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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:20 PM

Some users have reported an error during the registration process.
Here is what I believe is happening.

When you register you get sent a validation email that has a link in it that looks something like this.

http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum//activate.asp?ID=testAD3AD2 97BC

That link can only be clicked on once which will activate your account.

If you somehow run that link more than once you will get a message telling you there was an error.

I think some people are double clicking on the link they get sent and running it more than once.... or clicking on it again after registration is complete. It probably happens very fast so they never see the success screen.

Either way, if you can login to the forum nothing is wrong and you are already activated.

cwilliams38089.6248842593, Along with being able to set an expiry date or number of impressions, is it possible to add another option for a banner to be "non-expiring"?

With our current ad software (which we are transferring all data from to ASPBanner), we run banners for both paid advertisers, and for our own services. The banners relating to our own services, we would like to set to "non-expiring" so they appear all the time. ,

I have tried everything to get your CJWSoft code working..I purchased the auto listings software and I am stumped, and actually you stumped my hosting provider, my database is stored in the database directory on the root.

I have even tried your ASPtest and still cannot connect.  My have connected other databases without an issue on this same host, I have named a DNS Auto for my database and ponted to that in my code  but get the following error you see at http://www.burkesauto.com and even when i try you test script found here at http://www.burkesauto.com/asptest.asp .

cwilliams38145.8522800926, As I'd said in my previous response, I found those databases and they didn't work. All three databases in asptest do work., Chris, and all who read this post.

Don't run away!
I believe that perhaps I gave Chris good cause for this post to be created. But dont fear.

When it comes to most languages I am a newbie, let alone ASP.NET. I did not choose to have an application for my site to be built in ASP.NET. However it was and I had paid for that program and it needed protecting!

Now I did have a few problems, however NONE were with ASPProtect.NET. It is brilliant. NONE were with Chris and the support he provides. I believe he must work 24/7 judging by the speed of replies and the timezone differences.

In the end all the problems were down to MY typos and a web host who insisted that any problem was a conflict and not their server set-up.(which it was!)

Having eliminated the typo and changed web provider to a less arrogant company. ASPProtect.NET installed and ran out of the box. Truely impressive.

As a newbie it is not something I would like to do again. But with help from Chris and from a friend with ASP.NET knowledge any issues were very quickly resolved.

An A+ recommendation for CJWSoft. I love it!


A general question - Can you have multiple instance of the gallery on the same server? 

, okay thanks, Installing and running NET on a DOMAIN CONTROLLER is a BAD idea period. Besides the security risks you will have nothing but endless problems with that setup. Domain controllers ARE NOT and NEVER were intended to be run as any sort of application server. Your best bet is to run your asp and asp.net scripts from a member server or one set up just for web apps. Of course if your in the mood to mess around endlessly it is possible to make that work, but why would you want to when the prefered solution is a heck of a lot easier.

I'm having an issue importing. It moves the images from the /import folder and creates the thumbnails with no problem, but the full-size photos all have a size of 0 bytes.

http://www.larrysampas.com/gallery2/default.asp?CatLevel=2&a mp;Cat1_ID=1

, Great!  Sounds good Chris.  , Just want to be able to log users in from the home page via a username and password box somewhere say on the left hand side with a login button. Like most sites have.... i cant seem to figure out how to do that with the software.

My other question is..Is there a way to incorporate this software into an event registry? What i mean is this:

Say a company is having a pool party, BBQ, and tennis lessons (just examples)

When a user registers with aspprotect i want him/her to have the option to register for one of the events. Also, I as the admin, would like to be able to view who and how many registered for each event... Here is what i am talking about (and it has a payment option to charge for an event which would be PERFECT if you could do) http://www.cescripts.com/demo/registration/view-events.php

Please let me know if there is a way to add this option or create...




The ASP error on the home page has been solved -There was aproblem with the path that was including the home page file and we fixed it.

However the error on the member page remains - any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated. This is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for

process 0x748 Thread 0xad8 DBC 0x214734c Jet'.

/aspboard/forum/global.asp, line 15



You should not have single quotes around the "-1" because Album_Active is not a string field in the database. It's true/false or bit field in the database depending on the database you are using (MSSQL or ACCESS)

I'd do it a little more like this I think.

SELECT COUNT(Album_ID) AS Alb_Count FROM " & tbl_label_albums & " WHERE User_ID = " & CmdListUsers("User_ID") & " AND Album_Active = 1"

I took out the parentheses as well since I dont believe they are needed in a simple case like this

but is hard to say unless your the one testing it... my version might have a mistake as I am a little rusty with my SQL at the moment

also: in case your wondering...
depending on the situation and the odbc drivers the 1 and -1 should work either way but sometimes it's picky and you have to do it one way or the other

cwilliams38433.0564930556, how's it going  ?,

Turn off "Show Friendly HTTP error messages"
If you are getting errors with your ASP application go to Internet Explorer and make sure this setting is unchecked. Having this checked can cause a generic error to be displayed in you web browser when ASP code encounters an error. This generic error message doesn't really help you fix the problem. Having this setting unchecked will usually result in a more detailed error message and the line number the error is occurring at, thus giving you a good clue as to where the problem is within the ASP code. If detailed ASP error messages have been disabled at the server level this setting will make no difference.

cwilliams38084.7513773148, YAY FOR ASPPROTECT 7!!!

Now I need to know... how can I automate PayPal subscriptions and purchases? I'd like it so that once PayPal gets its money, my accounts get marked active.

Now, the documentation on this site currently says, to point the IPN post action to a null page. Yet, I see an IPN.asp in my files for PayPal subs and PayPal purchases...  Looking over the code there, I see actions to make accounts active and stuff like that. Is the page ready for prime time, or should I hold off for a new version?

all that docmunetation is online as well right here so you dont really need the chm file

the chm format is a windows format that can only be viewed on windows pcs. I do not know why you can not see it. I would do reseach on viewing CHM files on whatever operating system and version you are running because perhaps you are using a mac or linux operating system which can not natively view chm files ?

, here is the next response to this which was emailed to me but should have been posted here

From: Mo Afifi
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 4:47 PM
To: CJWSoft Support Info
Subject: Re: CJWSoft Support Info : SSL - Verisign Certifcates


Thank you for responding to my posting. In the second line of your response you said “not start them off at an http:// url". I think what you meant is to "not start them off at an https:// url". If this is your intention then I agree with you 100%. I have revised my pages so the users will go first to a non-https page and then make a choice either to use secure or non-secure access. Please note that the site is not intended to be completely SSL protected but only the sign up pages. I have another problem though when I click on the "Secure Log In" and enter my log in information; the entire subsequent URLs will have https:// in them which I could not shake off. As I said the intention was to use the https for sign in only.

 I realize that this issue does not have any thing to do with your product, but any input will be appreciated. Best,


, aspprotect does not use a global.asa file

I would start by looking there and seeing what is going on ... with line 33

I dont see how it could be related to aspprotect in any way

Global.asa files fire on their own and what they do depends on what code is put in them,

I have imported like 50,000 users into an access database when testing... it took like 4-5 minutes but worked..

course it really all depends on the setup how many you can get away with

something must still be wrong

have you tried just importing 1 or 2 users for troubleshooting sake ?

I would also recommend that after any timeout you reboot the server or at the very least do an "iisreset" to get things back to normal


AUGUST 12th 2004


ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8.0

It is completely finished.


This new version has more features and is selling for $99.95

Unlimited Version 7.3 is now named "ASPBanner Standard"

Owner's of Unlimited Version 7.3 can get an upgrade to Unlimited Version 8 for the difference in price (based on current pricing)

It is available now for purchase at the following link .

http://www.aspbanner.com/purchase_unlimited_v8.1_classic_upg rade.asp

The new version can use your existing database so it is a fairly easy upgrade.

If you are not an existing ASPBanner Customer you can use the following link to purchase the application normally.


Notes on the new version:

ASPBanner Unlimited Version 8

Improved graphics and some new icons

New reports screen... 4 reports total   3 of which are new

New Iframe Banner Calling method with built in auto refresh feature so banners can rotate at a specified interval on their own

New Zone Order Informaion Page
Visually shows you what the current rotation looks like for a zone

Banners can now be stopped at a certain date and at an impression limit
Whichever is hit 1st.. before it was just one or the other

New "data" folder... this new directory is the only directory that needs permissions
this should make setting up the system and permissions a breeze.. all cjwsoft applications will
eventually use this same folder

New configuration text file... eliminates config table in the database and allows us to easily
add more config options in the future without changing the database.. means easier upgrades down the road
and faster loading of the configuration data

New application data connection wizard
makes setting up the data connection a no brainer

more overall emailing methods supported

Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects

Persists ASPEMail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
Simple Mail now supports outgoing SMTP authentication.
It is becoming popular for ISP to use this.

Emailing code now uses functions so we can easily add more email component support down the road

Flash files (.swf) can now be previewed and used in new banner right from the upload page
before this could only be done with image files

Users page now has a notes popup feature
when you hold the mouse over the icon you see all info on a user without needing to edit that user

Edit banner page now shows the color of the banner status in the dropdown menu

New clone banner feature.. allows you to easily create similar banners

Banner application page has been optimized to be even more efficient

Javascript popup calendar date selectors

Ton of misc little things & Improvements...

Some Screenshots

, it makes zero sense really... in the 4 years we have sold this application this is really the weirdest thing anyone has had happen..,

as far as sql goes if you follow the instructions with give for setting up a new database you shouldnt have any issues and permissions should be already set. because we handle that in the sql script we give you.. "its a good thing to look at and it is pretty easy to understand what is going on""

however using another account could cause permissions issues.."yes, even sa"     basically the username your using needs datareader and datawriter permissions to all tables used by the photo gallery system and you probably have to go specifically set them usin ght e security tab for your database in enterprise manager. This is more of SQL server 101 than anything to do with the Photo Gallery Code so I am not going to get into it too deeply, but that is definetly the issue.  Permissions...


You would set the groups during users signup the same way you would do the expiration in the following example.


The groups field need to be set the exact same way it would look like in the database of course

So, if a user was part of groups 1, and 2

You would look in the database and see this in the groups fields for that user


so in the signup code you set that like so

CmdAddUser.Fields("Groups") = "*1*,*2*"

This info only applies to resgitrations and signups using the "users" folder.
if you wanted to make different sceanrios you would need to carefully make a copy of the users folder and adjust it accordingly


(Password_Email_Confirmation_Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x

This will change the basic registration pages so that the email address and password entered must be confirmed when signing up. This eliminates the auto generated password during signup.

Some may prefer it working this way.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.

Copy the two new files into your "users" folder



, either that or send me your encyrption keys and the exact password entered that causes the problem and I will try to reproduce the behavior here, MSACCESS or SQL server ?,

I'll send you something..


I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am
http://www.cjwsoft.com/contact/default.asp?Subject=CJWSoft+G eneral+Inquiry



I would like to ensure the the user uses a UK style postcode not a clue how to ensure this as I am new to asp. Any ideas?




, Thanks for the install. After many hours I finally got part of the system working. I can log in and log out as a user. My problem is I want the pages
accesses by Members ONly.  The database will contain the names of the members and only they are allowed access, and no one else.  I tried Joe Blow to log in and it worked, the only thing is Joe was not in the database and he should have been locked out and a page come us saying something like "you are not a registered user, please complete the membership application" and then link back to the root web, application page.
I am also afraid of breaking the codes you provided thus far. I also want the password protected pages in a sub-web of the root web.
This may sound like elementary stuff, but this newbie is having constant trouble.  I am also referencing books on ASP and Access and VB and still come up with a dead end. Search the net and come up with a few codes which are described as something I am looking for, but dont want to add any thing like that for fear of breaking the whole thing.
Any suggestions?
, Hi,

ok, I am a bit confused... you make it sound like as if you are running a different version than you were when you ordered this a couple/few weeks back... that confuses me because you were able to log in to the admin area of aspprotect.net before? weren't you ?

there have been no changes to the download or the version in quite some time ?

I guess I need more information to make any sort of guess at this point. I do not know enough., Has this been resolved ?,

I really need more info on what you have going on?

This can sometimes be cause by a slow server / bad data connection.

Sometimes caused when someone is using the option pack but did not make the proper changes to the database.

Sometimes caused when a user adds users the database on his own and does some "incorrect" things..

The more details you can provide the better. Think of anything and everything and describe it.

SQL or MSACCESS... version of either
Server OS
Using Option Pack or not
Did you have your host set permissions...

etc etc etc

cwilliams38300.5380092593, no the "expected path" is something that gets generated for you if you have parent paths enabled. to help you fill things in correctly...

basically if parent paths are enabled it shows you what the path should be for each path field on the settings page... if parent paths are disabled there will be nothing to the right of expected path for technical reasons (lack of being able to do a "../../" to figure out the paths more or less)

in that case there is a file called "expected_paths" in the data folder that you can run to tell you the expected path info

Terribly sorry, but we are not software-technical.  So can you please tell us exactly which folder the database would be in.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Chris

I've just recently purchased ASPBanner and have been testing out serving multiple Tradedoubler code using the IFRAME method. I have four types of banner on the same page refreshing every 15 seconds. (this will change on the live site) 

I've been leaving the IE page up for x hours and coming back to find between 1-3 of the banners has stopped and in place is an "internal error".

BannerZone=3&Refresh=15|40|800a0046|Permission_denied 80

I thought it may have been the SQL permissions from one of your other messages so I gave the banner user the DataReader and DataWriter permissions.

Its still happening and around the same time in the logs theres a couple of file not found errors.

BannerZone=2&Refresh=15|23|800a0035|File_not_found 80 -

BannerZone=4&Refresh=15|25|800a0035|File_not_found 80 -

BannerZone=1&Refresh=15|25|800a0035|File_not_found 80 -

Any ideas? I'm hoping its not the server as there is currently only 2 sites on it and this is pretty much the only traffic.



, sounds like trouble with the SQL database.

Did you create it using the SQL scripts we provide as that is extremely important ? , I'm using Groups and would like to assign all new users to a particular group.  How is this done? cwilliams38298.5087384259,

Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen)

Thats the way to test it..

All that error means is whatever reason the settings you have chosen are not working. It could be the server. It could be what you chosen. (and yes I realize your pop info from outlook should probably work with the settings you chose)

Whenever I do installs I often have to try 3-5 different emailing scenarios before I come across one that works.

Each time making some changes and sending out test emails from the users screen until I get somewhere. Often time getting a working example of how your Hosting Company wants you to send email from ASP is the info to get your hands on. (what method and settings)

In this case they may have blocked the usee of a remote server and want you to use some other settings for sending email from asp. A lot of times they put that info in their help system.

If I were you I would start by trying the other two CDOSYS options for starters, and then try the remote server option again but using "localhost" as the server, if none of those work consult your host for example code and settings to send email from asp. If you still have no luck I can help for sure.

Realize too when testing the emails may take a bit to arrive. A delay of sorts. Best to type in a quick note about which method you are trying in the email text. That way when you finally get one delivered you'll know which method worked.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:43:20 PM

The calls were so-so. Nothing too., Making up weekly status report for Steve, WHITES LUMBER_ADD CONTENT TO CATEGORIES, AND PHOTOS (GRANDFATHER WHITE), Trouble shoot MMC issue, On phone w/Laura Shey From Remington. Requesting button changes. Checking out affaliate program they want added to site., Helping Matt setup Inralink at the business fair., almost got tech site done, Interview Jones and Perez, Working w/ Telesoft on our refunds from Verizon. Gave them more accounts to get refunds and talked w/ him about Long Distance auditing. Also, talked w/ Randall Kay and Norma regarding the Henderson Manufacturing mess. And talked w/ Randall regrading moving long distance., team meeting. to fed ex to overnight the non-disclosure agreement. , busy - more new users, started weekly reports, Busier than this morning. Barely had time to log incidents., Drive back to Clayton, Driving to Watertown, getting supplies for Vermont. Getting U-Haul for drive up to Vermont., w/Jodi, picked up mail and posted account. detail. Ans phone, take payments., Administrative (emails, industry reading, organization) , Went over my whole list of SoftMLS customizations which have been requested by various customers and checked to see which the programmers have completed., Working on the validation code for the input forms on the softmls site., meet in watertown office, w/ Randy and Ed, found problem in Mixed/Matched hubs, old vs. new ethernet. Made some changes and recommended new hub/switch., regular night duty... was pretty busy had about 3-5 calls..., worked with Chris W. on cortland MLS site, CLEC, Answered phones, and such, new do, one new customer with a persistent problem of not being able to get on. helped with mail. checked a lot of settings, Lunch, Answered phones, checked Dial Up issues, responded to one and tried to call the customer back with the AUAQ.,

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