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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:50:43 PM
Thanks Chris.
Yes i never actually considered that they should log in twice.
The site uses two main url and the cookie was being stored for only one
of them. I have fixed the double login issue by making changes to
menu to ensure that they are always logging only via the url stored in
the cookie.
Thanks for your hep,
, I do not really know a lot about but it is basically code that lets you specify however many number of images and links... and then display a certain number of them at once.
You'd have to search google for it.. there are 1000 of sites that offer free javascript code and that is where you find scripts like that.
You could certainly set up all the images and links for each banner in aspbanner but if you used them with code like that you be limited to tracking clicks on banners. Tracking page impressions would not be possible because the javascript would be handling what images get displayed at any given time. Basically each link for each image would be going through aspbanners tracking url feeding it the banner id and therefore tracking the click and sending the user to the desirec URL.
Regardless, it is not something I would support. You would have to sort it out as it is nothing ASPBanner was designed to do and not something I want to deal with because client side javascript code is not something I am NOT very good with. ,
Not a problem. Have a good time at your wedding.
thanks! , Trying to make sense of this. I am still confused. In the file config_inc.asp. I found the setting for "uploaddirectory". That entry looks like this [UploadDirectory = CmdGetConfiguration("UploadDirectory")]. I assume there is a config file where the value of upload directory is located.
The settings in the config_inc.asp file have not been changed. they are set to the way it was delivered. Is there a document that gives instructions as to what and where the config settings are to be changes? , Thought this would be easy. A few more pointers should get the database connection to work:
1) How do you decide whether it is a DSN (system datasource) or not? Does just putting the file in the ODBC make it so?
2)We have other files in there for other server applications, does that mean we’re stuck using DSN’s or is the file independent of that control dialog?
3) Assuming we get rid of using DSN for this database (or not), does the code go referenced in your article http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/permissions.asp apply here or should it just work?
What else are we missing? , the following error message appears, but only when attempting to log off. all other parts of the program seem to be working.
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xa04 Thread 0xa38 DBC 0x21ff024 Jet'.
, Humm, I can see all those pages loading just fine at both domains so you got me pretty confused at this point as you just said they didnt load.
regardless, the data connection tests are failing with both of them.
so let me ask you again how are you setting permissions on the database folders? , You should email me and I can give you a copy of the original application., For all you advanced users..
Here are two examples of ASP.NET code you can use on your ".aspx" pages to call banners from the ASP 3.0 version of ASPBaner Unlimited V8
This code is not supported... and you of course must change things accordingly like the variable names and zone numbers to match the zone you want to call banners from as well as the url.
cwilliams38226.6523263889, Is there anyway to limit the number of Albums each user can make? , Does ASPProtect 7 work with SQL 2005?, Thanks Chris, I need more details... telling me you cant get it to work doesn't give me much to go on , Everything is running fine.. I can read ads... reply to them. but when I click sign in or register.. I get a server error.
Any suggestions
Thank You , I believe that solved the problem as I have not heard from this person since I sent him the code., "get_me_in.asp" just hangs during a new install. Nothing happens no matter how long you wait and IIS may temporarily hang up as well.
You may very well be running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on your server? Or something similar?
It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.
Read this.. http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2180, We would like to give a member an opportunity to upload an image when on their profile page. How does this work with the photo option on the settings page? Is this the intended usage? Thank You. , Running in parallel for testing is actually a smart way to do it, but the truth is you don't use anything from version 6 except the upgraded database (we have a tutorial on how to upgrade the database)
Version 7 was a drastic change /rewrite to all of the asp files that come with the application. So you will be starting out with fresh version 7 ".asp" files and folders... You will also find that once you get version 7 running that editing certain things like the look of the users area and the login screens is much easier to do.
That being said any of your own ".asp" pages that you protect use the same protection code they always did, so there will be no drastic changes needed there when you do finalize the upgrade.
If using MSACCESS as the database I suggest installing the application somewhere in your web and using a fresh ASPProtect 7 database. Once you are familiar with the setup and everything is working fine. Attempt the database conversion and when your done stick your converted database in there and see if everything is ok.
Also, if you already purchased the application download the latest version before doing the install. It's the same download URL. If you don't have it email me and I can hook you up. I have added some new features and fixed a couple minor things since it's release.
So far the feedback on version 7 has been awesome.. cwilliams38414.0133680556, Chris: You are right about a little extra coding to make it work. I am still learning .ASP coding, so I did a little web searching and used IF THEN statments to confirm a member logged in with a valid Access Code. If valid, the protected page executes, with the Member's Name and Access Level on a single line at the top of that page. Looks sharp! If not logged in, or a non member (who found the page via Google), I used a Redirect to send s/he to a login page with optional links as you suggested (http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-failed.asp) . I couldn't get it to work when using Group Access, but I am sure that is just because I am a novice at .ASP (I will post that example when I figure it out). Meanwhile, here's the code I used that works:
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="dataconn_inc.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"--> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="config_inc.asp"--> <% =Session("First_Name") %> <% =Session("Last_Name") %>: <% If Session("Access_Level") = "6" Then Response.Write "VSPA Active Member Access Level 6" End If If Session("Access_Level") = "7" Then Response.Write "VSPA Life Member Access Level 7" End If If Session("Access_Level") = "8" Then Response.Write "VSPA Officer/Staff Access Level 8" End If If Session("Access_Level") < "6" Then Response.Write "Access Level 1-6 NOT AUTHORIZED RESTRICTED AREA ACCESS" Response.Redirect("vspa-password-failed.asp") End If %><!-- http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp --> <!-- *** End ASPProtect Code *** --> <html> <head>
, Is there somthing I need to change in the settings to get the hit count to update?, Version 7 uses.. RC4
The upgrade process is described here in detail including a procedure to convert existing clear text passwords to the encrypted versions. (Your passwords will need to be clear text as the system shipped of course for the conversion to do its thing)
It is also covered in the downloadbale docs http://support.cjwsoft.com/code/moreinfo221-1.htm
Many people have done the upgrade without any issues and Version 7 is getting great feedback.
Should you decide to go with it there is upgrade pricing. http://www.aspprotect.com/purchase_v7_upgrade_pricing.asp , I already gave execute permissions to the stored procedures and that
cleared up the first error, but the second one I still can't figure out., I wouldn't bother doing that. If pic uplading doesn't work it is most likely permissions to the directory pictures are uploaded to. If they are not set correctly it will not work. That dir needs the same permissions the database folder needs. , OK.. I went with using ASPEMAIL. The above did not seem to work. No worries though, where there is a will (with options) there is a way. cwilliams38394.7265162037, Upgrade from V6 to v7.x with an MSACCESS DATABASE
1st of all, backup your existing ASPProtect files and database before performing this upgrade. Please be really careful while performing this upgrade. Version 7.x is a highly advanced application compared to any previous versions. CJWSoft under no circumstances is responsible if you lose information or have website downtime.
To do this upgrade you're going to need to have the Microsoft Access Application. To work with an Access .mdb file it can not be newer than the version of Microsoft Access you are running.
That being said, on with the upgrade..
Open you're existing Acccess Database up in Microsoft Access.. You should see this something like this.

By right clicking on then choosing rename Rename "Users" to "ASPP_Users" Rename "Groups" to "ASPP_Groups"
If you do not have a "Groups" table do not worry about it right now.
Now right click and DELETE the Config Table. Yes, delete it..
You should now see this. (with or without the "Groups" table)

Now, right click on "ASPP_Users" and go into design view. It should look like this.

Rename the "Password" field to "Old_Password" Be sure to spell it perfectly using the Underscore It will look like this.

Now scroll down to the bottom a bit It should look like this.

If you have a "Groups" Field... leave it alone If you do not have a "Groups" Field add one and make it a memo field.
Now, we are going to add a few more new fields.
Add a field called "Redirection_URL" make it a "text" field with 150 field size Add a field called "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" make it a "text" field with 100 field size Add a field called "Newsletter" and make it a yes/no field Add a field called "Password" and make it a "text" field with 100 field size
It should now look like this. (you do not need to worry about the field descriptions.. that part is optional and only seen when working on the database)

Now close that window and save the changes..
Your now going to open up another Access Database while still leaving the one you have on your screen open. You going to open up one of the new databases that came with v7.x. This database has some info we are simply going to copy and paste.
You'll want to open it and put it side by side on your desktop like so. (the old database is on the left.. the new one is on the right)

Now, for the fun part.
On the new database to the right.. right click on the "ASPP_Config" table and pick "Copy"
Then move your mouse over to the old database on the left. Right click in the open white area and click "paste"
It will ask you for a database name. Type in "ASPP_Config" Leave "Structure and Data" checked and hit OK
Your old database on the left should now have a nice new "ASPP_Config" table.
OK, now for the "ASPP_Groups" table
If you already have a "ASPP_Groups" table in your old database you are done.
If you do not have one your going to copy and paste the table from the New Database to your old database just like we just did with the "ASPP_config" table.
Your old database should now look like this.

Now, you are done upgrading your database from within Microsoft Access.
The existing passwords still have to be encrytped and moved from the "Old_Password" to the "Password" field
To that we have a special page we run in the application that will take care of that.
So, for now... go install the application, but using the database we just created. Follow these instructions for the most part... http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=181& ; ;PN=1
When you get to the part where you finally get into the admin area and need to make an admin account you will notice that your existing user database is there but none of the users have passwords if you look at them in the edit screen.
That is normal. Simply do what the instructions say and create and admin account using a username that does not exist..
Then log off... then back in as that new admin account. If that works you are ready to convert the passwords.
This part is very easy.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
Once you get the page running you will see a login prompt and one form field just like before with the "get_me_in.asp" page
You will need to paste the "PasswordEncryptionKey" value that you used in the "config_inc.asp" file in the form field and hit enter.
If all goes well you will see a page telling you to click here to encrypt the passwords and copy them over.
So do what it says... dont click more than once and wait.
Eventually it should say it is finished. So go log in to the admin area of the system using the new admin account.
Now edit some users but dont save... you want to see if the passwords are showing up. If they are the conversion worked. If you see nothing or a garbled mess it did not work and you made a mistake during this whole process.
If things went well backup and delete the conversion file below.
You do not need it anymore.
Once you are positive every thing is running smoothly and everyone's passwords are ok you can go in and delete the "Old_Password" field as well.
If things didnt go well.. try again from scratch and go slowly. If they still dont go well get ahold of us for help.
We are here to help, but if you really want us to we can be hired to do the conversion. , its that server, it's way underpowered when it comes to running dynamic code and databases.. and that other app is probably stealing all the leftover odbc resources..... did you try doing the import on another machine running ASP? Thats the way to go.. I am afraid I won't be much help at the moment.. I am battling with a crashed system and a lot of lost data, we ended up resolving it...
the physical path being used was invalid, I think I have successfully integrated Paypal but seem to have a slight
issue. Once a person has entered the Paypal site but cancels their
order, the ad is still placed on the site. The optimal way for my site
to work would be to cancel the ad once the Paypal process has been
cancelled. Any help would be great.
, well, like I said.. I am leaving in about 5 minutes for the wedding.
If you put this up on a live server that I can connect to I will look at it tommoro for you. I have told you everything I could possibly tell you so I dont think your going to figure it out based on the things you have told me so far.
Only other thing I can think of is make sure your not running anything goofy on that server 2003 box. Norton Antivirus script blocking... various ad blockers.. anti spyware applications... etc etc... They can cause problems as well. , ok, now were getting somewhere
I didn't know you imported from another system,
chances are you are missing field information that an ASPProtect user requires.
Start off from scratch with a new aspprotect database... create a new user and look at the info that gets entered by default for every field in the database
make sure when you import a user that you mimic it all
dont import directly using access because the passwords will not get converted to encrypted versions of themselves correctly.. and the whole process will be usesless as no passwords will be correct
Use the import feature built into ASPProtect.. because it is smart enough to take the clear text passwords and encrypt them accordingly
if you want to know a correctly formatted import file needs to look like make one and check it out
do one user at a time and make sure you can log in to an example protected page till you get it right...
once you get that working do them all
Thats really the best advice I can give you. , no worries from me. As with most software projects, i tweak the
heck out of them and then have to make a big decision about whether or
not i even want/need to upgrade.
, you summed it up perfectly... everything you said really
As for the banner software custimizations.. you could just make another folder with a modified admin area (little tweaks here and there so the person logged in only controls their own banners) You'd probably want to add an approval process so nothing they did went live unless you really really trust them. That wouldn't be that hard either.
I always planned to do it someday but I just never have time.
cwilliams38436.2124884259, More Info on Simple File Sharing
http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/xp/filesharing.h tm
http://www.theeldergeek.com/quick_guide_to_simple_file_shari ng.htm
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;3040 40
, Regarding (ASP Photo Gallery Pro)
If you are looking to import a very, very, large number of images, the upload feature might not be sufficient for you. I have done some work using a unix terminal to be able to upload as many images as I would like by simply placing the images in the directory and renaming the images. There are other ways to rename the images, but I am very familiar with Linux, so I chose to do it this way. If you are running Linux, MacOS, or another Linux-based OS, you can simply pull up a terminal and run the following command in the appropriate directory. If you run Windows, I'd suggest CygWin, which creates a Linuxenvironment (Linux shell). It can be found at www.cygwin.com In order to be recognized by the ASP software, the images must be in the format of pic_"Album Number"_"Picture Number".jpg . Therefore, the following code is run to accomplish the file name change (on one line without wordwrap):
ls -1 DSC* | sed 's/DSCN//g' sed 's/.JPG//g' | awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}' This command will change all files beginning in "DSCN" to "pic_9_*Picture Number*".
This does have a slight problem however. If there is a large number of pictures, 0's become a problem. For example, if there are 200 pictures, picture 1 will show up as pic_9_001.jpg. This can be fixed by the following command, which will eliminate unneccesary 0's (All on one line once more):
ls -1 --color='never' pic_9_0* |sed 's/_0/_/g' |sed 's/pic_9_//g' |sed 's/.jpg//g' |awk '{print "mv pic_9_0"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".JPG"}'
This command eliminates 1 zero. It should be run as many times as needed to eliminate all zero's.
Please Note: These commands will only show the resultant set (The list of picture names). In order to execute them, they must be output to a shell script using the ">" character as follows:
ls -1 DSC* | sed 's/DSCN//g' sed 's/.JPG//g' | awk '{print "mv DSCN"$1".JPG pic_9_"$1".jpg"}' > temp.sh
Then, the shell script must be run using the following command:
sh temp.sh
This might take a few moments, depending on the amount of picture names that are being changed.
IMPORTANT: BACK UP all files before changing file names. Also, view the resultant sets to make sure it's what you want before outputting to a shell script.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post or e-mail me @ JPortnoy@checkernet.com cwilliams38210.5703009259, well, thats a network drive path and in my opinion a very poor way for them to have set things up. It can work as long as permissions get set there and they have the anonymous webserver accounts set up correctly to handle that scenario, but performance isn't the best because your accessing the access database over the network. Access databases are not just not meant to be connected to over the network in a web based scenario. Quality ASP hosting companies do not set up their servers that way and it can often be difficult to get things running as it is a more complex setup on their end. Meaning if they dont synchronize the IUSR_machine accounts correctly you'll have permission issues.
http://www.aspfaq.com/show.asp?id=2168 , it is by design actually and something that can be improved (I just never thought of it when I 1st designed the system and it is actually planned to be added in Version 8)
The trick would be to reset those session variables anytime someone edits and saves their information... not very hard at all
you would do it on the save code page for when a user edits themself. you want to grab the info posted from the form and reset each session variable at the same time everything is re-saved to the database
Session("Company_Name") = Request("Company_Name")
, These are 4 valid examples of calling a flash movie.
The more simple examples may cause problems for people that don't have the flash plugin installed. I really do not know as I am no flash expert. All these work fine for me. Of course I have the latest flash plugin installed. Perhaps some of you can shed some light in this. The 3rd and 4rth examples are obviously only slightly different and mention different versions of flash as far as downloading the plugin goes.
<EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
<object width="120" height="22"> <param name="movie" value=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf"> <embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" width="468" height="60"> </embed> </object>
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swfl ash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"WIDTH="468 " HEIGHT="60" id="myMovieName"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" NAME="mybannername" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </EMBED> </OBJECT>
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <embed src=" http://www.aspbanner.com/test/aspbanner/images/banners/power asp.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash"> </OBJECT> cwilliams38089.6129513889, [QUOTE=cwilliams]
Every application we sell that has a password on the database uses "temp"
Also, the password is in the connection string in the dataconn_inc.asp file.
After all, the ASP code needs to know the password just like anyone that wants to open the database would.
That i have, my question revolves around the all the users and passwords that I in that database. I need to be able to export that list to word for a mail merge list, but when I do the passwords show up encrypted. I need to be able to get an unencypted list.
thanks , I'm using Aspimage and SQL. Photos are 2464 x 1632 px, tried the upload and import directory methods, same results: thumbnails ok, full images 0 bytes.
ServerSoftware Microsoft-IIS/6.0 ServerName www.larrysampas.com ServerProtocol HTTP/1.1 PathInfo /gallery2/extras PathTranslated d:\Customers\user1095000\www\gallery2\extras FILE SYSTEM OBJECT Installed ADODB (ActiveX Data Object) Version: 1.2 Installed CDONTS Version: 2.80 Installed SMTPMail Version: SMTPMail Retail Version V2, 2, 1, 0 Installed JMail Version: 4.1.2 Installed AspEmail Installed AspMail Installed SAFILEUP Installed Dundas Upload Not Installed ASPImage Version: 2.31 Installed AspJpeg Not Installed ImgWriter Not Installed Script Engine Type VBScript Version 5.6 Build 8515
, Have tried doing that but same error...
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:50:43 PM
few long calls, pretty steady, plus a few radlog calls, mtg with Jan Brabant / ti adventures about site redesign, answered tech related calls. checked and called on rad log. checked online issues, ask a question emails, and voice mail., Lunch (hot dogs), answered tech related calls. checked and called on voice mail, online issues, ask a question emails, and rad log., timecard, email, check depr. entry, Work order spreadsheet, answered tech related calls., 70 miles to Airport - plus flight, reinstall ATM and fonts - having problems with font management, To Watertown, Email/Voice Mail/Time Card, helped techs with tons of stuff cause they keep coming in asking, travel back to watertown, Demob- left message collection,golfwithyourbuddies- left meassage collections, Hefferon Manufactureing - chenge address, set up meeting for changescollections, Jefferson lewis board- spoke with mary- should be sending our check soon, waiting for board, Lifetime docks, left message, Lroigervers- lisa- caled, Timberviewlodge- left message for John
, chow, Watertown City Schools menu system...., email voicemail, ticket tracking eval, timecards, On phone w/Remington museum. They are ready to go but now want to change shipping to a , work on server with steve, DANC, Replacing some files on my machine and the costguard server, Checked my emails again and responded to a few. , Called Beth C above access codes for the Herald building, so Alan could lock up, and Robby could unlock Fri am. As of 2135 she still had not called me back with the codes., meeting with Jim about increasing hours, duties., Contacted Seacomm credit Union- sent out infor to them, Bob Cantwell and Pauls messages, Pauls calendar for appointments, emails for Christmas and responses, refund check for the one customer who called the rest by the end of the week,