Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:48:49 PM
if you just see code then you do not have ASP and Web Server setup correctly.. Basic IIS Server Setup stuff and not something I cover, but there is plenty of info out there. P_pro.asp
, We have no add-ons for anything but accepting payments through paypal and 2checkout... if you want to accept payments through some other setup you have make a payment directory addon and write code to do it based on the system you are using..
We provide the ASP source code so that is doable for someone that is good with ASP. If not then it won't be doable.
Yes, that was it! I had not created the banner for that zone yet. Once I did it came up fine. Do I win the Bonehead of the Year award?
I am just implementing the product, and I deleted the included zones instead of renaming them. That is why it is up to 6. I am migrating banners from my current system before I implement the code onto my pages.
If I may, I'd like to ask another question. I use rotation on all pages of my site except for the home page, where the banners are all smaller and static - an advertiser can expect their banner to always be in the same spot on the page.
I am currently hard coding this via html, but then I do not have the ability to collect stats on home page banner clicks, so I want to use ASPBanner. My question is, can I do this without creating a seperate zone for each banner? In other words, is there a way to modify the html code (that works just fine) so that in addition to indicating the zone, it can indicate the specific banner I want to appear? I would then paste the code in each cell of the table, and alter the banner #. If I do this with just the zone, I expect that the page will randomize the position of each banner across the page. You can see what I'm talking about by clicking here:
Thanks for your help!
, yes, there is upgrade pricing
and upgrade instructions here in the forums
if you install it in the same directory structure you wont have to make any changes to the pages in your site you have already protected.. because the code to protect a page will be the same
now, anytime you upgrade an application like this there is going to be a lot of work involved especially when there have been so many changes
whether or not you upgrade is up to you
Like I said you can make version 6 work with CDOSYS and a remote email server. You just need to do some research on CDOSYS code and spend the time needed to make the code use it. I however am not going to spend time detailing all of that when I created a new version that does it.
, actually, passwords can be up to 75 characters long in ASPProtect.
the only requirement when entered from a non admin user is that they are at least 4 characters long.
what does MSAccess have to do with this ? Are you trying to convert and old system or something? I noticed you created and "old password" field in there ? Is there something I do not know about as far as what you are trying to do?
Passwords in version 7 are encrypted so I hope you understand all of that and realize you can not enter or change passwords right from SQL server. Also if you import info you must handle that accordingly and convert the passwords to encrypted format for the new version., you have to check the session variables for groups a little differently.. info on that is here
, well, I was curious myself so I just tried it.
Good news is it worked just as I thought.
Only problem is your changing things to allow authentication info to be passed over the net in a url. If you can live with the security implications then it will work. I mean a sniffer could see that and end up knowing the username and password.. not likely but just putting that out there.
Of course now that I think about it unless you are running under SSL (https://) when you log in normally that info is in the post info anyway and possible to get at.. course not right out in the open like when you put it in the url and less likely to be noticed.
As long as your not doing it to access critical areas like the admin pages... and you monitor the log files once in a while it's probably nothing to worry about.
, O.K. , I register myself as a user. No problem, Iget an e-mail saying account active. No problem. I click the link in the e-mail. No problem. I click sign in and get this message. Big problem!!
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/aspprotect/config_inc.asp, line 15
Dim Address_Required,CDONTS_Installed,City_Required,Registration _Type,VerifyURL,Log_Off_Page
cwilliams38456.0969444444, Our knowledge base which is hosted at a remote location is protected by ASPProtect Full Version 6. I would like to allow our employee to access the knowledge base from within our internal network unchallenged. Is there a way which I can modify the code "check_user_inc.asp" to allow any one coming from say 10.1.X.X to access the site unchallenged?
, For some odd reason, the the export path has two backslashes (\\) at the end, thus generating an error each time I try to export. For example
This appears toward the bottom of the import_export_manager.asp page and is called by =ExportDirectory.
I checked under settings tab, no path ends with a "\". Any idea where else I need to look?
, I am running Windows 2000 server. I do believe IS installed as I have the .NET 1.1 framework installed.
Funny about the bounce backs. I am at about 10% of my limit, which I control as I am the network admin. I'll check into that.
, Right, I've done that. My concern is that it will time out again while I'm trying to import the file.
The import/export manager does not show up under the users tab when I log in normally. I have to pull up the page in frontpage and then preview it a browser to get it to show.
, I am trying to import a file, and I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'
Expected 'Then'
/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6
If Session("Admin") <> "True"
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Thank you.
, SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..
here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on a database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"
In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner database in the SQL Server

cwilliams38390.5986921296, Well I have the web hosting tech looking into the memory issues at this point. Unfortunately I don't have another machine to be able to run the asp on that would run it correctly so that I can just publish it over.
, Hello..
I actually noticed something was up with your install earlier...
(I saw you in my log files when you clicked to cjwoft from the docs)
I need more info... like what uploading method your using.. what image resizing component, what widths yoru resizing things to... etc
have you tried it while telling it to delete the pics and also while not telling it not to delete them from the import folder
I might have to take a look tommoro as well to really figure it if that is ok
I have to go the bar to meet some friends so I wont be of much more help tonight :)
I been working steady all week and need a few.
, Okay Chris, I wold like to get rid of the encryption then if it's not too much trouble.
I have no option of running the production server against an ms access db, since the db needs to be online and accessible from another system.
, Some of our users complained that their users id and passwords are sent in the clear. So we decided to invest in an SSL certificate from Verisign. It has been tested fine with all forms and pages in ASPProtect version 6. The only remaining page which I am not sure how to protect is the home page. Let's say my home page is When the user goes to this link he/she will be presented with the check_user_inc.asp page so he/she can enter their ID and PW. So how to make the login information send from this page thru HTTPS?
, here is a thread that may help you if this is what you were getting at
, I hear ya.. problem is it just does not fit into the banner rotation logic.
I know it sounds like a simple thing, but it is not because ASPBanner does it's rotation logic in a totolly unique way that no other system I know of does. It basically does everything in memory.
I just don't see anyway to do add what you are asking about without totolly re-writing how it works. The system would have to rely totally on complex (SQL queries / stored procedures) to do the banner rotation like every other poorly performing system out there.
It's really hard to explain, but I just no way I see to add it to the high performance application variable banner logic. If I changed the system to not use those application variables there would be a tremendous performance loss because the database would be doing about 90% more work than it currently does.
As I have said before sacrificing performance is just not something I am willing to do.
I built ASPBanner for performance and speed and that has always been it's main intention.
I leave the bloated features to the competition. If I lose sales because of it that is just unfortunate. I want the best performing system. The system I can be proud of. The system that can handle millions of impressions per day under a MSSQL or MYSQL installation and not even flinch. That is what ASPBanner is all about.
The other thing is pricing. The price is kept low partically because the feature set is low.
Maybe someday there will be a version with more features and less performace. I really do not know. Right now it's just not something I plan on doing.
, Dear Christofer
I already have send you the details you asked me for. Please let me know if you have received
, I am not talking about image resizing. I need to know if it is possible to limit the upload to images where their height or width is less than 500 PIX. , I am having difficulties importing new Users.
I have exported the existing list and then copied in the additional users and save the file as text (tab delimited) in Exel.
When I go to import the file (browse then upload) I get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f9'
Expected 'Then'
/aspprotect/password_admin/upload_post.asp, line 6
If Session("Admin") <> "True"
If I upload the text file by FTP and then try to import it it only tends to import the first two existing rows.
All collumns match but not sure if I need to add "User_ID". I have added it and created consequecutive numbers.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
, If you have an album with more than 96 pictures, the spacing in the tables can become incorrect, with pictures touching each other. (This program is not designed to handle more than 96 pictures due to server speed, but it can handle more than 96 with minor changes to the code.) Also, after 96 pictures, the pictures will not have 6 on a line, but rather 6 on a line up to 96 pictures and then the rest of the pictures on one line next to each other extending to the right of the screen endlessly. To fix this, I simply edited the ASP code using the following loop. It can be a perminent fix, because I used the maxpicsperalbum variable to define the spacing.
Dim SixInterval
For SixInterval = 2 to maxpicsperalbum
SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
<% If PicIndex = SixInterval THEN %>
<% End If %>
<% Next %>
Then, the following code must be commented out:
<% If PicIndex = 6 or PicIndex = 12 or PicIndex = 18 or PicIndex = 24 or PicIndex = 30 or PicIndex = 36 or PicIndex = 42 or PicIndex = 48 or PicIndex = 54 or PicIndex = 60 or PicIndex = 66 or PicIndex = 72 or PicIndex = 78 or PicIndex = 84 or PicIndex = 90 or PicIndex = 96 Then %>
<% End If %>
This code can be found in scripts/view_album_style*STYLE NUMBER*_inc.asp . (STYLE NUMBER depending on which style you are using (found in config file))
This change in code will enter a new table row after each 6th picture. You can have more or less than 6 pictures per line depending on the width of your files and preference by changing changing the number 5 in this line of code: SixInterval = SixInterval + 5
If you have any questions,
jamapor38210.5987384259, check the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file. If using MSAccess it will show the location. If using SQL Server it will show the SQL Server details in which case there is no physical database file., Terribly sorry, but we are not software-technical. So can you please tell us exactly which folder the database would be in.
Thanks in advance.
, My server is Server2003. I could not find the folder settings you mentioned. I did find a iuser which I added as specified. I retried to perform an upload. Still same message. But it does move the JPG to the picture folder. So, part of it is working. , [QUOTE=cwilliams]
Is that a real term or just something you named it cause they have like a zillion people using that SQL server?[/QUOTE]
yeah thats it, you buy into a part of the sql server so it's an sql server hotel...
, Permissions and Folder Locations
By default and to keep things clean we store everything in folder called "data"
That folder then has it in 4 sub folders
database (where the .mdb and temporary .ldb files are handled)
export (where the aspprotect export files are saved)
logfiles (where the aspprotect logfiles are saved)
user_pics (where the user pictures are saved)
Doing it this way makes it very easy for a system administrator to right click on one folder and set permissions for that folder and all of it's child folders.
Now, that being said.. you do not have to use these folders.
For example if you already have a folder in your web with modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account then you can use that one folder to store all of the 4 things above.
You'd simply edit your data connection string to point to that folder and then edit the other paths in the settings area of ASPProtect.
We did it that way so you would have options in case your hosting company was being difficult with your ASP hosting needs.
cwilliams38403.6837962963, Hallo,
What do I have to do for inserting around 6,000 new users?
I have all my user in an access file. I don't know the password of access database files. The same problem with the "aspprotect upgrade pack".
Sorry for my English

vaghelis38300.2319097222, btw: who is this hosting company anyway ?
and did they give you access to a control panel that lets you manage your site ? sometimes that is where you manage those permissions if their interface supports it
lastly, are frontpage extensions installed in your web so it can be connected to via frontpage ?
, sorry.. you just said above you were using XP SP2 so that is the article I referred you to as I just assumed you were talking about your local web server
here is my article on permissions regarding server 2003 permissions.asp
I can look at your installation monday if you like. In about an hour I leave for a wedding thingie and I wont be around again untill monday around noon
Try the uploading using VBSCRIPT method just for the heck of it. Perhaps there is an issue with the installation of the dundas component.
, I logged off too soon after your last response. Your last idea was the answer. I am running McAfee as my virus-scanner on the mail server I am running. There was a script inhibitor enabled as a worm detection function. When I disabled it, your software responded correctly. I guess I can do without that, although with everything thrown at the net these days, it makes me a little nervous.
Have you thought about language file so users dont have to go into the code to put it in their language??
, We want to insert a hyperlink i the mesage area when we e-mail users from the Password Admin area. Is ther an easy way to insert the hyperlink so when the user gets the e-mail, they can just click on it and go the the page we want them to?