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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:57:49 PM

We would like to give a member an opportunity to upload an image when on their profile page. How does this work with the photo option on the settings page? Is this the intended usage? Thank You. , actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.

what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?

Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format for the new version.,

Well, you cant have a login box on the home page when using ASPProtect.NET.. there is no way to make that work. I tried all day to come up with something and it is not going to happen. I suggest you make a login button and link it directly to the protected page you want them to start on. The redirect or link them whereever from there. Either that or write your own forms based authentication solution that works exactly the way you want it to or edit the code accordingly since you have the source.  It is not a feature we advertise for the product regardless. It works the way it works. ,

Sorry Chris,

It didn't fix it.  Looks like I had the current code.  I bought the system in mid-April.  The version says 3-10-2005.

I do know that in the database, the password shows as " éG"  but in the error code, it shows as " éG".  The square character is missing. 


Edit: well heck.  It skips the square box here too.  The password in the database puts a square box in front of the éG


pretty clever...

If anyone is interested in what the Mod function actually does this article explains it nicely. They even use it for the same purpose in the examples.



Most likely it is no longer supported on the web server. The web host probably moved you site to a windows 2003 server which does not support cdonts or they stopped running the IIS SMTP server.

You usualy wont get an error..

it is also possible that cdonts is boned up as it is pretty flaky and that tends to happen. For example sometimes the emails it is suppost to send get caught up in the smtp pickup directory and never get sent out until the server is rebooted.

You should really ask the hosting company why cdonts has stopped working. It definetly has nothing to do with the code if it has been working all that time.  If CDONTS still is supportd tell them you emails are in limbo. Ask them to look and see if a bunch of ".eml" files are stuck in the stmp pickup directly and if so to please reboot the server.

cdonts has been deprecated and now everyone uses cdosys.
see my article

, how's it going  ?,


it would be nice if there was an option for login abuse, where a login account would be flagged if it logged in from x number of different IPs over a period of time. I know many have dynamic IPs, but there's got to be a balance between legitimate logins and logins that are 'shared' for the sake of saving money (I sell subscriptions), in the end costing me.

Maybe searching the first two number groups in the IP (example, 209.168.*.*), and if finding more than an admin specified number of logins per week from IPs with different first two groups, the record would be flagged or locked...


, I've been working on it for quite some time.... doesn't seem to be working as of yet :(, When a logged in user with specific group rights tries to look at a page that has different group membership requirements the Login screen comes up giving them an opportunity to login with different rights to view the page.  If you log in again with your current user name the same login screen returns with the added words something to the effect of "Access Denied, you dont have group rights to this page...".

The only way to get back to the previous page is to hit the back button on the browser (there is not a back button on the denied page). 

I would really rather not even present the "login again" screen to a user but just have a custom page that says "access denied" of my own design with a back button on it.  Is this an option provided for in ASPProtect currently?  I did not see it in the admin section settings tab.  Is there a separate "login again" asp file that is being used for this group access deny message that I could alter, or does it always have to be the login asp file?
Or would this require me modifying the check_user_inc.asp file around line 356 to change this behavior (I don't want to screw up any other stuff though...).


Oh, PS.  just a quick check...it looks like if a user is an "admin" he automatically gets to see all group pages regardless of which set of group numbers are assigned in his user account...is that right?


This is amazing. You replied to question within minutes. Thanks for showing such a professionalism.



sure (XP PRO), see my article on that

http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_xp_pro_and_permi ssions.asp



Sorry, not really.. not without a lot of changes to the code.
the recent activity info recycles.. it is not meant to be day by day

My suggestion there would be to look at both the log files and the user activty screens...

, Those access levels are not used and are nothing to worry about. They are left over from the ASPProtect core which I used for the users area of ASPBanner.

I am not sure what you did but its not a none, Unless I know more I can not make any guesses what happened. I would make sure in the database that the user is active and the expiration date field for them if there is one is empty,

These are 4 valid examples of calling a flash movie.

The more simple examples may cause problems for people that don't have the flash plugin installed. I really do not know as I am no flash expert. All these work fine for me. Of course I have the latest flash plugin installed. Perhaps some of you can shed some light in this. The 3rd and 4rth examples are obviously only slightly different and mention different versions of flash as far as downloading the plugin goes.


<EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">



<object width="120" height="22">
<param name="movie" value=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
<embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" width="468" height="60">



<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swfl ash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"WIDTH="468 " HEIGHT="60" id="myMovieName">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" NAME="mybannername" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">



<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf">
 <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
 <embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">


I am up to speed on how it works. My goal was to not have just a link to a protected page- so that when a user clicks it they get the "access denied" screen and then have to log in. My goal was to avoid that if possible by having them log in and then redirected to the protected page.

So this isnt possible? The only way for it to work is for a user to click a link to the protected page, get the denied screen, then login and be redirected?

Or is there another way..?

I made my point by rebuttling your "cafepress" with agreeing "YES" that is what i want... now you are changing this around on me. I dont think i can be ANY clearer in what i intend to do. It is extremely clear and i am not sure why its becoming more than it should be. I just want the user to be able to log in from ANY PAGE ON THE WEBSITE AND THEN BE REDIRECTED TO THE PROTECTED PAGE IF THE HAVE THE PROPER CREDENTIALS. It would be nice if this software gave an error message when an incorrect username/password was entered instead of simply refreshing the screen.


Chris: You are right about a little extra coding to make it work. I am still learning .ASP coding, so I did a little web searching and used IF THEN statments to confirm a member logged in with a valid Access Code. If valid, the protected page executes, with the Member's Name and Access Level on a single line at the top of that page. Looks sharp! If not logged in, or a non member (who found the page via Google), I used a Redirect to send s/he to a login page with optional links as you suggested (http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-failed.asp) . I couldn't get it to work when using Group Access, but I am sure that is just because I am a novice at .ASP (I will post that example when I figure it out). Meanwhile, here's the code I used that works:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dataconn_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config_inc.asp"-->
<% =Session("First_Name") %>&nbsp;<% =Session("Last_Name") %>:
If Session("Access_Level") = "6"  Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Active Member Access Level 6"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "7" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Life Member Access Level 7"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "8" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Officer/Staff Access Level 8"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") < "6" Then
    Response.Write "Access Level 1-6 NOT AUTHORIZED RESTRICTED AREA ACCESS"
End If
%><!-- http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp -->
<!-- *** End ASPProtect Code *** -->



Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?[/QUOTE]

yeah thats it, you buy into a part of the sql server so it's an sql server hotel...

, I just started using ASPJpeg, and i used the "generate_new_thumbnails.asp" to create new thumbs of all of the existing albums.  It generates the thumbs just fine, but they don't get picked up by the "Randomly Selected Photo" section.  If I upload new pics, they will show up in the random photo area.

So, it reads the new upload thumbs, but not the newly generated ones using your .asp page. 

Is there anything I can do?    , I tried the iFrame method that you have shown, and it works great!!!!,

the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.


I'm all set - after thinking about your replies - i checked a bit more and changed the email component type -- thanks again for all your help.

, you have to do it like I show above... your not specifying the field name to be searched in the instr function so what you just showed me will not do anything

You also should not have the > 0 stuff in the function because it is testing the result of the function.

You have to do it just like I showed , That helped very much.  Thank you.  Hope you enjoyed your dinner.,

These Settings:

Picture upload feature settings.

Use_Picture_Upload < = value=True name=Use_Picture_Upload> Check this if you will be using the picture uploading feature.
UploadDirectory < size=60 value=C:\Inetpub\virtuals\aspphotogallery.com\Web\demo\pictu res name=UploadDirectory>
Example:  "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASPPhotoGallery\pictures"
Ask your server admin if you are not sure.
This directory needs proper permissions for the SAFILEUP component or the VBSCRIPT solution to work correctly. It basically needs to same permissions as the database directory would need when using Microsoft Access.
PictureURL < size=60 value=http://www.aspphotogallery.com/demo/pictures name=PictureURL>
Example:  "http://p600laptop/ASPPhotoGallery/pictures"
This is the web URL of the the upload directory specified above.
Use_SAFILEUP_Upload < = value=SAUP name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a component called SAFILEUP which is high end upload component available from www.softartisans.com. It is far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_ASPUPLOAD_Upload < = value=ASPUPLOAD name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a component called ASPUPLOAD which is high end upload component available from www.persits.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_DUNDAS_Upload < = value=DUNDAS name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a (FREE) component called DUNDAS UPLOAD which is a high end upload component available from www.dundas.com. It is also far superior in performance and reliability compared to the VBSCRIPT file upload solution.It is highly recommended for a busy site.  If you enable this component and do not have it installed on your web server you will cause an error.
Use_VBSCRIPT_Upload < = value= name=Upload_Solution>
This option will enable file uploads using a pure VBSCRIPT solution. It requires VBSCRIPT version 5 or higher to be installed on the server. The solution usually works fine, but has been reported to cause memory leaks on XP machines.

ok... glad ya figured it out.

Yes.. for ASP server side code to run the page extension must be ".asp". I was gonna mention that but I guess I just didnt think anyone would do that.

no offense.. not everyone works with this stuff every day..


Thanks!  Will try both.


Appreciate the support.


I did the initial steps of downloading the sql scripts and running it in Query Analyser, tables created fine.

I can login for the first time. I exit from the browser and then I cannot login again. This happens for every user and admin.
I noticed that the values in the fields "Login_limit" and "Active" in the ASPP_Users table in the SQL changed to NULL and 0 when login and remained in those values after close the browser.

So iam just struck not able to log in. Pls advice.



You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.

error '80040211'

/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174


We do not support customization of the code or any custom coding you may end up doing with Visual Studio.NET. However, if you can show me that the application functions incorrectly in its default unmodified form I can help. If not it has to be something you did most likely.

Though I do not if it is the issue, mixing c# and vb.net in the same project can be tricky if not problematic. It’s definitely just not something I can support.

If you have not seen it we have tuturial on setting up the project in visual studio.net.

I would suggest starting with a clean installation. Test everything to make sure the things you say are ok or not. (if not post here about it) Then try your hand at editing the application and compiling it. Keep the c# out of the mix at 1st.

I am not even sure if adding c# to the same project is feasable.
(maybe it is , maybe it isn't)

That being said.. ASPProtect.NET can of course be used to protect pages using c#. But compiling the ASPProtect.NET project with C# code added sounds a bit iffy to me. We wrote the application in VB.NET so you really need to use vb.net when making changes to it.


Chris -

Long time no talk, which is a good thing.  I have purchased another product from you, ASPVendor.  I am running into an issues.

When I try and remove the image through the image manager, it does not remove it.  Screen shot attached.




Perfect exactly what I was looking for.



If you have an album with more than 96 pictures, the spacing in the tables can become incorrect, with pictures touching each other. (This program is not designed to handle more than 96 pictures due to server speed, but it can handle more than 96 with minor changes to the code.) Also, after 96 pictures, the pictures will not have 6 on a line, but rather 6 on a line up to 96 pictures and then the rest of the pictures on one line next to each other extending to the right of the screen endlessly. To fix this, I simply edited the ASP code using the following loop. It can be a perminent fix, because I used the maxpicsperalbum variable to define the spacing.

Dim SixInterval
For SixInterval = 2 to maxpicsperalbum
 SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
 <% If PicIndex = SixInterval THEN %> 
 <% End If %>
<% Next %>

Then, the following code must be commented out:

<% If PicIndex = 6 or PicIndex = 12 or PicIndex = 18 or PicIndex = 24 or PicIndex = 30 or PicIndex = 36 or PicIndex = 42 or PicIndex = 48 or PicIndex = 54 or PicIndex = 60 or PicIndex = 66 or PicIndex = 72 or PicIndex = 78 or PicIndex = 84 or PicIndex = 90 or PicIndex = 96 Then %>
<% End If %>

This code can be found in scripts/view_album_style*STYLE NUMBER*_inc.asp . (STYLE NUMBER depending on which style you are using (found in config file))

This change in code will enter a new table row after each 6th picture. You can have more or less than 6 pictures per line depending on the width of your files and preference by changing  changing the number 5 in this line of code: SixInterval = SixInterval + 5

If you have any questions, JPortnoy@Checkernet.com




The source code comes with it.
They are the.vb files.

I don't give out any project files for reasons stated in the article below.

Please read this in full if you want to edit the application in Visual Studio.NET



SQL Database Creation (NEW INSTALL)

If you are creating a new database do so using SQL enterprise manager.
Create a new database called whatever you like and keep all the default settings. If using an existing sql database skip that step.

Now open up SQL Query Analyzer

unzip the following sql script and open it in query analyser.

On the drop down box at the top right make sure your intended database is selected. Otherwise your changes may effect the wrong database in your SQL server.

Then load the script  into the Query Analyzer.  Click the green play button at the top. If everything goes well the response should read something like this.

(1 row(s) affected)

If so the tables have been created in your existing database.

Now make sure an existing or new SQL user has (public / datareader / datawriter) permissions for the new tables. You will be referencing this user in the asp code connection string so this user must be set up correctly. You may need your SQL server admins or hosting company to help you on this step as you may not have access to do this. You may not need to create a user and set permissions as the sql user you were logged in as to use query analyzer may by default get the correct permissions on anything you create.

Regardless, as you can see from this screenshot I made a SQL user called "aspprotectuser" and proceeded to set the permissions for that user. Under database access giving him (public,datareader, and datewriter permissions).

Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and modify the connection string info. Be sure to change the info to match your server,username, and password.

Below is an example of valid connection string.

ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=poseidon;Initial Catalog=aspprotect;User Id=aspprotectuser;Password=temp;"

The  "Data Source" setting is either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address. For local servers you can sometimes use an IP of "" or the name of the local server.

"Initial Catalog" is the name of your database.

Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and set the DatabaseType variable to SQL like so.

DatabaseType = "SQL"


did you fix it because I see all the pictures just fine ?




again I will ask you what is the real error??

see the link above when I asked you the 1st time.
(I need the error details and line number.. etc etc)

and what kind of a server are you trying to run it on ?
you mention xp pro but in a confusing way ?


(Indemnification Agreement Mod)

This very simple mod will add an Indemnification Agreement Pop-up to the registration signup form which must be agreed to before continuing. This is often done for legal reasons to help cover yourself if something should come up later on.


Download 2006-03-19_212700_Indemnification_Agreement_Mod.zip which contains "terms.js" and put it in your scripts folder. It contains the text that will be displayed in the pop-up. You can of course carefully edit it with a text editor to say whatever you like.

Now carefully edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor. Add this bit of code in blue right after the include to the "footer_inc.asp" file like so. It will be near the bottom of the page.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="footer_inc.asp"-->

<% If ErrorMessage = "" Then %>
<script language="JavaScript" src="../scripts/terms.js">
<% End If %>

Your done, that's it. Now when "users/register.asp" is run for the 1st time the pop-up will come up.

, I am trying to import a database into my list of registered users.  When I go the import_export_manager.asp page most of the content is missing.  All that appears is the first 2 lines of text and a box.  The rest of the page is blank.  I have tried this under 5 different browsers on 3 different machines and on 2 operating systems.  I also ftp'd the original .asp file with no success. Any clues? ,

No problem. I get it now.

I added a Session Variable for "Counter". Then wrote an If statement around that. When the user logs on for the first time they see a window pop, after that the normal start page.





Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:57:49 PM

Posted accounts and did a detail of checks and cash for a bank deposit. Customer inquiries, and ans phones., Marketing, TICC A/R & deposit, had a couple customers who were getting password errors. , general mktg, fixing TCH3 that lost it's secret it's associated radius server.....fixed a bad ISDN modem on 8940 while I was at it., got with Tim and paid some bills the rest can wait until Monday when cd come due. Had to leave early -sitter and daughter has pneumonia, travel back to watertown total miles 729 , lunch, Took tech calls, monitored RAD, DUI, AUAQ, and Voice Mail. Pretty slow today except for when the phones shut down., Answered phones, same as before., phones were not nearly as bad today as they have been, tech mail on line and rad log, lunch, Business Fair / speaker, 60 miles back to h2o, e-mail, Took a long call. Only got 1 call in between that call and they left a voicemail. Started getting hammered at 9am. Green light went on and off a good 6 times during a signup. Checking it right after this. Ended up getting a couple other calls after that., Madison,WI - Eng Telco, Working with Worldgroup Manager (TSF)., worked with chris w on our new soft mlslite version for next weeks appointments, very slow...looked for more sites and did some reading from the sites I found. Took in calls from expired accounts., Answered phones, a couple email problems and the like, nothing big., Sent out Wireless/dsl proposal to Leagal services on Central NY, email, Folded inserts and unjammed the folder too many times., Carol, Ed, working on Channel Partners page, Tasks, see 0800, tokk tech calls and cleaned out the tech office so we could move into the new building... took down computers and took down some of the dividers,

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