Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:48:17 PM
IE and firefox do some things differently.
It could very well have to do with MIME types set on the server for your website. pdf probably isnt set as a mime type which can cause issues with file streaming situations.
Mime types are either set in the IIS console for your web site under the http headers tab or you can try setting the content-type header to 'application/pdf' right on the asp page the does the streaming
see this article which shows how to do that
'Specify a MIME type such as "text/html", "image/gif" or "application/pdf" Response.contenttype = "application/pdf" 'Useful in cases for unknown file types
You would want to put the code that sets the contentype as close to the top of the asp page doing the streaming as possible. , expiration dates are not used in aspprotect's database when signing someone up using PayPal subscriptions because the PayPal system keeps track of all of that and will automatically send posts to the approtect system if a user needs to be deactivated for not paying or for whatever reason.
As you will notice in that thread about subscriptions the paypal signup data you use for the person determines their membership pricing and details.. ;PN=1
Basically the system takes care of everything. PayPal takes care of everything.
However you want to look at it.
Good Evening,
I have been trying to log into my site using the protected pages comments you have in support. I have copied the code in the ASPprotect 7 guide.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
and pasted it in my page, set the the IIS to open this page and the page will not open it and the page will not open and the error is
Error Type: Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005) The include file 'check_user_inc.asp' was not found. /olem/reldt/introduction.asp, line 3
When I remove the two lines of code everything goes normally.
I have aspprotect in its own directory in the website. I have read the installation several times and I am afraid I am missing something blatently obvious so I really appreciate you thoughts.
I am presently using redirects. I like not haveing to use them as your comments have suggested. I have pulled all that code from the pages I desire to protect during this test.
I have three test users in my database - 1 administrator
Any suggestions?
Thanks and best regards
, If you still cant see the upload buttons after checking the settings send me a PM with the info and I will take a look at your installation. It will have to be up on a live server of course. , It's real easy actually if ya sniff around the source code. ASP is so easy to (work with/edit) even if you dont know any code.
edit "save.asp" with a text editor
If Request("First_Name") = "" Then ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a First Name.\n\n") End If
If Request("Company_Name") = "" Then ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You must enter a Company Name.\n\n") End If
From looking at that save code I dont see where Last_Name was required. The only name I saw required was a 1st name.
Also.. making the First_Name not required may break something somwhere else. I dont think it will but it might. You are warned. cwilliams38326.5102662037, sorry, I am guilty of being very tired and didnt read your message fully.
I know this forum area is called "database connection issues" but it is only meant for generic issues.
Issues specific to a particular application need to go in that applications area in the forum. It keeps the forums more organized and helps other people fnd help later on.
So please post in the correct area. I will answer this question soon. I have to do something 1st though. , You really should check out the documentation regarding the config file before you go any farther.
If the server supports ASP.NET you do not have to spend any money to have real fast loading thumbnails.
Also, licenses of ASPImage only cost 69.95 and regardless any quality host supporting ASP should have one of the 3 supported resizing components installed or else you should consider a better host like Places like that have good hosting prices and give you access to 3000.00 worth of 3rd party asp components.
, OK, thanks.., Your users with Internet Explorer may have received the "Page Expired" error. For ASPProtect users, it happens when the user is not logged on and tries to invoke the target page. check_user_inc.asp puts up the login form, and IE sees it as part of the target page. Any later attempt to Back up and reload from cache gives the errror.
My solution was, after successful login, instead of falling through the bottom of check_user_inc.asp and running the target page, I issue a re-direct to reload the target page. I also added META tags on the dynamic login form to say no-cache and expire now, so the re-direct really does reload the target page. This time, of course, check_user_inc.asp does not need to put up the login form, and the new target page in cache contains no form at all. So, IE will not give a Page Expired error when Backing up to it later.
Netscape, and I gather other browsers, do not behave the same way, so I limited the solution to IE. Also, the solution only works if the target page has no form of its own.
I'm uploading my customized version of check_user_inc.asp that contains this solution. (In it, I also used the Javascript focus method to place the "cursor" in the Username field when the login form loads.) cwilliams38313.494537037, Hi,
Sorry, but the way the system works you can not call an individual banner like that. It just not something the system was meant to do.
If you wanted a specific banner to show up at all times you would have to make an individual banner and a zone just for that.
After looking at your site since you have so many banners there I dont know if that is the greatest option for you. It would also put a lot of stress of the Version 7 software because it is not really meant to call so many banners zones at one time on one page.
If you could live with tracking clicks on the home page but not displays I would suggest making banners for the home page in one zone. Then hard coding the banner images into your homepage like you already do but linking to the tracking part of aspbanner instead of where they would usually link to. That way you could at least track clicks and there owuld be no performance issues.
for example.. one of the images might link to Banner_ID=4
which would track clicks for you.. and then send then wherever they are supposed to go
, its just an example connection string in the datacon_inc.asp file you have the edit it to make sense for you..
the readme.txt file with the sql directions tells you this if you use that script
------------------------------------------------------ Examples of using DSN-LESS connections.
The "SERVER" and "Data Source" settings are either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address. For local servers you can also use an IP of ""
GalleryConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};UID=aspphotogalleryuser;password=temp;DATABASE=aspph otogallery;SERVER="
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspphotogallery;User Id=aspphotogalleryuser;Password=temp;" ------------------------------------------------------ cwilliams38325.8980324074, I am using ASPProtect's password program, which has been very successful, for managing over 1,500 military veterans' memberships at What I am trying to do now is utilize the "Groups" code, as generated by the Admin page, to prevent members with expired accounts (and non-members) from accessing restricted "members only" .ASP pages they may have bookmarked, or found via web search. The code generated and used is as follows:
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!-- Begin ASPProtect Code --> <!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * ADMIN * Member Current * Member Life * Officer/Staff * ) --> <% GROUPACCESS = "10,12,14,19" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <!-- End ASPProtect Code -->
The above is placed over the <html><head> statements on the page.
When I am logged in the code works perfectly! When I log off and try the URL again, the page appears in its entirety but with a Login box for Username and Login Password at the top of the page. You may view the problem at: .
What I would like to have happen is expired members and non-members would be sent (or Redirected) to a Login page. I do not want the Login password box to merely be inserted above the page that I am trying to keep them from visiting.
Don Poss, VSPA Webmaster , I am having difficulties importing new Users.
I have exported the existing list and then copied in the additional users and save the file as text (tab delimited) in Exel.
When I go to import the file (browse then upload) I get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'
Expected 'Then'
/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6
If Session("Admin") <> "True"
If I upload the text file by FTP and then try to import it it only tends to import the first two existing rows.
All collumns match but not sure if I need to add "User_ID". I have added it and created consequecutive numbers.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Best setup I recomend is just setting up a rig and making a workgroup.
No real reason for a production machine to have any access to internal
security when you think about it.
classic asp should be pretty easy to move, just set up new webs and
dump the scripts in there. If you have 2 machines its always easier to
look at the one while your building the other. Basically copy the setup
and tada... the only thing you might need to remeber is components (if
your using any) and thats usually not a very big deal either.
Point sort of being at some point your going to have to change that
thing around and while its no fun you have to imagine now is a better
time to bite the bullet and get it set up the right way. Your
alternative is to mess around for hours and hours praying that you
change domain wide security to the point that running NET
apps on that domain controller works. Personally I wouldnt sleep well
knowing I had just messed around so bad with the OS that I had no clue
what bugs and security holes I might have accidently opened in the
process. I wont even get into the possible things that might stop
working on the rest of the domain if you fiddle with accounts like
"Network Service"
Oh and if thats not enough reason to make you think about it, consider
how hard it will be to try and rember what you did at 2AM 6 months from
now if that machine takes a dive or some critical update undoes what
you changed.
I feel for you though, trust me we have all been down that road once or
twice. Get some sleep and in the AM the task at hand wont seem nearly
as bad. You live and you learn, and you will definatly be WAY better
off making things right sooner than later
, Christopher,
When viewing a list of albums with the navigation option 1, is there a way to get the Time Created sort to list Newest to Oldest, instead of Oldest to Newest.
Looking at the code in albums_navigation1_inc.asp, I can not determine how this works.
Thanks for your help!
- Jason
p.s. I always forget how addicting this stuff can
, Oh, it does seem to put the photo in the correct directory., Thank you! I thought that is what had to be done, just didn't want to miss out on a short cut if there was one. Thanks again, all I can say is try other things... like
etc etc etc
replacing yoursite with the name of your domain of course
the settings for sending email via ASP are no different then the settings you would use in outlook or something... except sometimes on the server level localhost works as the email server because they set it up to allow that
and of course those 3rd party emailing components need to actually be installed on the server , When I designed the system I never really intended people to type in long descriptions for pictures
and if they did I assumed they would use the enter key once in while..
but I guess people dont do that
This thread is along the same lines and shows what someone else did about this..
though they are talking about a different page its the same issue , 1st. Please understand you have to purchase two licenses to do such a thing as each installation will need a valid license purchased.
Moving on:
ASPProtect using a industry standard concept called "Forms Based Authentication"
This primarily relies on session variables keeping track of login status.
Each installation must be in it's own unique "IIS Application" so it will have it's own set of application and session variables.
That is often not possible with shared hosting plans as the server admins may not be willing to set a folder in your web as a separate IIS application. You would need to ask. It is going to depend on the quality of your hosting plan whether they do it or not.
technically it takes about 1 minute to open up the "IIS Console" and set up a folder in your web as a separate "application"
Based on what you are telling me that you want to do I think it would make a lot more sense to have one installation and one user database and customize your sites so ASPProtect users that are part of certain "groups" have access to things others do not or see things on pages other users would not. That is after all the entire point of Dynamic web sites and also why ASPProtect has "groups".
Then as far as the registration differences go you would make a copy of the users area folder area and manual customize it to register users in an alternate fashion than the main "users" folder. And then send people there if that is how you want them to register.
I don't support customizations but that is the gist of it. It's really not difficult work, but you have to be good with ASP., My hosting company uses ASPEMAIL - and I am trying to setup the mailing settings on ASPPROTECT - but cant seem to get it to work. I've tried many different options - here are two that are the closest - but have issues:
1. If I use the settings:
email component: aspemail
Mail remote server: my internal server name
*no smtp authentication
email mail notification - my email address on my internal server
***I get the following results:
I can get get notified when a new user logs in, email a user from aspprotect user screen if they are in my company and have a valid email -- but I can not send to the outside world - I get an relay prohibited error.
2. If i try to change the setting to use the Hosting Website email server - I get the following results: I dont get notified when a new user registers, I cant send to internal company people - but I can send to the outside world.
**any suggestions on what to do? I'm trying to work with the people who manage the mail servers - but since I dont know anything about them - its a bit difficult.
, I have ASPPhotoGallery installed. Everything has been working great for some time. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I am not getting the "Hits" incremented when a user opens an album. It works when an administrator is logged on. Does not for any anonymous users. Everything else seems to work fine. Again, this used to work. Any ideas. , Humm, Did you make any changes to the code ? Solid Black is not the default so it must have changed at least once.
Otherwise it might be some sort of application variable problem. I would make sure the web is and "application" in the IIS console.
, this could go on forever...
if you want PM "private message" me info to log into your site.. show me the pages we are dealing with...
and I will take a look at it all...
CJW , ok thanks, sorry for the confusion. I completely forgot about that flag setup, and how different it is between the two databases., Can you please elaborate on this? I have a flash banner that is on my site. All of the info is in the code banner section. In the banner link section, I have nothing. Do I need to actually edit the swf file with redirect URL? How do I edit the swf file? Once that is edited, do I put the URL of the site in the Link URL space? Thanks. , I have narrowed it down. The ../ for includes will not work with .asp files but will work in .shtml files.
any ideas? , Along with being able to set an expiry date or number of impressions, is it possible to add another option for a banner to be "non-expiring"?
With our current ad software (which we are transferring all data from to ASPBanner), we run banners for both paid advertisers, and for our own services. The banners relating to our own services, we would like to set to "non-expiring" so they appear all the time. , My client has a list of 13,000 members that
have already been assigned ID's and passwords with a
homegrown system.
When doing a bulk import, will we be able to retain the userid and password or will a new id be assigned during the bulk load?
Thanks in advance for your help.
, ok... glad ya figured it out.
Yes.. for ASP server side code to run the page extension must be ".asp". I was gonna mention that but I guess I just didnt think anyone would do that.
no offense.. not everyone works with this stuff every day.. , Thanks for the information. We added the name manually instead of using the App_Name variable., Perfect. Thanks buddy :) eeye38433.0629976852, I have added two users in different group access but none of them can login to the pages
, I would say that it isn't all that difficult using mySQL for the backend....the main thing is to make sure you set the primary keys for auto-incrementing in your database. Alos need to make sure that any DELETE SQL statements are formatted like this
DELETE FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue
and not
DELETE * FROM tblName WHERE tblField=SomeValue
The same holds true for using MSSQL , sure, there are reasons AOL would block the email.. it might think it is spam or it might not like the fact that fact that a cdonts generated email has no MX records because it can not..
for more on MX records read my CDOSYS article
as far as the emails not being sent because notifications are off. I was not aware of that and will try to look into it.. Version 6 is no longer worked on but if I can find the time I will check that out
, Your SQL statement to the database is the key.
You want to change the sortby hyperlink on that page so that it will in turn change the dynamic sql statement to sort the way you want
change it to
or maybe
One of them is the default anyway, but I cant remember which is which off hand so just try them both till you get the desired result
near the top you can also change the default sortby when thet page is loaded
SORTBY = Request("SORTBY") If SORTBY = "" Then SORTBY = "Name" End If
there you would use a space though.. not a "+" sign when adding the ASC or DESC
The + sign is only used in the hyperlinks because it means a space for browsers that can't deal with spaces in links cwilliams38406.6011458333, Hi,
I did some layout customizing on the register page on my site. ( ister.asp)
Now when I tried to register, it seems like it goes to the next page, but it is blank. ( _new_account.asp)
If I log in under administration, it shows that I have registered. I can't seem to figure out what part of the code is wrong, so that the new account page will not load.
I'd would greatly appreciate any help with this.
Allison , If I would like a link on my web page that will take someone to the login page (I would also like this page to contain forgot passord? and register) I am not entirely clear what file to link to to do this. Would it be check_user_inc.asp?
Thanks in advance?
cwilliams38456.0972106481, issue resolved.. new files did the trick,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:48:17 PM
very steady, emails and going over statements with Michele, filing, Manning NOC, calling customers, back, resetting open modems, logging total controls, resetting total controls., Upgrading some software on laptop and desktop as well as helping Bill M. fix problem on his machine with drivers not functioning correctly, BALDWINSVILEECHAMBER.COM Developed the graphical front page and navigation for 11/1/99, worked on required and conflicts section of the new PC Bundle site, also worked on more graphical and "eye candy" portion of site, mailer and database, business fair, Meet with Howard Bastedo re Long Distance carrier contract proposal, Senator jim wright- go over pronlem with tim lasek, watertown scholl district- go thru proposal with tim and peggy, send chnages for moby dick charters to dave foster, check emial, voice mail, send message to lisa for chennle 50 renewal for domain name, Rebuilt photo to be replaced from scratch as the original files were missing. Saved and updated Web Site., team meeting, admin, catchup on emails, more tech support and checked everything again like ask us a ?'s and dial up issues to make sure there were no new entries, recp., inv., e-mails, switchboard, Emerald, Checked voice/emails & realyed messages.
Filing, copies, forms., rotary, Review w/ Randy the day, and the week., work on mailing out non members to dutchess county, Checking to see if Raptor has been re-booted/repaired. 6 days now and still not done. I cannot publish web sites or access sites that are corrupted. Contacting Watertown office again., tech calls did some radlogs and some callback was mainly busy with tech calls, check and reply to e-mail: return phone calls, travel to watertown 130 miles, Dropped off and Picked up equipment, had quick phone call w/ Bell, Working on CAM for SOFTMLS2 from home, Working on cleanup of timecard system, finish final draft of proposal and send out to timberview
Show Chris, TI Bluegrass complete, published to server, tested, good to go., MEET WITH AMY TO GO OVER MILS COTTAGE ,