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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:51:07 PM

Whenever you are running software that can block scripts from certain things you are going to have issues like this.

I imagine many complex asp scripts you will download will do things like this as well.

A highly doubt it is anything to worry about regarding people that use your site.

ASP code delivers standard html to the browser... nothing weird goes on as far as that goes.

This system has been sold for 6 years and this is just not something to worry about. Trust me.. though you may want to tone down black ice so it doesn't give you issues as it tries to block various things.

If I were you I would do some google searches on black ice and issues with it blocking asp scripts.. etc etc

Now, if you are running black ice right on the server that a whole other story and something you as a server admin need to decide what to do about. I doubt that is the case as black ice is not probably suitable for a commercial webserver but I just thought I would throw that out there.

, you can whatever you like but like I said those gif files are already in the correct place. The log parser is messing up. ,


Ok, well... you have a lot of stuff going on there.

More importantly than that.. you cant even log into the admin area using the admin account. There is something majorly wrong with the installation.

I also notice you havent even saved any path settings in the settings page of the admin area. I am looking that over now and filling in the missing info. That information needs to be populated.

, that information is actually not helpful in determining whether parent paths is enabled or not.

You should really ask your hosting company or better yet try doing a server side include to page one directory up and see if you get an error.


<!--#include file = "../myfile.asp"-->

I have written asp.net application pages- obviously i knew what viewstate was, or else when they made a mistake on that page it would not have saved their filled in info. Same thing for after they submitted, when they hit the back button their info would be gone.

For someone who wrote this software it seems you are not able to do simple things. Im begining to think you didn't write it. The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.

I know how the log boxes work. Esp. reg ASP... they all allow you to enter your username and password and then when you hit submit it gets verified and transfers you to your destination. ASP.NET has that capability also.. i didn't purchase a program to go and have to re-write it in visual studio. It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.

The program seems to have some great complex features, however, your not able to incorporate this easy login from a diff. page function... fishy

, Along with being able to set an expiry date or number of impressions, is it possible to add another option for a banner to be "non-expiring"?

With our current ad software (which we are transferring all data from to ASPBanner), we run banners for both paid advertisers, and for our own services. The banners relating to our own services, we would like to set to "non-expiring" so they appear all the time. ,

I have just purchased ASP v7 and loaded.  Followed instructions.  Obtained codes not prob.  Get to single field login screen, enter password and following page appears:

Method Not Allowed

The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /temp/aspprotect/password_admin/get_me_in.asp.

Added folder aspprotect under (temp web) folder - temp, but also tried under root folder of web site.

Still no luck.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.didac.co.uk Port 80

Chris -

Long time no talk, which is a good thing.  I have purchased another product from you, ASPVendor.  I am running into an issues.

When I try and remove the image through the image manager, it does not remove it.  Screen shot attached.




The random password is generated during signup and the function that creates it is located on this page of code.


it looks like this

Function RndStr(Length, UseChrs)
 If IsNull(UseChrs) OR (UseChrs = "") Then UseChrs = "
 NewStr = ""
 For gpIndex = 1 To Length
  NewStr = NewStr & Mid(UseChrs, Int((Len(UseChrs)) * Rnd + 1), 1)
 RndStr = NewStr
End Function

For example go to this page and hit refresh and watch the password change.


Yes, sometimes if you hit refresh quickly over and over you'll get the same password, but not generally. Also that is not something that would happen normally as a user isnt going to sit at that screen and hit refresh over and over.

Anyway... when signing up the new user of course has the option to change that password to something they would like better...

As far as... "selecting the same user name and password every time"

I need more information. That does not make sense for a lot of reasons.

Most importantly because usernames are not generated. The are inputed by the user during signup. They are then checked to ensure they do not already exist before the user is allowed to complete their signup.

So under normal circumstances there can never be duplicate usernames in the system or even users with duplicate emails as that is checked as well.

Now of course if you edited the code in any way it is possible all this is not working correctly ?

cwilliams38164.8059143519, Guess who!

I have a user/client who can't access stats. Even when I give them a new username, I get the message that their username has expired.  In the notes of the account it says "Level 1 access"  and I can't figure out what that is and where it is edited or set or even what it means.  Seems like I must have hit something somewhere that goofed up this account.  I could just delete the account/user and set it back up but I'm worried I'd just make this same mistake later and figured I'd get the info on it. Any ideas?

TIA!  (So far, I'm VERY happy with this product)

, Say, is it possible to get something to whack every totally inactive account? Preferably joke ones that nobody every actually logged on with.

I'd want to have it delete the account if the following conditions were met:

1. Active = NO
2. Counter < 1 or is a null value
3. Access <1 or is a null value (some people may have logged on and let their accounts expire, so they may want to log back in again with the same info)

I suppose an advanced version of a mass delete tool would allow the admin to select different parameters, but there would DEFINITELY need to be a "Are you sure? REALLY REALLY SURE???" step in there to make sure you didn't toast your database without being stupid twice in a row.

If I knew ASP code, I'd write it myself. I don't, so I make a pitch for a new feature...

I have been having some display issues with the .NET version of ASPBanner.  I set the size of the image, and I set the size of the banner and there is still white space above and below the image.  I am not using a text link below the banner, so I have it set to blank.

Here is a link to my page. 


Two of the three banners in the rotation on the main page have non-white backgrounds so it's easy to see the issue I'm talking about.

Is there a way to tighten up the formatting so that the image fits onto the page in the size specified?



There was nothing wrong with the server configuration. It turned out that the problem was that I disabled the email notification of new user registrations that I continually receive. That appears to disable the authorization email to new users as well.

One other issue. It appears that AOL email addressee's are not getting the authorization email. Does AOL have any blocks to CDONT generated emails?




, still.. its got to be somthing along those lines.. I have seen times when even dbo didnt have full rights to a particular database so permissions should always be manually checked..

The import data routine is most likely the source of the trouble

For troubleshooting sake I would create a fresh installation from scratch using the sql script we provide and a new SQL user. Then see if that works. If it does then try to import your data into that.

There are no other things I can think of doing. Sometimes you just have to start with a clean slate. , say ?

How do you like LiveSTATS.xsp V7 ?

Looks pretty sweet but the pricing is just too much for me to justify as I am very happy with smarterstats and I host a lot of sites now.

I used to use Livestats 5  back in the day when we had a 50 domain license where I worked and hosted my sites.  I liked it a lot then I tried the version 6.2 that they had for a while and hated it. Version 5 still runs well on 2003 server but it has such outdated search engine information that it isnt worth using. cwilliams38324.8862847222,

Why all the pages at the directory .../password_admin/ are very slow to open online?

vaghelis38300.5280208333, Oh yes...I've changed the time a script is allowed to run before timing out from 90 seconds to 180 seconds on the aspprotect folder., Unfortunatley, I dont have an easy answer for you. It is certainly doable but adjusting the code so people assigned to certain groups get specific expiration dates means a lot of code work and time. It would probably even take me a long time to figure out.

The fact that users can belong to more than one group also greatly complicats the whole idea.

You can certainly assign an expiration level when someone signs up. That is easy and explained in the forums. ,

someone has to do something other than me.. i've given up

if i give u the username/pw can you set this up on the network solutions host and ask them to set whatever permissions are needed?

cant do it anymore....


Hi,  Its just a generic error that really doesn't mean much of anything except that something wrong with your data connection.


could be invalid permissions on the database folder... could be any number of things

when setting up your connection I suggest going dsn-less.

It is better/faster and also a lot easier to set up.


again I will ask you what is the real error??

see the link above when I asked you the 1st time.
(I need the error details and line number.. etc etc)

and what kind of a server are you trying to run it on ?
you mention xp pro but in a confusing way ?


thanks!! the file took care of the extra slash. I also fixed the problem by modifying the permissions.


, I am running into problems with the import function.  I have 25 photos loaded into the import folder.  The page see all of the photos.  But after I click on the import process it takes me Picture Manager with no pictures loaded.  I have hit the refresh button, but there is nothing there.  dr_bones38394.676412037,

its just an example connection string in the datacon_inc.asp file
you have the edit it to make sense for you..


the readme.txt file with the sql directions tells you this if you use that script

Examples of using DSN-LESS connections.

The "SERVER" and "Data Source" settings are either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address.
For local servers you can also use an IP of ""

GalleryConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};UID=aspphotogalleryuser;password=temp;DATABASE=aspph otogallery;SERVER="


GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspphotogallery;User Id=aspphotogalleryuser;Password=temp;"

cwilliams38325.8980324074, Just copy the files over. have permissions set on any folders that need it, and edit the data connection so it's valid for the new server. Once you get logged to the admin area go update all the settings so any urls are valid.

really its no different than a new installation so just follow those directions but use your existing files.

There is no domain pointing involved...

As logn as the old stuff is not accesible on the live internet you don't need another license.

As for my installation fee of 25. That is only for new installations. I charge more for something like that as there may be compications such as custom changes to the code that I would have to deal with. Customers often custimize the login and users area.. etc etc .. and there may be hardcoded urls and what not to worry about changing.

LASTLY, I noticed all your other posts are in the ASPProtect 7 area so the installaton process for that is a bit different than for Version 6 so what I said above is not quite the same process. Please make sure you post in the correct area when asking questions. ,


There is no built in option. You would have to add code to do that.
Its not difficult but custimization like that is not something I support.

, Please forgive my question in advance, I'm sure I've overlooked the answer somewhere obvious. I'm sorry!

I'm wondering if it is possible to customize the appearance of the banner stats login page or the admin pages.  I'd really like the banner stats pages to look more like my own site or at least have my logo on there or something like that so that my advertisers can see that it is my site when checking their stats.  However, I want to do this without violating copyright, etc.

Can someone point me in the right direction or shut down my hope?


, Well I still haven't gotten it to work yet completely.  I tried to import the users again and it imported some, but timed out again.  Trying to log in takes forever...ready to jump back on this one?, One month later, things are running very smoothly. Color me "satisfied customer"! ,


When I set up a test user name it does accept name and passwords and the passwords are encrypted, no problem there.

All I want to do is to restrict access to the protected pages to the members only. Only those users will be accepted and allowed to view.

I have entered all of thier names, address, phone number, email and company in the database, which is still named ASPProtect_access2002.mdb and in the fpdb directory of wwwroot. To get it there I uploaded via FTP.  I hope I expained the situation well enough.


I have set up a user to be redirected to a different page when logging in for the first time.

I assumed this function would count the number of times a user has logged in. When the login count was greater than 1, the user would be taken to the default.asp 

This isn't happening. The user is always redirected.  The user login count in the database is now 9.

What am I missing?



dsn-less is the way to go..

you also need to use newer versions of the database as the odbc drivers on the server are sometimes very new and no longer work with access 97 databases

, That is by design and how it is designed to function.

There is no easy way to do what you are asking about.

Can it be done ?, sure!!

But it is a lot of custom coding to sort it all out and not something we support.

If I were you I would simply edit the login box screen to show some hyperlinks and options should a person need to use them. , And here is an even simpler version where the database name is hardcoded and the User_ID is set ahead of time from wherever you are getting it from

'User_ID = CmdListUsers("User_ID") ' getting it from another database query
User_ID = Request("User_ID") ' getting it from the page post

SELECT COUNT(Album_ID) AS Alb_Count FROM Albums WHERE User_ID = " & User_ID & " AND Album_Active = 1" cwilliams38433.0595949074,

Connecting user is dbo of database.

User_ID is primary key with auto increment identity.

SQL Script of current table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Security_Users] (
 [User_ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
 [First_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Last_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Company_Name] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Username] [nvarchar] (75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Password] [nvarchar] (15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Access_Level] [nvarchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Notes] [nvarchar] (1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Admin] [bit] NOT NULL ,
 [Active] [bit] NOT NULL ,
 [Expiration_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
 [Email] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Address] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [City] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [State_Province] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Zipcode_Postal_Code] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Phone] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Counter] [int] NULL ,
 [Last_Access] [smalldatetime] NULL ,
 [Login_Limit] [int] NULL ,
 [Custom1] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Custom2] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Custom3] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Custom4] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Custom5] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Custom6] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [ValidateEmailCode] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
 [Date_Created] [datetime] NULL ,
 [Validated] [bit] NOT NULL



More Upgrade Info

To upgrade an existing ASPBanner system please follow these steps.

Back up your old system completely before starting.

Install the new system per the installation instructions that came with it.

Once it is running simply use your old ASPBanner database with the new system.

You may also want to keep your banner images folder from before in the same location so your existing banners still link to valid image urls because the new system stores banner images in a new location.

Since the config table in the database is no longer used you will need to go to the settings screen of aspbanner again and configure things. The config table in your old database can be deleted or left alone. It won't be used anymore so it does not matter either way.

That is all there is to it. If you have any issues please ask in the forums and we will help you out.


check permissions for the user you are connecting to the SQL database.

That user may not have permission to make new data

Also,  check all field and table settings manually by comparing them to the SQL creation script we provide. You may very well be missing auto increment and primary keys which would make adding new data not work.

It is most likely one of those two things.

, I would like to have the ability to give a user 1 album with the default # of photos in it.

Is the best way to implement this to just add in an album creation routine during the sigup/registration process and turn off the ability to create a new album?  Or is a user setting prebuilt into the system for this?


A general question - Can you have multiple instance of the gallery on the same server? 

, The path is correct for the logfile directory.  This is still not working. ,

Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:51:07 PM

I worked on softmls and various reports we have to clean up and finish, lunch with Susie, Tasks, Phone, Daily reports that I did not in the morning, helped Michele match up some of the bills, weekly staff meeting, Very slow as far as calls. Checked Rad, dial up, ask a question, voice mails, did some more cleaning. Found some very imformative sites on .DLL, .INI, .INF files, lunch, YELLOW PAGES, COUPONS FOR PAUL, PARTY STUFF, ADS FOR DPAO, ST LAW CHAMBER, AD WORKSHOP, WDT, CHRISTMAS CARDS, GWCC WEBSITE, CNYMN.com - changing graphics to match background, Times - Basketball, Reset modems., Lowville is down again, batching and answering phone., Help Bill M with database project, Took calls ranging from a very annoying network problem to easy , ordered lunch and again fetched for the masses(cookies) where are my cookies?, answering phone, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, incident report, taking sign ups, , 24 miles clayton to watertown, Corporate filing plan, Generic coupon for seneca data, kodak, zircom, etc..., Went to the Post office, talked with David Reape about bulk mailing options, purchased a Bulk Mailing Permit, went to AMF printing , talked over the pricing for the entire printing cost and gave them the specs for the postage stamp. Brought back information and reported to Jim. Emailed Tara in reference to her email., Morning NOC duty, taking sign ups, checked emails, answering phone, , *TaskForce, Filled out paper work for Fred., email, phone calls, talk to Bill about daily work, morning ticc meeting, lunch, Editing DNS info on a Cobalt.,

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