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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:23 PM

After I approve someone's username and password, then go to send them the default e mail telling them of the approval, the e mail never goes through.  The e mailing used to work well for many months, but it stopped working.  Any thoughts?



this could go on forever...

if you want PM "private message" me info to log into your site.. show me the pages we are dealing with...

and I will take a look at it all...



I need to use SQL for other reasons than efficiency.  If I create 2-seperate databases, would there be a lot of code to edit?

Thank you.


Ahhh....yes, I always forget about the cache.  That's exactly what it was. 

 I had made modifications to the import_pics.asp file, because I added more fields to the db, and made the import folder path dynamic, but I seem to have forgotten to add in the response.expires=0

Once I added this back in it has stopped messing up.

What was happening was, it wasn't overwriting the files, nor were they too big, but you would click on one thumbnail in an album(category) and it would display a picture from a totally different category.  It seems browser cache was the culprit, however.

Thanks for the quick reply, great product tooo!!!

, Windows 2000 server you said ? Just checking on that one ?,

Is there a limit to how many access levels the program has?  We were thinking of having a different access level for each client that logs on our site so we can customize their web experience.  We see 6 in one place of the program, 8 in another, but is there any reason why we couldn't make 100 more?

Thanks again for the help!


it's ok

one step at a time and at each step testing things.. then when you mess something up you can figure it out a lot easier


it is an email server/setting issue most likely

your email server probably requires outgoing authentication or something like that and that is why internal emails can be sent to but nothing else

its something along those lines

this will help you see the real error instead of the generic 500

, I am sending you a PM with the new download url

see instructions above for what to do with it, ok, how about some more in fo on the setup ?

What version of MSSQl ?

Exactly how did you create the sql database ?

Is it possible banners.asp got edited ?

Did you create all your banners via the admin interface and do all all banners have a zone assigned as that is important ? Sometimes customers will add banner info directly to the database and leave out vital field info that the application requires.  Based on that error it is starting to look like that page is coming across a banner with no zone ID and thus the error. ,

I am having problems accessing the admin site at the following URL:


It brings up the login page, but when I enter the admin/test, it times out.  The DB is the copy with no password and it resides in a directory on the same server hosting the site but it is not in a folder viewable by web users.  This is how the dataconn_inc.asp is set:

'*** Below are the only two settings you need to edit in this file
ConnectionString = "DSN=drweisberg;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
DatabaseType = "MSACCESS"

The ODBC is setup and the IUSR has read/write/modify permissions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

, Humm, its hard to explain but I am not sure that is a good way to be testing that. I hear what you are saying but I am not sure that really means anything. Whatever is going on its some sort of client side issue with the browser and the meta refreshing over a very long period of time during which there really is no user doing anything at the site. , I have run into the same problem with streaming pdfs to the browser using the stream_download.asp example, but only when selecting the option to open the file directly into the browser (after it's streamed back) as opposed to saving it and then opening it (which works fine in Firefox and IE).  Then I ran across this Microsoft support article

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q2 97822

It got me thinking that maybe a header needs to be included in stream_download.asp that tells the browser to specifically cache the file. Adding this suddenly got everything working

Response.CacheControl = "Public"

right after this line in the code

Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"

My asp is limited, but this seems to work at least for pdf documents.  Can someone confirm this?  The other question I have is if this is a solution, should the CacheControl be set to public or private.  Not sure on what the implications are.

Firefox by the way seems to open or save and open the file without this, so you are right that the implementation between the browsers is certainly different.



The stat not show when  impression over  xxxxxx

I use  aspbanner v8.1   MS SQL version

Total Impressions 83523
Total Clicks 7
Total Clickthru .0%


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/aspbanner/stats_window_admin.asp, line 257





Really awesome, thanks..

If possible please be sure to respond to the email they send so the review ends up authenticated




Sorry, should have added,  if i change the connection string, i can also get this...

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


ok, well as far as what else to try I already told you..

you need to manually compare all those field settings with the sql script and make sure they all got set correctly...

you also need to tell me what email/name you ordered the application under... before I will continue this support with you.. at this point I don't know if you purchased the application or if you are using the unsupported lite version




No, there is not.

not the way the code ships.. The program keeps tracks of everything by the way it ranames files. The system has been tested to work well with as many as 10,000 images files. Any more than that and you need something a little more serious meant for that amount of images.

You could certainly modify it do work that way if you are good with source code. There are actually as many drawbacks as doing doing it that way as there are advantages.
Take Care


, [QUOTE=cwilliams]

It should be released sometime late May 2004 or early June 2004 but no gurantees as I am pretty busy right now with some projects.

There will be upgrade instructions and it should be a fairly easy upgrade.



Like I said no guarantee... I have a lot of things going on... it might not even be finished till the end of July... customers will always be able to get it for the difference in price

You have the version listed on the site when you purchassed it.
Version 3.0

cwilliams38167.6469328704, you can edit the look of it but because it is licensed software the links to aspbanner and the aspbanner logo.. etc etc must remain  otherwise change it all you like.,

Encountered another issue.  When entering a user name correct but the wrong password get the following error:


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in string in query expression '(Username = 'ROBERT') AND (Password = 'Z£$'.

/check_user_inc.asp, line 115

Did I do something else wrong?!



, Oh also, I tried to run the asp on my machine (win XP) and unless I'm missing something fairly obvious, I cannot get it to run correctly...when previewing it, I see all the code instead of what I should be seeing.,

that's they way it should be done..

the only other thing would have been to test everything with sql before trying to import any data.. and make sure all was fine at that stage

more info on the errors would be helpful.

Id' also carefully visually compare the SQL tables and fields with the SQL scripts and make sure all field types and settings got set correctly.

Also, make sure the user accessign the database has datareader and datawriter permissions of course.


I am a little confused here.  I am in the process of understand how this all works, mainly the email portions as I am running this through a home server (Windows XP).  I have tried test emails, but they are not going threw.  I ran the server_info.asp and it is telling me that I do have CDONTS installed, version 2.8.  Then I tried running, the test_mailer_component.asp.  This page is telling me it is not installed.  This process lead me to start looking at my components for my IIS.  Everything appears to be there. 

Any ideas, where I should go next.  It appears the CDONTS code is in every page that it needs to be in, and it appears that I have it installed, but there is a disconnect between the two..


, thats intertesting.. I have never heard of the concept until now..

I did a search for ASP examples or ASP components that can help with the process and just couldn't find anything about it.,

AUGUST 12th 2004


ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8.0

It is completely finished.


This new version has more features and is selling for $99.95

Unlimited Version 7.3 is now named "ASPBanner Standard"

Owner's of Unlimited Version 7.3 can get an upgrade to Unlimited Version 8 for the difference in price (based on current pricing)

It is available now for purchase at the following link .

http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

The new version can use your existing database so it is a fairly easy upgrade.

If you are not an existing ASPBanner Customer you can use the following link to purchase the application normally.


Notes on the new version:

ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8

Improved graphics and some new icons

New reports screen... 4 reports total   3 of which are new

New Iframe Banner Calling method with built in auto refresh feature so banners can rotate at a specified interval on their own

New Zone Order Informaion Page
Visually shows you what the current rotation looks like for a zone

Banners can now be stopped at a certain date and at an impression limit
Whichever is hit 1st.. before it was just one or the other

New "data" folder... this new directory is the only directory that needs permissions
this should make setting up the system and permissions a breeze.. all cjwsoft applications will
eventually use this same folder

New configuration text file... eliminates config table in the database and allows us to easily
add more config options in the future without changing the database.. means easier upgrades down the road
and faster loading of the configuration data

New application data connection wizard
makes setting up the data connection a no brainer

more overall emailing methods supported

Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects

Persists ASPEMail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
Simple Mail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
It is becoming popular for ISP to use this.

Emailing code now uses functions so we can easily add more email component support down the road

Flash files (.swf) can now be previewed and used in new banner right from the upload page
before this could only be done with image files

Users page now has a notes popup feature
when you hold the mouse over the icon you see all info on a user without needing to edit that user

Edit banner page now shows the color of the banner status in the dropdown menu

New clone banner feature.. allows you to easily create similar banners

Banner application page has been optimized to be even more efficient

Javascript popup calendar date selectors

Ton of misc little things & Improvements...

Some Screenshots

, that variable comes from the settings acreen in the admin area. If you do not have it set properly things like what you are describing will happen.,

Have SQL 2000 backend...
We just moved from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003, used import data routine in SQL to move data.

Logged into admin area. When adding new user, no record is created. However, editing record works just fine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


After turning off the friendly errors, here is the detail.

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path

/users/register.asp, line 16
The Include file '../dataconn_inc.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5&K W=Disallowed+Parent+Path+

lancem38310.6408101852, If you PM your site info and I can go in and troubleshoot. I have no more ideas. Usually people have zero issues installating this application as I got it pretty tweaked so I need to see what is going on in order to help., Hey CJWSoft,
We're helping out some clients of ours in a server transfer and we really need some assistance from you guys.  We've got everything transfered and running, except for the ASP.NET banner.  Do you have any directions on how to go about moving the install from one server to another?  We've sent a couple emails through the site but haven't gotten any responses back. 

Please help.

-Tony Valenti


it might also be a good idea for you to try a simple text file writing example like this on your server and see if it hangs as well


for troubleshooting sake

this is sounding more and more like the filesystem object is blocked or disabled on your server

, I really need more information..

SQL or Access database ?
If Access are you using the newest version of the .mdb file

Is this a new item ?

Show me your connection string ?

perhaps the url to the site as well so I can look around?

things like that that will help me troubleshoot.

If any info is sensative send me a PM..

, Actually, as far the "aspprotectnet.dll" file goes it makes sense because of the following.

The "aspprotectlicense.dll" is something we do not provide the source code for. We also do not compile it in "debug" mode because you not want dll's running in "debug" mode in a production environment and we also do not want that dll in debug mode because of reverse engineering reasons.

Now, that being said that DLL is no different than any other 3rd party dll "so to speak" that you would use in a project. Many of which will not be in debug mode and you will also not have the source for.

"Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll" being an example

Regardless, there must be a way to do what your trying to do. I am just not sure at the moment. It is nothing anyone has brought up before and I personally have never had any issues like that when I work on the application so I am just not sure.

It probably has something to do with the way you set up your project.,

The setting I am most interested in is what you have for the "Pic_Max_Image_Width" used when the image resizing components resize the big image

setting it to nothing or zero could cause this


also.. the log out page shouldnt really need this
but you can try adding this to it where all the other ones are set to nothing..

<% Session("Groups") = "" %>


I think its great to share a mod.

I will have  few with the new album.


I pull that crap on myself once and a while... or my favorite is leaving a bootable CD in the drive and then wondering why the heck the OS doesn’t come back up. I pretty much promised myself back in 2002 that I would never mess with anything minor after 10PM. For whatever reason I always start messing around trying to "fix" something and end up sorry... Granted if it’s an emergency I am all for it, but I get dresses in advance anticipating the practically inevitable drive down to the datacenter.


Good luck with that, I am sure you will be much better off in the long run.

, that erorr in no way means what it says.. it is just a generic error because something failed.

if you want to PM me info on how to get into your site and I will take a look.. I don't think it is something that can be figured out otherwise especially when you are not telling much about what is going on. There are a lot of factors and settings that are relevant. ,

I'm all set - after thinking about your replies - i checked a bit more and changed the email component type -- thanks again for all your help.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:55:23 PM

Stayed a little longer because it got pretty busy. Checked DUI, voice mail, RL, and stuffed envelopes., installation of digital satilite antennas, email, Returning phone calls, cleaning some files, assisted Beth in NOC duties, meet with kelly - to go over watertown huigh school, Worked on wirless and DSL proposals- tried to develop new spreadsheet for the DSL , Installing on individual machines in office (having small problem on phone with CostGuard to resolve), more timecards and spreadsheet-as QB I can not get into, daily reports, Telephone conference with Errol Flynn, Went to pay outstanding Niagara Mohawk bill so they don't stop service., printing gisco online posters, printing channel partners flyers, Talked with Steve about some projects and items to do., Newton Parts List, Cost Guard Training, lunch, Total chaos - helped Terri, Programming of Tim Laset's 56K Cisco 1602 Router, very busy.. steady calls... a couple new user callbacks., creating hand out for banner ad development and for developing corprate id systems..., finished up in albany , great show! , Picke up mail and opened. Posted accounts, credit card authorizations, coupon referrals, customer inquiries, and ans phone., new/ closeout w/o's, tng, timecards, brief division on results fm staff mtg, keeping Bill busy, email to Randy P. concerning full access for Tom D. , Holstein World Completed Proposal, Emailed Dell about my laptop and getting the battery replaced. , LEARNING THE DYNAMIC HTML FUNCTIONS OF GO LIVE, ''Jumpin J.'' here from Froggy 97 w/updates., Had about an hour that the phone lines were getting bogged again (586, 779 and 788). Did radlogs also., Publish Watertown School District to temp site for Amy.,

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