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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:17:27 PM
ASP Blackjack http://www.only-network.com/games/blackjack/blackjack.asp ASP version of the old classic. Beat the dealer at getting to 21. Source is Public Domain and available at the page. Try it out at the page, and download the source.
ASP.NET Documentation Tool http://www.winnershtriangle.com/w/Products.ASPNETDocumentationTool.asp Creates documentation for ASP.NET web applications written in VB.NET and C#. Reports are created in HTML, HTML Help and plain text formats.
XMLObjectGenerator http://www.adersoft.com/objectgenerator/ XML ObjectGenerator generates custom COM components from your xml files and schemas. It also provides complete customized html help files (.chm).
AiS Watermarker ActiveX http://atomintersoft.com/products/watermark-activeX/ This component helps you to protect your images. You can write some color or transparent watermark on them. This text can be your copyright or url of your site. AiS Watermark reads your image from file (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ...), adds to the image col
ASP - IIS real-time monitor http://www.motobit.com/help/iistrace/iis-monitor.asp IISTracer is a real-time monitoring tool for Microsoft IIS scripts (.asp, .cgi,..), static files (.htm,.gif,..), downloads (.mp3,.zip,..) and uploads. Shows online current status and progress of each running request in IIS, lets you log current IIS s
ASP.NET double combo http://www.sagas.net DoubleCombo box in asp.net datagrid, for North American countries and states/regions. Note! page will reload, so if you use performance like this do it only loading big data.
Ping IP http://warhound.com/ASP/pingip.htm Ping IP is an exceptional Internet networking tool that allows a user to ping one, a category, or all IP devices in the database. The admin functions allow the user to add, edit, or delete an IP device through the web. All data is stored in Access.
ASP.NET Guestbook using VB.NET(Source included) using a DLL http://aspfree.com ASP.NET Guestbook using VB.NET (Source included) using a DLL.
ABCUpload .NET http://www.websupergoo.com Uploading files is as simple as ABC with ABCUpload.Net. Our Pure HTML Progress Bar allows your visitors to see the progress of their upload in real time with absolutely no client side software.
deloittes.NET Image Gallery v1.1 http://www.deloittes.net ASP.NET Image Gallery Server Control. Features include Multiple Gallery Support, Image Uploading, Automatic Image Indexer, Thumbnail Generator, XML based datasource, Free unlimited email support and more. Click for online demo!!
EBA: FTP Sync API http://developer.ebusiness-apps.com EBA:FTP Sync component ActiveX Component that provides a simple interface for synchronizing files and folders between a client and a server running an FTP Service. FTP Sync is ideal for use in any application that requires file synchronization.
ASPProtect http://www.ASPProtect.com Easily add password protection to any ".asp" page within your web site. Web based administration so you can manage users and their access. All pages you want to protect simply need one server side include at the top of each page.
2eNetWorX - StatCounteX http://www.2enetworx.com/dev/projects/statcountex.asp StatCounteX is an OpenSource ASP application to collect statistics from the site visitors. View reports by: Browser, OS, Resolution, Color, IP, Unique Visitors, Referers. Graphical reports include: Page Views, Visitors by Hour, and more.
ASPBanner http://www.ASPBanner.com/ ASPBanner can rotate Image Banners, Custom HTML, and Flash Banners. Keep detailed statistics for your advertisers. Pure ASP solution, no Dlls need to be installed on the server. 6 methods of calling banners makes this compatible with existing code.
Error Bank http://www.error-bank.com The database of .NET errors, exceptions and their solutions. Got exception? Get solution!
ASP: Learning by Example http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1887902686/qid=1119152795/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/102-5291399-3933729?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Focusing on the essential knowledge needed to quickly learn how to write Active Server Pages, this book teaches by example rather than theory.
DrTaskScheduler http://www.dataroad.sk/dr/drts/default.asp Use this COM component to manage your local or remote tasks from VB, WSH, C++, ASP. All you need is one dll file DrTS.dll and Task Scheduler Component from Microsoft (included in IE4).
ImageGenerator http://www.adersoft.com ImageGenerator is an Active Server Pages component that allows you to build dynamic images in your ASP scripts and serve them as JPEG or PNG format to any browser.
4Guys Database FAQ http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/faqtoc.shtml#Databases Lots of good database info.
ASP & ASP.NET Navigation Components http://www.visualasp.net Classic ASP and ASP.NET Components v5.1. The Component Pack includes the TreeView, ListView, Calendar and TabStrip Components with over 70 sample scripts to get the most out of every property and method from standard HTML output to advanced DHTML out
Create Dynamic HTML Using the Response Object http://www.tagconsulting.com Describes how to generate HTML pages dynamically using in-line scripting and the Response object. This is one in a series of articles aimed at helping new developers learn about ASP.Net
ASP.NET Tutorial http://it.maconstate.edu This is a start-up tutorial that will be expanded as time and talent permit. Is is presumed that the reader already has familiarity with ASP and with the basics of server-side scripting.
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
ASP Web Database Interface Builder http://www.awdib.com Builds a fully featured web interface for your database. Just point it at your database, select a few options and click build. Includes validation to, for example, ensure a letter isnt entered in a numeric field, or a decimal point in an integer fi
plusasp.com http://www.plusasp.com This site is the beginner's guide to e-commerce using Active Server Pages Plus. Contains links about why ASP+ is better than ASP 3.0, ways to use it, and a link to download the new version!
Include Example http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/includes.asp Server-side includes give you a way to insert the content of another file into a file before the server processes it.
ASP.NET Roadmap http://support.microsoft.com This article provides a roadmap to learning and mastering ASP.NET. Roadmap articles provide links to useful information, including online documentation, Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, and Microsoft white papers.
TraceLog http://www.tracelog.co.uk You can use TraceLogs simple tracing facilities to view events on remote servers straight from a Windows PC. Events are easily added to ASP scripts using 2 lines of code. Events includes the Form,QueryString,Session & Cookie collections
C# Parser http://www.wilk4.com The C# Syntax Highlighting Parser is a color coding add-in developed for use with HomeSite (tested in HS 4.5.2 and 5.0 RC1) to add color coding to files written in C# (C sharp).
ASPActiveConverter http://www.askarya.com ASPActiveConverter Component is COM component that enables web applications developed using ASP (Active Server Pages) to perform dynamic inter-conversion of documents in various formats (.doc, .rtf, .txt and .html) like generating a perfectly format
FanBlast! http://www.fanmass.com The FanBlast! application lets developers quickly provide a rich content newsletter system for their non-technical clients. It features full online account administration, multiple address books, HTML, template storage, subscriber management, doub
Tamber http://www.tamber.com The Tamber project is a componentised n-tier toolkit that uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects; business functions are carried out by JavaScript a
The Comlete FilesSystem Object Guide http://www.tutorial-web.com/asp/fso This library contains a complete directory of all the FSO methods and properties, how to use them, important information, and code examples on each one.
ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial http://samples.gotdotnet.com Includes a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET web programming framework.
First C# Program using VS.NET http://www.developersdex.com In this article we will write our first C# program and the tool we will use is VS.NET.
Why ASP.NET? http://www.asp.net ASP.NET combines unprecedented developer productivity with performance, reliability, and deployment. This article highlights the benefits of ASP.NET over Classic ASP.
ASP pure file upload with progress bar http://www.motobit.com/help/scptutl/upload.asp Easy to use, hi-performance pure asp include - multiple files upload script with HTML progress bar indicator. ASP upload to server disk, database or email attachment, upload with image preview and email notification, secure (https) file upload
ASP Chat v2.0 - FREEWARE http://www.databasetime.com/page.asp?page=aspchat Download this easy to use web based chat. You can use it for free. ASP Chat was downloaded more than 30.000 times so far.
Properties Editor http://www.peterblum.com The PropertiesEditor class is a custom control for ASP.NET. It performs the same task as the Properties Editor found in Visual Studio.NET: View and Edit properties associated with an object instance.
4GuysFromRolla.com http://4guysfromrolla.com/ Always a lot going on at this site including new articles and code examples.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:17:27 PM
Not too bad still., attempt to install second NIC in IMCNet MP-R router, NIC not behaving properly, did not complete installation, Afternoon NOC, Working with Dave V. to get mine and his laptops talking through wireless, and everything setup for his demo, lunch, Work w/ problems at MAIL.STATUREELECTRIC.COM, John B. Johnson, Jr., working on online-based version of newsletter, web billing, Lunch, worked on the updates/actions from Tuesday meeting and emailed them to Paul for his updates., Online Supervisor meeting off site. , adding pocket real estate export code to any softmls sites that dont have it yet... also notifying pocket real esate so they can contact these boards and get beta testers, Worked on Yellow pages contract with Wendy anne, Met with Amy concerning FxCapraraTrailers, morning meeting, Took some phone calls but it wasn't too bad. , Spoke to Carol and Michelle, spoke to Gymo to follow up on their Quote, went through the Quote for NC Leagal services, , Faxed out final signatures on the Yellow pages ads and followed up with Wendy Ann, Training at Jamestown, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts, credit card authorizations, coupon referrals, customer inquiries, and ans. phone., Slow starting off, but picked up... the phone kept me busy most of the morning., FX CAPRARA - creating push, pull, drag banner ad..., TICC Evening meeting., Call from ODMLS about a problem with Firm Statistics Report: pendings don't appear. Also, one realtor getting SQL errors. Gathered information and turned over to Chris to troubleshoot, Daily routine, On phone w/Marcia Gosier at LaFargeville. She didn't like her assigned school id# so changed it. Had to traverse database and change all occurences of her id# to new id#., lunch, switch over ethernets, install card into tch1 chassis, Finished out my shift. Answered calls and such.,