off.</font></td>
          <div align="center">
             <p>&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Login"></p>


I am having severe trouble with the SQL database connection for ASPlisting (generic version).

I have used all of the suggested connection strings but still get error messages such as:

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Specified SQL server not found.

I have set up the tables in the database, although the database existed already with many other tables in it as it costs me per database per month so one has to suffice with many tables in it.

I use SQL a fair amount on my site but have not suffered any probs like this yet.

Any advise or help would be useful.


It's seems to work fine after renaming the file, rebuilding the application, and editing the web.config file to point to login.aspx. It looks like I can use your fine product and thanks again for the help. It was unusually easy. Merry Christmas…

Rather than bill customers through my PayPal account in $$$ can I get ASPProtect to send through the amount to PayPal in £ (pounds sterling)?
I am using PayPal (non-subscription) [paypal_signup]
Many thanks

I noticed that is grabbing the wrong URL for some reason. Even when i mouse over the URL its somehow getting the users sub directory. How.. i dont know... when i erase that users in the url it works perfectly.

I am looking at the code in the .vb file and i dont see anything that could be causing it to do that... but then again i am no programmer LOL

Its obviously kicking in that users subdirectory somehow... what are your thoughts?


Hi. Chris.  I'm not a programmer of any sorts, so I am not comfortable plugging in the changes you suggested and not knowing for sure if it will "break something somewhere else".  If the programmer tells me "you have been warned", its a pretty good sign its a no win situation. If you don't know, theres no way i can know.

I saw in the code where you mentioned the changes. I don't see where it mentions the last name is required either, but the bottom line is it does require it it the actual new user form.

Thanks anyway Chris. I'll figure something out.



, hi,

Sounds like permissions.. the text file that the config file data is not being written to.

open the file "data/config/aspbanner_unlimited_config.asp" with a text editor and see if your values are getting saved.. if they are not its permissions to that folder and file as far as not saving config settings goes.

You may also want to check out "data/show_path_info.asp" which if run from the browser has info on manual/alternate setup scenarios.. as far as what directories you put things in and also editing the config file manually.

lastly make sure the filesystem object is not disabled by something like norton script blovking or something similar which can also cause trouble regarding writing to text files.

, Thanks Chris,
I agree -- don't use the code as is.  I provided it only as an idea for a work-around if your ASPProtect users with Internet Explorer complain about the Page Expired message.
I did not test it to be sure the parms coming into the target page (which would be part of the URL when bookmarking) are properly preserved.  It would be easy to make sure they are preserved, but I am not sure the code in the example does that.  I also customized the code with my own page header and footer. 
I have the Option Pack but the site does not need it yet so I haven't applied it.  I don't expect many problems re-applying my few lines of modifications.
The IE behavior is not a big deal if you provide an explicit login page, since users would have less interest in paging back to that.   In my case, I simply gave a link to a protected part of the site, and when they take that link, they instead get the login form if they aren't logged on.  Once they log on, they get their desired content page, to which they sometimes want to page back later on. 
From searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other sources, I could not find a way (using HTML) to turn off IE's behavior of refusing to quietly reload a page containing form data. Netscape does not do this.  So my IE workaround is to ensure my target page does not contain the login form.  It does not solve the cause of the problem, but in this case it gets rid of the Page Expired error message for my IE users.
I also purchased ASPProtect for another site, and I'm using that "out of the box" unmodified.  I'm very pleased with ASPProtect's functionality and the fact that it works completely without the need to customize.  However, I've found it is very easy to customize if I want to.
  Puli Club of America

ok, 1st we need to rule out the #1 reason people sometimes think that is not working.

Is is set up never to allow the same IP to increment the count more than once in a row so when testing it is real easy to think the count isn't working because unless you can change your ip you can not increment the count more than once per album

It's a poor mans spam abuse type of deal..
For the most part it will keep some Joker from hitting refresh 100 times and inflating the count of an album.

Do you think that is possible what is happening ?

Also, here is an older thread about the same issue?


To hopefully wrap this thread up...

This user showed me his site and things were working for me as they should.

We came to the conlusion that the weird behavior he was experiencing was because he was using AutoComplete in Internet Explorer....

It was automatically filling in the fields with his username/password that he had autocomplete save.

So it was a web browser usage issue.. not the code.


Is there an easy way to make this work with reoccurring a monthly or yearly subscription?

As I have my site hosted by a web hosting company (1and1.com), I want to make sure the ASP Photo Gallery software runs correctly before I buy. I am not sure about whether or not they support parent paths because I can find nothing in the online faqs. But, I have two other ASP apps (Forum and News from Web Wiz) running on the site, both connecting to Access databases. I remember having problems initially setting these up because I kept trying to use paths like ../db/wwforum.mdb like I would normally do when referencing images or pages in other folders.
Anyway, here are the database connection strings for the two apps. The first is for the Forum, which is at /forum/common.asp connecting to a database in /db/wwForum.mdb. The second is for the News, at /news/common.asp accessing /db/news.mdb.
'Virtual path to database
 strDbPathAndName = Server.MapPath("/db/wwForum.mdb")
'Database connection info and driver
strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/db/news.mdb")
Thanks for your help, hopefully I'll be setting up my new galleries this weekend!
- Jason

I have an asp page that includes other asp pages via an include.  for example:

snippet code: file name: collaboration.asp

 <table bgcolor="#bed1e4" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"> 
     <!--#include file="../../../filetransfer/directory_listing2.asp" -->
     <!--#include file="../../../filetransfer/upload.asp" -->

I can add the code below to collaboration.asp and it seems to work,but I cant seem to figure out how to protect the other files such as upload.asp at the same time. -- can you help?  - Note: as soon as I add the code below (and adjust the path) - I cant bring up the page.

This is the protection code I am using.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../../../aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp"-->



and the permissions, how exactly were they set ?
I find a lot of customers think they are setting permissions correctly when they really are not. That's why I wrote that long article on the subject.

As you probably know a data connection is a very low level thing. It is the foundation of any ASP application that communicates with a database. Unfortunatly it sometimes takes a while to get the hang of setting them up without issue.

Everything must be perfect.. the ODBC drivers must be up to date, folder permission are critical, sometimes you must use a new version of the access database.. etc etc etc  The errors and things that happen when all these things are not perfect and not helpful as you have found out.

I would suggest you download and get ASPTest from CJWSoft running before you go any further. It is designed to be as simple as possible and helps get a hang of the database setup process.


Hope the wedding went well.  I have one this weekend.

I was successful at performing an upload.  The free upload software was either not configure properly (probably) or not working.  I downloaded the trial version of softartisan's upload (which is like over $300) and it started working. 

Can more than one photo be uploaded at one time (like a whole folder full of photos) or does each have to be done individually?


ASPProtect Version 7
Expiry Notices go out to members who have recently renewed by subscription.

When an existing member from ASPProtect Version 6, with an expiry date, renews with SUBSCRIPTION in v7, the previous expiry date remains unchanged.
We assume the expiry date remains blank with NEW Subscriptions and that Paypal takes care of notifications.

 But our notifications to the "about to expire" dating from v6 catches the "Renewed by subscrtiption" as well, as the date has nor been changed or removed, and this REALLY confuses our members.

Can this be resolved?


MySQL Database Setup

Use of MySQL is 100% unsupported as you can see from the site.

Even still I recently had an encouter with an extremely Jerky person (read the thread above for more on that) and because of him I am adding this tutorial showing one way to set things up on a windows server using the official MySQL tools available.

Let me just say as well that there are 100's of 3rd party tools to work with MySQL databases and many ways to create the database and apply the database creation script. In the past it had to be done via the command line, but now there are a lot of visual tools you can do it with. Furthermore all hosting companies set MySQL up differently and give you access to varius interfaces to manage it which are all different, and that is primarily why I do not support it. How the hell could I support all those different interfaces many of which are totally custom?

The fact is 99% of the people that purchased ASPBanner to use with MySQL have done so without issue and love how it runs. Regardless here is how I set up a working MySQL database on a windows server proving it does indeed run with a MySQL database.

1st of all if you are setting up the server you need to download some things from http://www.mysql.com/ 
(btw: you local developers can install this on XP Pro as well if you like.)

For this article we are going to download the current non beta windows version of MySQL which is 5.0. ALso known as the Windows Essentials (x86) download. It's about 17 meg.

Because ASPBanner uses the MyODBC drivers (now called Connector/ODBC) to connect to the MySQL database you need to download those as well. (Our site flat out says this is required for MySQL use)

So I download those from here. http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/3.51.html
Version 3.51 has been the current version for a couple years now.
You want the windows driver install which is about 2 meg.

The two downloads should look like this.

Now, on the webserver you run the version 5 setup (mysql-essential-5.0.19-win32.msi) I will guide you through it step by setp.

Hit Next

I am going to choose typical for the sake of this article.

Hit Next

Hit Next

Wait for a bit

I skipped this part.

Choose to configure the MySQL Now

Hit Finish

Hit Next

I am going to choose Detailed Configuration

Since I am on a development machine for this install I am going to choose Developer Machine. For a Real Server choose one of the server options.

For this article I am going to choose Multifunctional Database: You may want to pick one of the other options. That is up to you. ASPBanner will work under any of the scenarios.

I am going to leave the location at its default

Hit Next

Since this is a development machine these options are fine.

Hit Next

These options are fine as well.

Hit Next

Standard is fine for my development machine.

Hit Next

I am going to choose both of these options. The 1st one is Important and should be enabled on a real server so MySQL always runs. The 2nd is not so important.

Hit Next

Set the "root" password and do not forget it. You will need it to manage your MySQL server. I do not advise creating an anonymous account unless it is a development server and you just do not care. Whether you enable root access from remote machines or not is up to you so do some research on that. For this articles needs I am not choosing it.

Hit Next

Hit Execute and wait

If all goes well you will see this. (I actually got an error message about not being able to connect... I went to to Administrative tools/services and restarted the MySQL service and hit retry which cured that... it probably only did this to me since I have installed this before.. new installs probably will not have any trouble)

Hit Finish

Your done.. You just installed the MySQL Server (TIP: its usally a good idea to reboot and make sure the MySQL servce is running by default)

Now, moving on..

Lets install the MyODBC drivers.. (now called Connector/ODBC)

This one is a bit of a no-brainer so I am not going to go into detail.
Just run (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.msi) and run through all the defaults until it is done.. Choose typical when that comes up.

Your done setting up MyODBC on the server. If its not your server I guess you don't need to worry about installing all of this as its your hosts job to do that.

, ok,

I am in process of upgrading from v6 to v7.  I have made database changes, can connect to database and get in to Administration area just fine.  However when I go to create a new user I get the following error


ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/password_admin/save.asp, line 227




Parent Paths ?

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&P N=1



Microsoft has a free version of SQL server 2000 than you can run on a development machine.

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=413 744d1-a0bc-479f-bafa-e4b278eb9147&DisplayLang=en

This is really the same thing as the MSDN version of SQL server that comes with Visual Studio

It is limited in two ways.

  • No single database can exceed 2 gigabytes in size. However, each Desktop Engine server instance can contain many databases, each of which can be up to 2 gigabytes in size. Each computer can host up to sixteen instances of Desktop Engine.

  • Performance will rapidly decline when more than five simultaneous users use the database engine at the same time. With five users or less Desktop Engine will operate with full SQL Server speed.

    After you install this your going to need a way to connect to your sql server as well as a way to run queires on it.

    I suggest either install the client tools off any SQL 2000 Installation Disc (giving you enterprise manager and query manager)

    or use the FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator which will do amost everything you  will need to do. It is really very slick
    http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=127& ; ; ;PN=1

    Then you have a pretty sweet setup for testing and developing locally using SQL server.

    If you are wondering why someone with a real SQL Server 2000 cd wouldn't just install the real SQL server locally it is because the server part will usually not install on XP Pro or non server versions of windows for licensing reasons. (at least every SQL 2000 CD I have is like that regardless of whether it is standard or enterprise) But the client side tools on the cd are invaluable so I just install the Desktop Version of SQL along with the client side tools and everything works great.

  • , Say, is it possible to get something to whack every totally inactive account? Preferably joke ones that nobody every actually logged on with.

    I'd want to have it delete the account if the following conditions were met:

    1. Active = NO
    2. Counter < 1 or is a null value
    3. Access <1 or is a null value (some people may have logged on and let their accounts expire, so they may want to log back in again with the same info)

    I suppose an advanced version of a mass delete tool would allow the admin to select different parameters, but there would DEFINITELY need to be a "Are you sure? REALLY REALLY SURE???" step in there to make sure you didn't toast your database without being stupid twice in a row.

    If I knew ASP code, I'd write it myself. I don't, so I make a pitch for a new feature...

    OK, I updated the server with the SP 8 Jet updates and this had no effect.

    Then I loaded the asptest file and put in the correct path. The results were:

    Failed: Database could not be connected to....

    Error reported from server:
    Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    Error number: -2147467259
    Error description: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x784 Thread 0x854 DBC 0x2101014 Jet'.


    here is a thread that may help you if this is what you were getting at



    First pass through, I don't see anything changed in the groups section of the check_user asp file. the logoff asp wasn't touched.

    I noticed the demo online (on this site) only has pages protected with access levels; you say it works fine with groups also?


    Dear Support Team

    I have read and Installed your v8 banner software

    exactly as explained on XP pro which contains other asp working app.

    I have problems with the " Application " and " Session" in your scripts

    things that make the iis fall dead.

    also in the file asp _unlimited_config.asp

    you have exlained that every thing must be kept without the "" marks.

    well i get http 500 error cause of it.


    Please advise






    Now that I really think about it.. instead of logging that info to a text file and worrying about folder permissions you could probably just save the post info into an application variable during the paypal ipn.asp post like so

    For Each Item In Request.Form
    formdata = formdata & vbCrLf & Item & "=" & Request.Form(Item) & vbCrLf

    Application("PayPalPost") = formdata & " - " & NOW

    then anytime you wanted to see if that info was there or when it happened you could make a simple asp page in your site to display the results like so

    Response.Write "(" & Application("PayPalPost") & ")"


    I have purchased ASPProtect to secure a web site that I administor for a soccer league.  I am having a hard time getting the code to execute.  the instructions are to include this code at the top of the web page under the Language identifier.  Like this I think:


    <!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
    <!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * Admins * ) -->
    <% GROUPACCESS = "4" %>
    <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
    <!-- End ASPProtect Code -->

    However, nothing happens.  I am not sure if I am missing something. 

    FYI:  the "Check_user_inc.asp" file is in the root directory of the site which is actually two levels down on the d: drive of the server.
          The web page code is located below.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <body bgcolor="#006600">
    <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; left:125px; top:109px; width:682px; height:597px; z-index:1">
      <table width="655" border="1" name="teambios" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF" height="312">
        <tr bordercolor="#006600">
          <td bgcolor="#006600" width="154" height="33"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF">Division
          <td bgcolor="#006600" width="160" height="33"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF">Division
          <td bgcolor="#006600" width="148" height="33"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF">Division
          <td width="154" height="26">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="160" height="26">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="148" height="26">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="154" height="26"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/BHawks/BHawks_search.htm">Black
          <td width="160" height="26"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/Gunners/TFC_search.htm">Gunners</a ></font></b></td>
          <td width="148" height="26"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/InterFC/InterFC_search.htm">Inter
            FC </a></font></b></td>
          <td width="154" height="26"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="/Images/clearpixel.gif" width="1" height="1"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/DCove/DCove_search.htm">Deep
            Cove Brewers</a></font></b></font></td >
          <td width="160" height="29" valign="top"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/NSReds/NSReds_search.htm">North
            Shore Reds</a></font></b></td>
          <td width="148" height="26"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="/Images/clearpixel.gif" width="1" height="1"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/BFC%20Blackhawks/BFC_search.htm">LV
            BFC Blackhawks</a></font></b></font>< /td>
          <td width="154" valign="top" height="28"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/FatBoys/FatBoys_search.htm">Fat
          <td width="160" valign="top" height="28"> <p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/NSIndians/NSIndians_search.htm">Squam ish
              Nation United</a></font></b></p></td>
          <td width="148" valign="top" height="28"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/NSYoungGuns/NSYoungGuns_search.htm">N orth
            Shore Young Guns</a></font></b></font></b> </font></b></td>
          <td width="154" valign="top" height="29"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/LEI/LEI_search.htm">LEIFC</a>&l t;/font></b></td>
          <td width="160" valign="top" height="29"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/UFK/UFK_search.htm">UFK
          <td width="148" valign="top" height="29"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/Saints/Saints_search.htm">Northland
            Saints</a></font></b></font></b&g t;</td>
          <td width="160" height="27" valign="top"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/Lightning/Lightning_search.htm">Light ning</a></font></b></td>
          <td width="160" height="27" valign="top"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/holding/UFK/UFK_search.htm">
            </a><a href="/TeamManagers/Warriors/Warriors_search.htm">Warrior s</a></font></b></td>
          <td width="148" height="29" valign="top"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/SoccerCityFC/SoccerCityFC_search.htm"> ;Soccer
            City FC</a></font></b> </font></b></td>
          <td width="154" valign="top" height="27"> <p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/QCHawks/QCHawks_search.htm">Q.C.
          <td width="160" valign="top" height="27">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="148" valign="top" height="27"> <p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/holding/Cougars/Cougars_search.htm">
          <td width="154" valign="top" height="32"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/OdlumBrownFC/OdlumBrownFC_search.htm"> ;Odlum
            Brown </a></font></b></td>
          <td width="160" valign="top" height="32">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="148" valign="top" height="32"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></font></b></font></b> ;</td>
        <tr valign="top">
          <td width="154" height="27"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="/TeamManagers/WestwardFC/WestwardFC_search.htm">Wes tward
            Utd F.C.</a></font></b></td>
          <td width="160" height="27">&nbsp;</td>
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    Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:08 PM

    answered emails, lunch, posted payments, detail and deposit, billing, batching, BILLABLE to davidsons... added latest export files from them to their live site, Inventory w/ Michele, LAN/WAN Consulting #s w/ Michele, Bell Bills w/ Carol, update reports from new Bell bills. Two phone calls to Bell making sure previous orders requested were still happening., timecards, Working with lisa from nnybe trying to help her figure out how to edit new web site, **Agency Ideas - finished up admin interface, IP address database (Excel) start, Noc while ben has other odd jobs to do.., Updated expiring accounts report and copied finished callbacks (tech copies) onto the originals (folder copies)., email, work on making sure that soft media work that i gave ben was done , more email calls and voicemails and various callbacks.. but generally just regular calls pretty steady as well, It was all caught up, Insurance meeting at Watertown office, setup OSICOM routers for GiSCO/CREG T1 link, busy day, Drive to Massena (80 miles), Reimbursements, Lunch, develop car freshner proposal, Meet with KAllen re CSR space, timeline, staffing, and training, Lisa in office about Dynoport databse conversion. Back downstairs helping Bill with CIZ. Trying to locate dial-up admin folder for Dave but can't access through network neighborhood., Spoke ot superior regarding the linehan network- spoke to vapco sam about the problems with the channel partner site, worked on customer computer., Work Order 2000-7-11. Placement of code, menu rollovers, and header include on more pages, along with layout modifications., Randy, signed up a new customer.,

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