Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:58:18 PM
What is the difference between the paypal_sub_signup and the paypal_signup directories? Also, I know it depends, but what directories and files can I delete from my web server if I am not using them? I copied the entire set of files that came with the program over to the webserver and I am concerned that there is too much out there.
cwilliams38446.6304050926, Things have now changed I found out godaddy has persitis aspUPload and aspjpeg as value added products, I have the aspjpeg working but have been unable to upload when using aspUPload, everything works fine with the vbscript method so I think my permissions are correct. Whenever you get a chance, any help would be appreciated.
Two things you can do to test..
make sure there is at least one ".log" file in that directory.. then if you go to the log file screen and it does not show up in the list the physical path you are using is just not correct
remember the physcial path must contain a drive letter (sometimes a network path starting with // is ok if they have it setup as a network drive)
the other thing you can do is use this script to try and write a simple text file in the directory
That will show you if permissions are correct
, OMFG, Can you be more specific on the javascript I should look for? Can it be combined with ASPBanner?, it probably means the page you are trying to protect is (not in an iis application or not in the same iis application) which it needs to be
for a situation like using ASPProtect you really want your root of your virtual directory set up as one big application in IIS. (after you inquired about it your hosting company probably went and set the ASPProtect folder as an application in IIS which means any pages you protect need to be in there as well. (truth is they should have had your entire web starting from the root set as one in the 1st place..... its standard practice for any experienced hosting company) cwilliams38456.9306828704, I dont what it is..u got to just keep trying stuff like connecting to different versions of the database and maybe even the version with no password set on it.. maybe do some iisresets in between if it is your server.. maybe try putting the database in a different folder
Usually people have zero trouble setting up this particular app because everything is so time tested and rock solid...
its just got to be something related to the actual data connection.. low level stuff , yea.. it sounds like aspimage is not working right.
You wont get any errors..
I would suggest using some of aspimage's sample asp pages in your web and see if they do their thing. You need to be sure aspimage is working correctly under the ,ost simple of circumstances
Though ASPImage is the standard in ASP image resizing and has been around forever and it works very well. Their support is almost non-existant.. in 6 years they have never answered any email I have sent them. I have sent them 6 or so over the years and then just stopped trying. I bought a server bundle too way back then for like 300.00 or so when we had a company called gisco. You would think they could answer my emails. I think that guy just made a ton of asp components back in the day and then just took a seriously long vacation. Updated them a few times in between when he felt like it and making good money the whole time.. More power too him I guess. I'd love to be in his shoes when he sells an enterprise license for 3000.00. Maybe he isn't even around anymore and the someone he knows just kept the sales going. Who knows..
Anyway... it does a great job when ya get it working.
Personally this is how I install it and it works every time.
I like to put their dll in the system32 folder.
Register it.
Run their licensing prog to make it a full version if you paid for it yet.
Right click on the dll and give the "everyone" account modify permissions
Right click on the "windows/temp" folder and give it the same permissions
, (User Photo Upload Mod) for ASPProtect Version 7.x
This will allow an individual user to upload a user picture instead of just the admin.
Notes: This is a down and dirty mod. The user upload code was copied from the admin area and there are no safeguards. Meaning there is no limit on the file size a user uploads and there is no confirmation process in case something they upload is inappropriate. etc etc etc
If you want that you will have to work on that on your own.

Back up your existing ASPProtect installation.
copy these files into your "users" folder
, It's probably something I could do for you as a custom project if you are interesting in paying to have that work done, but it is probably not something that will be added to this version of aspbanner as it is in my opinion a feature more suited for a more expensive software package.
It is also difficult to get ASP code to do things on it's own. Scheduling something to run on the server or some other clever scenario is necessary and that usually means it would be unique to each persons setup.
, At the bottom of my "users" list page, it asks the question "number of users displayed per page"? After hitting a larger number than the default of 1-25, it increases the number of users per page to that number. But as soon as I leave that page, it goes back to the default. Any thoughts?, I used Dreamweaver4 to make my site is there anything I can do to make it work?
, How to set a new users expiration date.
You'll need to edit the "users/add_new_account.asp" with a text editor.
Find this section..
CmdAddUser.Fields("ValidateEmailCode") = ValidateEmailCode
CmdAddUser.Fields("Access_Level") = "4"
ID = CmdAdduser("ID")
Set CmdAdduser = Nothing
Set ConnPasswords = Nothing
You'll want to add code like this right between the Acccess_Level and Updates section
CmdAddUser.Fields("Expiration_Date") = Date + 60
That will give take todays date and add 60 days to it.
You can of course do whatever you want here.
Actually, any database value for the user can be set during registration.
You can also change the default Access_Level to whatever you like.
cwilliams38088.4986689815, I do not really know a lot about but it is basically code that lets you specify however many number of images and links... and then display a certain number of them at once.
You'd have to search google for it.. there are 1000 of sites that offer free javascript code and that is where you find scripts like that.
You could certainly set up all the images and links for each banner in aspbanner but if you used them with code like that you be limited to tracking clicks on banners. Tracking page impressions would not be possible because the javascript would be handling what images get displayed at any given time. Basically each link for each image would be going through aspbanners tracking url feeding it the banner id and therefore tracking the click and sending the user to the desirec URL.
Regardless, it is not something I would support. You would have to sort it out as it is nothing ASPBanner was designed to do and not something I want to deal with because client side javascript code is not something I am NOT very good with. , Dear Christofer
I already have send you the details you asked me for. Please let me know if you have received
, I need more details... telling me you cant get it to work doesn't give me much to go on , I'll try to help when I get back tues night,, see the contact page for info on where I am eneral+Inquiry
, All of the fields with the expected paths show the correct file structure, so now I've put them in them in the boxes
, now, even though it should work with two slashes or not... here is an updated file that will clear that issue up.
You can try it but I think you have other issues like I said above.
just replace this file in the "scripts" folder , Chris-
That appears to have fixed it!!! Thanks alot for your patience, I will never question your brilliance (or customer service) again! Where do I write you a smashing review?
, Humm, Did you make any changes to the code ?
Solid Black is not the default so it must have changed at least once.
Otherwise it might be some sort of application variable problem.
I would make sure the web is and "application" in the IIS console.
, I am attempting to have the page dedirect from the group, as some of my users are part of different and multiple groups (they are not structured in access levels, b/c they cannot be part of multiple levels(?)). So I think I need to redirect by group. I am having trouble having this work correctly.
, I believe that solved the problem as I have not heard from this person since I sent him the code., Ok i was wanting to know what the "if then" statement would be if i wanted to show xxx if your group is xxx.
I tried
<% If Session("Groups") = "1" then%>
<font size="2">TEXT HERE</font>
<%end if%>
But that did not seem to work.
, the sql databse is the same.. the sql script is the same for any version
as the site says they are essentially the same app with very minor changes... if you are trying to share the same sql database with both it's not gonna happen because the table names are the same
that app runs nealry as well with msaccess as it does with sql so I wouldnt get too excited about running it withe sql. You will not see any benefits unless you have a ton of simultaneus (sp) users.
cwilliams38312.1125115741, I did a sign up.. your verify URL is not saved/set in the application variables.
try saving the admin settings page again.. or reboot the server so the settings get reloaded
if you can make sure the web is it's own application in IIS
if it is your server do and "iisreset" from the command prompt
if all else fails you got iis application issues with the site... wait till tommoro to see if the setting gets loaded
, The pages in the ASProtect Full version that have emailing code in them are as follows.
, Chris: You are right about a little extra coding to make it work. I am still learning .ASP coding, so I did a little web searching and used IF THEN statments to confirm a member logged in with a valid Access Code. If valid, the protected page executes, with the Member's Name and Access Level on a single line at the top of that page. Looks sharp! If not logged in, or a non member (who found the page via Google), I used a Redirect to send s/he to a login page with optional links as you suggested ( . I couldn't get it to work when using Group Access, but I am sure that is just because I am a novice at .ASP (I will post that example when I figure it out). Meanwhile, here's the code I used that works:
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dataconn_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config_inc.asp"-->
<% =Session("First_Name") %> <% =Session("Last_Name") %>:
If Session("Access_Level") = "6" Then
Response.Write "VSPA Active Member Access Level 6"
End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "7" Then
Response.Write "VSPA Life Member Access Level 7"
End If
If Session("Access_Level") = "8" Then
Response.Write "VSPA Officer/Staff Access Level 8"
End If
If Session("Access_Level") < "6" Then
End If
%><!-- -->
<!-- *** End ASPProtect Code *** -->
, FYI. There is a typo in the upgrade (6.0 to 7.0) instructions. It specifies adding a field named "passwords". Should be "password"., Another good tip is to make a copy of the "password_admin/default.asp" named whatever you like..
"default2.asp" would work...
then maybe add a link to it from the header_inc.asp file
then you can modify that one all you want and your will still have the original around.
That concept works for a lot of things.. for example you could make a copy of the "users" folder and call it "users2" granted a few paths might need to be changed here and there but really not a lot. (how do you think the paypal signup folders were created, they started as a copy of the "users" folder of course)
You can even make a copy of the "check_users_inc,asp" file if you like. Then make a copy of the "scripts/login_form_inc.asp" file... then make your new "check_user_inc.asp" file reference it.
Then you can password protect pages using different versions of the "check_user_inc.asp" file. Why ? well maybe you want different looking logn forms for different parts of your website or you want to make a lot of changes to the "check_user_inc.asp" file and want to leave the original alone.
The sky is the limit really. When it comes down to it besides the actual guts of the "check_user_inc.asp" file ASPProtect is nothing but html tags and chunks of simple server side code that produce more html dynamically. What your browser ends up with is basic html. (some client side javascript in certain cases, but that is pretty basic stuff too.)
cwilliams38422.509525463, If you are developing using Windows 2003 Server and running the NTFS file system setting proper permissions on a folder in your website is done like so.
using "my computer" browse to the folder in your web that you need to set permissions on.
Right click on that folder and then choose the "security" tab.
Give the "Internet Guest Account" Modify Permissions
This will check all the boxes under modify as well.
You can also give permissions to the everyone account and accomplish the same thing.

Other things to note:
If you are using ASP.NET you need to give permissions to an account called ASPNET. It wont show up in the user list. You'll need to click "add" and then type in "ASPNET"
In some cases you may want to go into the advanced tab and check both checkboxes shown in order to make sure the permissions you need get set. It really all depends on the situation.

cwilliams38342.7343981481, Are you aware ASP can run on any machine running win95/95,2000,xp pro, 2003. You really should test all asp code locally before running it on live servers but anyway... that is your deal
I am not sure if memory alone will be enough for that server but it could help. I saw a decent amount of free memory when I looked. Its just about an 8-10 year old system on every aspect (processer,OS,Hard drives, memory etc etc) and not only that something is tasking the heck out of the resources left over for asp database access. Something is just wrong. I don't know what it is but I am pretty sure it is not aspprotect. I got rid of my last nt 4 server about 4-5 years ago but the application always ran great on NT and I still have some customers using NT 4. Not many though.
if you email me the import file and the encryption keys you are using I will make a database for you.. just zip it up and send it to
replace - with @ , That's exactly what it was.
The site owner couldn't see their own ads because Norton was blocking anything with the word ad in it.
On another note: I changed the word 'ad' to 'listing' and got it to show even with Norton.
, that really does not make any sense...
I dont know what else to tell you as this really shouldn't be anything too difficult to sort out...
redirection based on criteria is not something aspprotect does by default... I try to help a bit... I've shown everyone how to do it in this thread...I know plenty of people doing it... I've done it myself... I know it works
let me ask you this... are you using ASPProtect 6 with the Option Pack ?
I assume you must be or you would not have the Groups feature ?
And you asked this question in the ASPProtect 6 section.
but then maybe your using 7.. I do not know
this should all work the same either way
, I'm using Groups and would like to assign all new users to a particular group. How is this done? cwilliams38298.5087384259, This server is sitting in my den on a DSL circuit, so I don't have a hosting company. The install for Windows 2000 server is with default settings for all components installed.
I am not sure what you are referring to when you say:
"Does emailing work under the simplest scenario ? (directly from the users screen"
What user screen?
What settings are you referring to that I may have chosen?
, let's try this... edit that page with a text editor like notepad...
Carefully replace any instance of "Cint" with "CDbl".. I may have missed some of those when testing the last time I edited the code.
, humm, I see your using the lite version which is technically not supported.
I know you were responding to an existing thread but I really would rather you have posted this in the ASPProtect Lite area or at least mentioned what version you are using. Usually there are big differences in the versions and it helps me help you if I know what is going on.
Regardless, the code for this feature is actually the same and I just tested a fresh install of the lite version and it stored that verify url perfectly and all worked as it should in the verification email.
All I can think of is that you can try manually editing the "users/add_new_account.asp" file.
This part
EmailBody = EmailBody & "New Registration.." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Your registration still has to be validated." & vbCrLf & "Go to " & vbCrLf & VerifyURL & "?u=" & Server.URLEncode(Request("Username")) & "&v=" & ValidateEmailCode & vbCrLf & "to verify your registration." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Would need your verify URL hardcoded into it which would pretty much guarantee it would get put in the email.
EmailBody = EmailBody & "New Registration.." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Your registration still has to be validated." & "http://localhost/aspprotectlite/users/v.asp" & "Go to " & vbCrLf & VerifyURL & "?u=" & Server.URLEncode(Request("Username")) & "&v=" & ValidateEmailCode & vbCrLf & "to verify your registration." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Of course change the url to be valid for your setup.
Still, the fact that this isn't working means there is something wrong with your installation. It would probably be a good idea to erase everything, do an iisreset, and re-install the application in a different directory... immediatly log and go to the settings page, carefully set everything and save it... then register as a new user and see what happens.
There is no reason that variable shouldn't get set. I mean I tested it just now with a fresh install of the version you are using and not only that... 1000's of people have been using that same code for over a year in the full version and no one has had this problem except the guy who started this thread who never populated the value.
My guess is still a problem with your "IIS application" for that web. It is not doing it's thing for some reason. When the settings page is saved and application variable gets set telling the config file to reload the variables as it doesn't do it every time to conserve resources.
If that isn't getting triggered and that variable isn't getting set who knows what else isn't getting set and it's not pratical going around hardcoding 15 important variables., I really need more info on what you have going on?
This can sometimes be cause by a slow server / bad data connection.
Sometimes caused when someone is using the option pack but did not make the proper changes to the database.
Sometimes caused when a user adds users the database on his own and does some "incorrect" things..
The more details you can provide the better. Think of anything and everything and describe it.
SQL or MSACCESS... version of either
Server OS
Using Option Pack or not
Did you have your host set permissions...
etc etc etc
cwilliams38300.5380092593, well, ultimately it comes down to this and this is stated in the footer of every page in the cjwsoft family of websites.
"In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live professionaly setup server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine."
and if you have some sort of weird timeout going on on your local machine and cant even give me a detailed error message there is just no way I can possibly troubleshoot it... I told you what to check and thats really all I can do... all my applications run on XP. As a matter of fact I do all my development on XP boxes.
It could be any numbers of things... odbc drivers, versions of vbscript... other software on the pc interfering such as antivirus script blockers like norton... all sorts of issues can pop up on personal machines running xp
If you put this up on a live professionally setup web server I can help you. On your local machine there is only so much I can suggest. ,
Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:58:18 PM
installed print driver for plotter upstairs to help print banners/signs for BF. Installed scanner software to utilize scanner for the vacation guide., PC Bundle brochures given to CP. Letter mailed to Post Realty for Amy (SoftMLS)., lunch, had quite a few calls about email. all seemed to be resolved. also had a signp, mike renzi- frontopage extensions settings
all set
Ogdensburg - dsend info to tom for work
Conboy/mckay- info on frontpage info - need to charge with
Allied federated reschedule appointmnet to tommorrow
Lori Gaylord info on new web site, send out info
Sister Gregory-problem with ftp
Hopkin homes- chanegs to elegant homes, not completed
Penns ink- pronlem with ftp and frontpage- allset
check mail/voice mailti bait store- work order
Contact fineview lodge, tried calling captian spicers
, talked with Lisa about storefront for Dynoport, nnybe, cant get database of members in right, Finding, snagging a copy of the SoftListings Component. Checking it out to see how it works. Keep getting ''unspecified error''., SAMARITANHEALTH.COM FINISHED INTEGRATION OF SAMARITANS GRAPHIC ROLLOVERS, HYPERLINK THOSE SECTIONS IN IMAGEREADY AND REINSERTION OF JAVA SCROLL AND RESOLVING LAST MINUTE ISSUES CLIENT HAD , Converting input forms into PDF (Cortland MLS), out for lunch , Meeting about tech support, mbo system and personnel records, lunch, Traveled with Ben & Dave to POP's, Installed active PDF and and started playing with it because we have to see if it is going to do what we need it for., Calling and trying to get Bell Atlantic to fix their equipment on the 265-4812., Payroll, Lafargeville central. Parents are starting to become involved - adding new parents to database., meet with seneca data, printed, reviewed and mailed invoices; cancellations for nonpayment; readied money for clayton; emailed soon to expires; , users group, Gisco Dial-up Admin conversion to sequal database, combine local numbers with nathional, move to, teaching Beth how to setup FTP on Neptune and on tycho. Also taught her how to use the computer console in 2000 to fix services on another 2000 server when you can't term or use emonitor, covered for joanns lunch; answered phone; worked on office supply order; cc decline report and letter; batched, Emails, Phone, , Adirondack Telecommunications Conference in Lake Placid, Yellow Pages - spoke to Wendy Ann- got contracts out to her working on more test and art for additional books, taking sign ups, callbacks from voicemail and checked emails. , City of Watertown - site design,