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Blog Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:10 PM

ya, that firewall could mess that up.

just edit which ever style include you are using
(with a text editor)

it will be one of these depending on your settings.. and they are located in the "scripts" directory


find this section of code and remove the part in red

If Last_Counter_IP <> Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Then
 Set CmdUpdateCounter = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 cmdTemp.CommandText = "SELECT " & tbl_label_albums & ".* FROM " & tbl_label_albums & " WHERE (Album_ID = " & Album_ID & ")"
 cmdTemp.CommandType = 1
 Set cmdTemp.ActiveConnection = ConnGallery
 CmdUpdateCounter.Open cmdTemp, , 1, 3
 CmdUpdateCounter.Fields("Album_Counter") = (Album_Counter + 1)
 CmdUpdateCounter.Fields("Last_Counter_IP") = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
 Album_Counter = Album_Counter + 1
End If

, well, for now you have to watch the logs. What your talking about would take up a lot of server resources and database space to keep track of. Maybe some day, but no plans at the moment.,

That is actually normal and supposed to be like that.
You have the current version.

ASPVendor is a VERY simple application meant to work with PayPal shopping cart that runs on their server. It is based off the ASPClassifieds core code. There is only one version and highly doubt there will ever be another., I like to change my database from access to SQL.
I run the aspbanner.sql in the database and
then I checked the new database tables with the screenshots
from your support info.
Then I make a ODBC Connection and it looks very good,
I logged in and create a zone, but I was not able to
store it.
I got the following message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers- Fehler '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Bei der Konvertierung eines char-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der datetime-Wert ausserhalb des gütigen Bereichs.
/adserve/aspbanner/appinfo_inc.asp, line121

Please can anyone help me, that aspbanner also run on my SQL Server ?

Best regards Josef Raschko
, MSACCESS or SQL server ?,

I would like to create a login form on the home page which will not be password protected to the site for members so that they can login right from the home page and not a password protected page like many sites have. And every portal I have seen.

Plus the login form looks really pretty and proffesional on the home page   ...

I can't find anything in the documentation that says how to do this or if it's even possible. Everything I have found says to password protect a page and then direct them there which isn't what I would like to do.

Here is the code of the login page which is an asp include file on the main page:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

                              <td><img src="images/a026.jpg" alt="" width="187" height="21"></td>
                              <td bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
                                           <td><table width="180" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#AAAAAA">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="178" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><form name="form_login" method="post" action="">
                                                              <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">
                                                                      <td width="53%"><input name="textfield" type="text" class="style-01" value="username"></td>
                                                                      <td width="47%"><a href="#" class="link-02">Forgot pass?</a> </td>
                                                                      <td><input name="textfield2" type="text" class="style-01" value="password"></td>
                                                                      <td><a href="#" class="link-02">Not registered?</a> </td>
                                                         <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
                                                         <td colspan="3"><a href="#"><img src="images/a027.jpg" alt="" width="180" height="15" border="0"></a></td>


Does anybody know what values I would put in the form to send the correct login to AspProtect. And, if I would have to add any extra includes or code to it.


, Oh, I just remembered something..
It's been a while since I did this... :)

Nevermind what I said above as that is a different sort of "debug"

When you want to debug like your talking about find this section in the "web.config"

<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" />

change it to this

<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />

When you run the code in a production environment change it back though

More Info

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;3061 56


, I have no idea of what kind of 'stuff' to try. I'm running other asp apps that use there own Access databases with no problem whatsoever., The way the application works is one separate installation and database is required for each (IIS Application).... not only is it a licensing thing but it is also the nature of (forms based authentication) because every application in IIS has it's own set of application and session variables and they can not be shared with other various IIS applications.

That being said if you plan to run a separate install for each web/IIS application buying new licenses is fine

If you want to run one installation and database and share that with other web.IIS applications it is not technically possible.

Each web/IIS application requires a seperate install of ASPProtect.NET,

ConnectionString = "DBQ=C:\TradersReportsCom\aspprotect\data\database\ASPProtec t_access2002.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};UID=Admin;Password=temp"

I have already set the folder permissions as indicated in the documentation.


yes, usernames and passwords are both case sensitive. It increases security.

, Oh, to clarify the above.  We did not change any columns in your [Users] database or any other table.,

Microsoft has a free version of SQL server 2000 than you can run on a development machine.

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=413 744d1-a0bc-479f-bafa-e4b278eb9147&DisplayLang=en

This is really the same thing as the MSDN version of SQL server that comes with Visual Studio

It is limited in two ways.

  • No single database can exceed 2 gigabytes in size. However, each Desktop Engine server instance can contain many databases, each of which can be up to 2 gigabytes in size. Each computer can host up to sixteen instances of Desktop Engine.

  • Performance will rapidly decline when more than five simultaneous users use the database engine at the same time. With five users or less Desktop Engine will operate with full SQL Server speed.

    After you install this your going to need a way to connect to your sql server as well as a way to run queires on it.

    I suggest either install the client tools off any SQL 2000 Installation Disc (giving you enterprise manager and query manager)

    or use the FREE SQL Server Web Data Administrator which will do amost everything you  will need to do. It is really very slick
    http://support.cjwsoft.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=127& ; ; ;PN=1

    Then you have a pretty sweet setup for testing and developing locally using SQL server.

    If you are wondering why someone with a real SQL Server 2000 cd wouldn't just install the real SQL server locally it is because the server part will usually not install on XP Pro or non server versions of windows for licensing reasons. (at least every SQL 2000 CD I have is like that regardless of whether it is standard or enterprise) But the client side tools on the cd are invaluable so I just install the Desktop Version of SQL along with the client side tools and everything works great.

  • ,

    Good Evening,

    I have been trying to log into my site using the protected pages comments you have in support. I have copied the code in the ASPprotect 7 guide.


    <!--#INCLUDE FILE="check_user_inc.asp"-->

    and pasted it in my page, set the the IIS to open this page and the page will not open it and the page will not open and the error is

    Error Type:
    Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
    The include file 'check_user_inc.asp' was not found.
    /olem/reldt/introduction.asp, line 3

    When I remove the two lines of code everything goes normally.

    I have aspprotect in its own directory in the website. I have read the installation several times and I am afraid I am missing something blatently obvious so I really appreciate you thoughts.

    I am presently using redirects. I like not haveing to use them as your comments have suggested. I have pulled all that code from the pages I desire to protect during this test.

    I have three test users in my database - 1 administrator

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks and best regards


    The problem was in config_inc.asp. we had renamed the field in the DB but didn't change it in this file.

    But we changed it, it is back to normal.




    in Control_pic.asp is there way to wrap the description field so that it doesn't go outside the table.





    I can't seem to find the code where it limits the upload file size. I want to limit the upload size to 1.5 mg for all users. Also I've noticed that the 500 pix doesn't seem to work. As in if an image is bigger than 500 pix the script still uploads it. i am using Upload_post_VBSCRIPT.ASP.



    i will probably end up doing this myself, but dropping all the log data in a sql table would be nice as it offers much more flexibility on how an admin can keep track and use the data. Browsing through each log file is very inconvenient. I can search for text in the files (server-side, others with a shared server would probably have to separately download all log files first), but with the current method I don't have the following important options:

    • cannot sort by any criteria
    • quickly see a list of all login attempts by a specific user (i need to search each log file individually for this info)

    if you had an option during setup perhaps (or elsewhere) in a future version that allowed an admin to specify the preferred logging method (separate files or a table in sql) i'm sure many admins would find it very useful to have a database alternative of keeping track of users becuase it would offer the two benefits listed above, plus more.

    , ok,

    Anyone have any experience configuring PhotoGallery to use a backend mySQL database?

    The application connects successfully for Read operations, but no amount of troubleshooting can get it to Write records to the tables.




    Can I change the number of the access levels?

    I want to have about 20 levels...



    you summed it up perfectly... everything you said really

    As for the banner software custimizations.. you could just make another folder with a modified admin area (little tweaks here and there so the person logged in only controls their own banners) You'd probably want to add an approval process so nothing they did went live unless you really really trust them. That wouldn't be that hard either.

    I always planned to do it someday but I just never have time.


    cwilliams38436.2124884259, It works. Thanks Chris. , OK, so I misread the instructions. Wouldn't have been the first time that happened...  but I just had an account get created, guy then paid, and... no activation. I had to go in the next day and do that by hand. What should I do to look for troubleshooting on the issue? I've got all the default directories set up and all the files where they should be. What next? , Thanks for the information. We added the name manually instead of using the App_Name variable.,

    I am not sure totally understand your question.
    I need you to explain it differently.

    Any ".asp" page that is protected is going to automatically prompt them for a login box or log them in automatically depending on if they set that option.. In the end returning them to that same page.

    So, it really all takes care of itself for the most part.. It doesn't even matter if the bookmark a protected page deep in your site. The system is smart enough to keep them at that page as well as handle their access.

    Now of course if they are at an unprotected page of your site and navigate to a protected page they get a loin prompt or are allowed in if they already logged in...

    Also.. when you say unprotected page ? do you mean ".htm" or ".asp"


    This isn't going to help you much but here is the deal.

    The 2checkout support in ASPProtect actually is not supposed to work with 2checkout subscriptions and therefore does not need to use an item number.

    It is intended to be used for single payments only with 2checkout as explained in this thread.

    Single payments with 2checkout use their shopping cart which allows for dynamic payments without needing an item number.

    I agree with you that 2checkout's interface is confusing. It's actually about the worst system I have ever seen. I could not make a 2Checkout subscription system because their system is just too limited and I couldn't make it work the way it really needed to.

    , Thanks Chris, [QUOTE=afifm]

    I was actually able to do similar thing by allowing our dedicated search engine to access the site unchallanged.

    If Trim(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),11)) = "MYPASSWORD" Then  
     SearchFlag = True
    End If
    If SearchFlag <> True Then
    If Session("Access_Level") > CHECKFOR or Session("Access_Level") = "" Then 
    <!--#include virtual="/Auth/check_user_Code.asp" -->
    <title>My Title</title>



    My Protected stuff here



    For this to work, the search engine must pass the PW to the web site. I just was not sure how to do the same thing with IPs. I will play with the code and see what happens. If it works, I will post it here to help others, if this is OK with forum rules.




    I just added couple of lines and it works fine

    If (Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) = "xxx.xx.xxx.xxx" Then 
     ' Session("PasswordAccess") = "Yes"
     SearchFlag = true
    End If


    The sql script creates aspgalleryuser

    dataconn_inc.asp out of the box indicates aspgallery as the user.

    GalleryConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=aspgallery;User Id=aspgallery;Password=temp;"


    recent activity infomation is temporary and mantains itself per application start up.. when the web application restarts for whatever reason the info is reset

    a reboot, an iisreset on the server, application pool restarts, etc etc
    this is done because if that info was saved in the database your database would get huge real quick

    logfiles however do not do that and are permanent


    I think its great to share a mod.

    I will have  few with the new album.


    I am having problems with a password a user wants to use.  He wants HANNAH.  When he (or I) try to log in with his username and password, I get a syntax error  -

    Syntax error in string in query expression '(Username = 'changedforsecurity') AND (Password = ' éG'.
    pathOnComputer../1protect/check_user_inc.asp, line 114

    I've obviously changed the username and the server path in the info above for security. 

    I have not messed with the encryption.   

    What is it that the system doesn't like in the word HANNAH as a password?  I would just change his password for him but this guy has enough trouble just turning the computer on!  Confusing him with a new password would take weeks to set him straight. 




    If you are using ASPProtect Version 7 it is possible because version 7 supports html emailing. In any other version it would require some custom coding to add html email support. You would have to sort it out by experimenting and editing the emailing code. All the email methods have documentation on the web in some form or another showing how to send html emails.

    sometimes depending on the email component being used and the email client reading the email a link in a text based email will get hyperlinked automatically. For example outlook usually will do that, but it doesn't always in other situations.

    Lastly, we have special upgrade pricing should anyone want to upgrade to ASPProtect Version 7. It really has a ton of great features.

    Best Regards,

    Chris Williams

    cwilliams38415.6414236111, MODS are NOT SUPPORTED.. questions about them will not be answered in the support forums. If you want to use a MOD you are considered an advanced user and will need to sort out any issues that may or may not come up.

    MODS are used at your own risk and may or may not require certain basic coding skills. , If by permissions ou are reffering to the IUSR with write/execute
    permissions, they are already set. I get this error when I hit the 'Create New
    Export File From Current User Database' link:

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'

    Path not found

    /ASPProtect/password_admin/export.asp, line 76

    Any other suggestions?, Even if I try to upload the test file that was included with the system I still get the same error.

    My host is using Windows 2003 Server.

    Will send you a private email to see if the issues can be sorted out.


    You not getting a blank page.. you getting an error. You just can't see it because it appears you edited the page background to black.

    error '80040211'

    /aspprotect/scripts/emailing_subs_inc.asp, line 174


    That's exactly what it was.

    The site owner couldn't see their own ads because Norton was blocking anything with the word ad in it.

    On another note: I changed the word 'ad' to 'listing' and got it to show even with Norton.


    , You do not run that page by itself. That is not how forms based authentication in .NET works. That is a special page used by the web.config file. It is automatically used when you protect one of your existing .NET pages but is not meant to run on it’s own thus the error.

    To answer your other question a user is not sent anywhere. You protect existing ASP.NET pages as shown in the documentation and the examples. If sent to any protected page they are either
    prompted with a login box or if logged in they see the page as usual. If they log in the form posts to itself and they end up at the same page after supplying proper login credentials. That is how ASP.NET forms based authentication works. I suggest you get a good book on ASP.NET that explains all of that if you are still confused.

    Now, if you really want some sort of page to redirect them somewhere after login make a basic asp.net page.. protect it.. and then use a redirect statement.

    Timecard Entry: 3/25/2006 4:47:10 PM

    Tim got tied up in a project so he wasn't able to change that piece of code yet. I decided that I would try and search for it myself and just look through the code to study what functions perform what. , Travel to WDT to meet w/ Tom Kitto, Reading email, saving docs that Ron emailed me (from my old PC), Randy Kay - North American Telecommunications, Built shell for Northern Healthnet. Found major issues with Front Page 's include script modifying the Java script for menue rollovers and making them useless.Both Tom and Jason worked on figuring out the problem., vermont internet: admin site development, steady morning. , Working w/ St. Lawrence Radiology Sirius people, helping them with THERE stuff on the phone. Adding routing information to routers and testing., Spoke to Kelly about MBOS, same as above, Communications Committee Meeting (GWCC), Updating price and routines on partners site had to add price of cable to printer cost, Recp., inv., e-mails, switchboard, Emerald, Took care of one online issue, *CommArts, Cashflow, P&L, info for Carl, Made copies of Modem Checklists., Not too busy. Definately a change from the weekdays., Lunch, Manning NOC. Watching network. Resetting open modems. Talking with Bob Edgecomb from the NYAB. Talking with Bell Atlantic. Openning a ticket on a curcuit in Lowville for Johnson News Corp., Lunch, email, With Randy discussing what he did during the upgrade process to 2.5.278 of Emerald to see if there was something missed during the upgade., Craig Kowac (SIIE), Not too bad., meet w/David to schedule a sales meeting for next week, Very busy with phone calls. Had a very high rate of calls concerning mail servers not set right in e-mail clients. Talked with a very irrate customer about her losing photo's on her home page., On phone w/Bill Shumway from NCN, go over emails, voices mails, develop Process documentation package for meeting with GiSCO 7-20-00,

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