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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:21:33 PM
Lundlay ASP Script Chat http://www.lundlay.com/products/chat Advantages: FAST, IP-address tracking, a function “kick smb out of chat”, multiple rooms, multilingual, CSS skins, private messages, easy customization. Lundlay ASP Script Chat is a web based chat. It requires no special server, no java and no plug-i
TechnicalLead http://www.technicallead.com TechnicalLead Jason Bentrum is the King of Delivery. He has logged massive hours in front of ASP, VB and Site Server Commerce. When he is not over-caffiniated and playing with Silly Putty, he is running, eating Vietnamese food and generally being tall.
Error Bank http://www.error-bank.com The database of .NET errors, exceptions and their solutions. Got exception? Get solution!
ASP.NET Basics (part 3): Hard Choices http://aspfree.com In this third part of our introductory ASP.NET tutorial, learn all about C#'s logical and comparison operators with simple examples and illustrations.
Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.developersdex.com ASP.NET offers a novel programming model and infrastructure that facilitates a powerful new class of applications. ASP.NET is a compiled. NET-based environment, so one can author applications in any .NET compatible language.
ASP-DOC to the rescue http://www.m6.net/aspdoc.asp ASP-DOC will spider all related files and functions for each file inclusive of included files and normal links from your default.asp. ASP-DOC will append a comment block header to the file, just in front of the function which you can edit. ASP-Doc
eCriteria Web Database Publishing http://www.eCriteria.net/default.asp eCriteria is a web-hosted database facility. You create your database on eCriteria, and then link into the database using tags and HTML code that we generate on our site for you. Since we host the data, there is no need to install a relational databa
WaspRING - webring written in asp http://www.firstaidcafe.co.uk/RingDemo/Welcome.asp WaspRING A Full-Featured Webring Written in ASP Script, Plus Stats, Site of the Day, Multiple Webrings, Members Hit Counter, Members & Administrator Control Panel, Rotating Banners and much more. Full script, no components, easy install. Full demo a
WilsonDotNet.com http://www.wilsondotnet.com This site is my ASP.NET example site, full of best practices and advanced demonstrations. It contains my newly updated and ever growing collection of Controls, Tips, Demos, and Code.
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
VBtip Forum http://vbtip.com/vfindex_e.html VBtip forum is a new kind three layers forum. Based on asp, it supports muli-language, both SQL sever and access database, and unlimited individual forums. It has powerful administration system and simple installation wizard, and much more... Do not
SiteWorkz CMS Lite http://www.zidekick.com SiteWorkz CMS Lite is a easy to use, professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP (No DLLs). Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Template Based ,Easy to Install, 100% ASP Script, Complete Source Code included. Access/MySQ
The Component Model in ASP.NET http://www.msdnaa.net Dino Esposito provides a good overview of the ASP.NET object model, including the controls that implement the Web Forms technology.
XMl Guestbook http://aspx1.brinkster.com Full working Guestbook and Asp.Net / C# code which uses XML as database.
ASP windows registry editor http://asp-windows-registry-editor.pstruh.cz/help/RegEdit/regedit.asp Complette COM interface to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL. Lets you logon to required user account and work with remote registry.
Active Data Online GeneralLedger http://www.activedataonline.com.au GeneralLedger is a Web-based accounting information system. It provides a means to record, store and query accounting journal entries, and generate a trial balance, a balance sheet and a profit and loss report.
DrWebFileManager http://www.dataroad.sk/dr/drwfm/default.asp All you need for managing and sharing web files amoung people is only: DrWFM.dll and one short ASP file. User accesses an ASP throught IE web browser. The ASP calls DrWFM component, which generates DrWebFileManager window (WindowsExplorer like) for t
HardCore Web Content Editor http://editor.hardcoreinternet.co.uk Feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor, which enables anybody to create, edit and update website content. No need to download or install on the client side. WYSIWYG, Plain and HTML editing modes and a DOM inspector provide full control.
vioCLICKS.com http://www.vioclicks.com vioCLICKS offers an accurate and reliable Web site traffic counter and audience measurement tool that provides detailed traffic analysis for Webmasters in real time. The stats include: unique visitors, total impressions, reloads and return visitors
Using ASP to dynamically change the contents of a frameset http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-frames.asp Here is an example if you wanted to load different pages into your frameset. This will give you the basic idea and then you will be able to adapt this to many situations.
ACRM http://www.artistrytech.com/acrm.htm ACRM is an integrated customer relation management system, developed keeping in mind corporate need for operational control of customer relations. Great care has been taken to create a scalable and robust system which would maintain simplicity and ye
MetaTraffic http://www.metasun.com/products.asp MetaTraffic is a web statistics application that logs activity on your web site and generates live traffic reports. You can generate custom reports on visitors, whos online, page views, browsers, robots and more.
ASP Documentation Tool http://www.winnershtriangle.com/w/Products.ASPDocumentationTool.asp The ASP Documentation Tool creates comprehensive project documentation for ASP projects written in VBScript. Reports are created in standard HTML, Microsoft HTML Help and plain text formats. Includes documentation and full source code.
DotNetNotes.com Engine http://www.aspalliance.com The following is a really neat application that allows you to dynamically create categories and under each category you can create articles/news/notes.
Code101 http://www.code101.com Code101 disseminates information about Microsoft .NET technology. A good place for articles, tutorials, snippets, tips and solutions for beginner to advanced developers. We go an extra mile to make things easy for developers.
AbyssLabs.Settings http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/settings.phtml Provides some methods to save/restore/enumerate/delete application settings in the Windows registry.
NMath Core 1.0 http://www.centerspace.net NMath Core contains vector, matrix, and complex number classes, random number generators, and other high-performance functions for object-oriented numerics on the .NET platform. A free evaluation is available from our website.
ASPA Picture Gallery http://www.aspalliance.com ASPA Picture Gallery allows you to quickly and easily display picture galleries in your ASP.NET web projects. Show off your family photographs, display product pictures, or showcase your property portfolio! Just drag, drop and run!
Create Dynamic HTML Using the Response Object http://www.tagconsulting.com Describes how to generate HTML pages dynamically using in-line scripting and the Response object. This is one in a series of articles aimed at helping new developers learn about ASP.Net
ASP.NET Graphical Hit Counter http://www.allscoop.com Create a nice and simple graphical hit counter using only asp.net and msaccess database. This code can easily be modified to fit into your site. This is a pure hit counter, it will count each and every hit..
ActivComport http://www.activxperts.com/activcomport ActivComport is a high-performance, comprehensive COM component for serial, asynchronous communications from any ASP, VB or other COM environment applications. ActivComport can control modems and other devices and machines that have a serial interf
WebZinc .NET ™ http://www.webzinc.net WebZinc .NET ™ is the only component you'll ever need when working with the Internet. It allows you to treat any site as though it were a Web Service: extract data, search the Web, fill out forms automatically.
AbyssLabs.Environment http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/environment.phtml Provides an access to the operating system environment variables (e.g. PATH, TEMP, COMPUTERNAME, SystemRoot and etc.)
Eraserver.NET http://www.eraserver.net Eraserver offers public hosting accounts for .NET webs. Now you can get your own .NET pages up and running for as little as $9.95 per month.
csFileDownload http://www.chestysoft.com/filedownload/default.asp This ASP component enables file downloads to be controlled from within a script. It allows for password protection of individual files, and for record keeping. A built in access code generator is included. There are also some file utility functions.
ASP.NET Unleashed, Second Edition http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/067232542X/qid=1119152236/sr=8-3/ref=pd_csp_3/102-5291399-3933729?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Aimed at Windows Web developers of all levels, ASP.NET Unleashed provides a truly example-packed tutorial on beginning through advanced topics in ASP.NET programming. This mammoth text is never dense, and its clear sample code.
Web Tree Builder http://www.compusolve-technology.co.uk/products/webtreebuilder/about.asp Web Tree Builder is a desktop design tool that allows you to incorporate dynamic hierarchical tree structures into your web sites with speed and ease. The trees that it generates operate in exactly the same way as the Windows File Explorer and can b
Using ASP and HTML Meta TAGS To Make A Dynamic Delay Message http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/dynamic-meta-refresh.asp This is a little trick to display a timed message to the user after doing some sort of task. By mixing some creative ASP with a simple HTML META Refresh you can display a message to a user for a specified period of time and then redirect them back.
XMLObjectGenerator http://www.adersoft.com/objectgenerator/ XML ObjectGenerator generates custom COM components from your xml files and schemas. It also provides complete customized html help files (.chm).
ASP TimeTracker http://www.traztech.com/features.asp The ASP TimeTracker is a complete online timesheet application that can be modified to meet specific business needs or used as it is installed. The ASP TimeTracker includes all source code and is completely customizable.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:21:33 PM
Making entries among other things, Work on pricing options for SoftGRADE, travel to alexbay for meeetings, Worked on Employee Handbook, Cleaning report, North Carolina, lunch, working on entirely new code for agent due to expire report in softmls, Slide Show admin for Alexbay.Com completed and published to server. Testing., configure HMQ router, get car loaded for trip, Took general tech calls, Watched RADLOG - ,checked Voice mail., travel to Syracuse equipment room in State office Building. 10 miles travel, powerpoint templates, Lovelynx.com - .htaccess files limit authors to having an IP starting with 206.112.140. -called customer and left message on numbers to try that have these IP's, Lunch, Samartian medical system-
problem with menu system- have jason and ron looh at- fix- wrong font size- contact sonya, recp., inv., Emerald, Switchboard, e-mails, went to the bank and back, setup a couple of web sites., Helped Jodi with invoices and friendly reminder letters., Unpack display stuff from weekend Oktoberfest displays., Remington Museum. Added expiration dates to members database, add new form, and edit form. Auto detects and color codes expired members., teched calls, very busy, Called and emailed expiring users. Also worked on the churn report., marble day
, *TaskForce: Competitive Research, chinese, enter bills, Trying to get emonitor server working. The hard drive was messing up., Answered tech related calls. Checked rad log, voice mail, and email.,