Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:59 PM
I have been using ASPBanner for a while and am very pleased with it. Congratulations on a good product.
Only one feature is missing that would really help me and this is being able to display banners dependent on some condition (/aspbanner/aspbanner_inc.asp?BannerZone=6&condition=xxx ).
I think this would be a good idea as it would allow users to present adverts based on different criteria; for example; specific country/region related ads, ads based on time of day, ads based on user preferences, etc.
To achieve this I was thinking of adding a field to the database so that I can enter a set of comma delimited conditions for which the banner can be displayed.
I have looked through some of the asp code with the intention of seeing how easy it would be to implement the functionality. Not knowing the code however, I think that modifying it myself would be risky as I may inadvertently change things, which would have a negative effect.
Would adding this type of functionality in ASPBanner be of interest to you. If not, can you let me have your opinion as to whether this would be relatively simple change for me to do myself or would it be too risky and I should give up the idea. Any guidance or feedback would be appreciated.
, The setting I am most interested in is what you have for the "Pic_Max_Image_Width" used when the image resizing components resize the big image
setting it to nothing or zero could cause this
I have set up a user to be redirected to a different page when logging in for the first time.
I assumed this function would count the number of times a user has logged in. When the login count was greater than 1, the user would be taken to the default.asp
This isn't happening. The user is always redirected. The user login count in the database is now 9.
What am I missing?
, I would highly suggest setting up a DSN-LESS connection.
That system dsn is most likely the source of your trouble It is probably that or permissions are still not correct.
I can't tell you how many people have had trouble with system dsn's and finally set up a dsn-less connection and everything then worked as it should.
The location of your database is fine as long as permissions are truly set correctly like I mentioned.
Also, be sure you are setting the database type correctly in the dataconn_inc.asp file. That can cause problems as well as some people have been known to delete that line.
See my articles... system+dsn , site looks fine in ie and also firefox from a windows machine..
I dont have a mac and I have not heard of that browser before
Sounds like an issue with the way that browser handles and puts together html/flash in relation to the layout of your site which is fairly complex
less likely - could also be related to computer processor/resources as that is a decent sized flash file and could bog down certain machines on the client level.. internet connection as well ?
those are my guesses.. I dont see anything wrong from windows xp web browsing from a fast machine and on broadband.. looks pretty nice actually , Which page should a user see next after completing a Paypal transaction? Where do I set that?
, I do not have any programming knowledge and have what might be a simple question.
I am having a hard time getting my hosting company to modify the rights on the data folder. They state they support ASP and access databases however this is the response I got when I requested the modify permissions set for the internet guest account:
Were the rights changed on the data folder? No, we do not manage rights to folders.
My question to you is: Doesn't supporting asp require those permissions be set on the database folder or can asp (not just aspprotect) work without those rights modified?
Thanks , I'm using version 6 upgrade and recently some of the users complained that their passwords are no longer working. I was able to replicate the problem as I also experienced the same thing with my account.
Once I reset the password thru e-mail (Forgotten your password?), I am able to login but it fails later. This is weird as I have an identical copy of the code running flawlessly on my test server.
The only change which I made to the original downloadable code is by adding password encryption using Base 64 encryption.
Any ideas what might be the problem  , its just an example connection string in the datacon_inc.asp file you have the edit it to make sense for you..
the readme.txt file with the sql directions tells you this if you use that script
------------------------------------------------------ Examples of using DSN-LESS connections.
The "SERVER" and "Data Source" settings are either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address. For local servers you can also use an IP of ""
GalleryConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};UID=aspphotogalleryuser;password=temp;DATABASE=aspph otogallery;SERVER="
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspphotogallery;User Id=aspphotogalleryuser;Password=temp;" ------------------------------------------------------ cwilliams38325.8980324074, I am using v7 with other software written in ASP.NET. When I include the the "checkfor" and include file, I'm receiving a compliation error.
Here is the include I have on the .aspx file: <% CHECKFOR = "4" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../../ASPProtect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
Here is the error:
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30689: Statement cannot appear outside of a method body.
Source Error: Line 15: <% Line 16: ' This is part of the too many login attempts lockdown code which sets a cookie to block login attempts for a certain amount of time Line 17: If LoginLockDown Then Line 18: If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("LoginTries") <> "" Then Line 19: If Cint(Request.Cookies("PASSWORDSYSTEMCOOKIETRIAL")("L oginTries")) = Cint(LoginLockDownAttempts) Then
Source File: D:\Sites\resadmin\NetOptions\\www\ASPProtect\che ck_user_inc.asp Line: 17
, Thanks
It wasn't a complaint. I just bought it last night and installed it today. But, I must have missed the part about requiring Enterprise Manager for installing it on SQL.
If you want it the link to the Web Based SQL Manager is : which is free and the Trialware that I tried is EMS SQL Manager.
Maybe that will help a little in not requiring that people have an MS SQL license to access their hosted MS SQL to install the software.
, Just copy the files over. have permissions set on any folders that need it, and edit the data connection so it's valid for the new server. Once you get logged to the admin area go update all the settings so any urls are valid.
really its no different than a new installation so just follow those directions but use your existing files.
There is no domain pointing involved...
As logn as the old stuff is not accesible on the live internet you don't need another license.
As for my installation fee of 25. That is only for new installations. I charge more for something like that as there may be compications such as custom changes to the code that I would have to deal with. Customers often custimize the login and users area.. etc etc .. and there may be hardcoded urls and what not to worry about changing.
LASTLY, I noticed all your other posts are in the ASPProtect 7 area so the installaton process for that is a bit different than for Version 6 so what I said above is not quite the same process. Please make sure you post in the correct area when asking questions. ,
Hi Chris,
Alright. We figured out how to work with both C# and VB, by creating a separate VB web project in VStudio, and then passing the aspprotectnet.dll to the C# project.
Ok. I have another question:
How can our code determine the identity and user_id of the currently logged in user:
Is it Session["User_ID"].ToString() and Session["Username"].ToString()?
thank you
, I'll give it a shot loading it on the laptop and publishing it, if it doesn't work I'll let you know and you can take a look at it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the help tonight...
Good luck pouring that concrete! , Actually it is my own server (retired email server from my employer). I will check out the documentation again. I DID read that part, but didn't understand it enough. I'll dig deeper. Also my box has 2 CPU's, hence the $125 for ASPImage..., Hi,
ok, I am a bit confused... you make it sound like as if you are running a different version than you were when you ordered this a couple/few weeks back... that confuses me because you were able to log in to the admin area of before? weren't you ?
there have been no changes to the download or the version in quite some time ?
I guess I need more information to make any sort of guess at this point. I do not know enough., While my host says the permissions are now correct....its still trying to download the setup ASP file instead of executing it.
I really need to get this application working asap too. I noticed the purchasing page said that install came any help would reaallly be great.
re , Now that I really think about it.. instead of logging that info to a text file and worrying about folder permissions you could probably just save the post info into an application variable during the paypal ipn.asp post like so
For Each Item In Request.Form formdata = formdata & vbCrLf & Item & "=" & Request.Form(Item) & vbCrLf Next
Application("PayPalPost") = formdata & " - " & NOW
then anytime you wanted to see if that info was there or when it happened you could make a simple asp page in your site to display the results like so
<% Response.Write "(" & Application("PayPalPost") & ")" %>
cwilliams38421.6747453704, Chris,
I've given the IUSR account modify access for the aspprotect folder.
In the ODBC manager module on the webserver I've taken out the aspprotect access driver option.
The dataconn_inc.asp line reads as
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\\members\aspprotect\data\database \ASPProtect_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
Now this should make it DNS-less correct? with the permissions set properly?
I've also taken out the password on the access database.
The original database of users I had was an access database from a different program called spooky login. I exported them into a tab delimited file and changed the column headings to match those in aspprotect exactly. Actually access would not let me import them in the databases without them being exact.
I imported that information directly using access's import options. I tried the import/export manager in aspprotect but kept timing out as well.
, When I add a user, I can not activat it.
It sends me back to log on and will now allow me to log in as admin???
I can restart the APP and log in as Admin, but the user I added
is still not activated??
My system will also not allow me to set the Stay Loged in FLag.
It just ignores it....
, Thought this would be easy. A few more pointers should get the database connection to work:
1) How do you decide whether it is a DSN (system datasource) or not? Does just putting the file in the ODBC make it so?
2)We have other files in there for other server applications, does that mean we’re stuck using DSN’s or is the file independent of that control dialog?
3) Assuming we get rid of using DSN for this database (or not), does the code go referenced in your article apply here or should it just work?
What else are we missing? , <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% Response.Write(Session("Groups")) %> , ok "ace45",
I just spent a bunch of time in your setup using SQL server and I didnt have a single issue. It all seems to be working perfectly to me.
I got into the system using the "get_me_in.asp" page like the instructions say to to.. then I deleted those two users you had there.
I created a new user called "admin".. then I edited that user to make him an admin.
I have logged off and back on as that user a bunch of times without issue.
admin test
is the user info..
I just didnt see any problems whatsoever???
I also took the liberty of going into the settings page and setting all that up for you as well so all the url paths are right now and emailing from the application works.
I am going to wait an hour or so and try to log in a few more times but it honestly seems to be running perfectly to me. , Hi,
I have just one quick question, I know this works with Paypal but does this work with Merchant Account?
How difficult it is to make it workable with Merchant account? I appreciate your answer.
, I think you getting all confused about dsn's and what they really are.
A system dsn gets created via the ODBC control panel and gets listed there. A system dsn is nothing more than a registry entry telling information about where the database is an how to connect to it. Then every time code accesses the database it has to do a registry lookup. The whole process adds a lot of delays, causes very poor performance and is unnecessary.
A dsn-less connection simply connects directly to the database by specifying the driver being used, where the database is, and some other information like the password if there is one.
To get aspprotect or any other ASP application using a database all you have to do is make sure the database folder has correct permissions and then make a connection string like so. (with the correct info for your directory structure of course)
DBQ=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotect_6\data\database\ASPProtect _access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp
If you are wondering Access databases always use the same username.
So, basically if permissions are set correctly and the directory is valid it will work. It is really that simple. 99% of the time when people have problems it is one or the other.
That being said, don't worry about the odbc control panel and what is listed there for connections. All we really care about is that odbc drivers are installed and somewhat current.
One last thign for reference: even if you do make a system dsn the database folder still needs the correct permissions. cwilliams38417.7371643518, do you have the url path to the registration page set correctly in the settings cause not having it there would do that ? , Thats what I needed. Thank you!, Can I have the logon be in a top frame while having the protected pages displayed in a main frame?
Using frames with forms based authentication is not the best thing to be doing. Your much better off not using frames and using includes files to do a virtual frames sort of thing (search google) but if you are going to use frames I would suggest password protecting the frameset page as well as any pages it contains.
If you want to have a login form in a non protected top frame all the time.. that posts to a lower frame that is password protected.. you would do this but change the target of the form to one of your frames
personally though I think that would be a somewhat goofy setup to have going on
Also, how will it behave if a user moves in between a protected page to a public page and back to the protected page again?
As long as they have cookies enabled which is required for session variables to work... then you will have no issues because once they come back to a page they have permission to they will just be allowed in without login.. at least while that session is still active.. or for a longer time if they choose the remeber me option which keeps track of them with a cookie .
Really, the best thing to do is expirment and see how things behave.
, You really can not do something like that. You can not use client side code to change a server side session variable.
To make changes server side a form must be submitted or a link clicked on to another page. Then you can do whatever you like but you cant have an onlci event update a session variable like that.
Though I am not sure of exactly what you are trying to do I think you'll need to go about things a little differently.
, Can you do a better price deal for that version in place of the one I've just purchased ie for a single licence rather than unlimited Christopher?
Or failing that can you give me an idea of how many changes you had to make to convert 7.3 to work with Mysql?
Dave , Thanks and glad that fixed it.
You can review this software at
That being said, ASPIN has a lot of problems with anonymous reviews so if you can please sign up with them and post an Authentic review as they carry a lot more weight. Authentic reviews involve responding to their validation email so when doing so use a real email address that you regularly check.
And sorry I made you use the forums, but as you can see this is exactly the sort of thread that will help someone else later on.. and that is why I require people to use the forums now instead of just email support. That way the conversations are out in the open where they can help everyone instead of buried in my outlook where no one will ever see them. And of course if information is sensitive you can always do a Private Message as you did earlier.
It is all about creating a knowlegebase of valuable information. , rrabago
I have been looking over the code and also doing some tests.
So far everything in the code looks correct and everything I have tried has worked correctly. If I select an access level and active users it is not sending emails to inactive users as you stated.
Are you using the option pack ? cwilliams38103.9618402778, I am running .asp pages and using the longer code method to display flash banners on my site.
I have noticed a considerable decrease in the loading of my index page when I have a banner called. When I remove the banner, all is fine.
Any suggestions?
Dave , I will actually explain how to set access_levels and/or groups...
in "users/add_new_account.asp"
carefully edit with a text editor
find this part
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
that is where the acess level gets set...
you can change the level or remove that line all together if you dont want one set
now for groups you would add this line in the same area
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*3*"
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*,*3*"
Groups access for a user is stored in one field in the database like you see above. If you are confused what you should be saving in that field I suggest simply setting a user to whatever groups you want via the admin area and then looking in the database to see what got saved in that field. It's pretty simple really how they are stored.
that user would be a member of groups 1,5, and 9 , ok...
you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..
You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ? , I appreciate the offer to beta test... but its really more a matter of me getting it ready..
I have a lot done.. but a lot of things are hard coded to only work on my machine and some things have not been sorted out. Giving it to someone else to test would be a waste of time at this point as I they probably couldn’t even run it.
Lately the reason this project has fallen behind has all to do with my main webserver where I collocate.
1st it got compromised (we think by certain competitors who are always up to no good)... then windows 2003 server which I decided to go with on the new server gave me random problems... then the Cisco hardware firewall was acting up and making the sites run slow....then SQL server attacks on port 1433 from Korea when I took the firewall down....and as of the last few days I think the server just needs a new power supply. I swear for the last 2 months I have spent more time administrating my servers than working on code. Yesterday it was locking up every 30 minutes. There have been a lot of days like that and it takes up all my time until I get it situated. Especially since its over 100 miles to the collocation center. The APC unit I installed that allows me to remotely cut the power to hard reboot is a life saver.
Fun... I tell ya... and expensive.. (hardware, software, lost sales, and time) I am pretty much completely broke at the moment. It has been a very expensive few months.
But I like running my own servers... I run dns servers, email servers, sql servers, web servers.. I do it all. It's keeps me in touch with the latest software/hardware. Regardless , my servers ran well for years and they will again.
anyway.. hopefully I can actually get a new version of the photo gallery out before the month is over. It will probably be the last classic asp version. The version after that will most likely be cwilliams38295.6248032407, Not the way it ships. You would have to add that functionality by editing the source code and database., ok, Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:
Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" direct.asp?Banner_ID=25"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000> <embed src=" nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf " quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" od_Version=ShockwaveFlash"> </OBJECT>
What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002. , You can also try setting asphttp's user agent property to some browser version like in this example. It might stop that info from showing up when it fetches a page from the server.
<% Dim BanObj1Http Set BanObj1Http = Server.CreateObject("AspHTTP.Conn") BanObj1Http.UserAgent = "Mozilla Compatible (MS IE 3.01 WinNT)" BanObj1Http.Url = " nnerZone=1" Response.Write BanObj1Http.GetURL set BanObj1Http = nothing %>
Also... I dont know if these values below will work but I got them from looking at my nt logs.
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
And here is more info on the asphttp component and it's settings. cwilliams38248.6481365741,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:59 PM
timecards and new spreadsheet for Vt payroll, Working with Andy on re-burning code on Microcoms in Clayton., Working on new MLS site... Importing old data into new field structure so that I can start changing the old code to work with the new database structure., TAF emails, Vermont merger, Doc Manager, Switchboard, billing calls, callbacks, Travel To Clayton, Reading and responding to emails and voice mails, meet with Jim, ed, howard, Employee meeting -Watertown, sick, sm break, RE:, Personal time, email, Answered tech related calls. Checked online issues and ask a question emails., At Home
SoftMLS2 working on hotsheet code... improving the functionality because it is goofing up when showing expired listings, E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packup, Worked on Casey's computer, and also played around with Dave Storandts temporary computer., C.E.R. TOWERS, cc report, incident report, and cancellation of invoices, callbacks from voicemail. checked emails, answering phone and talking sign ups. , Enter contacts into Outlook for Dave, IP Management database development, steady, Radlog and techcalls, discussion w/Craig Kieny re:Energy Initiatives site, worked on poll for RealRock (have to have Randy change something on server), did some more JavaScript on Customer Feedback form (more research/coding), mailing, Vermont Internet staff, Working on dynamic summary sheets for Softmls2 ,