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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:54:08 PM

yes, any page you want protected needs to be edited..

You can probably have a login box on a non protected page. Just copy the generated source html form code for the login box of a protected page. Then put it on your non-protected page, but change the action to the page you want them to log in to.

In other words go to a protected page. See the login box, view the html browser source and use that to make your login form on the main page.

I have not tried it with .NET but I am pretty sure you can do it since it pretty much works the same as the classic asp version of ASPProtect.

try it.. see if it works.. If I have time tommoro I will test it out., I need more details... telling me you cant get it to work doesn't give me much to go on ,

no the "expected path" is something that gets generated for you if you have parent paths enabled. to help you fill things in correctly...

basically if parent paths are enabled it shows you what the path should be for each path field on the settings page... if parent paths are disabled there will be nothing to the right of expected path for technical reasons (lack of being able to do a "../../" to figure out the paths more or less)

in that case there is a file called "expected_paths" in the data folder that you can run to tell you the expected path info


I was thinking it worked like this; A user goes to that page and logs in.. and from there they can then browse the site and do what they want..

So in order for it to work i need to edit a page say... members.aspx (i assume it needs to be an asp.net page) and in the header put that protect code and when a user accesses it, it will prompt them for their un and pw and then if correct will allow them to view the page... and likewise if they are still logged in will be able to use the page?

If that is how to works as i mentioned above thats great...

I understand the redirect principle...but say i have a log in box on the main page... you know like most pages have a user log in on the left hand side... i wanted to do that. But i cant obviously protect the main home page or else normal users will not be able to view it without logging in or registering


you password protect an asp page in your site "where that is is up to you"


then you link them there from your own pages

thats all there is to it

is that what you are asking?

Additionally...any page you password protect automatically becomes a login page... where you want to start and where you send them after or before login is something you have to handle on your own

Any pages you pasword protect will prompt the user for login info if they are not yet logged in that is.

Then once logged in it returns them to the same page they are showing the page content as it would normally appear.



SQL Server Datareader Datawriter Permissions..

here is a screenshot that shows how to set datareader and datawriter permissions on a database using "SQL Enterprise Manager"

In this example we are making sure the aspbanneruser has those permissions on the aspbanner database in the SQL Server


New Power Supply and a new (CPU Fan/Heat Sink) seemed to do the the trick. She's running like a champ now...

Hopefully it keeps doing so. Only time will tell.

It she's stable I can get back to designing some new software.


Can we get access to the source project files for ASPProtect.net since we'd like to put in some of our own branding on the pages and not everything can be done in HTML.



I am using ASPProtect's password program, which has been very successful, for managing over 1,500 military veterans' memberships at http://www.vspa.com.  What I am trying to do now is utilize the "Groups" code, as generated by the Admin page, to prevent members with expired accounts (and non-members) from accessing restricted "members only" .ASP pages they may have bookmarked, or found via web search. The code generated and used is as follows:

<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * ADMIN * Member Current * Member Life * Officer/Staff * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "10,12,14,19" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->

The above is placed over the <html><head> statements on the page.

When I am logged in the code works perfectly! When I log off and try the URL again, the page appears in its entirety but with a Login box for Username and Login Password at the top of the page. You may view the problem at: http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp .

What I would like to have happen is expired members and non-members would be sent (or Redirected) to a Login page. I do not want the Login password box to merely be inserted above the page that I am trying to keep them from visiting.

Don Poss,
VSPA Webmaster

, I do not what see what this has to do with anything I sell ?

Those errors are all related to pages that have nothing to do with my ASP applications and code.,

Thank you so much that works great.

I will test with the other settings on the email server again thanks for the advice,

best regards


I dont know about the unspecified errors. I really need more detailed information. (Since it has been working fine for quite a long time you might want to consider installaing the application from scracth again and see if you still get errors)

As for the log in not persiting. Did you by chance turn off cookies in your browser ? They are required for forms based authentication to function. Otherwise, yes you would need to log in to each and every page as you moved around.


Yes, that’s all I wanted to know. The problem is on my end. The server is not creating the .NET site correctly. I think I got it working now. Thanks.

In case you wanted to know? The only reason I asked you is because you mentioned that you where having trouble with overseas piracy and my account is new. I figured it was my user error by just though I’d ask you first. Hope you have no more piracy issues and have a good rest of the day.

Thanks again for the quick response.

, now. I just went to that url and this is the error I see which shows me there is a character in the source code that shouldnt be there which is causing the page to halt.

Looks like a "carrot".


Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement


, thanks!,

I have written asp.net application pages- obviously i knew what viewstate was, or else when they made a mistake on that page it would not have saved their filled in info. Same thing for after they submitted, when they hit the back button their info would be gone.

For someone who wrote this software it seems you are not able to do simple things. Im begining to think you didn't write it. The only reason no one else asked this many questions is possibly because they didnt NEED the functions i am TRYING to do.

I know how the log boxes work. Esp. reg ASP... they all allow you to enter your username and password and then when you hit submit it gets verified and transfers you to your destination. ASP.NET has that capability also.. i didn't purchase a program to go and have to re-write it in visual studio. It would take me longer to re-write YOUR code than it would to have LEARNED ASP.NET and made MY OWN.

The program seems to have some great complex features, however, your not able to incorporate this easy login from a diff. page function... fishy


Chris, I'm having problems getting this to work. When I plug in the redirect URL and then try to load the web page, the Flash ad never loads successfully - just its black background in the 468 x 60 space. Here's an example of what I'm seeing:


Just keep refreshing the page until the black rectangle appears. And here is the code I've loaded for this flash ad:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 codebase=" http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version =4,0,0,0" ID=banner WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/banner_re direct.asp?Banner_ID=25">
 <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
 <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000>
 <embed src=" http://www.innovationtools.com/aspbanner/aspbanner/images/ba nners/mindmatters_innovation3.swf "
quality="high" bgcolor="#3CBDCD" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=" http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Pr od_Version=ShockwaveFlash">

What am I doing wrong? By the way, I'm using the standard version of ASPBanner. Not sure of the version, but it dates from about 2002.


I have been able to successfully edit some text colors, but there seems to be one page that wont change the text color. Inside the users/ folder, the login.asp page, i cant seem to change the text color from ffffff to 000000 so it can be read on my background color. Every page in the script is correct but this one.




I don't fully understand what you are explaining ... the part about showing a user but not working???? but if you PM me the details I will glady go into your live webserver and see if I can get it working.

, When using the paypal subscription feature with ASPProtect for a new user the expiration in ASPProtect is actually not used.  It is set to Null. This is because the PayPal system takes care of everything on their end.

So I can't see this happening because that field is not supposed to be used and the default PayPal subscription code we provide with the system does not populate that field.

Unless you populated the expiration date field on your own ?

Now that I re-read your post. The ASPProtect 6 reference was confusing me.

Now, if you have users that were never on a PayPal subscription that then sign up via PayPal subscriptiion that may indeed be a different story.
Is that what you are saying? I am looking at the code right now and it seems to me like it sets the expration date field to null on any new subscription activity regardless.

Let's forget about ASPProtect 6 as I don't think that matters. Please explain exactly when this happens and does not happen and exactly what sort of user we are talking and what their expiration dates are set at before they sign up for a paypal subscription.

Please be as detailed as possible so I really know what is going on ?,

Version 7 uses.. RC4

The upgrade process is described here in detail including a procedure to convert existing clear text passwords to the encrypted versions. (Your passwords will need to be clear text as the system shipped of course for the conversion to do its thing)


It is also covered in the downloadbale docs

Many people have done the upgrade without any issues and Version 7 is getting great feedback.

Should you decide to go with it there is upgrade pricing.


ASPProtect protects ".asp" pages only.

That is your problem.

, This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him.,

Ok, if the link to the import/export screen does not show up its probably because you never put the import/export path in the admin settings?

go check that for me.

cause running that page without a path for the files could cause a timeout.. thats why the link doesn't show if the path is not entered (so people won't run it)

it looks sorta like this (there will be a field to fill in which wont show here)
Settings below specify the physical directory path of the export directory. This is used by the system when using the import/export feature. The export directory needs modify permissions for the anonymous webserver account.

the path must be valid for your file structure and it must have correct permissions (when creating files) ,

The problem with that is when a user deletes an album, the album record does not get deleted from the DB, so counting all the records would return the accurate result. :(


Any hints?


The protection code for my group3 is:

<!-- Begin ASPProtect Code -->
<!-- Groups with access to this page. ( * GP03 * ) -->
<% GROUPACCESS = "3" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!-- End ASPProtect Code -->

btw - sorry but I am using v7
and thanks for the assistance


I have imported like 50,000 users into an access database when testing... it took like 4-5 minutes but worked..

course it really all depends on the setup how many you can get away with

something must still be wrong

have you tried just importing 1 or 2 users for troubleshooting sake ?

I would also recommend that after any timeout you reboot the server or at the very least do an "iisreset" to get things back to normal


Is there a way to set various members to upload a limit of photos. So, one member can only upload 5 photos in 1 album and another can upload 30 photos in 2 albums. Even if you just set a permission for the number of uploads for each member.

Thank you


Chris: You are right about a little extra coding to make it work. I am still learning .ASP coding, so I did a little web searching and used IF THEN statments to confirm a member logged in with a valid Access Code. If valid, the protected page executes, with the Member's Name and Access Level on a single line at the top of that page. Looks sharp! If not logged in, or a non member (who found the page via Google), I used a Redirect to send s/he to a login page with optional links as you suggested (http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-failed.asp) . I couldn't get it to work when using Group Access, but I am sure that is just because I am a novice at .ASP (I will post that example when I figure it out). Meanwhile, here's the code I used that works:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dataconn_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config_inc.asp"-->
<% =Session("First_Name") %>&nbsp;<% =Session("Last_Name") %>:
If Session("Access_Level") = "6"  Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Active Member Access Level 6"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "7" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Life Member Access Level 7"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "8" Then
    Response.Write "VSPA Officer/Staff Access Level 8"
 End If
If Session("Access_Level") < "6" Then
    Response.Write "Access Level 1-6 NOT AUTHORIZED RESTRICTED AREA ACCESS"
End If
%><!-- http://www.vspa.com/aspprotect/vspa-password-enter.asp -->
<!-- *** End ASPProtect Code *** -->



Weird things happening, when I upload using the vb method the image fails and error is that the image was empty.

Utilizing ASPUpload and after clicking upload file I get a blank screen, no preview, no nothing (it loads with the proper header/footer) but a completely blank body.

Any hints?


I'll give it a shot within the next day or so. I'm busy with a few other things right now.  You're right about just saving a copy before I start. It can't really hurt anything.

Thanks Chris. I'll let you know how it turns out.




yes, usernames and passwords are both case sensitive. It increases security.

, It is not something I did when I wrote the emailing sub routines. You would have to edit the email sub routine for CDONTS and add something to it most likely. The email sub routines are in the "scripts" folder in the "emailing_subs_inc.asp" file.

I am not sure you can do that when using CDONTS though I think you can do it with CDOSYS. You would have to do some research and edit the code like I mentioned.
, Yes, I created it  using the scripts.
, Totally 100% depends on what you are doing.. you certainly can't be renaming any fields unless you plan on editing a lot of code that references them. Adding new fields is nothing to worry about.

Also, you really should post a question like this under the forum section for the application you are referring to as well as specify exactly what changes you are talking about. For example I don't even know what application you are referring to.

I sell about 8 applications.,

Need to clarify something..

Your talking about the page where a new user registers right ?
Your not talking about adding a new user from the admin area ?

Either way under no circumstances do I see anything like you are saying happening nor has any other ASPProtect user ever mentioned this probem.

I am going to need to see your site and see this happening. It just makes no sense the way you are describing it.

Also. did you edit the registration page code in any way. If so please revert back to an original copy to ensure this is not some sort of problem introduced by editing the code.

cwilliams38164.8115046296, What application you talking about ? I'll assume ASPProtect. In the future please specify what application you are talking about.

ASPProtect 7 already has protection that is quite effective. The no concurrent login feature which will not let the same username under a different ip log in at the same time. Meaning if someone gives out their info they will screw themslves over because eventually they won't be able to log in. Only one unique ip at a time can log in so even of 100 people know the info it won't really do anyone much good except the lucky one that logged in 1st and stayed logged in.  The username/password will eventually become more and more useless as more and people know it.

In addition to that is is a good idea to monitor the daily logs and single out a user you see logging in a lot. The more ips you see for that user the more chance it is multiple people logging in and you should take action. ,


I basically explained how I thought that might work here where I went over everything I could think of and suggested you download the free version and see if you could get it working

The part about using the alternate scenario involving querystring info from a url.

I have never done anything like that and that is why I told you what I knew and suggested you try it with the free version...

, Thank you!!



I had both ASP Listings & Classified on the same website.  The categories seem to be getting mixed up. I removed ASP Classified but classfieds categories is still appearing in the student of ASP Listing.

How do I fix this?



Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:54:08 PM

Neighborhoodsupermarkets.com - redesigning admin to support seperate categories for each store and 2 user levels (store owner and overall admin). Made home page a seperate store so can be populated with combination of store specials, emails and voicemail for Paul, Responding to emails, Accting test, Web Interface for IP assignment DB, corporate folder, business cards and letterheads...prepping, phone calls for different papers..., Checking and resetting open modems., Lunch, Got the iPhone, and talked to Ben and Steve about the upstairs move., Meeting about the new changes and what is to be going on, Nortel ATM, Seminar (Syracuse), printed and reviewed invoices, readied money for clayton, Jackie came in and we went over some emerald billing problems and helped her resubmit one day of her timecard, Took a couple of calls. Wasn't too busy so I focused more on things that needed to be done around the office and for techsupport. , Going to meeting for TICC, talking to Bell Atlantic regarding TI Council. They wanted to take it down for a couple of seconds to make sure that nothing happens to them again., phone, billing questions, new sign ups, answered incoming calls, billing calls, chow, Finishing deferred revenue, Freislich and life insurance, Started vaccumming the tech room and dusting and doing general cleaning. Read from my A+ book and also read Hieka's Front Page book. Also took in 1 more call., CHRSolutions, Also checked email. ns1 was down at 11 according to an email from ipsentry., Stopped by to check SHBC network., Meet with TIm Badour regarding Sooenfeldt meeting., E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Packing up., FX, Petty cash, Emails, Tasks, Phone, Andy MBO 1/2 Hr.,

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