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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:16:18 PM
ASP.NET Documentation Tool http://www.winnershtriangle.com/w/Products.ASPNETDocumentationTool.asp Creates documentation for ASP.NET web applications written in VB.NET and C#. Reports are created in HTML, HTML Help and plain text formats.
EdgeQuest http://www.edgequest.com This is a pretty nice source to get some information on cutting edge software development technologies.
ASP Chat v2.0 - FREEWARE http://www.databasetime.com/page.asp?page=aspchat Download this easy to use web based chat. You can use it for free. ASP Chat was downloaded more than 30.000 times so far.
Why ASP.NET? http://www.asp.net ASP.NET combines unprecedented developer productivity with performance, reliability, and deployment. This article highlights the benefits of ASP.NET over Classic ASP.
ASP Spam Countermeasures http://www27.brinkster.com/gaspdev/asp_spam_counter.asp Fed up with getting spam? This handy script feeds fake e-mail addresses to the automated e-mail collectors that spammers use to gather e-mails. Easy to set up and able to generate a user definable number of fake e-mail addresses this script is a must
Authoring an ASP.NET Page http://www.aspalliance.com Covers the fundamentals of building ASP.NET pages using a text editor.
ASP.Net Marquee Webcontrol http://www.silkwebware.net This Multi-browser Marquee Webcontrol renders a rectangular banner region of moving/scrolling text or html allowing many different movement behaviours. Supports IE 4.0+(including IE based AOL versions) and NS 6.0+ (Gecko based browsers AOL 7.0 etc)
www.csharphelp.com http://www.csharphelp.com A site for C# programmers with forums, download area, and more.
Flash rendering in ASP.NET components http://www.aixtend.net News-Mx represents the new generation of Asp.net components for Web-forms, the presentation in your webs of structured datas under Flash technology with a simple mouse click. Different Templates and Skins are at your disposal.
Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.only4gurus.com Review the features and shortcomings of classic Active Server Pages. Understand the advantages of an ASP.NET application. Learn about server controls and events in ASP.NET. Create a simple Web Service in ASP.NET.
ASPMaker http://www.hkvstore.com/aspmaker ASPMaker is an automation tool that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database or any ODBC Data Source. Using the generated ASP, users can view, edit, search, add and delete records in the database e
LoudASP http://www.loudasp.com/howto Offers a wide range of HOWTOs and write ups on various ASP topics.
Index Server Companion http://www.winnershtriangle.com/w/Products.IndexServerCompanion.asp The Index Server Companion extends the functionality of Index Server to allow indexing of content from remote websites and ODBC databases. The Index Server Companion contains full documentation and code samples for use in a variety of scenarios.
Boxer Text Editor http://www.boxersoftware.com/pgbwin.htm Save time and effort with this versatile, full-featured Windows text editor. Boxer is extremely powerful, but remains easy-to-use for both beginners and experienced users. Features macros, 2GB files, syntax coloring, FTP, HTML, undo and much more.
ActivSocket http://www.activxperts.com/activsocket ActivSocket is a high-performance, comprehensive COM component for client/server communications from any ASP, VB or other COM environment applications. Use ActivSocket for different purposes: - To automate Telnet sessions; for instance, configura
PortSight Task Scheduler for .NET http://www.PortSight.com PortSight Task Scheduler is a .NET component for immediate or planned execution of server-side tasks from ASP.NET. It allows you to process long-running ASP.NET pages, run command line utilities or other server-side tasks without page time outs.
.NET Framework Frequently Asked Questions http://www.andymcm.com This FAQ tries to answer some commonly asked questions about the fundamentals of the .NET Framework. By fundamentals I mean the nuts and bolts of how the .NET Framework works at a low level.
ASP Express http://www.aspexpress.com/aspexpress.asp Basically, this site is about ASP Express - an ASP/HTML Text editor. You dont have to give up one to have the other. Powerful ASP Connection and SQL builder wizards among many more features.
ASP Message Board - TippedCow http://www.tippedcow.com ASP Message Board is a complete message board system. Features include: private messaging, user themes, user management, board categories, custom icon uploading, thread rating, unlimited boards, and web based administration and more. Developed for us
ASP Tree View http://www.compusolve-technology.co.uk/products/webtreeview/about.asp ASP Tree View is an IIS server component that enables you to add dynamic flexible tree views to your ASP pages. The trees that it generates operate in the same way as the folder pane within the Windows File Explorer and can be highly customised to b
Xheo.WebSkin http://www.xheo.com Xheo.WebSkin - Full page and control skinning for ASP.NET. Multiple page templates, skin the DataGrid control, separate your content from design, design-time support, caching of control templates and output, migrate from current XML/XSLT solutions.
Corewebsoft website tracker ASP.NET http://www.corewebsoft.com/order_website_tracker.aspx ASP.NET application/script for high-volume web site tracking and comprehensive web stats. You can spy on your visitors and see what they do in a real time! Invisible to your visitors. Available as a hosted service too. Free 15-day trial/demo.
Image Canvas 1.0 http://www.silkwebware.net You can use Image Canvas to deliver real time dynamically generated images including charts, diagrams or any other graphical application that requires On-The-Fly image delivery to browsers. Drag Image Canvas from your toolbox and set its Image.
ASP TimeTracker http://www.traztech.com/features.asp The ASP TimeTracker is a complete online timesheet application that can be modified to meet specific business needs or used as it is installed. The ASP TimeTracker includes all source code and is completely customizable.
LiquidOnline.net Hosting http://www.liquidonline.net We specialize in ASP.NET web hosting and support MS SQL server. Our MS SQL server hosting plans start at only £14.99 per month.
ASP tutorial for beginners http://www.asptutorial.info A simple ASP tutorial for those starting with ASP. Covers topics ranging from displaying date/time, loops, subroutines, session and application variables, cookies, and global.asa use. Also features a collection of free scripts available for download.
CreaName Infoscripts - Free Company Name Generator http://www.infoscripts.com/creaname.asp CreaName is a free tool helping you find a name for your new company, product, Internet domain... The admin control panel let you add, modify and delete words in the system.
ABCUpload .Net http://www.websupergoo.com ABCUpload .NET allows sophisticated control over the upload of files from a web browser to your ASP.NET pages on your IIS web server. It requires no client side software and operates via standard multipart HTML forms as defined in RFC 1867.
Redirect Example http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/redirects.asp Instead of sending content to a user, you can redirect the browser to another URL with the Redirect method.
EBA: Grid Control V2 http://developer.ebusiness-apps.com/technologies/webdevelopment/codeandcomponents/ebagrid/default.htm EBA:Grid Control V2 is a lightweight, robust Javascript data grid component with fast "data-aware" back-end database communication. Languages supported include ASP, PHP, JSP. Grid integrates seamlessly with MySQL, ODBC, MS SQL, Oracle! Free download!
Meditating Upon the ASP.NET Code-Behind Model http://www.developer.com With the first alpha of ASP.NET 2.0 just around the corner, the debate about the effective goodness of code-behind seems to be close to its end.
.NET Framework Class Browser http://docs.aspng.com Complete online reference to all the available namespaces within ASP.NET.
DataForm.NET http://www.easydotnet.com/default.aspx DataForm.NET is one of the most powerful ASP.NET data entry controls available.Features: No .net code needed No SQL command needed Support 3rd party components Embed New,Query,Add,Update,Delete buttons Plenty of members for advanced needs
ASP.NET Barcode Server Control http://www.idautomation.com These advanced server controls allow the creation of barcodes on the Internet from your ASP web application as high quality JPEG graphic images - they do not use fonts. Supports several barcode types including Code 128, ITF, Code 3 of 9, and more...
Namespace Reference http://www.go-mono.com Online reference to most of the available namespaces within the .NET framework.
Xara Online Free FrontPage Add-in http://www.zymodules.com/redirect.asp?RedirectID=FP0302 The Xara Online add-in for Microsoft FrontPage allows you to easily include Web Service Applications in to your website. Install a mailing list, add text content that can be dynamically updated wherever you are in the world, manage a database, or cre
Show Directory Contents Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-contents.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to list the files in a directory.
HardCore Web Content Editor http://editor.hardcoreinternet.co.uk Feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor, which enables anybody to create, edit and update website content. No need to download or install on the client side. WYSIWYG, Plain and HTML editing modes and a DOM inspector provide full control.
Bullseye: Goal and Task Management Application http://www.clarity-webdesign.biz/bullseye.asp Bullseye is a FREE goal and task management web-application that makes keeping track of all you important todos simple. First you logs your goals and tasks, then you select a subset of the tasks to deal with right now -- these are your todos.
AbyssLabs.Environment http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/environment.phtml Provides an access to the operating system environment variables (e.g. PATH, TEMP, COMPUTERNAME, SystemRoot and etc.)
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:16:18 PM
general billing issues, TRAIN TERRI USING FRONTPAGE DEVELOPING JEFF-LEWIS CONTENT, Watertown Chamber site - fix minor cosmetics, change menu (major graphic changes), Email: Lisa found prob with nnymls.com; Dave got that fixed; note to Tim about Watn Chamber, etc., answered incoming calls, call backs, Reset modems., finishing up setting up my computer, Stayed extra time per Ron and Linda's request since it was busy., DRESS UP STOREFRONT AT CODE LEVEL PLUS MAKE , working on my computer, Learning the specifics of my brand new pager, Admin (emails & organize), tech support, complaints about banners on outgoing mail, management meeting., check voice mail/email save ther iver- need password for savetheriver.org- send memo to Ben, wagoners marine- left message for tim,
Left meessagef or vision , Account and Billing Auditing, Fixing Long Distance issues. Placing DSL orders., e-mail, LUNCH, email/voice mail, Made adjustments to Healthnet site, removed links from trailer, activated email, added adress and phone number to banner. Also made adjustments to 1000islandsassociates, added fax number to mebership page, activated email on button, changed prices from $500 to $200, removed text from home page, Researched some SQL sites to try and read up and understand SQL better and hope to try and find my problem, Chat Co. DB conv., Floating Holiday...thanks, vacation time, Lunch, Consulted with Jason about Gisco site redesign(interface), researched several sites for ideas,compleated time sheets for 10/5&10/9, Very long tech call. She had two different lines with 3 questions. Got her going though along with 3 refrerrals, lunch, go to CREG Systems to meet with Mike Peto, worked on vermont -need to talk to Carol, forwarded her emails that I have from beth/tim,