Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:48:30 PM
I am using the upload_post_VBSCRIPT.asp to upload the pictures. My concern is the security of this. For instance I've seen some sites get hacked by a user uploading a file (going through the same process) and ending up crashing the entire server.
I tried adding .jpeg to the end of a text file (filename.vbs.jpeg) and then uploading it, and the file was actually uploaded. Is this a potential problem?
eeye38447.0388541667, I made the changes like you suggested, but now the page just times out before even loading.
ConnectionString = "DBQ=D:\clients\rklarman\DrWeisbergUsers.mdb;Driver={Microso ft Access Driver (*.mdb)}"
DatabaseType = "MSACCESS"
Have you thought about language file so users dont have to go into the code to put it in their language??
, I had never noticed this before, but a customer sent me email to say that they had set up their aspclassifieds profile such that they be contacted by email and not by phone.
However, in their ad, their phone number still appears. The lines in view_ad.asp that check for True values for the Contact_Via_Email and Contact_Via_Phone before displaying that information seem to always evaluate to True, regardless of their setting in the database.
I'm using an Access2000 DB for this. When I open the DB in access, I see the checkboxes correctly unchecked for phone and checked for email. However, if I do a quick test to display the retrieved values in the view_ad.asp (<%=contact_via_phone%> <%=contact_via_email%> they both display True.
What gives? I have had nightmares with Access and its weird handling of true/false 0/1 yes/no fields, but this is driving me nuts.
, Christopher
Many Thanks
Seems like its working just got to test it bit to see, though it wasnt going to work as I had one too many End If's after the last part of the code you done for me. But even I eventually sussed it, nothing to do with your bit just another mistake on my part
Great to get support like this especially on a Saturday
, ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.
Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.
A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.
Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.
For example..
You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly
Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 2-8 would have access..
Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…
<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
In this case a user assigned to any group between 3-8 would have access..
and so on... I think you should get the picture by now
Thanks for the quick reply.
I will consider editing the code.
, This is the 1st time anyone has ever told me they had any issues with the import process so I need more detailed information.
What upload component/method are you using ?
Are you using an image resizing component ?
Have permissions been set on the import folder ?
And lastly..
Can I see this happening ?
If not please put it on a live server where I can troubleshoot it for you.
Like we say on our site.
In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine. We also may require access to your server in order to troubleshoot any issues.
cwilliams38394.7298263889, Thought this would be easy. A few more pointers should get the database connection to work:
1) How do you decide whether it is a DSN (system datasource) or not? Does just putting the file in the ODBC make it so?
2)We have other files in there for other server applications, does that mean we’re stuck using DSN’s or is the file independent of that control dialog?
3) Assuming we get rid of using DSN for this database (or not), does the code go referenced in your article apply here or should it just work?
What else are we missing?
, how about translating the error to english..
Looks to me off hand that it would have something to do with the SQL server itself not being run in an english lcid/format and causing some sort of date issue.
I would also suggest you start off with a brand new blank SQL ASPBanner database and make sure that works before you attemp t to import any data into it.
, This has not been officially released yet, but it is ready.
Here is the overview...
And the Code for the IPN Subscription Pack is 30.00.
A few people are using it and say it works very well.
Like the IPN Single Purchase System it is a separate directory you copy into the web site. One change must be made to your database so it’s pretty easy to get working.
Though I am not guaranteeing this you should be able to accept Single IPN payments and IPN Subscriptions at the same time without the two bothering each other. I haven’t tested it but one customer is doing it and said it is working fine. It just involves manually specifying the IPN URL for one of the systems so it overrides the default IPN URL on your paypal settings. (As each system needs its own IPN URL) Its easy to do… just a form field you would add to the subscription form. I already looked it up. See below.
Specifying Your Notification URL
If you only need to receive your IPNs at a single URL, you can enter that URL in the Preferences section of your Profile. If you would like to receive payment notifications for different payments at different URLs (i.e. if you need to separate payments made to different websites you run), you can manually pass the IPN URL with each payment by including it in that payment’s HTML code. Use the notify_url field to pass this information. The notify_url for a specific payment will be saved, and any subsequent updates to that payment (e.g. cleared eCheck) will be sent to that notify_url. When you pass a notify_url in your HTML code, it will override any preferences you set in your Profile.
Anyway.. the Code for the IPN Subscription Pack is 30.00.
cwilliams38342.8775578704, and the permissions, how exactly were they set ?
I find a lot of customers think they are setting permissions correctly when they really are not. That's why I wrote that long article on the subject.
As you probably know a data connection is a very low level thing. It is the foundation of any ASP application that communicates with a database. Unfortunatly it sometimes takes a while to get the hang of setting them up without issue.
Everything must be perfect.. the ODBC drivers must be up to date, folder permission are critical, sometimes you must use a new version of the access database.. etc etc etc The errors and things that happen when all these things are not perfect and not helpful as you have found out.
I would suggest you download and get ASPTest from CJWSoft running before you go any further. It is designed to be as simple as possible and helps get a hang of the database setup process.
, Excellent.
Payment now taken in £.
Pasted <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GDP"> into
Thanks Folks.
, The company is called Eschelon - there customer service leaves a lot to be desired. I have contacted them again and they said that they require the account holder to manage permissions, they won't make changes. I wish they would have told me that a week ago when I asked them about changing the permissions. They haven't responded to me yet how I am to do that though.
Frontpage ext. are not installed.
Once I hear back from them about how I connect to manage rights I should be all set.
Thanks again for all your help!
, Terribly sorry, but we are not software-technical. So can you please tell us exactly which folder the database would be in.
Thanks in advance.
, ok, I just sent you a private message with download information.
replace you existing
with the new versions in the download
Do some testing to make sure that HANNAH password works ok for you.
Hopefully this cures the issue...
If it works ok for you for a while I will offer the fixes to everyone and start using this code from now on
"admin/email_user.asp" had an unrelated bug in it that only happened if its error handling got triggered... it was posting back to the wrong page when that happened and causing an error
, you can not limit image size using the pure code upload method. Its not possible using a pure asp method that I know of.
You would have to be using one the supported commercial upload components and edit the upload code accordinly to limit upload sizes (you would do this by looking through their documentation and samples) I didnt include any support for upload file size limitations with the supported 3rd party upload components because in my testing I found it problematic with all but aspupload from persits software. (I have example coe for that component I can provide that limits the upload size and seems to do it well) I am sure it could work with safileup and dundas as well but I gave up trying.
As for image resizing..
Image resizing requires the use of one of the supported 3rd party image resizing components. You didnt mention if you are using one or not. If you dont have one available image resizing is just not possible as asp can not do that on its own.
, Nov 2005
, I would like to have the ability to give a user 1 album with the default # of photos in it.
Is the best way to implement this to just add in an album creation
routine during the sigup/registration process and turn off the ability
to create a new album? Or is a user setting prebuilt into the
system for this?
Ok, set up a new web.config in root, with just the suggested code.
that worked to get this....
Configuration Error
Description: An
error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required
to service this request. Please review the specific error details below
and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: It
is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This
error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an
application in IIS.
Source Error:
Line 409: Line 410: Line 411: <authentication mode="Forms"> Line 412: Line 413: <!-- DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO -->
Source File: D:\hshome~aspnetprotect\web.config Line: 411
any ideas?
, yeah.. I cant say for sure.. as I have never really tried to get it working in xp pro.
Last time I actually used cdonts locally was on a 2000 box
I would do a google search on xp pro, smtp service, and cdonts and let us know what you find out.
All of our apps can use free 3rd part emailing components as well so maybe try some of those. Course you need a valid email server to connect to.
, Excellent

Thanks, the DESC addition did the trick!
- Jason
, sorry,
there is not.. it gets really complicated
its practically a miracle it does what it does due to the nature of the web
perhaps with some modications it could do mroe but the current version pretty much does what it does
, We have upgraded to IIS 6, but as I recall aspbanner continued to
work fine for at least 3 months after the upgrade. I would like
to reinstall, but I cannot find the zip file.
Cookies are turned on in my browers, I've tried both Internet Explorer and FireFox, niether stay logged-in.
Jason S.
ASPProtect v7.x runs on Microsoft IIS servers only.
That means Windows XP Pro, Windows 2000 server and Windows 2003 server. The web server must have ASP support enabled and support Data Connections. 99% of them do as it's a pretty normal thing, but you should ask and make sure your hosting plan supports it.
ASPProtect can use a Microsoft Access Database or Microsoft SQL Server as it's data source. We provide the access databases and everything you need to create the SQL database, however customer's using Microsoft SQL Server are required to have SQL Enterprise Manager and SQL Query Analyzer in order to setup and maintain the SQL database. Other scenarios are possible but we do not support them.
ASPProtect v7.supports 13 different emailing methods and components so chances are you will have no problem finding one that will work for you.
Bamboo Mail
Simple Mail
QuickSoft EasyMail Objects
We extensivley support all implemenations of CDOSYS which is installed on all the servers by default. We also support outgoing SMTP authentication requirements. If you can not send emails from the application using one of our 13 methods and you have an ASP solution that can send an email on your server we will work with you to make sure the application can send emails.
ASPProtect v7.x does not run under Chillisoft ASP. That means it does not run under Unix, Linux, Apache, etc etc. ASPProtect v7.x can not use a MySQL database. MySQL and Microsoft SQL are not the same thing.
If you are wondering if your web server runs Windows or Linux you can try using the header check here.
Be warned however it will not always be accurate because some people cloak that information or show something different than what they are running to trick potential hackers. With commerical hosting though the the header information is usually accurate. , while technically that shouldnt be showing that with two slashes that is actually valid and will not effect whether that feature works or not.
so if you are getting an error that is not the reason.. as far as windows is concerned // is the same as slash in that scenario?
what is your error? I need details. Like some code and an error at a line number ?
99% of the time it is permissions and sometimes it is related to the filesystem object being disabled on the server or script blocking software such as norton antivirus , did anyone find a way to get the descriptions to show under the image yet?
, Could be a mod I guess - it would be nice to have an option on the admin settings page to lock down access of all pages and redirect to a specified "lockdown" page upon attempted login.
If I'm updating the large files on the server and someone attempts a download, they'll get a partial ZIP file or an error.
, On second thought guys, it would must easier to change the code using modulus as follows:
<% If PicIndex mod 6 = 0 THEN %>
<% End If %>
This will end each row and create a new row after each 6th picture. It'll be must easier code to work with and change. This code must be placed in the PicIndex For Loop.
If you have any questions,
, a. Sorry for the missunderstanding
b . Im running XP pro and done what was explained
c. The iis stops responding - Till I make iisrest
, Hi,
I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Even though the guestbook is empty, it takes just about 20 to 30 seconds for the guestbook/default.asp lto oad. Is this normal has anyone else has had this problem.
, now. I just went to that url and this is the error I see which shows me there is a character in the source code that shouldnt be there which is causing the page to halt.
Looks like a "carrot".
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'
Expected statement
, Yes, that worked...
, If by permissions ou are reffering to the IUSR with write/execute
permissions, they are already set. I get this error when I hit the 'Create New
Export File From Current User Database' link:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/ASPProtect/password_admin/export.asp, line 76
Any other suggestions?, CDOSYS is the way to go usually...
My article may shed some light on the different ways to send email using CDOSYS
As for eliminating the registration its pretty much like what you said.. manually remove the links and what not... etc etc and dont send users to the registration pages..
If you dont want people to be able to edit their info ever... or retrieve lost passwords.. you can delete the users folder completely..
though it's probably better to leave some of that stuff and just disable the registration links and page...
The paypal and 2checkout folders can be wiped out completley either way as you won't be using them at all. , Chris,
I have had a couple of users log out of the system as they are supposed to, move to another computer and not be allowed to login because of "they are currently logged in using another IP address" when in fact they logged off properly. Is there anything that they should be doing differently?
, not really, aside from looking in paypal and manually adding each one for each user...
how many users are we talking about anyway ?
and were any of the users new sign ups from scratch because if they were and that field didnt get populated that is weird?
ultimately aspprotect does not use that field. I was just storing it for the sake of storing it... so its not a big deal but I would still like to figure out what is going on
removing the expiration dates from paypal subscripbers will be enough to fix the issue your having about them getting the expiration notifications
, Its a great idea. I didnt really check the counter until the album started working. Its a great concept though., i took another look at the file, and realized that when i was looking at the data structure i had confused "banner_image_URL" with "banner_link_URL". i lengthened the latter, and now all is good.
sorry for the false alarm, and thanks for a very-to-work-with product.
, check the action for the button in the code... its probably not posting back the the right page which should the same page it is...
I bet ya it is posting to guestbook2 which is the wrong directory... an old mistake I forgot to correct...
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:48:30 PM
email/voice mail, sick day, Reviewed a Web site proposal for Amy, sent her my comments, fiber optic training in Canton, meet with ron steed,and connie schock, still pol & proc, worked with kv to get out invitations to chamber seminar. s/w superior computers on centrex line. s/w td and bn on mls free dial-ups to incorporate in online newsletter and begin setups upon request., Duties:cc report , cancellations of invoices, callbacks from voice mails, checking billing emails, answering phones. , **Agency Ideas - tried to figure out why nt auth. wasn't working, Worked on the tech page and also worked with Steve to have him show me a few tips on modifying my page a little, **BHCP (fixed price) - asp graph, Budgets, did a ask us a question. user wasn't able to send mail, Fixed some spelling errors on Not billable., Daily routine, softmls, Folding, folding in half and stuffing of CD's., Took 2 phone calls, one a signup (yay!), incoming calls, call backs, worked with Tim quick on finding a solution using JavaScript to a file upload problem he was having on the Grays store front, management meeting, email set up fx email, chat, watertown auto sales, other virtual accts., Remington museum, trouble ith wuploading photo and changes, Move router upstairs and install in rack w/o connect to basement. Install screws, connect to router, to check functionality., Low afternoon. answering phone, incident report, cancellation of invoices, callbacks from voicemail. checked emails, taking sign ups. , Time spent throughout day checking w/ Bell Atlantic on long-distance status, talking w/ Norma, and talking w/ Beth regarding Internet proposal, for Henderson Manufacturing. Also talked w/ Peter Biggers who is helping them on the side regarding temporary Internet access., Email/Newsgroups/Voice Mail/Time Card, TIMECARDS, Mckinley house- go voer designa nd changes, Answered phones, quite busy all night, general errors and long phone calls.,