Blog News Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-25
Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:50:07 PM
I wasnt talking about the date for a banner ad.. I was talking about the date field in the database for a USER if there is one (I dont remember if that app had date fields for user or not and I am not at a computer to take a look)
If you do not know how to directly open up and edit the database then yes you should just make a new user, Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:
Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" direct.asp?Banner_ID=25"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000> <embed src=" nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf " quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" od_Version=ShockwaveFlash"> </OBJECT>
What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002. ,
Sorry, there is not any documentation on that.. it is basic asp/database work and customization like that is not supported. I recommended looking at what is already there and using that as a guide to produce more fields. etc etc , You can mix and match banner calling methods all you want. Try it and see what happens.
However, the only method that is going to work on non ".asp" pages is the javascript or the new iframe method listed in the support forums.
cwilliams38209.532349537, "get_me_in.asp" just hangs during a new install. Nothing happens no matter how long you wait and IIS may temporarily hang up as well.
You may very well be running something like norton antivirus with norton script blocker on your server? Or something similar?
It can cause issues when ASP uses the filesystem object and cause never ending page hangs like you are having.
Read this.., The path is correct for the logfile directory. This is still not working.
, This first one may be an obvious one, but is it only .asp files that I can protect as in no HTML files.
Can the program be set to protect my whole https directory contents (though the answer to the last question may have bearing here - there are html files as well as .asp in there) as in
Thanks in advance , I was able to get it all figured out. Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it. I ended up copying the database with the password to the directory and used the user/password connection code and it works great. I believe it was related to that but I cannot be sure. Thanks again! , Using "Email Authentication" as a registration option you cannot do that. There is no possible way I know of to have a delay on the authentication email like that. Also that method is not intended to involve any sort of manual registration like what you are doing.
Because you want to review people manually you need to change to registration process to "manual" and then send the email out manually from the users screen after making a user active. , I just installed ASPProtect on my site. The instructions were definately on the target. Very very good instructions.
But... Isn't there always a but ??? 
I needed to setup my site with MS SQL and it is hosted so I don't have Enterprise Manager. I tried the web based Enterprise Manager and any other one I could find. But, I kept getting errors when trying to use the SQL Script.
I finally had to go back to my work where we do have the licenses and get an SQL Admin to use Enterprise Manager to run the script and it worked finally.
I don't know if this is a common problem ??? But, maybe you would want to look at the SQL Server script or make a different version that would work with the Web Based SQL manager.
Thanks , I am trying to understand how/where the "Log_Off_URL" variable is set
I have searched the forum for that string but don't get real good
results...I think the _'s are replaced with spaces for the search.
I am learning how to use the groups options and have modified some of
your example access level examples to test out group stuff. At the
bottom of the default.asp page I see a "LOG OFF SYSTEM" link that is
filled with a link stored in the Log_Off_URL variable and it looks
like that is being set back to the default.asp file somehow. So when
I click on it it just refreshes the page and appears to keep my user
logged in.
Seems like it should log out the user and redisplay the
login page. Is there a way to log totally off and have the login page
show up again? I am sure I am missing some obvious thing
somewhere...I can see where the Log_Off_URL variable is being created
in the config_inc.asp file but did'nt know where to look for more
info. Can you point me to an existing forum link?
, I am getting the same error looking at the previous post, I looked in settings and my Registration-URL is pointing at the correct location.
Is there any other thoughts on this issue
Thank you!
Matt2112 , its part of how the skins load.. regardless you got bigger problems here..
I am beginning to wonder if you unzipped the download correctly because I see things in folders they should not be in...
you should have ended up with a bunch of folders and files...
It you just ended up with a ton of files in one directory you did not unzip the zip file correctly... if so check your zip program settings.. I mean that error is because it is looking for a file in the skins folder that isn't there and it should be there
better yet, unzip the downloaded zip file using windows xp built in unzipping features which will do it correctly... , Hello,
I need some help with the following code. Please look at the area in red. I need to be able to set someting up to where the variable eval1 (a yes/no field in my database) is set to false after the associated link is pressed.
Thank you
="vbscript" %> <!--#INCLUDE virtual="/irp/check_user_inc.asp"--> <html>
<head> <title>Administrator Evaluations</title> <style> <!-- div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-top:0in} --> </style> </head>
<body background="../images/1.gif" bgcolor="#C0B59A" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" link="#0000FF">
<p><map name="FPMap1"> <area href="" shape="rect" coords="627, 66, 670, 81"></map> <span lang="en-us"> & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; & ; ; ; ;nbsp; </span> <img border="0" src="" usemap="#FPMap1" width="675" height="82"><br> </p> <h2 align="center"><span lang="en-us">Administrator Evaluations</span></h2> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <b>Welcome, </b> </span> <b> <% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %> </b> </p> <p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">On this page, you will see a list of names that represent the persons that you will be evaluating this year. Please click on a name to select that persons evaluation form. Once you have completed and submitted that persons evaluation, you will be returned back to this page to continue with the next person on your list. Once you have completed all your evaluations, you can log off the system using the link below.</span></b></p> <p align="left"><b><span lang="en-us">Please note: Only <u>1</u> submission per person will be accepted, any additional submissions will not be accepted.</span></b></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the number below.</b></span></p> <hr color="#FF9933" width="80%" size="3"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b>Please click on a name below to begin the evaluation process.</b></span></p> <div align="center"> <table> <%If Session("Link1_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link1"))%>" onclick="<%=Session("eval1")="true"%>;return true" </href> <font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link1_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span> </td> </tr> <%End If%> <%If Session("Link2_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link2"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link2_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td> </tr> <%End If%> <%If Session("Link3_Name") <> "" Then %> <table border="1" width="28%" id="table1" bordercolor="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC" style="float: left"> <b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="https://<% Response.Write(Session("Link3"))%>" </href><font color="#000000"><span style="text-decoration: none"><%Response.Write(Session("Link3_Name"))%>< /span></font></a></span></td> </tr> <%End If%> POST EDITED / SOME CODE REMOVED TO KEEP IT SHORTER .. This went to Link3_Name </table> <p> </p> <p><span lang="en-us"><b>If you have completed all your evaluations and wish to log out please click <a href="log_off.asp">here.</a></b></span> </p> <p> </div> <div class="MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:center"> <hr size="3" width="80%" noshade color="#ff9933" align="center"></div> <p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Institutional Research and Planning <br> Tandy 270<br> 80 Fort Brown<br> Brownsville, TX 78520</b></p> <p align="center" style="text-align:center"><b>Phone: 956-544-8816 &nbs p; &nbs p; Fax: 956-983-7652<br> E-Mail: <a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href=""></a></b></p>
, Good Evening,
I have been trying to log into my site using the protected pages comments you have in support. I have copied the code in the ASPprotect 7 guide.
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
and pasted it in my page, set the the IIS to open this page and the page will not open it and the page will not open and the error is
Error Type: Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005) The include file 'check_user_inc.asp' was not found. /olem/reldt/introduction.asp, line 3
When I remove the two lines of code everything goes normally.
I have aspprotect in its own directory in the website. I have read the installation several times and I am afraid I am missing something blatently obvious so I really appreciate you thoughts.
I am presently using redirects. I like not haveing to use them as your comments have suggested. I have pulled all that code from the pages I desire to protect during this test.
I have three test users in my database - 1 administrator
Any suggestions?
Thanks and best regards
, User Information
After a user logs in there are variables that you can always access. They can be used to check various things or to display information dynamically based on who has logged into the system.
Session("PasswordAccess") Session("Access_Level") Session("Admin") Session("Active") Session("Expiration_Date") Session("User_ID") Session("Groups") Session("Redirection_URL") Session("Password") Session("Username") Session("First_Name") Session("Last_Name") Session("Company_Name") Session("Email") Session("Address") Session("City") Session("State_Province") Session("Zipcode_Postal_Code") Session("Phone") Session("Custom1") Session("Custom2") Session("Custom3") Session("Custom4") Session("Custom5") Session("Custom6")
You can display them on a page at any time using Response.Write like so
<% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>
or like this
<% = Session("LAST_NAME") %> cwilliams38419.533900463, any asp code that accesses an access database, writes to text files, or allows for picture uploading will need permissions set on certain directories
every application out there is going to need permissions set at some point
its just a fact.. and if your hosting company does not give you a way to manage permissions or have it done when you ask they do not know what they are doing and they are not supporting your asp hosting needs
see my article for more info on the whole process the part newar the bottom talks about hosting companies , If you can would you do it for a price as a mod or will this be added to the new version. , I have been using this solution for over a year now and think its great, however I recently logged on to add a banner and when I clciked on the link that opens a window, displaying all the gifs in the directory../images/banners/, now images showed up, however they do exist in that directory.
I recently upgraded my computer and am now using windows XP...could that be the problem?
, the sql databse is the same.. the sql script is the same for any version
as the site says they are essentially the same app with very minor changes... if you are trying to share the same sql database with both it's not gonna happen because the table names are the same
truthfully: that app runs nealry as well with msaccess as it does with sql so I wouldnt get too excited about running it withe sql. You will not see any benefits unless you have a ton of simultaneus (sp) users. cwilliams38312.1125115741, I will actually explain how to set access_levels and/or groups...
in "users/add_new_account.asp"
carefully edit with a text editor
find this part
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
that is where the acess level gets set...
you can change the level or remove that line all together if you dont want one set
now for groups you would add this line in the same area
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*3*"
CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*,*3*"
Groups access for a user is stored in one field in the database like you see above. If you are confused what you should be saving in that field I suggest simply setting a user to whatever groups you want via the admin area and then looking in the database to see what got saved in that field. It's pretty simple really how they are stored.
that user would be a member of groups 1,5, and 9 , Just as an FYI, I found the problem. FP2003 has an "Optimize" feature that removes so called not needed spaces and comments from the pages. It also completely screws up .ASP code.
I turned off the optimization feature and all the pages I was having problems with worked. However, I would still recommend not using it too! , ok, well that should not be a problem then.. its meant to be able to be put in a folder like that.. just make sure the folder is not a subweb or anything like that... meaning dont set the folder up to have its own application in IIS. Just use a regular folder of course that is part of the root iis application.
Perhaps you just didnt edit the paths in the settings like I mentioned., ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..
you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...
you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version
, Hello,
Thank you for the feedback.
I would like to point out the requirements of the application however as this is something I am aware of and do address.
These requirments are directly linked to from the ASPProtect v7 web page, so its not like I dont try to tell people the deal regarding SQL server.
Basically I only have the resources to provide scipts and instructions for using SQL Enterprise Manager and that is all I officially support. I also personally think anyone using a SQL Server should be using SQL Enterprise Manager because later on down the road there are things you may want to do such as backups/etc etc
Take Care,
Chris Williams , If you bought ASPBanner Unlimited Version 7.3 Before August/01/2004 this file needs to be updated.
It fixes a bug where CODE type banners do not work correctly with a weight higher than 1.
Basically, blank banners will rotate and you will see nothing sometimes.
Copy this file into your ASPBanner folder over the existing file of the same name. cwilliams38209.5383680556, well, ultimately it comes down to this and this is stated in the footer of every page in the cjwsoft family of websites.
"In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live professionaly setup server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine."
and if you have some sort of weird timeout going on on your local machine and cant even give me a detailed error message there is just no way I can possibly troubleshoot it... I told you what to check and thats really all I can do... all my applications run on XP. As a matter of fact I do all my development on XP boxes.
It could be any numbers of things... odbc drivers, versions of vbscript... other software on the pc interfering such as antivirus script blockers like norton... all sorts of issues can pop up on personal machines running xp
If you put this up on a live professionally setup web server I can help you. On your local machine there is only so much I can suggest. , Understood.... can you point me to a place where there are other methods of calling banners? Do you mean not use Flash? I am new to this and will need some pushing over the cliff!
Dave , What other information do you have ?
Details are very important.
Info on situations where it works... like OS, browser version.. etc etc
Info on situations where it does not work... same stuff
size of the PDF files ?
server info ?
Maybe protect a page and offer a PDF file so myself and some of the forum users can try it and report back what happens.
Also, Many people zip up PDF files when letting people download them as browsers can act pretty odd at times with them. Perhaps that is an option. , Thanks for the install. After many hours I finally got part of the
system working. I can log in and log out as a user. My problem is I
want the pages
accesses by Members ONly. The database will contain the names of
the members and only they are allowed access, and no one else. I
tried Joe Blow to log in and it worked, the only thing is Joe was not
in the database and he should have been locked out and a page come us
saying something like "you are not a registered user, please complete
the membership application" and then link back to the root web,
application page.
I am also afraid of breaking the codes you provided thus far. I also
want the password protected pages in a sub-web of the root web.
This may sound like elementary stuff, but this newbie is having
constant trouble. I am also referencing books on ASP and Access
and VB and still come up with a dead end. Search the net and come up
with a few codes which are described as something I am looking for, but
dont want to add any thing like that for fear of breaking the whole
Any suggestions?
, There is no way I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars for a thumbnail creation program. Mine is a family web site and all out of my pocket.
Is there any free products that work with Gallery that will create the thumbnails? If not can I create them on my own and link them to the pics? There are tons of Perl based freebies out there.
Steve , been working on this for about 5 hours today.. I think I found the problem and it involves a vbNullChar that the encryption process is creating only during login attempts
it then messes up during ASPProtect authentication because it blows up the SQL Statement to the database
like I mentioned before the chances off this happening are slim but possible as two people so far have been able to create the situation
I seem to have the HANNAH password working now using your encrption key
I need a little bit more time to clean up the files I have been working on. Then I will give you new "check_user_inc.asp" and "check_admin_inc.asp" files to try out , remeber too.. you might have to edit code you used on your existing pages in your site so they still call the "check_user_inc.asp" correctly.. though it may very well work out so it works the way it is at the new site
any redirection code you might have done may need the redirection urls changed if you used full domain urls..
things like that... etc etc etc, I just told you a lot of different things to try... and I doubt you have tried them in the time since I mentioned them , it probably means the page you are trying to protect is (not in an iis application or not in the same iis application) which it needs to be
for a situation like using ASPProtect you really want your root of your virtual directory set up as one big application in IIS. (after you inquired about it your hosting company probably went and set the ASPProtect folder as an application in IIS which means any pages you protect need to be in there as well. (truth is they should have had your entire web starting from the root set as one in the 1st place..... its standard practice for any experienced hosting company) cwilliams38456.9306828704, 5 Computers in an office, random hardware and operating systems. Some wireless some wired - all the same ISP connection.
Some users do not see the PLACE A NEW AD hyperlink. How can this be hidden? There is no conditional statement yet some see it and others don't.
To make this problem even more confusing if I take an image and put the place_new_ad.asp hyperlink on that image the users don't even see that image any longer.
How can this be resolved? , Permissions and Folder Locations
By default and to keep things clean we store everything in folder called "data"
That folder then has it in 4 sub folders
database (where the .mdb and temporary .ldb files are handled) export (where the aspprotect export files are saved) logfiles (where the aspprotect logfiles are saved) user_pics (where the user pictures are saved)
Doing it this way makes it very easy for a system administrator to right click on one folder and set permissions for that folder and all of it's child folders.
Now, that being said.. you do not have to use these folders.
For example if you already have a folder in your web with modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account then you can use that one folder to store all of the 4 things above.
You'd simply edit your data connection string to point to that folder and then edit the other paths in the settings area of ASPProtect.
We did it that way so you would have options in case your hosting company was being difficult with your ASP hosting needs. cwilliams38403.6837962963, I am still a little confused... one thing I would like to mention is that the passwords in the aspprotect database are encrypted... meaning you cant just add a password to the user database by hand because it wont be the encrypted value and wont work.
It is something the application takes care of when you add a user via the web based interface.
You can however still add users manaully or with careful import/exporting... but you will have to use the existing password conversion technique which is covered at the end of our upgrade instructions in these forums.
Basically you want to add a field to the "ASPP_Users" table called "Old_Password" and that is where you enter the password in plain text. Then after you are finished adding users to the database manually you do this.
You want to run a special page via the browser.
Which will convert the passwords to the encrypted value for you. See the bottom of this thread for all the info on that. , That was wrong of me but not what I meant. It seems as soon as I purchase something like this it doesn't work right and it can't be altered to work with what I have. The support ends up sucking or being none. Listen I’ve gone thru you're product and it's wonderful and does exactly what you say it does so that's a relief. Sorry about my ignorance with .NET but I’m from an ASP world and it's a lot different. You can see what I’m trying to protect here The final site after testing will be Again thanks for the support on Christmas Sunday, that’s defiantly beyond the call and I appreciate it a lot. , [QUOTE=cwilliams]
It should be released sometime late May 2004 or early June 2004 but no gurantees as I am pretty busy right now with some projects.
There will be upgrade instructions and it should be a fairly easy upgrade.
Like I said no guarantee... I have a lot of things going on... it might not even be finished till the end of July... customers will always be able to get it for the difference in price
You have the version listed on the site when you purchassed it. Version 3.0 cwilliams38167.6469328704,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:50:07 PM
Davidsons sent the import files so I added them to their live database, move microcom chassis and cards over rerun lines to chassis, Trish Stroemberg re: Simmons Server, Talk w/ Robby re: The Border. He said he would look into it and call them back., w/ Cortel re: updates on SIthe Energies and Potsdam T1, Problems w/ 7885588 cancellation straightened out., Lunch, answered tech related calls, Working on Nic Darling's Laptop making sure audio and modem work probably, steady, research of problems on YMCA wireless antenna shot to Int Med, Drive to Jamestown, Dinner, check email, voice mail, to North Lawrence, Working with Randy to figure out why 5500's were ringing busy., fixed some modem issues on 4911......RNA's busied out 3 modems.....calls are getting past card 3 now., LEARNING ADOBE IMAGEREADY...& PHOTOSHOP 5.5, Making some long needed changes/additions to upload component package before adding it to senator wrights page. Adding in left and right image wrapping features, auto image sizing, etc. Adding fix to defeat NT permissions problem., Coding for WDT Sports Pix, changed Home Page link to a different address on Chris Cross Creations web site (not sure if billable, no w/o # assigned), Busy morning, installed Windows 2000 Service Pack 1, email, voicemail, trouble reports, wo's and storyboard for grays, call backs, weekly summary for Nic, exp report, , A little busy after 4pm., Meeting- staff meeting- and met with jim on the Wan projects, Testing modems on netserver, double-checking some configurations on the netserver., had one call about filetering service, Boces- install encryption info- did not woirk,