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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:15:53 PM
Beginning ASP.Net with C# http://www.aspalliance.com Hello all, I have started my journey down the ASP.Net lane, I decided to go with C# instead of VB.net. What I am going to do here is give you some my experience with it along with my trial and error's.
Common ASP+ Questions http://www.4guysfromrolla.com What are the system requirements needed to run ASP+?, Will I need/be able to write ISAPI DLLs with ASP+?, Will I be able to run ASP+ pages on IIS 4 or PWS, or is IIS 5 needed?. Here are some common beginner-level questions, and their answers.
Namespace Reference http://www.go-mono.com Online reference to most of the available namespaces within the .NET framework.
Longhorn Frequently Asked Questions http://www.c-sharpcorner.com In this article, I cover some of the frequently asked questions about Longhorn and related technologies.
NCTFinancialChart.NET http://www.nctsoft.com NCTFinancialChart.NET is the pure .NET class library, which allows you to build desktop or web based financial charting applications.
DMB Dynamic Buttons http://www.dmbcllc.com Use one image on your server to create multiple images on your web pages. Stop wasting time creating buttons for your web site.
ASP Cookies http://www.loudasp.com/fingertips The first and original ASP software application that empowers webmaster and web designers alike, to offer their users the ability to build their own web sites. Much like Geocities. This is an intuitive, robust, and feature packed software solution th
WebColorChooser 1.0 http://www.my-server.net WebColorChooser is a .NET Web Server control that can be used on ASP.NET WebForms to give your users a color chooser. This can be very useful for customization screens to allow users to specify what colors they would like to see certain items in.
ORCSWEB, Inc. http://www.orcsweb.com We are experienced and proficient in supporting NT Server, Windows 2000, Internet Information Server, Microsoft Transaction Server, COM+, Active Server Pages applications, ASP.Net, SQL Server and more! These guys even host Fuzzy Software.
Simple Active Users counter script http://www.asptutorial.info/script/activeuserscounter This Active Users Counter script allows to know how many clients are visiting your sit and to show it in your pages. Easy to set up.
Code101 http://www.code101.com Code101 disseminates information about Microsoft .NET technology. A good place for articles, tutorials, snippets, tips and solutions for beginner to advanced developers. We go an extra mile to make things easy for developers.
Getting Started with ASP.NET http://www.sitepoint.com In this article, I'll introduce you to basics of ASP.NET. I'll walk you through installing it on your Web server, and take you through a couple of simple dynamic pages that demonstrate the differences between ASP.NET and other server side languages.
Show Directory Contents Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-contents.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to list the files in a directory.
Guide to ASP.NET Web Hosting http://www.aspnetworld.com This article provides an introductory guide to ASP.NET web hosting. Although this guide suggests content specific to ASP.NET hosting, many of the elements in this guide can be applied to non-ASP.NET hosting scenarios as well.
Create Dynamic HTML Using the Response Object http://www.tagconsulting.com Describes how to generate HTML pages dynamically using in-line scripting and the Response object. This is one in a series of articles aimed at helping new developers learn about ASP.Net
TrackingAll Client http://net.intranext.it TrackingAll Client is a free ASP.net application that works with the TrackingAll Web Service: the tracking system to track orders, delivering, shipping etc. Tracking history, cutomers access reports and tracking e-mail notification are support.
Latest Developments in the .Net World http://www.devarticles.com Do you want to know about the latest development in the .Net technology? Here is a comprehensive look at the latest developments in the world of Microsoft’s.NET.
A brief intro to ASP.NET http://flws.com.au "In this article I will give you a brief run-down on what ASP.NET is, what it means to programmers used to programming in ASP 'classic' and I'll also give you some pointers to where you can go to learn more about ASP.NET..."
Post-It Notes: IBS Standard Edition http://www.d-qubed.com The IBS Edition Post-It Notes Module provides a method for users to post personal notes on a given Tab (Note: Tabs group content for the portal). Users have the ability to post reminders, quick notes, or even post a note for another user or a group.
Meditating Upon the ASP.NET Code-Behind Model http://www.developer.com With the first alpha of ASP.NET 2.0 just around the corner, the debate about the effective goodness of code-behind seems to be close to its end.
CreaName Infoscripts - Free Company Name Generator http://www.infoscripts.com/creaname.asp CreaName is a free tool helping you find a name for your new company, product, Internet domain... The admin control panel let you add, modify and delete words in the system.
ASPEdit http://www.tashcom.co.uk/ ASPEdit is a powerful Active Server Pages and HTML editor with full support for Visual Basic script. Discover the ease of use ASPEdit provides when you are editing your webpages, Look at the comprehensive feature list to see what ASP-Edit has to offe
An Introduction to Microsoft .NET http://www.c-sharpcorner.com Trying to figure it out exactly what .NET really is was not as easy as you would expect.
LiquidOnline.net Hosting http://www.liquidonline.net We specialize in ASP.NET web hosting and support MS SQL server. Our MS SQL server hosting plans start at only £14.99 per month.
FingerTips http://www.loudasp.com/fingertips The first and original ASP software application that empowers webmaster and web designers alike, to offer their users the ability to build their own web sites. Much like Geocities. This is an intuitive, robust, and feature packed software solution th
ASPKnowledgebase http://www.asp-programmers.com/index.asp ASPKnowledge is your premier solution for managing faqs, knowledgebases, support sites, and much more. Easy to use administration and great features. One version is all you need for all your sites. Full source code provided on non-freeware versions.
Object-Oriented Programming for VBScripters - Part 2 http://www.15seconds.com Still intimidated by .NET? Part 2 explores a few more advanced OOP features: inheritance, interfaces, and finally abstract classes.
Overview of the .NET Framework http://msdn.microsoft.com Introduces the features of the common language runtime, the .NET Framework class library, client application development, and server application development.
Lundlay ASP Script Chat http://www.lundlay.com/products/chat Advantages: FAST, IP-address tracking, a function “kick smb out of chat”, multiple rooms, multilingual, CSS skins, private messages, easy customization. Lundlay ASP Script Chat is a web based chat. It requires no special server, no java and no plug-i
Fuzzy Software - ASP Directory http://www.fuzzysoftware.com Fuzzy Software is a comprehensive, categorized, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET tutorials, code, articles, components, references sites, community resources and more...
Creating your first ASP.NET page http://www.mastercsharp.com Learn how to create your first ASP.NET Page without Visual Studio.NET.
Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.c-sharpcorner.com Ashok Kumar P presents a good general overview of ASP.NET and lists the major benefits .NET provides over classic ASP.
Introduction to ASP.NET - Part 1 http://www.sourcecode-central.com Explains some of the differences between Classic ASP and ASP.NET.
2eNetWorX - StatCounteX http://www.2enetworx.com/dev/projects/statcountex.asp StatCounteX is an OpenSource ASP application to collect statistics from the site visitors. View reports by: Browser, OS, Resolution, Color, IP, Unique Visitors, Referers. Graphical reports include: Page Views, Visitors by Hour, and more.
Beginners Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.codeproject.com An article giving basic introduction to ASP.NET ,Underlying technologies and Advantages of ASP.NET over ASP.
ASP Journal http://www27.brinkster.com/gaspdev/asp_journal.asp The ASP Journal is a small but powerful journal application written in ASP. The Web based admin layer allows you to administrate your journal over the Web which makes it great for people on the move. The journal is completely skinnable making it easy
Installing ASP.NET http://www.asp101.com Now that .NET has finally shipped, you've decided that you should probably start playing around with it. So where do you start? Right here is as good a place as any.
askASP.net - CodeAnimal http://www.askasp.net Great place to win FREE stuff, browser through our huge FAQ archive, read an post to the many forums, read ASP.net articles, browser through the resource directory, and much more.
Advance Service Manager-ASM http://www.vyapin.com/products/enterprisenetworktools/asm.htm Advanced Service Manager (ASM) helps manage Services on NT machines, across the enterprise from a single machine at the same time. ASM provides a power-packed set of features to perform the basic as well as more advanced and complex operations, thus
WebEdit Professional http://www.webedpro.com WebEdit Pro is a powerful browser-based website management application with file management and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing. Enables any non-technical user (No HTML or FTP knowledge required) to create, edit and update their entire
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:15:53 PM
checked and replied to email messages from today and monday., send in requets to Danille- for Mike Campbell- problem with ftp to madison barracks- sent email as well.
check voice mail/email
regsiter domain name for Dl Calarco home for channel partners
make copies of milage reports sentto andrea- send email to Jaosn on projects
United Cerebal Palsy - contact on Monday, CubPro.com development, droped off documents at the Watertown office and got the grand tour, email/voicemail, meeting with Mr. Barton, Personal time, Finished poster design, proofed and approved, Met with Nic- made arrangement for the Bravo Festival called dom-spoke to customer regarding ISDN in NYC, printed, reviewed, mailed invoices; cancellations for nonpayment; answered phone; talked to Sara McKune about parking cards, Jumpin J` from Froggy97 here with updates., Develop network documentation, work on the phone for forst time, Call from Susan Miller of Catt Co BOR about a few little issues she's having. Was able to answer her ques., Finished cleaning and studied more on A+ course and also read magazines from table. Very slow., use sick hours, travel to clayton, Met with SW about PC Bundle/Resellor site access., Very busy. Lots of calls of off the wall questions again that really didn't pertain to Gisco. , Emails, Phone, Captain spicers gallery, billing as above., last of the timecards entered, continuance with Nortel meeting UEIMAS presentation, Manning NOC. Watching network. Resetting open modems, went over to IMC to test some modems with Andy, backing up servers., Package mailed to allen devoid. email to jw about national banks. emailed jg about conference calls for vt., Still busy, worked on Help section of USA1Net web site, updated access numbers on home page, updated and emailed Jim Gilbert updated numbers.txt file, not,