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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:46:53 PM

User Information

After a user logs in there are variables that you can always access.
They can be used to check various things or to display information
dynamically based on who has logged into the system.


You can display them on a page at any time using Response.Write like so

<% Response.Write(Session("FIRST_NAME")) %>

or like this

<% = Session("LAST_NAME") %>


This is a great article for newbies..

Hints & Tips when working with ASP


ok "ace45",

I just spent a bunch of time in your setup using SQL server and I didnt have a single issue. It all seems to be working perfectly to me.

I got into the system using the "get_me_in.asp" page like the instructions say to to.. then I deleted those two users you had there.

I created a new user called "admin".. then I edited that user to make him an admin.

I have logged off and back on as that user a bunch of times without issue.


is the user info..

I just didnt see any problems whatsoever???

I also took the liberty of going into the settings page and setting all that up for you as well so all the url paths are right now and emailing from the application works.

I am going to wait an hour or so and try to log in a few more times but it honestly seems to be running perfectly to me. , I have no idea.. perhaps PM me info on how to log into your site and reproduce the issue.,

Banners no longer show up on my site ?

If banners were working fine and now they are just not showing up.
1st check to see that you are calling a valid zone with live banners in it.
If you are then most likely this it what hapened.

The web server must have crashed or lost power and now the application variables are in limbo/not working.

I have seen this happen 3 times. Twice on my own server when the power went out for 2 hours and once on a customers server.

Basically the application variable system gets all messed up because it was not shut down properlly.

The ways to possibly cure it are as follows.


Edit and save a banner in the system. Hopefully that gets things going again.
If not... keep reading for the more drastic cures..

Go to the command prompt on the server and type "iisreset"
Sometimes that is enough.

Reboot the server.
Sometimes that is enough.

Stop the web in the IIS console.
Sometimes that is enough.

Stop the individual processes for each web in iis
"you must really know what you doing and be very careful about doing this"

Remove and recreate new applications in IIS for the web in question.

And sometimes it just takes a combination of the things listed above and a few reboots. I don't know the best way to cure it but I do know why it happens and the steps listed above can get things back on track.

Again, this is because the server lost power or crashed as far as I know.
It was not allowed to shut down properly which sometimes happens.

You'll know things are ok again when you see your banners show up on your site.

cwilliams38295.0183101852, ok,

Umm, if your using MSACCESS your using MSACCESS

SQL server has nothing to do with it.

I am sure its permissions as well, but I don't have that much access to the hosted server...lol.
I will use access for now, since it works fine, and try to talk with the hosting people later.
, Actually it is my own server (retired email server from my employer). I will check out the documentation again. I DID read that part, but didn't understand it enough. I'll dig deeper. Also my box has 2 CPU's, hence the $125 for ASPImage..., FILE includes can not use virtual pathing info


if you want to do it like that you have to use a VIRTUAL include,


I actually noticed something was up with your install earlier...
(I saw you in my log files when you clicked to cjwoft from the docs)

I need more info... like what uploading method your using.. what image resizing component, what widths yoru resizing things to... etc

have you tried it while telling it to delete the pics and also while not telling it not to delete them from the import folder

I might have to take a look tommoro as well to really figure it if that is ok

I have to go the bar to meet some friends so I wont be of much more help tonight :)

I been working steady all week and need a few.


, well, ultimately it comes down to this and this is stated in the footer of every page in the cjwsoft family of websites.

"In some cases in order to receive proper tech support your application will be need to be installed on a live professionaly setup server on the Internet. We simply cannot troubleshoot all issues when the application is only installed on your local machine."

and if you have some sort of weird timeout going on on your local machine and cant even give me a detailed error message there is just no way I can possibly troubleshoot it... I told you what to check and thats really all I can do... all my applications run on XP. As a matter of fact I do all my development on XP boxes.

It could be any numbers of things... odbc drivers, versions of vbscript... other software on the pc interfering such as antivirus script blockers like norton... all sorts of issues can pop up on personal machines running xp

If you put this up on a live professionally setup web server I can help you. On your local machine there is only so much I can suggest. ,

ASPProtect v7.x has a new feature called groups.

Groups are meant as a replacement for using the access levels as they are much more powerful. Support for pages protected using access levels is left in tact for backward compatiability for a customer that was using them.

A customer recently told me groups could not be used like access levels and that 8 access levels was not enough. This is how I explained that groups can do everything access levels can do.

Groups can honestly do everything access levels can do if you really think about it.
Using groups and protecting pages accordingly you could actually create a system that basically worked identically to the way the access levels works.

For example..

You make 8 groups and assign users to them accordingly

Protection code on page allows access to groups 1-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any one of those groups would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 2-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "2,3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  2-8 would have access..


Protection code on page allows access to groups 3-8
The aspprotect system generates this code for you…

<% GROUPACCESS = "3,4,5,6,7,8" %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

In this case a user assigned to any group between  3-8 would have access..

and so on... I think you should get the picture by now


This is great FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator App from Microsoft..

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=C03 9A798-C57A-419E-ACBC-2A332CB7F959&displaylang=en

It is an ASP.NET web application that you install locally on your development server and then use to connect to a SQL database whether remote or local.

It can do nearly everything enterprise manager can do.

I have tested it and it works great for me.

cwilliams38325.7453587963, not anything built into the app... it would be done with client side javascript if you wanted to look into it...  my client side javascript skills are ziltch, The webpage header for CJWSoft  states "Web Development for Win NT/2000 servers" - a little dated cause it works just fine on 2003 too, right? :), Oh snap. Tried the blank database and got the same errors. Fixed THE FILE PATHS to conform to the AspProtect 7 setup, and it worked like a champ. I still need to copy and paste the info, but it's working just fine with the ones I add manually.

, Ok.. glad you got it working., here is the next response to this which was emailed to me but should have been posted here

From: Mo Afifi
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 4:47 PM
To: CJWSoft Support Info
Subject: Re: CJWSoft Support Info : SSL - Verisign Certifcates


Thank you for responding to my posting. In the second line of your response you said “not start them off at an http:// url". I think what you meant is to "not start them off at an https:// url". If this is your intention then I agree with you 100%. I have revised my pages so the users will go first to a non-https page and then make a choice either to use secure or non-secure access. Please note that the site is not intended to be completely SSL protected but only the sign up pages. I have another problem though when I click on the "Secure Log In" and enter my log in information; the entire subsequent URLs will have https:// in them which I could not shake off. As I said the intention was to use the https for sign in only.

 I realize that this issue does not have any thing to do with your product, but any input will be appreciated. Best,


, If you are having trouble setting up a simple data connection ASPTest is a great learning tool.

You can download it from the www.CJWSoft.com website near the bottom. cwilliams38087.5457060185, ASPProtect 7 Customization Service

As some people seem to have a lot of trouble editing ASP code I am currently willing to consider doing ASP Programming custimization work to the registration pages/database as well as the admin area of ASPProtect Version 7.

things like drop down lists, yes/no fields, new database fields, edit screen additions... etc etc

things that might take an ASP novice forever but I could do in reasonable time.

PM me detailed specs on what you want and will then provide a quote if interested. I get paid via PayPal ahead of time and am charging 40/hour for my time which is a discounted rate. (partially since I am so familiar with the application and partially because you have made a purchase from CJWSoft)

So to be very clear...

You tell me exactly what you want in detail, If I agree and you like the price quote, I get paid, I write the code, you get the code, I fix any minor bugs or errors if I made if any, and everyone is happy. That's the deal.

Pain in the ass people or people not willing to spend money for quality work done quickly need not contact me. I get enough of that as it is and my time is valuable. I also may refuse a job if I don't have time or just don't want to do the work involved. Really how well you describe what you want and the intelligence level vibe I get from you has a lot to do with whether I will do the job or not.,

in that file "upload_post.asp"


If Session("Admin") <> "True"
End If


If Session("Admin") <> "True" Then
End If


, Simply not possible, that feature is one of the most complicated things I have ever coded. I am very serious when I say that. There is simply no way to make it do that without spending like 80+ hours on the code and even then I do not know how it would work.  There is some very slick stuff going on there and there is no simple way to change it like that. ,

I understand the encryption for security, but I am using ASPP for a very low security function and don't want encryption.

Can't I simply delete the code that does encryption?

If not, how can I

take my ASPProtect_access2002.mdb that was opened on my local host, with my own users added with text passwords,

export to a delimited text file, import it into ASPP with my own passwords encrypted, the use that file instead of my old .mdb file? Thanks

I haven't moved (or messed with) any critical files within the directory at all, just placed them as a job lot into a subdirectory call aspprotect.
All I did was put all the files directly into a directory rather than into the root because some of the subdirectories had the same name as some already in use and would therefore have been overwritten.
I'll go back and have another look in the cold light of day (its too late tonight UK time).
Thanks anyway.

Actually it would because you would just count records for that user that are also active

and yes, users cant delete albums.. they can only turn them off which really means the albums lose their active status

only the admin can truly delete an album the way the code is
(that's just the way I did it for some reason.. I don't remember why)




The file check_user_inc.asp as the lines: (which include Session("groups")

 Here we set some valus about the user into session variables
   Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes"
   Session("Access_Level") = CmdCheckUser("Access_Level")
   Session("Admin") = CmdCheckUser("Admin")
   Session("Active") = CmdCheckUser("Active")
   Session("Expiration_Date") = Expiration_Date
   Session("User_ID") = CmdCheckUser("User_ID")
   Session("Groups") = CmdCheckUser("Groups")
   Session("Redirection_URL") = CmdCheckUser("Redirection_URL")
   Session("Password") = RC4(CmdCheckUser("Password"), PasswordEncryptionKey)
   Session("Username") = CmdCheckUser("Username")

, I just remembered the current skin is stored in a text file in the pictures folder. If it did not have permissions for writing it could give you trouble.  That could of had something to do with it.cwilliams38295.3821064815,

i will probably end up doing this myself, but dropping all the log data in a sql table would be nice as it offers much more flexibility on how an admin can keep track and use the data. Browsing through each log file is very inconvenient. I can search for text in the files (server-side, others with a shared server would probably have to separately download all log files first), but with the current method I don't have the following important options:

  • cannot sort by any criteria
  • quickly see a list of all login attempts by a specific user (i need to search each log file individually for this info)

if you had an option during setup perhaps (or elsewhere) in a future version that allowed an admin to specify the preferred logging method (separate files or a table in sql) i'm sure many admins would find it very useful to have a database alternative of keeping track of users becuase it would offer the two benefits listed above, plus more.


Can you incorporate a secure log in within the scripting.  I would like the account information to be secure without having to have the whole site using running through a secure (https://) path.  If this is possible, the scripting is perfect!


Let me put it this way.

My home page (default.asp) is an unprotected page.

When a user that has signed in on another (protected pages) and has the remember me checkbox checked closes the browser cookies should be set for the next time they return.

When the user opens their browser and returns  to my home page (default.asp), I'd like to put a message saying:
Welcome back <%Session ("Username")%>

How is this done?


Just as an FYI, I found the problem.  FP2003 has an "Optimize" feature that removes so called not needed spaces and comments from the pages.  It also completely screws up .ASP code.

I turned off the optimization feature and all the pages I was having problems with worked.  However, I would still recommend not using it too!


My ISP uses ASPSmartMail. The email confirmation works except when I try to register an AOL user the server returns an error 500.


, This user has notified me that the issue has been resolved based on what I told him.,

Is there anyway to limit the number of Albums each user can make?

, Seems as though changing the mail settings to "remote email server" did the trick.

Thanks Chris.

Your solution worked!

, recently i've been getting a lot of unspecified errors.  i've been running aspbanner for about a year and a half now.  i don't know what would have caused all these problems.  also, for some reason it won't maintain my log-in, ever time i got from page to page or try to submit a form it asks me log-in again.

Jason S.

I have been working on this. 2Checkout is like the most confusing and worst payment processing company on the planet. There are things about that page I just don not understand as many times as I read through it.

Doesn't seem like this stuff is mandatory just yet. (I asked)

I should have something soon.


Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:46:53 PM

Checking and responding to e-mail and voice mail. Trying to get a hold of Bruce Barlow at Channel 7. , Meeting - Managers, reconcile weekly reports a day early in case they're needed at the board brief, Lease expense vs capitalization questions, Lunch, phones were a steady onslaught, worked on online cancel site, Padi bills, TaskForce, Forever Broadcasting 790wtny.com - On-Air Personalities and Program Schedule updates. (billable), busy, updated access number map on gogisco.net, home.gisco.net and partners web sites, lunch, cleaned up tech room, moping of basement rooms ( battery room, storage, bathroom), Took in 5 calls. Read e-mail and checked up on all activities. TI council going red but was told to ignor., Tech supv duties.. answer calls, voice mail, radlog, online issues and auq. And helping techs., Site survey with Ed at the YMCA, Fishercast ISDN troubleshooting w/ Danielle, came in and helped Linda and everyone with callbacks.... , Powerpoint templates, watn schools menu system, did one pop report. answered one ask us a question. answered more phones, timecards and the VIRUS--BOO delete..delete, email, *24DD: add content, site revisions, Working on tech machines. Trying to get them to log on to a domain from behind a firewall. Working with firewall. Trying to see if there was anything that could be done., wiring and trash, etc. rad log on line, phones, responding to emails from morning.., lunch, dialy ticc meeting,

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