Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:42:36 PM
The version of aspbanner you have should not matter.
What you are doing here is wrong.
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
PARAM NAME=movie is supposed to link to your ".swf" file.
And thats why all you see is black.
I don't think you quite understood all of that information fully.
Your ".swf" files needs to be coded in FLASH to link to the aspbanner redirect url. You don't change that flash calling code like that.
The ".swf" file links to the aspbanner redirect url which tracks the click and then redirects the user to the Link URL
You basically need to code your ".swf" flash file to go to that aspbanner URL or code your flash file so it can take a parameter for the url it clicks to (like the macromedia article talks about. This has to be done when editing the flash file in the flash editor before the file is saved.
If you dont have access to the original ".swf" to edit it and re-save it.. your out of luck as far as tracking clicks goes
, it is an email server/setting issue most likely
your email server probably requires outgoing authentication or something like that and that is why internal emails can be sent to but nothing else
its something along those lines
this will help you see the real error instead of the generic 500
You do not say something like that in a support forum for a legitimate software product. I don't think piracy is funny in the least bit. It is something I deal with every day with my own software. If you want to joke about it please do it someplace else. If you are downloading things via p2p do not talk about here. I don't want to know about it period., Need to know more about ASP ?
Check out these links.
15 Seconds Free resource for developers working with Microsoft Internet Solutions. 15 Seconds is the biggest IIS and ASP development resource in the world. |
ASP FAQ Have a question about ASP? Check the ASP FAQ site. They've probably got the answer. |
ASP Free Your 1st source for free ASP and ASP.NET live demos, downloads and more!!! |
ASP Connections ASP Connections Conference for the ASP Developer features sessions on ASP Performance, IIS 5.0, ASP 3.0, XML, ADO, E-Commerce, VID, COM, COM+, MTS, DHTML, load balancing, and more. Speakers include Mike Amundsen, Wayne Berry, Charles Carroll, Michael Corning, Jeff Niblack, & Ken Spencer. |
4GuysFromRolla 4GuysFromRolla: Web Technology, Programming, Humor... All this and it counts as work! |
| A great new site. It's got some great stuff and is using JScript! A must see! |
askASP Promising new site! Check out the question archives! |
CodeHound CodeHound ASP - The ASP Developer's Search Engine! |
| A neat ASP reference with some interesting features. Check out their "Script Writers" |
ASPZone The website for advanced ASP developers. |
DevASP A relatively new ASP site. Straight forward and informative. |
| This in another site maintained by Charles Carroll, and it specializes in Active Server Pages programming issues. Contains links to a wide range of resources and articles. |
| The ASP Resource Index. Here you will find the stuff you need to take advantage of ASP and make your website an interactive mecca. |
ASP Sites A great place to go to find ASP resources fast! |
Macromedia - DevNet While much of the content is Dreamweaver MX-centric, they also have a fair amount of plain vanilla ASP.NET content as well. |
cwilliams38431.8787152778, Hi,
Sorry, but if ".asp" pages download instead of run on a server then that means ASP is not working on the server and is not configured correctly. That is about as low level as it gets and it is really the hosting companie's responsibilty to sort that one out.
It is totally a system admininister's job to make sure that sort of thing is working. If this place supports ASP they really need to fix that for you. There really is nothing I can do for you until ".asp" pages at least run.
As for the Free install... that is no problem. Of course you need to get the hosting company to fix the web before I can be of any help. There is more to that problem then permissions.
For starters I would make a simple ".asp" page with hardly anything it (even some simple html text is fine) and ask them why it is downloading instead of executing and to please fix things.
Is it possible to change the currency for
accepting payments? I will like to change from US to Canadian.
Thanks in advance
, Thank you so so much! I went to the admin area and changed the email component from CDOSYS (using remote server) to CDOSYS (using port 25 forwarding) and all is working great now!
Again, thanks!
, the reason being is because when I do installs I do not touch any of your existing content. I only install the base application and make sure everything in it working correctly and also that the example protected pages are working. I do not integrate it with your existing site or edit any of your existing web content. That is up to you
sorry about that, but it would be way too time consuming and editing people's existing pages is a good way to cause a lot of headaches for me and the customer if something goes wrong. Not only that but everyone uses the system differently and it wouldnt make sense for me to be the one doing that based on access levels, groups.. etc etc which will all be custom to how you want things set up.
more on installation policies here.
, Hi,
I have a question re ASP Protect, I have got it up and running on a dev server which also hosts a e-com engine (ASP / Access), when users check out they are presented with the e-com log in screen (which is sharing the same ASPP_User table). All's well and registration and editing user details is fine both in the Admin section and the front end of ASP and if I request an email reminder from the ecom scripts I get back the encrypted password.
I'm using <% = Session("Email") %> and <% = Session("Password") %> to populate the fields on the ecom log in page so users can click though and progress, the checkout process needs the username/password, all user info shows up ok, however, when I proceed with these credentials, it doesn't work, even though I know these to be correct and even without requesting a password reminder and using the one that gets me in everywhere else, I still can't get through? do I need some code re the crypto so the ecom can decode??
Any help would be great - I've been on it for about 10 hours, and checked through the posts here but can't fathom it out?
Thanks Craig
, Thanks.
, Humm..
I have no idea where links to hose graphics are being called.
I checked the source of edt_banner.asp and I see no calls to any images named like that
I didnt see any calls in the header and footer files either...
, I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.
It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.
You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.
Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you.
See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that.
, actually, looks like its 8.95 a month now for a pretty slick plan, I get the following message when trying to look up the sysdiag.aspx and the default.aspx files. Why? I have followed all the install instructions.
Server Error in '/' Application.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
<configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> </system.web> </configuration> |
Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.
<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
<configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/> </system.web> </configuration> |
cwilliams38454.4276388889, huh? I think I just covered that as that is the way it must be done., I used Dreamweaver4 to make my site is there anything I can do to make it work?
, The problem with that is when a user deletes an album, the album record does not get deleted from the DB, so counting all the records would return the accurate result. :(
Any hints?
eeye38433.0290740741, Can I have the logon be in a top frame while having the protected pages displayed in a main frame?
Using frames with forms based authentication is not the best thing to be doing. Your much better off not using frames and using includes files to do a virtual frames sort of thing (search google) but if you are going to use frames I would suggest password protecting the frameset page as well as any pages it contains.
If you want to have a login form in a non protected top frame all the time.. that posts to a lower frame that is password protected.. you would do this
but change the target of the form to one of your frames
personally though I think that would be a somewhat goofy setup to have going on
Also, how will it behave if a user moves in between a protected page to a public page and back to the protected page again?
As long as they have cookies enabled which is required for session variables to work... then you will have no issues because once they come back to a page they have permission to they will just be allowed in without login.. at least while that session is still active.. or for a longer time if they choose the remeber me option which keeps track of them with a cookie .
Really, the best thing to do is expirment and see how things behave.
, 1st: try it with a normal dsn-less connection like we show in the example.. dont use that OLEDB.4.0 connection string.. connecting like that can cause a lot of problems and is not as great as everyone thinks it is and it can sometimes be difficult to get it working when the database has a password set on it
For the sake of troubleshooting just connect like so: (fixing the path of course)
ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtect_ access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"
ASPProtect will generate the actual connection string you should use when you run this page
Replacing the part in blue with your website info.
2nd: any IIS server setup to have the access database over the network path like that has a poor setup... and that can cause all sorts of problems as well, access is not designed to run over the network like that.. for more on that read this thread - Start 5 posts down =OLEDB%2E4%2E0
3rd: If the app does not run using the connection string like I say to use then the problem is 100% on their end and is either related to permissions or the fact they are keeping the access database on a network path which is BAD BAD BAD... no quality host that knew what they are doing would set it up that way.. ultimately you don't want to host asp with a place that has a setup like that
4th: If you want to try some other stuff out we have a free guestbook, asptest, and a free version of aspbanner you can try out as well...
5th: If you need a quality asp host that knows what they are doing and offers great asp support is the place
6th: Your right, it is not the code, its the data connection
, I am an experienced ASP developer. Can you tell me whether this would be a very involved process, or whether it is pretty straightforward? I don't yet have a merchant account, so I am not yet familiar with any aspect of accepting credit cards online.
, My guess it they are runnign some sort of ad blocking software like norton ad blocking. Something on the client side blocking ads or anything with the word ad in it.
I would investigate that., Not really sure how to do this.... i think you know what i am looking to do.. is there anyway you can show me or create that solution for me? It would prob. take you minutes as its been taking me hours 
, The ASP error on the home page has been solved -There was aproblem with the path that was including the home page file and we fixed it.
However the error on the member page remains - any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated. This is the error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for
process 0x748 Thread 0xad8 DBC 0x214734c Jet'.
/aspboard/forum/global.asp, line 15
, I'm using Groups and would like to assign all new users to a particular group. How is this done? cwilliams38298.5087384259, this issue has been resolved.. see following thread
, Hi,
We use ASP Protect 6.0 and the database is SQL Server. Our hosting company is charging a lot for daily and weekly backups for everything. Which directories/folders do we need to backup daily and weekly incase something happenes to the site and we need to restore and get the password-protected are that works with ASP Protect to get working.
, SQL Database Creation (NEW INSTALL)
If you are creating a new database do so using SQL enterprise manager.
Create a new database called whatever you like and keep all the default settings. If using an existing sql database skip that step.
Now open up SQL Query Analyzer
unzip the following sql script and open it in query analyser.
On the drop down box at the top right make sure your intended database is selected. Otherwise your changes may effect the wrong database in your SQL server.
Then load the script into the Query Analyzer. Click the green play button at the top. If everything goes well the response should read something like this.
(1 row(s) affected)
If so the tables have been created in your existing database.
Now make sure an existing or new SQL user has (public / datareader / datawriter) permissions for the new tables. You will be referencing this user in the asp code connection string so this user must be set up correctly. You may need your SQL server admins or hosting company to help you on this step as you may not have access to do this. You may not need to create a user and set permissions as the sql user you were logged in as to use query analyzer may by default get the correct permissions on anything you create.
Regardless, as you can see from this screenshot I made a SQL user called "aspprotectuser" and proceeded to set the permissions for that user. Under database access giving him (public,datareader, and datewriter permissions).

Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and modify the connection string info. Be sure to change the info to match your server,username, and password.
Below is an example of valid connection string.
ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=poseidon;Initial Catalog=aspprotect;User Id=aspprotectuser;Password=temp;"
The "Data Source" setting is either the Network Name for the SQL Server or the IP Address. For local servers you can sometimes use an IP of "" or the name of the local server.
"Initial Catalog" is the name of your database.
Now, in the ASP files provided with ASPProtect edit "dataconn_inc.asp" with a text editor and set the DatabaseType variable to SQL like so.
DatabaseType = "SQL"
cwilliams38403.6834953704, I have seen that happen before though it usually just happens once and then after that it doesn;t show up. It's the asphttp component doing it. The ASPBanner system is not doing it. I would try using banner calling method such as the xml parser method. It's usually installed by default on 200 and 2003 servers.
cwilliams38248.6400115741, the sql databse is the same.. the sql script is the same for any version
as the site says they are essentially the same app with very minor changes... if you are trying to share the same sql database with both it's not gonna happen because the table names are the same
that app runs nealry as well with msaccess as it does with sql so I wouldnt get too excited about running it withe sql. You will not see any benefits unless you have a ton of simultaneus (sp) users.
cwilliams38312.1125115741, who knows, thanks for your input, I am further than I was when I started talking to you!, If it stopped working it has nothing to do with the ASP code. YIf could have stopped for any number of reasons as hosts often change email server requirements and info. You need to go over the email settings. Of course make sure you and the person you are sending to have valid email addresses and try different methods/settings until you get emailing to work again.
Testing it by sending emails off from the users screen.. in each email type in what you are trying at that time so you know what worked if emails make it through. Also, be sure to check junk filters when testing to make sure the emails are not being put in any of those.
That's what I would do. CDOSYS is always your best bet for sending emails as it has so many options and all new server support it. , To finalize this thread.. a target was added to the form by the customer by accident thus causing the situation, I'm having an issue importing. It moves the images from the /import folder and creates the thumbnails with no problem, but the full-size photos all have a size of 0 bytes. mp;Cat1_ID=1
, Please be more specific. What hit count are we talking about ?
User Logging ? Albums ? Something else ?
Please descriube the situation in detail. There are really no settings for any sort of hit count.
, The "forgot your password" feature is not sending passwords to users when they put in their emails.
Any suggestions?
, When did you download the ASPProtect Version 7 zip file ?
what did you enter as a wrong password to make that happen ?
does it it do it when other wrong passwords are entered ?
cwilliams38452.722037037, Okay, got it!! just in case anyone else is having the same
problem, after creating the new thumbnails using the
"generate_new_thumbnails.asp". Turn off the random photo
selection for a 10 minutes or so, and then turn it back on.
bwinklesky38324.5085069444, question 2 is answered best here =paypal
I should also mention that the paypal scenarios used in ASPProtect can not be tested using PayPal's sandbox. Also test using two real PayPal accounts and on a live setup. (You'll allowed two paypal accounts)
then you can log into the other and refund the transctions and of course it makes sense to use low amount like 1 cent and what not.
Also, I'd love to see what you came up with with the integration. I have been working on it here as well and took it in a different direction as I plan to sell directions for it as an add-on for aspprotect. I have it all working here but so far I dont see an easy way to let other people do it as I had to change things in both systems in a lot of places. Utimately if done under a SQL environment triggers should be used at the database level and that is another consideration.
, look in the "check_user_inc.asp" file
try editing this part by hard coding the body info you want to use
Response.Write("<BODY" & Application("BodyTagInfo") & ">")
I would also suggest reviewing the generated source code in the web browser and examining the html to figure out exactly where the body tag info you dont want is coming from
, when I go to that url is seems fairly fast and somewhat normal.. even when I try to log in it pops right back up asking for login info again..
I would check to make sure you are not running anything that might be effecting your web browsing.. software firewalls.. ad blockers.. script blockers... norton internet security.. zone alarm... anything like that
they can all effect a lot of things regarding how web browsers act.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:42:36 PM
chicken wings and water, filled out insurance application form for Fred, Meet with BioTek , travel to wcsd, teched calls and radlog , Finishing up on kenny. Manning NOC. Resetting open modems. Checking e-mail. Checking voice mail. Setting up domain. Checking on another domain., Working on Warren County Data Conversion with Crispin, From Manhattan, NY, email/voicemail, worked a little more on the co-lo room and then cleaned up for the night and attended meeting., **Agency Ideas - got log on interface set, now just need to compare to NT user group, Watertown 2360 went red. Could not get ahold of David S. so I called Andy. Andy had me go to other building to reset server and did not work. Finally got a hold of David S. Emptied trash and took in a few more calls., Finish Press Release for new hires, CAtch up on emails, more billing, worked with kv on prep for by. , Reset all the modems, and checked TCM to make sure that the modems were all doing okay. Found a bad modem on Syracuse 5500. Took some tech calls, when needed., on line and rad log, phones were steady for nights, finished up on jodi's computer....might need a few misc things, she'll use it tomorrow and tell me what else needs to be put on there..., Climax proposal, Put all of the ntp books on the bookcases., E-mail, setup: &, General tech duties., National Association of Purchasing Managers, with Errol., enter bills, Reviewed softMLS contract and discussed with Tim Badour, *24DD-html production: add content, revise page layout, Finalize law department goals, Helping Matt,