Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:40 PM
Oh big deal !!... John mentioned some site and you feel like you proved some sort of point. Aren't you special ?
Look, I am telling for the 3rd time you can't do what you are talking about with ASPProtect.NET. Are you braindead cause I really am beginning to think you are and I for one am done trying to be somewhat nice to you ??????
I am also willing to bet you had no idea what viewstate even was until I mentioned it and then you probably went and read up about it so quit trying to pretend like you know what is going on! If you knew what was going on you would not be asking more questions about ASPProtect.NET than any customer in the history of selling the application.
As a matter of fact you should send me like 400.00 just for all my time you have taken up because you are totally frigin clueless !!!!!
I should have cut you off the instant you offered me illegal software from p2p right in a forum post., After a user edit his information (name, email, etc), the session variables are not updated. In the user_area.asp
page, I "Response.Write" all the session variables, and they are still
showing the old information. I tried refreshing the page but to no
avail. The only way to update the display is to log off and login again.
please help.
I just moved servers and now my "code" ads are giving me errors...
"google_ad_width" is undefined.
I have tried adding the width and height... taking it out.. all the basic stuff.
Any ideas?
TIA  , There is no way I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars for a thumbnail creation program. Mine is a family web site and all out of my pocket.
Is there any free products that work with Gallery that will create the thumbnails? If not can I create them on my own and link them to the pics? There are tons of Perl based freebies out there.
Steve , I checked through the code and could not find anything as well.
However, I do think it may be related somehow to the code as I get the messages popping up in the error log only after I have edited a banner.
If there is nothing obvious, I may just set my error log to filter and automatically delete this type of error. Not something I prefer to do.
Thanks for the quick response.
Otherwise the program is working very well and I'm happy with it.
, I had some issues with passwords not working. I cleared them up by
going to the affected user and typing in the desired password manually
on the edit screen. Worked like a champ every time, and I haven't had
to do that for some time now.
, Can ASPClassifieds display the ads by city?
I have a web directory that lists websites and companies by city. Is it possible to have specific ads shown to the user depending on what city they click on? For example, only ads in New York would be shown to users that have already clicked on that city in my directory.
thanks, , ok... lets forget about all this redirecting business for a minute
when I go to "GP01.asp" directly via your web site I get a big nasty error that says this
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/protect/config_inc.asp, line 15 Dim Address_Required,CDONTS_Installed,City_Required,Registration _Type,VerifyURL,Log_Off_Page
then when I look at what you did in that file I see why
you have this code which is totally wrong because you cannot include the password protection file twice <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
it should be <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %>
<% GROUPACCESS = "*1*" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> and that is probably the root of this entire problem.. the redirection was working... but you were sending them to invalid pages with errors
all those pages are wrong... if you dont see the real error above see this
if you look over the aspprotect 7 installation instructions that is the very 1st thing I tell people to do
hopefully this is the info you need to continue and get some work done , Help!.. I need to export the username and password fields to a mail merged letter so everyone knows their username and passwords. However whenever i access the database or do an export. The passwords showup as encrypted. Is there a way to access the list, un encrypted?
thanks , YES.. you need to edit your SWF file to link to the aspbanner system...
example.. the link may look something like this Banner_ID=60
of course you need to put in the right information for your site and whatever banner ID it is in your system
Like it says above.. if you save the new banner at least once and then come back to edit that link will be generated for you at the bottom of the edit page.
then when your flash banner is clicked on it will go track the click and then send them to the "link_url" specified for that banner when you edited it. (you need to enter the final destination url there if you want that to work) , Javascript Popup/Pop Under Generator
Until I have time to make one I suggest using the one on the banmanpro support site as it is pretty nice.
Just dont use option 2 on that page as that is specific to banmanpro
cwilliams38291.614849537, As an update to this thread I fixed the "upload_post.asp" page quite some time ago but forgot to post the updated file here.
So here it is. , >>1. What is telling paypal to return the info to the ipn.asp page for
processing? Is that something I have to set up in my paypal
Nevermind on this question. I found the notify_url variable. :-\
, The main root of your web site needs a "aspnet_client" folder for .NET apps like ASPProtect.NET to run.
If this isnt quite right one of two things can happen.
1.) You'll get a pop-up error like this. 'Unable to find script library WebUIValidation.js'
2.) The ASPProtect login screen will come up but just not let you log in.
This folder only goes in the root. Not in subfolders and subwebs.
If you dont have this folder in the root of your web.
Read this article to learn how to properly create the folder. n-us/cpguide/html/cpconconfiguringaspnetapplicationforaspnet version.asp
If the app is installed on a hosted server you'll need to ask them to do that for you.
You can also try copying a the folder from your own machine after creating it the way the article above says.
here is a copy of my "aspnet_client" folder created under the latest framework at the time of this writing. v 1_1_4322
I am not sure if copying it in is as good as having created by the server as I haven't had time to really test all of that but it should work. Ultimately all this does is put some files .net needs in the web. , how you connecting... lets see the connection string...
could be permissions related too.. if they are not set correctly (always give them to the folder, never just the mdb file)
Some of this might help...
you may want to download some of the different versions of the access database from the support area and try connecting to them as you may have older odbc drivers on the server
You may also want to try to get ASPTest from our website working before you go any further , and did you response.write that session value to see if it holds anything to ensure it is being set , Send email to users that are soon to expire:
What Format should be used for dates and does international friendly dates affect the date as used by the reminder ?
Am having serious problems with renewal notices and expiration dates.
All member sign ups are for 1 yr., yet new members are being sent
renewal notices.
Does Paypal use a different date system or has does
Paypal have nothing to do with Subscription dates?
, new version is still not finshed as of the end of the year... I am not going to release it until I feel it is ready., DONE IT
THANK YOU IF IT WAS YOU, OR THANK YOU GOD IF IT WAS ME!!! , Glad it worked cwilliams38406.5549074074, there is no straight answer to a question like that..
I think my code is very easy to figure out and work with...
What your asking all depends on your skills and also what sort of payment processing system/merchant account you go with and what sort of ASP example code they provide you, you can whatever you like but like I said those gif files are already in the correct place. The log parser is messing up. , like I said you made changes to something to cause that...
runs fine the way it ships "it is one of things I tested earlier when I looked at your installation for you"
If you want I'll go look via FTP and tell you what is wrong cwilliams38456.1069212963, No can do. In both cases there is an icon that says "Not uploaded". I click in it and nothing happens. There is no link to upload. Am I missing something?
By the way, I appreciate and am impressed with your rapid response. Thanks.
, I have one file called asplistings.sql but I have license for ASPListings_auto and ASPListings_real_estate. I really want to use the SQL server for both. Please advise how?
Thank you. Lance , I am not sure totally understand your question. I need you to explain it differently.
Any ".asp" page that is protected is going to automatically prompt them for a login box or log them in automatically depending on if they set that option.. In the end returning them to that same page.
So, it really all takes care of itself for the most part.. It doesn't even matter if the bookmark a protected page deep in your site. The system is smart enough to keep them at that page as well as handle their access.
Now of course if they are at an unprotected page of your site and navigate to a protected page they get a loin prompt or are allowed in if they already logged in...
Also.. when you say unprotected page ? do you mean ".htm" or ".asp" cwilliams38298.6571759259, More Info on Simple File Sharing tm ng.htm;en-us;3040 40
, sorry.. you just said above you were using XP SP2 so that is the article I referred you to as I just assumed you were talking about your local web server
here is my article on permissions regarding server 2003 permissions.asp
I can look at your installation monday if you like. In about an hour I leave for a wedding thingie and I wont be around again untill monday around noon
Try the uploading using VBSCRIPT method just for the heck of it. Perhaps there is an issue with the installation of the dundas component.
, Please Note : ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups that is much more powerful than access levels. Access Levels were left in the product primarily for existing customers that upgrade to the new version so they do not need to make a lot of changes to their site if they were using Access Levels.
More On Access Levels
Again, Examples of managing Access Levels are provided in the "multiple_access_levels" folder included in the root of the Password System. Look at the source code of the ASP pages in that folder with a text editor to see the working code.
Access Levels and how they work can be re-coded to work in many different ways. However, you have to be a good ASP developer to make changes to it. Here is some information on how they work by default.
In the "check_user_inc.asp" that comes in the root of this system Access Levels work as follows.
Level 1 has Access to - Level 1 Level 2 has Access to - Level 1,2 Level 3 has Access to - Level 1,2,3 Level 4 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4 Level 5 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5 Level 6 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6 Level 7 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Level 8 has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ADMIN has Access to - Level 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,ADMIN
Here is some additional info..
If the access levels are too restrictive you can ignore them all together and create your own totally custom solutions. Here is a quick rundown of some of the things you can do.
Ok... so if you want to be really specific about what each user can see and can't .. here's an example of what you can do
Don't use the access levels before the include file.. Don't worry about what you set a user to in the admin area since the access levels won't be used.
Do something like this..
Every time a user logs in session variables are set that you can access at any time.. thus allowing you to know who they are.
So you could do something like this...
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<% If Session("USERNAME") = "bob1267" or Session("USERNAME") = "carl45" or Session("ADMIN") = "True" Then Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "Yes" Else Session("PASSWORDACCESS") = "No" Response.Redirect(Request.ServerVariables("script_name")) End If %>
The following URL explains what Redirects are.
That would in effect create totally custom access levels.. but you would have to do it manually for each user.
You can also do things like this after a person logs in
Show custom html to any specific user based on either their username or access level ... like so
say there was a menu and a certain link should only show up to username "paully67"
you could do something like this
<br> <a href="main.asp">Home Page</a> <% If Session("USERNAME") = "paully67" Then %> <br> <a href="paullys_page.asp">Pauls Stats Page</a> <% End If %> <br> <a href="links.asp">Links Page</a>
Or you can show custom HTML or links based on Access Levels or any other info.
You can do just about anything with if-then statements and using the built in vbscript functions..
Hopefully this info will help to give you some ideas...
Bottom line is you have to do some work within your site to make the Access Level system really come alive. cwilliams38403.6781481481, I have ASPPhotoGallery installed. Everything has been working great for some time. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I am not getting the "Hits" incremented when a user opens an album. It works when an administrator is logged on. Does not for any anonymous users. Everything else seems to work fine. Again, this used to work. Any ideas. , Hi Chris,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Our current project requires alot of customization.
Yes, the error is probably a data problem and not due to your code, because we needed to make modifications to the database. But that's why debugging would be helpful.
Basically our intent to modify the asp protect code stems from the fact that our client doesn’t want certain fields to be recorded or to appear: address, city, state, zip etc…
We are happy to be able to modify the HTML, but we also want to modify some other default behavior, such as which page opens when the "cancel" button is hit in the editaccountinfo.aspx page.
, Hello,
You'll need to find a validation function to test for it. Either server side or right in the form via client side javascript.
I dont have any experience with validating zip codes here much less UK.
Google it would be my best advice.. or maybe find some free app written in UK format and see how they did it.
Good Luck..
And if ya find anything post it here if ya like cwilliams38381.5607638889, The sql script creates aspgalleryuser
dataconn_inc.asp out of the box indicates aspgallery as the user.
GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspgallery;User Id=aspgallery;Password=temp;" , I am not talking about image resizing. I need to know if it is possible to limit the upload to images where their height or width is less than 500 PIX. , I would like to create a login form on the home page which will not be password protected to the site for members so that they can login right from the home page and not a password protected page like many sites have. And every portal I have seen.
Plus the login form looks really pretty and proffesional on the home page ...
I can't find anything in the documentation that says how to do this or if it's even possible. Everything I have found says to password protect a page and then direct them there which isn't what I would like to do.
Here is the code of the login page which is an asp include file on the main page:
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> </head>
<body> <td><img src="images/a026.jpg" alt="" width="187" height="21"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><table width="180" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#AAAAAA"> <tr> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="178" height="1"></td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form_login" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="53%"><input name="textfield" type="text" class="style-01" value="username"></td> <td width="47%"><a href="#" class="link-02">Forgot pass?</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="textfield2" type="text" class="style-01" value="password"></td> <td><a href="#" class="link-02">Not registered?</a> </td> </tr> </table> </form></td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><a href="#"><img src="images/a027.jpg" alt="" width="180" height="15" border="0"></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </body>
Does anybody know what values I would put in the form to send the correct login to AspProtect. And, if I would have to add any extra includes or code to it.
TIA  , We have been using ASP Protect for a while now and are big fans of the program. We received ASP Banner 8.2 with our puchase which we now have a need for. I went to put the files on our webpage, and doing nothing else other than locating the directory there, I noticed differences with how ASP Protect operates. We have customized it a bit and want to keep the 2 programs separate. the login screen for one showed up on the other, and some ASP Protect pages appeared altered so i immediately deleted ASP Banner. did I do something wrong, and how can i ensure the 2 programs work completely independant of each other? We can't risk braking what we're now using but would really like to add banner functionality to some of our pages. maybe an update to the program before we install? puchase new software? Thanks for your help- , Can we get access to the source project files for since we'd like to put in some of our own branding on the pages and not everything can be done in HTML.
Thanks , Is there an easy way to make this work with reoccurring a monthly or yearly subscription? , Hi Chris
After turing off the delayed stats feature the internal errors have stopped and it still serves banners, although I havent checked the logs yet. I will and post any errors.
I left my test page up last night at say 11pm serving 4 banners of different sizes rotating every 15 seconds, now at 9am the page is just displaying 1. If I refresh the page they all reappear.
Regards Colin , You are not supposed to use "../" with a virtual include
Thats goes against what a virtual include is and makes no sense. When using a virtual include you give the path as if accessing from the root of the main web / virtual directory
I find it very hard to believe it ever worked like that and if it ever did it was wrong.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:49:40 PM
Working on CostGuard server setup, steady morning. , troubleshoot Moynihan connection at GiSCO's Clayton office, Emails to all employees regarding Christmas party and payroll deadlines, Mgmt meeting, work on getting radius1 backup and running, found bad memmory chip, replaced memeory chip, reinstalled server os, intalled radius, returned radius1 to service fixed problem with tch not liking the switch over., enter bills, not too many calls. checked radlog. reactivated some customers., checking up on nortel guys installing software........baddddddddddddd very bad...., Met with Bell Atlantic concerning co-location in basement., CAPAWAY SCAN, CROP, AND INSERT INTO SITE, helping Ben with his car, updated some critical links and info on help pages, working on newsletter, Work w/ Carol on billing issues and a long distance issue w/ Sharron Stone that took a majority of my time., Emailing Bill Shumway about status of NCN site. Sent some helpfull hints on creating banner ads in photoshop and a quick tutorial HTML syntax and how they can use it from within their admin to enhance their site., S, check e-mail, rrp, Connex Mediation Software Presentation meeting., Checking e-mail. Checking voice mail., Marketing and Sales Meeting, email voicemail, Phone call from re: ownership of their domain name and questions about bills., MEETING WITH GOLDMINE, Web billing, Schedule JM Scheafer to power up – Thurs. 8/3 @ 2:00pm
Contact Greater Architecs for Cert. Of Occ. Status – Tentative date of 8/14, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, counted the cash drawer, ans. phone, and sorted the mail., logins / newusers / phones , enter bills/GISCo, Bell Atlantic con't, - redesigned physicians directory public display to support images of doctors. added admin to upload newsletter pdf file when needed. (billable),