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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:54:53 PM

yes, like it says it is expirimental

turn it off.. the banner system will run just as fast for the most part

or leave it on and an occasional user will see a permission denied error where a banner will be, well, I think John just told you what the deal is. He knows more about ASP.NET than anyone else I know.

If you are going to run a non-standard setup then you are going to have big problems like you are having. ,

need more info..

are you using aspimage to resize images and make true thumbnails..
(because if you have it turned on and it isnt actually installed on the server you will get broken thumbnails.)

what kind of images are you using ? gif or jpegs

are you uploading images over existing images ?

really need to know exactly what to do to reproduce the situation from scratch and then I can give you a better answer ??



That was wrong of me but not what I meant. It seems as soon as I purchase something like this it doesn't work right and it can't be altered to work with what I have. The support ends up sucking or being none. Listen I’ve gone thru you're product and it's wonderful and does exactly what you say it does so that's a relief. Sorry about my ignorance with .NET but I’m from an ASP world and it's a lot different. You can see what I’m trying to protect here http://www.hotmixxent.com:8087/default.aspx. The final site after testing will be http://mxais.sfmx.org/default.aspx. Again thanks for the support on Christmas Sunday, that’s defiantly beyond the call and I appreciate it a lot.


1st off.. you appear to have some strange things going on with that domain. Looks like you have a frameset and are loading another domain in it which is always confuding especially if you are running the site off your home computer or something... I am not sure

That aside..

If I go to


and click on the "familiy" category

then right click on a broken image.. look at properties

Your linking the image to your localhost



and that is wrong, just like I said above

Nobody running the site off any computer but your development machine is going to see those pictures because the url isnt valid for them

My guess is in the settings you have the "PictureURL" set to


when it should be


Good luck with this.. I am going to the bar.
If you need more help I probably will not be available until Monday.


at this point I would say install a fresh untouched copy in the web in a different directory and lets see if it acts weird from scratch.. the we can go from there.. I dont know what is going on


no, there is not not.

If you wanted to to that you would have to add some code to check their album count in the database and not allow them to make a new album if they were at the limit.


works fine now


I have written asp.net application pages- obviously i knew what viewstate was, or else when they made a mistake on that page it would not have saved their filled in info. Same thing for after they submitted, when they hit the back button their info would be gone.

For someone who wrote this software it seems you are not able to do simple things. Im begining to think you didn't write it. The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.

I know how the log boxes work. Esp. reg ASP... they all allow you to enter your username and password and then when you hit submit it gets verified and transfers you to your destination. ASP.NET has that capability also.. i didn't purchase a program to go and have to re-write it in visual studio. It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.

The program seems to have some great complex features, however, your not able to incorporate this easy login from a diff. page function... fishy


I am an experienced ASP developer. Can you tell me whether this would be a very involved process, or whether it is pretty straightforward? I don't yet have a merchant account, so I am not yet familiar with any aspect of accepting credit cards online.



(Capcha Security Image Mod)

This mod will add a Capcha Security Image to the registration signup form.


Download the latest version of the ASP Security Image Generator from this site. http://www.tipstricks.org/

Unzip that download and copy "aspcaptcha.asp" and "aspcaptcha_distort.asp" into the aspprotect "users" folder.

Now edit "users/register.asp" with a text editor and add the code shown below in blue. The code to add goes near the bottom of the form right above the submit button. Just add the blue code. The code around it is shown to help you find the area of code where it gets placed.

      <td valign="top" align="right"><font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>
  Newsletter</strong></font></td> ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
      <td valign="top">
  <input type="checkbox" name="Newsletter" value="True" checked>
  <font face="Arial" size="1">Do you want to be subscribed to the
  newsletter ?</font></td>

      <td valign="top" align="right"></td>
      <td valign="top">&nbsp;<img src="aspcaptcha.asp" alt="" width="86" height="21" />
   <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Type the characters shown in image for verification.</font><br>
   <input name="strCAPTCHA" type="text" id="strCAPTCHA" maxlength="8" /></td>

      <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
        <p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Register"></p>

ok, now edit "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor and add the code shown below in blue. Just add the blue code. The code around it is shown to help you find the area of code where it gets placed.

If User_Custom6_Used = True Then
 If User_Custom6_Required = True Then
  If  Custom6 = "" Then
   ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You need to enter a " & User_Custom6_Name &".\n\n")
  End IF
 End If
End If
 strCAPTCHA = Trim(Request.Form("strCAPTCHA"))
 if strCAPTCHA = Trim(Session("CAPTCHA_" & Session.SessionID)) then
  ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & Server.URLEncode("You did not type in the verification info correctly.\n\n")
 End If 

If ErrorMessage <> "" Then
 Response.Redirect "register.asp?" & Request.Form & "&ErrorMessage=" & ErrorMessage
End If

Your done. You just added a Capcha Security Image to your signup form. If you would like a more distorted image that is more difficult for an automated program to figure out change the image tag to call the "aspcaptcha_distort.asp" page instead. It will look more like this.

I agree -- don't use the code as is.  I provided it only as an idea for a work-around if your ASPProtect users with Internet Explorer complain about the Page Expired message.
I did not test it to be sure the parms coming into the target page (which would be part of the URL when bookmarking) are properly preserved.  It would be easy to make sure they are preserved, but I am not sure the code in the example does that.  I also customized the code with my own page header and footer. 
I have the Option Pack but the site does not need it yet so I haven't applied it.  I don't expect many problems re-applying my few lines of modifications.
The IE behavior is not a big deal if you provide an explicit login page, since users would have less interest in paging back to that.   In my case, I simply gave a link to a protected part of the site, and when they take that link, they instead get the login form if they aren't logged on.  Once they log on, they get their desired content page, to which they sometimes want to page back later on. 
From searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other sources, I could not find a way (using HTML) to turn off IE's behavior of refusing to quietly reload a page containing form data. Netscape does not do this.  So my IE workaround is to ensure my target page does not contain the login form.  It does not solve the cause of the problem, but in this case it gets rid of the Page Expired error message for my IE users.
I also purchased ASPProtect for another site, and I'm using that "out of the box" unmodified.  I'm very pleased with ASPProtect's functionality and the fact that it works completely without the need to customize.  However, I've found it is very easy to customize if I want to.
  Puli Club of America

After turning off the friendly errors, here is the detail.

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path

/users/register.asp, line 16
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&K W=Disallowed+Parent+Path+

lancem38310.6408101852, Your customer should set up a special page that you send banner clicks to. That page is the page that should record the ip and whatever other info needed.

I suppose you could make a page on your end that records that info and finally redirects them to the intended url as well.

All using simple asp. It's really not that dificult to do, but it is a loit easier if you do it this way and keep it seperate from the banner system.

Here is some interesting information not totally related to answering your question.

The banner system does not track IPs on individual clicks because if it did.. 100 clicks on a paricular banner in one day would result in 100 rows in the stats database instead of just 1 row. That may not seem like a lot, but imagine 30 banners all doing the same thing mulipled by 30 days. Your talking 90000 rows in the database instead of 900. It all comes down to what ASPBanner was designed for which is performance and low resource use.

Some banner systems out there even keep track of individual IP's per banner display. Try to imagine how much that effects performance and how much extra space is used in the database for stats. It's crazy and also the reason that the more little features a banner system offers the slower and slower it begins to run.

I am sure I lose sales all the time because I offer less features, but the truth is I know those features will eventually defeat the purpose of why I created this banner system in the 1st place and that i just not something I want to do.

The banner systems with every little feature are just not well suited to very busy sites no matter how well they are designed.cwilliams38324.8386689815,


ASPBanner.NET was discontinued about 14 months ago. It is no longer supported in any way because quite frankly the classic ASP version is faster, more stable, has more features, and is a lot easier to install and get running.

If you PM me via the forum you are welcome to a copy of the current ASP Unlimited Version. It can serve banners to any type of page extension. All you have to do is ask for a copy.

Whether or not your existing ASPBanner.NET database is exactly the same structure I do not know, but I believe it is. You should compare the two if you plan to keep using the old database and make any neccessary changes so the old database has the exact same structure as the new version. If there are any differences they are very few.


The application automatically generates all the code for you for each method of calling banners. It does this on the zones screen.

If you are using flash it also possible that the actualy flash file is what is causing things to slow up.

It really all depends... it could also be server resource related

using sql server or access.. ? etc etc

all important details


Microsoft has a free version of SQL server 2000 than you can run on a development machine.

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=413 744d1-a0bc-479f-bafa-e4b278eb9147&DisplayLang=en

This is really the same thing as the MSDN version of SQL server that comes with Visual Studio

It is limited in two ways.

  • No single database can exceed 2 gigabytes in size. However, each Desktop Engine server instance can contain many databases, each of which can be up to 2 gigabytes in size. Each computer can host up to sixteen instances of Desktop Engine.

  • Performance will rapidly decline when more than five simultaneous users use the database engine at the same time. With five users or less Desktop Engine will operate with full SQL Server speed.

    After you install this your going to need a way to connect to your sql server as well as a way to run queires on it.

    I suggest either install the client tools off any SQL 2000 Installation Disc (giving you enterprise manager and query manager)

    or use the FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator which will do amost everything you  will need to do. It is really very slick
    http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=127& ; ; ;PN=1

    Then you have a pretty sweet setup for testing and developing locally using SQL server.

    If you are wondering why someone with a real SQL Server 2000 cd wouldn't just install the real SQL server locally it is because the server part will usually not install on XP Pro or non server versions of windows for licensing reasons. (at least every SQL 2000 CD I have is like that regardless of whether it is standard or enterprise) But the client side tools on the cd are invaluable so I just install the Desktop Version of SQL along with the client side tools and everything works great.

  • ,

    Good Morning, any suggestions on how to best "fake out the system" -- I would like to try to keep this clean so I can see the real errors?

    My thought was to try to just move those .gif files to the directory that it thinks it should be in -- do you have any better suggestions? Or reasons why I really wouldnt want to do that?


    UPDATE... on very very busy sites these methods have been reported to fail once in a while..  meaning .NET gets overloaded and instead of a banner its shows some error code.

    its not the banner system .. its the .net engine and the calling method


    Hello Chris:

    Yes I'm using the Option Pack.



    Hi there, I am not exactly what you mean when you say "moved some of the include files to user"

    are you saying you are moving files around ? I am not sure what you mean there.

    but.. the parent path issue is described in detail here


    Having is enabled is actually a requirment of the photo gallery application as stated on the web site

    You can certainly still use the apllication but as that article says you will need to change any file includes to virtual includes so they will work with parent paths disabled



    Sorry, there is no option for that.

    I'll take it into consideration, but the way the banner rotation logic works would make adding such an option very complicated.

    Just give it  an expiration date way into the future if you do not want an ad to expire anytime soon.

    I usually just make all my ads expire in like 2020 or something like that since I don't want them to stop running either on some of my sites.

    cwilliams38247.1116319444, no, but in the standard version it probably will not run so great with more than 75 or so.

    The unlimited version can handle pretty much whatever.,

    On the banner rotation order screen it says:

    "The Order Of These Banners Will Change Randomly From Time To Time"

    Can you tell me the function that does this? I'd like to increase the frequency with which the rotation order changes.



    Testing for XML Parser Support

    the microsoft xml parser is generally installed by default on all new server setups..

    It allows ASP code to make calls to other pages anywhere on the new as well as a lot of other handy things..

    download and run this ".asp" page to verfiy that it is installed and be sure it is available for you to use


    Make sure you run it from your web server through the web browser


    I have just started to move my sites to a new dedicated Windows 2003 box.  I have parent paths enabled, SSI turned on but I still can't get ../ to work with server side includes.  Everything I read online says that I need to turn on parent paths but again, they are already turned on.

    The hosting company where the server is located can't tell me anything, they just say that that is the way it is with Windows 2003.  I don't buy it!

    Can anyone tell me anything on this issue to help enable the ../ for serverside includes? 


    Installed latest verison  Doesn't seem to have corrected problem.  Still with same message.  I wonder if deleting this user and putting him back in might help.  I have not however tried any other user names and passwords.


    I purchased the ASPGallery Pro last week and still cannot get it running. When I enter www.vickerylightning.com/aspgallery/dataconn_inc.asp on the screen it says "Not a valid bookmark"

    Below is the connection string. My hosting company uses server map paths:

    'Create database connection

    'Create a connection odject
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    'Database connection info and driver
    'strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2002.mdb")

    'Alternative drivers faster than the generic access one above
    'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access97.mdb") 'This one is if you use Access 97
    'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("aspgallery_access2000.mdb") 'This one is for Access 2000/2002
    GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=temp; Data Source=\\NAWINFS04\home\users\web\b2623\rh.vickery2004\aspga llery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb; "
    GalleryDatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

    adoCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath ("\aspgallery\aspgallery_access2002.mdb") & ";"

    Definitely need some assistance!

    Rhona (rookie asp) -




    Thanks, I'll take a look.


    , Yes, you are right.  That was the problem.  Sorry  


    OK, I figured out the problem.  Not running ASP becasue the pages are not saved as ASP but rather HTM... OK so I am smart like a tractor but strong like an ox.

    cwilliams38229.9128819444, Actually, as far the "aspprotectnet.dll" file goes it makes sense because of the following.

    The "aspprotectlicense.dll" is something we do not provide the source code for. We also do not compile it in "debug" mode because you not want dll's running in "debug" mode in a production environment and we also do not want that dll in debug mode because of reverse engineering reasons.

    Now, that being said that DLL is no different than any other 3rd party dll "so to speak" that you would use in a project. Many of which will not be in debug mode and you will also not have the source for.

    "Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll" being an example

    Regardless, there must be a way to do what your trying to do. I am just not sure at the moment. It is nothing anyone has brought up before and I personally have never had any issues like that when I work on the application so I am just not sure.

    It probably has something to do with the way you set up your project.,

    also.. the log out page shouldnt really need this
    but you can try adding this to it where all the other ones are set to nothing..

    <% Session("Groups") = "" %>

    cwilliams38341.7215046296, I get the following message when trying to  look up the sysdiag.aspx and the default.aspx files. Why? I have followed all the install instructions.

    Server Error in '/' Application.

    Runtime Error

    Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

    Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

    <!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

    <customErrors mode="Off"/>

    Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

    <!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

    <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>


    When a new user adds themselves to the db thru the registration page, no user id is assigned in the User_id field.  I can't access the page on-line due to an user_id related error on the page.  I must use access itself and add the user id.  After that, everything works as expected.

    What have I done?

    , I have been told it does as I got about 5 people or so who upgraded but I have not used SQL 2005 yet. I'll order a copy.,

    [QUOTE=spider]At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"?  After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number.  But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default.  Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

    That is how it is supposed to work. It is not supposed to remember that info after you leave. If you want it to always start at some default number simply copy the URL info after picking a number. You'll see the querystrings that tell the page what to do in the address field of your browser. Take that entire URL and  edit the button in the admin area to link to that. The links for the buttons are in the "header_inc.asp" file and you should edit that file with a text editor.

    That's the easy non technical way to set a default on the users page and that applies to anything including doing a sort or whatever.


    you might change this

    <a href="default.asp"><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>

    to something like this

    <a href="http://www.yoursite.com /aspprotect/password_admin/default.asp?SORTBY=Email+DESC& ;MyPageSize=500="><img src="../images/users.gif" border="0" alt="Users"></a>


    5300 users honetly wouldn't even phase the database or the code... even with MSAccess...you got other problems and I can say that with 150% certainty

    my guess is permissions on the database folder are not quite right or the odbc drivers have issues.. something along those lines..

    access databases act up when full modify permissions are not given to the folder they are in.... they can also act up if the odbc drivers are very new and you are not using a newer version of the access database such as 2002 version as opposed to a 97 or 2000 version

    using a system dsn as opposed to a dsn-less connection can also cause BIG issues. always use a DSN-LESS connection

    you can also have big problems if just the database file is given permissions instead of the whole directory it is in

    also, the script timeout has nothing to do with it.. if that is happening something is wrong with the data connection like I said... no amount of changing timeouts is going to cure it...

    how permissions are correctly set
    http://www.powerasp.com/content/new/windows_2003_server_and_ permissions.asp

    why system dsn's with access databases are bad news

    I know it worked at 1st but it can still be related to all of this because when permissions are not perfect databases will work ok for a while and then act up. it all has to do with the temporay lock files that access creates and deletes on a regualr basis

    , After a user edit his information (name, email, etc), the session variables are not updated.  In the user_area.asp page, I "Response.Write" all the session variables, and they are still showing the old information. I tried refreshing the page but to no avail. The only way to update the display is to log off and login again.

    please help.


    If you are using ASPProtect Version 7 it is possible because version 7 supports html emailing. In any other version it would require some custom coding to add html email support. You would have to sort it out by experimenting and editing the emailing code. All the email methods have documentation on the web in some form or another showing how to send html emails.

    sometimes depending on the email component being used and the email client reading the email a link in a text based email will get hyperlinked automatically. For example outlook usually will do that, but it doesn't always in other situations.

    Lastly, we have special upgrade pricing should anyone want to upgrade to ASPProtect Version 7. It really has a ton of great features.

    Best Regards,

    Chris Williams


    Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:54:53 PM

    Still Travelling, Switchboard, billing calls, charting callbacks, WaN FOLLOW UP- SCHEDULED sEACOMM AND TEALS WITH jIM AND sETH, followed up on the Lyle Seaman lead. Set up folder for the Knowlton Lead, AFLAC presentations Clayton & Watn and meet with agents at HF&C, got pizza from dominics....pretty tasty.., Replied to AUQ and finished tech test and worked on tech manual., enter bills/ TICC & w/ Terri, tech support supv duties... callbacks, voice mail, dial up issues, ask us a question. Heike went home at 4pm (was slow ), DIRP training at Nortel, Business Journal ad, travel to watertown Office, Errol, Howard, Ron, - Bis After Hrs , pull paid invoices/ clear file; backup, read DSL info., CBT on DMS, to Watertown, try and get ksp/kni worked out, More stuff to re-install. Netscape 4.7/Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0/Thumbnailer/Code/ Server/Screen Capture Utilities/HP Jet Admin Printer Drivers, etc., Techs failed to report a down website., *TaskForce: Exchange 2000 Development and Research, Email/Voice Mail/Newsgroups/Misc, not much. did a few signups. helped a user with a mac and one user with netscape problems, working from home, desk was moved., Customers, Voice Mail, etc., installing software, Talk to Jeff Wood about circuit. Check ISDN installed at demark. Pickup deliveries to Clayton, talke to amy on what needed to be completed... for her for the week. , read and responded to emails, At watertown office with Steve checking new server configuration., Answerd tech related calls. Still busy with POP problems., Correcting filtering.gisco.net to allow and account for each dial up account instead of 1 per master account,

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