Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:46:22 PM
All fixed and working
, Okay, this also shows at the bottom of the import/export page
I've got the IUSR account with modify permissions on this data folder as well. Is the "this directory needs change permission" line just a general reminder?
Files are being stored in "D:\\members\aspprotect\data\export\\"
This directory needs change permissions for the anonymouse webserver account.
Those permissions can only be set by your hosting company.
These features will not work without those permissions being set.
at some point I can do the users in mass correct using the import feature in aspprotect right?, Two things you can do to test..
make sure there is at least one ".log" file in that directory.. then if you go to the log file screen and it does not show up in the list the physical path you are using is just not correct
remember the physcial path must contain a drive letter (sometimes a network path starting with // is ok if they have it setup as a network drive)
the other thing you can do is use this script to try and write a simple text file in the directory
That will show you if permissions are correct
, You are right, there are NO entries in the "PayPal_Subscriber_ID" field at all. Any way of fixing this?
, You need to make sure you created the SQL database using the SQL scripts we provide and that no errors occur whatsoever. That is extremely important. You must use our SQL creation scripts.
Then, when you create the user you need to go back to that user and make sure you check the admin account and save that user again. (many times when setting up a system for someone I find myself forgetting that step and then I have to go back in and check the admin box for the user I created.)
And of course create the user from the ASPProtect admin area web interface. Do not add the user to the database manually because you will have no way to enter the password correct as it is encrypted. And do not change the encryption key after making the user/.
It would also be wise to check the SQL server database at every step to make sure the user info gets created and that all the field info looks correct for the most part.
You also want to be sure to specify SQL as the database type side the connection string info as the SQL directions go over
a remote sql server should not an issue.
thats really all I can think of right now
, I just started using ASPJpeg, and i used the
"generate_new_thumbnails.asp" to create new thumbs of all of the
existing albums. It generates the thumbs just fine, but they
don't get picked up by the "Randomly Selected Photo" section. If
I upload new pics, they will show up in the random photo area.
So, it reads the new upload thumbs, but not the newly generated ones using your .asp page.
Is there anything I can do?
, If you are having trouble setting up a simple data connection ASPTest is a great learning tool.
You can download it from the website near the bottom. cwilliams38087.5457060185, I checked the option pack code as well and it looks correct.
I tested it and it acted as it should.
You can see it in active at the live demo
go the the admin area.. you will notice 3 users with level 4 access
1 of them is inactive
then go to the mass email area and pick active and level 4
it will say it is sending email to 2 users which is correct
then go to mass email again and pick level 4 and inactive
it will say it is sending email to 1 user which is correct
choose any status and access level 4 and it will send email to 3 users which is correct
When you do this please realize you can not choose a group as well.
That will cause a problem because you can not choose a group and an access level at the same time.
Anyway... perhaps you can private message or use the contact us form and and let me take a look at your system. Since I can't reproduce the behavior that is the only way we might figure this out.
cwilliams38104.690787037, Thank you so so much! I went to the admin area and changed the email component from CDOSYS (using remote server) to CDOSYS (using port 25 forwarding) and all is working great now!
Again, thanks!
, You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.
error '80040211'
/aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174
, Interesting.. Yes, the SMTP service is turned on. This is my boogle. If they are both installed, then it should in theory work. But for some reason, it is being subborn and not working., This may be an old question ??? If it is please point me to the post or documentation where I can find the answer please.
When creating protected pages I am using the following to protect them:
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="/aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp"-->
But that is not working. I get the following error when I try to access the members logon page in the directory that I wish to add the pages to:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0130'
Invalid File attribute
/filelocation/filename.asp, line 3
File attribute '/aspprotect/check_user_inc.asp' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.
However if I create the pages in the root of the AspProtect directory and use a link to the same page that exists in the AspProtect directory and the following include:
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
The pages work fine.
I really do not want to put all of my protected pages in the root of the AspProtect directory.
I would like to mix protected and unprotected pages throughout the site in order to #1 make it easier to administer. #2 keep the AspProtect directory solely for authentication. And, #3 keep any user authentication pages out of the AspProtect directory.

, Chris,
Well some good news
! This from my hosting company this morning...
I'd say that the vendor is right so I've submitted a work order to
create the *****.com/aspnetprotect directory as an application.
If there are any other directories for which this needs to be done,
please let us know. This particular task always needs to be performed
by our staff.
If you need to follow up on this job with one of our on-line or phone
technicians, you can reference ticket id 11860.
With regards
Thanks for your help thus far
cwilliams38455.5654513889, I just told you a lot of different things to try... and I doubt you have tried them in the time since I mentioned them
, Is there a possibility to build in a option that the administrator will be notifed when a banner expired.
, Probably not... javascript calling complex javascript is not a good thing and is often a problem.
I would try one of the other methods such as the xml parser if possible.
, I have run into the same problem with streaming pdfs to the browser
using the stream_download.asp example, but only when selecting the
option to open the file directly into the browser (after it's streamed
back) as opposed to saving it and then opening it (which works fine in
Firefox and IE). Then I ran across this Microsoft support article;EN-US;Q2 97822
It got me thinking that maybe a header needs to be included in
stream_download.asp that tells the browser to specifically cache the
file. Adding this suddenly got everything working
Response.CacheControl = "Public"
right after this line in the code
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
My asp is limited, but this seems to work at least for pdf
documents. Can someone confirm this? The other question I
have is if this is a solution, should the CacheControl be set to public
or private. Not sure on what the implications are.
Firefox by the way seems to open or save and open the file without
this, so you are right that the implementation between the browsers is
certainly different.
, I downloaded the skins, ftp'd them to the skins folder and can see them in the list of available skins. No matter which one I try to apply it keeps solid_color_black.
, Thanks dude, I'll figure it out. I've been ripping apart pieces
of the code to get it. I'm in the process of pulling some things
out to make functions that do specific tasks based on your code.
I actually had a lot of luck yesterday with it.
, when you get back to work.. your "redirect.asp" needs the password include file at the top of it.. or that wont work either..
and of course those pages you send people to all need to be repaired
, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Even though I have a big disclaimer that the account is totally
worthless without someone paying to activate it, the new IDs keep
coming, about 3 a day.
, Perfect. Thanks buddy :)
eeye38433.0629976852, I really need more information.
Connection strings being used ?
How have permissions for the database folder been set ?
etc etc the more specific the better
You also may want to download ASPTest from our main site and see if you can get that running.
I would suspect your problem relates to the databases having a password set on them. Probably the ones you connected to didn't. It complicates setting up a connection correctly (especially a dsn) but there is a good reason for it as it adds a little extra security.
And of course my detailed article on the error. PN=1
, Hello..
I actually noticed something was up with your install earlier...
(I saw you in my log files when you clicked to cjwoft from the docs)
I need more info... like what uploading method your using.. what image resizing component, what widths yoru resizing things to... etc
have you tried it while telling it to delete the pics and also while not telling it not to delete them from the import folder
I might have to take a look tommoro as well to really figure it if that is ok
I have to go the bar to meet some friends so I wont be of much more help tonight :)
I been working steady all week and need a few.
, ok...
you got problems if you cant import a file created by the system..
You using SQL or MSACCESS and do any of the users data have apostraphes in it ?
, Is there anyway to limit the number of Albums each user can make?
, also.. you could try chaning your connection string to set the current language to english like in this example..
BannerConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspbanner;User Id=aspbanneruser;Password=temp;Current
I do not know if that actually works but from what I have been researching it looks valid and it may solve your problem.
Also: The value may need to be Current Language=us_english
You'll have to try them, that information is actually not helpful in determining whether parent paths is enabled or not.
You should really ask your hosting company or better yet try doing a server side include to page one directory up and see if you get an error.
<!--#include file = "../myfile.asp"-->
cwilliams38302.6484259259, What other information do you have ?
Details are very important.
Info on situations where it works... like OS, browser version.. etc etc
Info on situations where it does not work... same stuff
size of the PDF files ?
server info ?
Maybe protect a page and offer a PDF file so myself and some of the forum users can try it and report back what happens.
Also, Many people zip up PDF files when letting people download them as browsers can act pretty odd at times with them. Perhaps that is an option.
, you have to do it like I show above... your not specifying the field name to be searched in the instr function so what you just showed me will not do anything
You also should not have the > 0 stuff in the function because it is testing the result of the function.
You have to do it just like I showed , Yes, that’s all I wanted to know. The problem is on my end. The server is not creating the .NET site correctly. I think I got it working now. Thanks.
In case you wanted to know? The only reason I asked you is because you mentioned that you where having trouble with overseas piracy and my account is new. I figured it was my user error by just though I’d ask you first. Hope you have no more piracy issues and have a good rest of the day.
Thanks again for the quick response.
, 5300 users honetly wouldn't even phase the database or the code... even with got other problems and I can say that with 150% certainty
my guess is permissions on the database folder are not quite right or the odbc drivers have issues.. something along those lines..
access databases act up when full modify permissions are not given to the folder they are in.... they can also act up if the odbc drivers are very new and you are not using a newer version of the access database such as 2002 version as opposed to a 97 or 2000 version
using a system dsn as opposed to a dsn-less connection can also cause BIG issues. always use a DSN-LESS connection
you can also have big problems if just the database file is given permissions instead of the whole directory it is in
also, the script timeout has nothing to do with it.. if that is happening something is wrong with the data connection like I said... no amount of changing timeouts is going to cure it...
how permissions are correctly set permissions.asp
why system dsn's with access databases are bad news
I know it worked at 1st but it can still be related to all of this because when permissions are not perfect databases will work ok for a while and then act up. it all has to do with the temporay lock files that access creates and deletes on a regualr basis
, I just remembered the current skin is stored in a text file in the pictures folder. If it did not have permissions for writing it could give you trouble. That could of had something to do with it.cwilliams38295.3821064815,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I will consider editing the code.
, Another good tip is to make a copy of the "password_admin/default.asp" named whatever you like..
"default2.asp" would work...
then maybe add a link to it from the header_inc.asp file
then you can modify that one all you want and your will still have the original around.
That concept works for a lot of things.. for example you could make a copy of the "users" folder and call it "users2" granted a few paths might need to be changed here and there but really not a lot. (how do you think the paypal signup folders were created, they started as a copy of the "users" folder of course)
You can even make a copy of the "check_users_inc,asp" file if you like. Then make a copy of the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file... then make your new "check_user_inc.asp" file reference it.
Then you can password protect pages using different versions of the "check_user_inc.asp" file. Why ? well maybe you want different looking logn forms for different parts of your website or you want to make a lot of changes to the "check_user_inc.asp" file and want to leave the original alone.
The sky is the limit really. When it comes down to it besides the actual guts of the "check_user_inc.asp" file ASPProtect is nothing but html tags and chunks of simple server side code that produce more html dynamically. What your browser ends up with is basic html. (some client side javascript in certain cases, but that is pretty basic stuff too.)
cwilliams38422.509525463, SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..
here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on an aspbanner database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"
In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner table in the database

cwilliams38325.8002893519, Hello,
Yes, that is how it works. Unless you make modifications to the code there is no way to easily do what you are talking about.
If you design the site to be intelligent that scenario should never happen.
For example.. you should only be offering links to pages that the current logged in user has access to. You do this by checking the session variables and with simple if-else logic around your html links.
It requires some work but if you dont give them links to pages they dont have access to what you are talking about will not happen.
Here are some simple examples.
Here is an example using access levels.
If Session("Access_Level") = "1" Then
' show links to pages that allow access level 1
End If
And one for groups..
If Instr(Session("Groups"),"*6*") or Instr(Session("Groups"),"*7*") Then
' show links to pages that allow groups 6 and 7
End If
cwilliams38354.0786921296, 1st. Please understand you have to purchase two licenses to do such a thing as each installation will need a valid license purchased.
Moving on:
ASPProtect using a industry standard concept called "Forms Based Authentication"
This primarily relies on session variables keeping track of login status.
Each installation must be in it's own unique "IIS Application" so it will have it's own set of application and session variables.
That is often not possible with shared hosting plans as the server admins may not be willing to set a folder in your web as a separate IIS application. You would need to ask. It is going to depend on the quality of your hosting plan whether they do it or not.
technically it takes about 1 minute to open up the "IIS Console" and set up a folder in your web as a separate "application"
Based on what you are telling me that you want to do I think it would make a lot more sense to have one installation and one user database and customize your sites so ASPProtect users that are part of certain "groups" have access to things others do not or see things on pages other users would not. That is after all the entire point of Dynamic web sites and also why ASPProtect has "groups".
Then as far as the registration differences go you would make a copy of the users area folder area and manual customize it to register users in an alternate fashion than the main "users" folder. And then send people there if that is how you want them to register.
I don't support customizations but that is the gist of it. It's really not difficult work, but you have to be good with ASP., Hello,
It is very possible (just basic ASP and database accessing techniques)
It is just not the sort of thing I support in the forums as it is a customization related.
Even for me something like that would take 1-3 hours of coding time. Basically, it is just not something I could just explain to you real quick.
You might want to pick up a good book on ASP or check out some of the great resources out there.
Doing stuff like this is relatively easy, but can be time consuming work.
In the future please use a more descriptive topic for yours posts "I need help" is not exactly helpful to anyone else searching through the forums . I therefore renamed your post accordingly.
I really try to keep the forums organized and clean. That's all.
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:46:22 PM
ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY STORYBOARD MORE IDEAS FOR LAYOUT, Same as above, travel to disabled association, Working on hold music for the new phone system (Per Kris Allen/Ron Dillon), dinner, see a.m. , work on makeing sure everything is ready for cutover of, payroll, working on domain web requests for setup and maintenance, travel to glenville, team meeting- , E-MAIL, ETC., clearing up desk and stuff, voicemail and emails, E & V-mail response, Router Maintenance and Configuration at New York Air Brake w/ David Storandt, Reset Microcoms, Netservers, Compaq's, and Total Controls., review w/ Andy the Pepsi router and the installation, to make sure everything goes smooth., phones, invoices,training Joanne B. a little on the board., st law chamber, got stuff together to go to vermont, meeting about jnc, Staff meeting, Did up the remaining dialup issue and took a call from a customer who's computer had crashed. Directed her to three of the local computer repair shops to have it serviced., Send e-mail to Channel Partners about e-commerce class, Phone with Kelly about site updates and changes. Lots of revisions to be made, not much help from programming., BILLABLE
Davidsons sent the import files so I added them to their live database, Email/Newsgroups, approve proposals, Excel lesson #3,