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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:16:44 PM
Bullseye: Goal and Task Management Application http://www.clarity-webdesign.biz/bullseye.asp Bullseye is a FREE goal and task management web-application that makes keeping track of all you important todos simple. First you logs your goals and tasks, then you select a subset of the tasks to deal with right now -- these are your todos.
Maxx DataNet http://www.MaxxCode.com Universal database table editor ASP.NET Beta2 source code.Uses generically coded DotNet dataGrid control. ASP.NET, VB.NET, andADO.NET source code. Access or SQL Server database with global connectionstrings in web.config.
ASP.NET Basics (Part 6): Fully Functional http://www.aspfree.com Find out how to modularize your code in C# by abstracting it into functions. This segment of our ASP.NET tutorial covers defining and invoking functions, function return values and function arguments, together with a discussion of variable scope.
Linksmanager directory http://www.progportal.com ProgPortal Directory is a search engine/directory link manager. With this software you can start your own Yahoo! type portal. Supports Ms Sql, Open source, Advance Search Features, Advance System Admin, Site Features & more.
.NET Code Editors http://www.aspalliance.com As with my article 'Visual ASP Creation' I am going to take a look at some of the editors out there which allow you to easily create .NET applications and websites.
Include Example http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/includes.asp Server-side includes give you a way to insert the content of another file into a file before the server processes it.
Ecordia http://www.ecordia.com Ecordia is the ONLY content management system with form creation/routing/tracking capabilities, extranet user management and email campaign management under $1K. Free 30-day evaluation copy & online demo available.
r-Access http://www.x-code.com r-Access is a free software that provides fast and convenient way to view/edit remote MS Access databases over the Internet. Browse your tables, edit/delete/add records in a comfortable way like you do in Microsoft Access.
ASPXpand 1.0 for ASP.net http://www.ASPXpand.com ASPXpand is a new ASP.Net component helping to bridge the gap between desktop development and web development. ASPXpand offers several functions such as; Set Focus, Masked Edit, Set Left, Set Top, MsgBox, a Client-Server Timer and much, much more.
AbyssLabs.DiskInfo http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/diskinfo.phtml Provides a lot of disk information: total capacity, free space, disk type, volume label, serial number, file system properties, special directories and etc.
WebZinc .NET ™ http://www.webzinc.net WebZinc .NET ™ is the only component you'll ever need when working with the Internet. It allows you to treat any site as though it were a Web Service: extract data, search the Web, fill out forms automatically.
ASP.NET Corner http://www.gmg.ch Welcome to this brand new site dedicated to the future ASP+ technologie. I hope you will find here useful informations on the many new aspects of the dot net tech, ressources, tools and as many free stuff as possible.
URL submission script http://www.asptutorial.info/script/submit A Free URL submission service you may add to your site. Just copy and paste.
Corewebsoft visitor.source.tracker ASP.NET script http://www.corewebsoft.com/products_visitor_source_tracker.aspx Lookup your website visitors origin - domain, IP, country. Prevent credit card frauders, limit bandwidth usage, filter visitors geographically. No SQL database is needed! Extremely fast - results in less than one second. Free demo.
An Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.devguru.com ASP.NET offers a novel programming model and infrastructure that facilitates a powerful new class of applications. ASP.NET is a compiled. NET-based environment, so one can author applications in any .NET compatible language.
IE toolbar remotely generated by server script http://www.hexatech.com/webtoolbar.htm WebToolBar lets you integrate your own toolbar into Internet Explorer and tie the toolbar to your website. The IE toolbar can be dynamically and remotely driven by your web server script for easy update and maintenance. You have the option to load yo
Linux Windows Dedicated servers reseller Unlimited domains web site hosting web space UNIX JSP SQL Cold Fusion Datatransfer SSL http://www.megawebserver.com megawebserver.com is provide web hosting and website promotion for your small business or personal website.Dedicated Servers
The Road to ASP.NET http://aspalliance.com In this article I will discuss some of the advantages of ASP.NET, what has changed, how to get started, and where to look for help. This article is intended for those new to ASP.NET.
Belong2It Blaster http://www.belong2it.com A complete email marketing and newsletter application built in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000. This application handles unlimited email campaigns, multiple recipient lists, tracking statistics, non-deliverables, plus much more. Full source available.
Active Page Generator http://www.webgecko.com/trial Active Page Generator (APGen™) is now the leading programming environment for pre-rendering web pages and generating other content. Pre-rendering yields many benefits, including unrivaled web page performance, superior reliability, reduced web hosti
Aurigma Media Gallery .NET http://www.aurigma.com Media Gallery-the ASP.NET app for fusing media. Slap video, images, audio where and how you want-simple, scalable Aurigma juice-juice to weave that world wide web: hit counts, ratings, email friend, postcard tags, IPTC support, and much more.
FileAssociation http://www.allapi.net This ASP.NET class can create file associations.
Introduction to Microsoft's .NET Platform http://www.asp101.com For those of you who are still waiting to jump on the .NET bandwagon and for those who might be confused by all the fancy lingo, we've published an introductory level article designed to ease you into things.
The ASP.NET Page Object Model http://msdn.microsoft.com Explore the eventing model built around ASP.NET Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML.
Lundlay ASP Script Poll http://www.lundlay.com/products/poll Advantages: real-time online results, Full administration control of each poll group, Repeat voting protection (by Cookies or/and IP-addresses), More than one poll at the same time on the same server allows to view the poll statistics, easy to custom
AbyssLabs.Environment http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/environment.phtml Provides an access to the operating system environment variables (e.g. PATH, TEMP, COMPUTERNAME, SystemRoot and etc.)
BV Commerce Pro 2.0 : ASP.NET E-commerce http://www.bvsoftware.com Developers take note! BV Commerce 2.0 is here, and our Pro version is feature rich, affordable and easier than ever to customize. Attention to detail and graceful, polished code makes modifications a breeze.
DrTaskScheduler http://www.dataroad.sk/dr/drts/default.asp Use this COM component to manage your local or remote tasks from VB, WSH, C++, ASP. All you need is one dll file DrTS.dll and Task Scheduler Component from Microsoft (included in IE4).
aspModules.com - Productivity Code For Developers http://www.aspmodules.com ASP components to simplify site content management, paging database records, grabbing documents on other servers, creating event calendars and more
ASP Random Numbers http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPRandomNumbers.asp For some reason or another there comes a time in every programmers life when they need to create random numbers. ASP provides a way for us to get what we want with very and I do mean very little programming effort.
ASP Email Checker http://www.loudasp.com/howto/aspcheckemail.asp Ever wanted to check your email on your server online? Well now you can this code will show you how to get your email and view it through your browser.
InstantForum.NET http://www.instantasp.co.uk Unlimited discussion forums, topics and members. WYSIWYG Editor, Full Admin, Member Profiles, User & Forum Search, Email notifications, Managed .NET Assembly, Single configuration file, SQL Server with 100% Stored Procs, Free Support & More
Online Menu System for Restaurants http://www.risenow.com An online menu system that will allow your customers to place orders online. How It Works? 1.Your customer places an order online from your menu & website. 2.You receive your customers order via fax and/or email and prepare it for take-out...
RBarcodeX http://www.java4less.com/activex.html Barcoding activeX. Supports all major 1D symbologies: EAN, UPC, code 128, code 39, PDF417, codabar .... Can be used with VB, ASP, VbScript. It can create a BMP file.
csImageFile http://www.chestysoft.com/imagefile/default.asp This ASP component resizes, joins & edits images. Supports JPG, BMP, PNG, PCX & WBMP files and can export to non-LZW GIF. Create composite images by merging, draw text, lines and shapes. Change JPG compression. Crop, rotate, flip, floodfill and more.
ADEX Service http://www.vyapin.com/products/developercomponents/adexservice.htm ADEX™ Service is a COM component that enables application developers of Microsoft technology to access and control Windows NT Service programs from their application. It has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providing users fast access to the servi
PowerSurveyASP http://www.ultimateapps.com PowerSurveyASP is an open source survey application built in ASP and SQL. Requires no components to be installed on the server. Its highly customizable and fully administered via the web.
Using ASP to create, edit, or delete information in a database. http://www.powerasp.com/content/database/default.asp These examples demonstrate exactly how to use ASP with a database. Many people have no idea how to do this and that is why this new section is here.I think these SIMPLE examples would have helped me out a lot when I started out.
Chart Server Control http://hosting.msugs.ch This Server Control Can Be Used To Create Charts Form a Database. Various Chart Can Be Prepared Ie.: Horizontal Bar Chart, Vertical Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart. ASP.NET v1.0 & VB.NET
IP2Location ActiveX/COM DLL http://www.ip2location.com IP2Location™ is an active server component that translates IP address to country. Developers use this component for projects related to: 1. Display native language and currency; 2. Redirect based on country; 3. Digital rights management; 4. P
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:16:44 PM
Checked e-mail., worked on the rental car and motel reservations for Andy, Andy and Seth per Tim's request, Beth - Has updates for 1812ale. Kelly - Reviewing his SoftGrade overview, printing color copy of sunandshield.com, alternating with tech calls, went to MBO meeting, wite motors - to discuss changes/problems, where we want to go with new location, Working with Chris W. on conversion of softmls database to SQL, consulting to the Times for WAN upgrades, put supplies Paul bought away and did emails, Working on new MLS software. Tediously converting fields from the old system to match the new field structure so that I can start converting all the old reports to work with the new system., Vacation, Drive to Olean (60 miles), Sort work left on desk, emails, fileing, , Troubleshooting a couple of domains., call backs, little DPEC, Extracting closed info from Niagara system., Was having some probles with the 0100 #'s, Signed up four new customers, and had alot of people adding more E-mail accounts., At Home Working on new CMA code for SOFTMLS2, worked on storefront on Hacketts site, lunch....had a sub at dominics...pretty good i suppose..., Amex/TICC invoice, Went back to finish cleaning up Woodruff, Read through Wireless project management scheme; looked for drivers for scanner (I give up); Talked to Steve/Crispin; Got digital camera stuff together for Dave; Got blinds out to make sure that they'll fit in the windows., general billing issues, sign ups, cancels, etc., massena chamber f- stop in
Chad edwards- stop in, introduce- setup site
st. Lawwrence mall- stop in- introduce-
Seacomm- stop in
, had a cople billing questions. helped a few users who couldn't surf, Schemrhorn landing- meeting today for training on upload manager
American Red cross- left
Cfm- foods- will be sending info for web site, *Bram: conversation w/Mike Nelson re: Bram site banner ads, Telephone numbers for TIC ordering, 800 numbers. Finishining up w/ Trunk Allocations w/ Darrell., Grilled Cheese and chips,