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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:29 PM

Can you please elaborate on this?  I have a flash banner that is on my site.  All of the info is in the code banner section.  In the banner link section, I have nothing.  Do I need to actually edit the swf file with redirect URL?  How do I edit the swf file?  Once that is edited, do I put the URL of the site in the Link URL space?  Thanks. , Sorry, I can not provide a date..  I am last person that is organized enough to give any sort of release date on anything.

Could be next week, could be 2 years from now. I made two add-ons this week and they came out of no where. I had no plans to make them. etc etc.. they just happened.

If I told you 2 months from now I know it would not be done and you would be disappopinted so I am not saying anything. I will say if it turns out to be anything complex it will not be a free mod or it will be a feature of a new version.,


I have ASPprotect 7 installed on my remote server.  I am able to go to the examples/default.asp page and login in without any difficulties.  If I copy the code from that page and paste it in a new page called the same thing but in a different folder, I get this error;  (Keep in mind that this is essentially the same exact page in a different location of the website)

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file '../../check_user_inc.asp' was not found.
/aspprotect/Pages/default.asp, line 3

I get the same error if I paste the "protection code" I have generated into the top of a current (.asp) page in my site.

Basically, the only pages that work are the ones that came with the program as examples.  Thats great, but now I need to make it work for my pages.  Any thoughts?


Sorry, there is not any documentation on that.. it is basic asp/database work and customization like that is not supported. I recommended looking at what is already there and using that as a guide to produce more fields. etc etc

Thanks for the quick reply.
I will consider editing the code.


I was thinking it worked like this; A user goes to that page and logs in.. and from there they can then browse the site and do what they want..

So in order for it to work i need to edit a page say... members.aspx (i assume it needs to be an asp.net page) and in the header put that protect code and when a user accesses it, it will prompt them for their un and pw and then if correct will allow them to view the page... and likewise if they are still logged in will be able to use the page?

If that is how to works as i mentioned above thats great...

I understand the redirect principle...but say i have a log in box on the main page... you know like most pages have a user log in on the left hand side... i wanted to do that. But i cant obviously protect the main home page or else normal users will not be able to view it without logging in or registering

, MODS are NOT SUPPORTED.. questions about them will not be answered in the support forums. If you want to use a MOD you are considered an advanced user and will need to sort out any issues that may or may not come up.

MODS are used at your own risk and may or may not require certain basic coding skills. ,


The articles you references were read over by me like 3 hours ago... way passed that and prob. in deeper sh*t than i was since im trying everything possible without knowing the true reason this is not working.


[QUOTE=cwilliams]I would like to delete the SQL tables and set them up from scratch using enterprise manager and sql query manager and see what happens

If that is ok with you let me know.

Something is wrong like I said...  almost seems like the database is caching old password info from the field.[/QUOTE]

Sure go ahead


These are 4 valid examples of calling a flash movie.

The more simple examples may cause problems for people that don't have the flash plugin installed. I really do not know as I am no flash expert. All these work fine for me. Of course I have the latest flash plugin installed. Perhaps some of you can shed some light in this. The 3rd and 4rth examples are obviously only slightly different and mention different versions of flash as far as downloading the plugin goes.


<EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">



<object width="120" height="22">
<param name="movie" value=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
<embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" width="468" height="60">



<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swfl ash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"WIDTH="468 " HEIGHT="60" id="myMovieName">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" NAME="mybannername" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">



<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
 <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
 <embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">



I don't see any good reason to rename any of those files.

Changing them though may involve changes to the code recompiling, etc etc... it is not something I support.


The count is in the album area where the small pictures and description of album.   Viewed 1 time(s)  This count never changes.





you not seeing the real error

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=11& PN=1


I have been having some display issues with the .NET version of ASPBanner.  I set the size of the image, and I set the size of the banner and there is still white space above and below the image.  I am not using a text link below the banner, so I have it set to blank.

Here is a link to my page. 


Two of the three banners in the rotation on the main page have non-white backgrounds so it's easy to see the issue I'm talking about.

Is there a way to tighten up the formatting so that the image fits onto the page in the size specified?


, I tried the iFrame method that you have shown, and it works great!!!!,

That's exactly what it was.

The site owner couldn't see their own ads because Norton was blocking anything with the word ad in it.

On another note: I changed the word 'ad' to 'listing' and got it to show even with Norton.


, My server is Server2003.  I could not find the folder settings you mentioned.  I did find a iuser which I added as specified.  I retried to perform an upload.   Still same message.  But it does move the JPG to the picture folder.  So, part of it is working. ,


I have been looking over the code and also doing some tests.

So far everything in the code looks correct and everything I have tried has worked correctly. If I select an access level and active users it is not sending emails to inactive users as you stated.

Are you using the option pack ?


I wonder if this could this be a FrontPage problem. I deleted the skins folder and re-ftp'd the original one that only contains default and Solid Black. I logged in and tried to change it back to default but it won't. I'm going to try making this folder a Frontpage subweb to see if that makes a difference.



I run F-secure on my laptop which has the anti-virus and firewall modules, and the servers aren't running anything like that.


The problem was that I did not have

ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}.... in the connection string.

Thank You.


Hi,  Its just a generic error that really doesn't mean much of anything except that something wrong with your data connection.


could be invalid permissions on the database folder... could be any number of things

when setting up your connection I suggest going dsn-less.

It is better/faster and also a lot easier to set up.


ok, PM me some additional info so I can go look around.

I dont quite understand everything going on.

Let me know what to do exactly to be successful logging in and also...

Let me know what to do exactly to reproduce the issue and I will tell you what I think.

, download the free version...

check out this tutorial...

If your application can post to the page and provide all the form variables needed to log in it may work out for you..

You'll have to try it out... all the form variables needed are in that login form example.

Basically you'd be posting to a protected (.asp) page..
and providing the following for the most part.. how your app creates it post data is on your end...

<input type="hidden" name="Status" value="Checkem">
<input type="text" name="Username" value="Yourusername">
<input type="Password" name="Password" value="YourPassword">

As an alternate scenario...

Now, by default the "check_user_inc.asp" file is looking for posted form data... for security reasons it is not looking for querystring info..

If you change this bit of code in that file


Username = Replace(Request.Form("Username"),"'","''")
Password = Request.Form("Password")


Username = Replace(Request("Username"),"'","''")
Password = Request("Password")

It will then grab either form or querystring data...

Meaning you wouldn't necessary have to create a true post to the page with form data. You could just access the page via a querysting like so

http://www.mysite.com/somepage.asp?Status=Checkem&Userna me=Yourusername&Password=Yourpassword

Of course that introduces security risks as the username and password would be passed in plain text over the net

Another option is...
You can also make a copy of the "check_user_inc.asp" page called whatever with those modifications just to use in pages you need your little application to post to... thus reducing the security concerns a a bit as the rest of yoru site could still have its pages protected under the normal scenario.

I hope this answers your question... I havent really ever tried any of this but that is how I think it would work... , Glad your getting the hang of it.

no difference as far as that goes. It is just different ways to reference the server side include file and it's location on the server cwilliams38457.6019675926,

Got it working.  Embarrassed  Had purchased a long time ago and forgot about needing to run the userreg.exe.  All is well and thanks for the follow up.



ok, 1st we need to rule out the #1 reason people sometimes think that is not working.

Is is set up never to allow the same IP to increment the count more than once in a row so when testing it is real easy to think the count isn't working because unless you can change your ip you can not increment the count more than once per album

It's a poor mans spam abuse type of deal..
For the most part it will keep some Joker from hitting refresh 100 times and inflating the count of an album.

Do you think that is possible what is happening ?

Also, here is an older thread about the same issue?




sure and thats probably what you should do... that pure asp upload thing must not be able to handle the size of your import file... another thing which can very .. also some versions of IIS require registry changes to upload bigger files via asp code alone

, One month later, things are running very smoothly. Color me "satisfied customer"! , Well you can put a link on all your pages that links to the login page? modify the code in the login page so the return page is members.aspx or whatever you need and thats it?

I dont see your point? probably because I understand how the program works and your not 100% up to speed on how it works.
, check the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file. If using MSAccess it will show the location. If using SQL Server it will show the SQL Server details in which case there is no physical database file.,

I have imported like 50,000 users into an access database when testing... it took like 4-5 minutes but worked..

course it really all depends on the setup how many you can get away with

something must still be wrong

have you tried just importing 1 or 2 users for troubleshooting sake ?

I would also recommend that after any timeout you reboot the server or at the very least do an "iisreset" to get things back to normal


I need a point or a little insight please.

I need to get information from a credit card authorization called netbilling. I have been looking at your code for PayPal and 2 checkout. I have a feel for the code flow and the relationships of the "includes" .

I have been doing a lot of reading in my books and am seemingly twisted around the axel. I am not expert in ASP I am better in VB. I am not afraid to write code I am just a little nervous about messing up existing relationships.

My plan is simple: code a page to open the database and populate the database fields from netbilling and convert their field name to yours in the database.

I appreciate your time and insight. As in the past I need your help again.


, Actually quite well.  I have this problem worked out and it actually isn't to bad.  But  now I am getting some strange error messages.  I will start another post.


If you have found out that parent paths are disabled on the web server you can still use the application.

Before you continue.

If it is your server consider enabling parent paths to solve the problem.

If it is not your server consider asking them to enable parent paths for your web site to solve the problem.

If that is not possible please download this zip file.
2005-02-20_150703_aspprotect_v7.x_alternate_include_file_pat hs.zip

This zip file contains 3 sets of alternate files depending on your situation. You simply replace your existing aspprotect v7.x files with these new ones.

The zip file contains the following folders and files.

Below is the contents of the readme.txt file which explains everything.

The following folders each have a version of all the files in the ASPProtect system that might need to be edited in case you need to change the paths for the server side include files. There are 3 different scenarios.

(parent paths enabled) - This is the way the application comes.
The files in this folder have FILE server side includes containing "../" information. While these includes will work when the applicaion in is any location of a website they will not work if parent paths are disabled on the web server. Generally you will want to use these on your xp development machine. You can of course use them on your real server if parent paths are enabled. Parent Paths are now disabled on II6 by default and some hosting company will not enable them.

(domain root)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "www.somedomain.com" the following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this

(domain directory)
The files in this folder have VIRTUAL server side includes in them.
These includes only work when the applicaion is installed in a directory called "aspprotect" in the root of your web domain. For example if your domain was called "www.somedomain.com" the
following aspprotect files and folders would end up like this

You can change the name of the "aspprotect" directory but you will will have to edit the includes in the files.

Lastly, if you are on a local machine and insist on using the VIRTUAL INCLUDES you would also use the (domain directory files) even though you dont have a domain on your local machine most likely
For example if your site was installed like so.


I appreciate the offer to beta test... but its really more a matter of me getting it ready..

I have a lot done.. but a lot of things are hard coded to only work on my machine and some things have not been sorted out. Giving it to someone else to test would be a waste of time at this point as I they probably couldn’t even run it.

Lately the reason this project has fallen behind has all to do with my main webserver where I collocate.

1st it got compromised (we think by certain competitors who are always up to no good)... then windows 2003 server which I decided to go with on the new server gave me random problems... then the Cisco hardware firewall was acting up and making the sites run slow....then SQL server attacks on port 1433 from Korea when I took the firewall down....and as of the last few days I think the server just needs a new power supply. I swear for the last 2 months I have spent more time administrating my servers than working on code. Yesterday it was locking up every 30 minutes. There have been a lot of days like that and it takes up all my time until I get it situated.  Especially since its over 100 miles to the collocation center. The APC unit I installed that allows me to remotely cut the power to hard reboot is a life saver.

Fun... I tell ya... and expensive.. (hardware, software, lost sales, and time) I am pretty much completely broke at the moment. It has been a very expensive few months.

But I like running my own servers... I run dns servers, email servers, sql servers, web servers.. I do it all. It's keeps me in touch with the latest software/hardware. Regardless , my servers ran well for years and they will again.

anyway.. hopefully I can actually get a new version of the photo gallery out before the month is over. It will probably be the last classic asp version. The version after that will most likely be ASP.net.


Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen)

Thats the way to test it..

All that error means is whatever reason the settings you have chosen are not working. It could be the server. It could be what you chosen. (and yes I realize your pop info from outlook should probably work with the settings you chose)

Whenever I do installs I often have to try 3-5 different emailing scenarios before I come across one that works.

Each time making some changes and sending out test emails from the users screen until I get somewhere. Often time getting a working example of how your Hosting Company wants you to send email from ASP is the info to get your hands on. (what method and settings)

In this case they may have blocked the usee of a remote server and want you to use some other settings for sending email from asp. A lot of times they put that info in their help system.

If I were you I would start by trying the other two CDOSYS options for starters, and then try the remote server option again but using "localhost" as the server, if none of those work consult your host for example code and settings to send email from asp. If you still have no luck I can help for sure.

Realize too when testing the emails may take a bit to arrive. A delay of sorts. Best to type in a quick note about which method you are trying in the email text. That way when you finally get one delivered you'll know which method worked.


Confused  Hi, we purched ASP Protect a few months back and had it installed on our hosting company under a "temporary" domain name -- cidrasensors.com

We are now about ready to switch this development site over to production and I need to change the domain from cidrasensors.com to cidra.com

My hosting company wants us to create a new accounting and re-set everyting up.

So...based on this, I have a few questions for you:

1. Do I need to re-install the software? or can I copy from one account to the other?

2. Assuming I can copy the software to the new account - are there changes that will need to be made to point to the new domain?

3. If I decide I wanted to keep the first account alive for development purposes (never turn on the website domain to the public) - would I need to have a seperate ASP Protect license? 

4. If I decided to ask you to do the transfer for us - is that covered in the $20 Installation fee I saw on the web?  



Can you do a better price deal for that version in place of the one I've just purchased ie for a single licence rather than unlimited Christopher?

Or failing that can you give me an idea of how many changes you had to make to convert 7.3 to work with Mysql?




Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:29 PM

was at picnic, install virus detect software and test copmuter for viruses: repair corrupt image files form virus sent throughout network, Worked on callin sheets and took in calls and monitored rad log. Most calls concerned e-mail issues that were handled without problems., Reformatted Mary's computer, and put Windows 2000 Pro on it....installed SQL, Office, Emerald, and pulled everything from her old computer onto the IPAQ. SQL gave me some problems so I had to remove it and install it a couple times... but it works now. , Finishing up with Ben and Tim moving of fastenmate.com, Samaritan Health employment updates, worked with ed, jeff on fixing routing issue with hmq.com routers to be able to access the internet -- was fixed and added to monitoring system, email, voicemail, call backs-ti golf club, production weekly meeting, Lunch, team meeting., Voice-mAil, E-Mail, Setup, work on business plan, check email, voice mail, Back to file encryption routines for sending secure documents., Lunch, Kelly Svcs, Setting up Kelly so he can access the school grading system demo. Discussing layout and design of grading site, showing sunandshield.com, work on timecards, Came in to help Move in the stuff that came for the new building., work with Darrell and Seth on phone bills, met with jim and tim, Cont'd working on web page, also talked with Paul about upgrades(real ones) for photoshop, worked w/ Beth & Jason on materials needed for Buissness Fair, phone calls, email, time card approval, Travel Back from Niagara Falls, to Hogansburg, billing questions and sign ups., Timberview - Making changes to input forms requested by Amy., Updated the entries for the www.house-now.com site, talked to Fred about the MBO system, lunch,

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